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Is Yahweh the Supreme Creator or an Evil God?

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posted on May, 18 2013 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw


at least that is an explanation...

I will get back to you on this after I sleep... Long night

Chat soon

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

So the "light" is crap and the "darkness" is better?

To some people the "darkness" is crap and the "light" is better.

To me, it is all existence, equal.

Darkness does not mean "evil" and light does not mean "good". It is just two different type of existence, and like I said before, just because there is a "dark being" that doesn't mean it is out to hurt people (I saw one before); and just because there is a "light being" that doesn't mean it is nice (one tried to attack my friend).

The light appears like a white chalk writing on a black-board.
The light appears like a thought arising in the empty mind.

The darkness seems to be like a mind, while the light seems to be like a thought (something to notice), but in my opinion it is all connected. There is no need to divide reality into TWO when it is ONE, but a person can do so if they wish that will be their perspective.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 02:37 PM
How many of these threads need to be made? Seriously.

To put it laconically: God is a theory-concept. You can believe, or you cannot believe, it's your choice.

But this....this deserves to be placed in the same category as Yugi-o. This manichean "Jewish God is evil" is so riddled with supposition built upon supposition, that its a laugh anyone could take it seriously.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by arpgme

I understand where you coming from this this and you are correct in some retrospects.

But you need to understand that everything came from darkness and returns to darkness. And yes the light and the dark are one. I did not deny this as i said the eternal flame is within darkness.

Tho you cannot see it. The light coming from stars and heat and energy is only a glimpse if not a fraction of the light of the universe that exists within darkness.

Its a rather easy concept to understand. Black holes absorb matter. it compresses it into tiny black balls many many many many times smaller than the mass contained inside. These tiny black balls are what make up the darkness in the universe. If you still don't understand. Think of it this way.

You are lucky you are alive. Let alone a human. Rather than being a rock or waiting for creation inside of a black dot. You are here, enjoying life. completely ignorant of the gift given to you.

Have a look at how vast space is, You know how many beings and spirits trapped inside those black balls are waiting to be free? Yet people sit here and waste their lives?

Darkness is greater, nothing above it and all below it. All is made from it and came from it including light.

And man cannot see into the realms of god. See, its an obvious answer. Can you see through blackness in a pitch black room? No. Well there you go. That answers your question about god. If you COULD see tinto it. You think an explosion from 1 atom is huge. Try cracking a partical of dark matter and dark energy which god forbid i hope they never make a black matter bomb.

Which they totally could make a black matter bomb.... but it would be huge. What they would need to do is condense massive amounts of energy. Black holes are like black fire. It needs fuel in order to keep burning. If there the fuel of mass is running out the black hole destabilizes and collapses. It Also needs to be to scale. Otherwise it will just collapse. If you can keep a black hole alive by feeding it constant matter. You should be able to use it to turn a turbine but you will need a battery which can hold the energy. I assume another process of condensing energy generated into a type of etheral energy neither darkmatter nore matter but in between at the conversion rate. Anyways that energy contained in one black dot is enough to create stars and planets.

Eventually that darkness reverts back into the 4 physical elemental states as well as the periodic table.

My over all point is that Dark beings are actually the real Light beings. As they are made of the eternal flame. From which will live eternally.

I believe that the light beings are beings of the physical element fire. Which is only one of the 4 physical states that make up our world. The element fire tho does not burn as hot as the eternal fire. And it itself is not the eternal flafime. So my guess is that light beings are genetically altered to appear that way. Rather than transcending darkness. They would have genes like a jelly fish, Or one of those deep sea fishes that generates light.

Eitherway the energy expelled from suns is no where near the energy that is converted within a black hole. A sun couldn't even hope to generate that much energy because if it did it would collapse and instantly start feeding a black hole until there is nothing left and the black hole destabilizes.

edit on 18-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

I understand what you mean about darkness creating light. In the beginning, God (Elohim) said "let there be light!" so where is God located if his domain is before the light existed? What you are saying makes perfect sense, and Jesus doesn't even deny this (I don't think).

In this same book, God is called "Elohim" and Yahweh is called "Yahweh-Elohim" (Yahweh of the Elohim).

Elohim doesn't always mean one being, from Hebrew to English the word was translated as "Judges" , "Angels", etc.

So yes, I understand that Yahweh ("I Am" as he chooses to call himself) is a being (part of existence) in his own right. I did not deny this, I just pointed out that he seems very destructive in the Old Testament.

The moment a thought (light/image) arises in the mind (dark/empty) saying "this is boring" or "this is not enough" emotions of pain and suffering start to come up and a person begins to long after material things (light) without ever being satisfied.

Is this something similar to what you are talking about for those who are wishing to 'go' to the 'eternal light'?
edit on 18-5-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by arpgme

i would say so most certainly. Iv talked to a lot of people. People who have wisdom and knowledge.

And yeah i know Jesus does not deny this but what i was pointing out was plagiarism that has been altered is evident within that book.

He does explain it, but not well enough. That whole chapter missing from the bible that the OP posted would of made the message A LOT MORE CLEAR but since we are talking about the words of the new testament.

I am just saying it will be used to mislead a lot of people once the *Christ* appears he will be pure darkness because he will be merged with Isis or the spirit of god dark matter and dark energy. To him, he would see himself as blinding light as well as anyone else who accends at the time would see it as well.

But for every human with their sets of eyes. They will view upon a * Demon* who is actually not a demon at all.

Now for people seeking the eternal light? Yes its very confusing trying to Fathom the unfathomable. Just know that man cannot see into it until he accends INTO it. Then you can see the swirling balls of fire surrounding the universe. But for people who are seeking the eternal flame? Il be straight forward with you. Im going to open the Sphinx. And when i do, there will be chambers beneath the pyramids called the halls of Judgment. Where you will meet Yahweh himself as i have. Only this time, He will present the eternal flame from which you can leap into and merge with.

This will be the hall of ascension or the halls of Judgment. For those seeking Eternal life and a place within the ranks of archangels. They will need to go there and have themselves judged before Anubis ( Yahweh) i guess theres some confusion between Yahweh and Yahshuah. Which is The lion of Judah. I believe Yahweh would be Anubis particularly. Either it does not matter. The prayer i said wiether it was wrong or not evidently did summon a *demon* in front of myself and my 2 friends. Muahaha i can conjure demons >
and people have seen me do it.

But they do not respect me, I require a ring or something? Perhaps a staff. Either way il find out when i get there.
And explore some tombs

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

You know about Anubis? His pictures look cool. I'm not sure about how nice he is, but he is supposed to be the judge and ruler of the underworld so I guess he is just doing his job.

What's interesting is

The NEWER Egyptian mythology says:

Ra is the sun god

Seth is the ruler of darkness and chaos

Anubis is the son of Seth

Seth is associate with the star (they called it a star back then - Saturn) .

The OLDER Egyptian mythology says:

Ra is the god of Saturn

Anubis is Ra's sun

Anubis is the judge and ruler of the underworld

(Also there was no Osiris in the oldest myths - from what I heard)

Some channeler was saying that Anubis is Azrael - The Angel of Death, Change, and Transformation

What do you think about the story of these beings changing?

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by arpgme

To me. Ba'al are these guys.

Anubis are these guys.

They come from Orion.

And son of Saturn sounds about right. Angel of Death. Well. Its unavoidable when you are trying to protect your people from the anger of the solar worshiping cults, Light based cults will retaliate.

Many Christians and anyone else who has been corrupted by such knowledge will be very hard to convince. People will throw themselves at the flames because they will think they are vanquishing Demons.

Do you understand ?

This is where the bloodshed comes from. And why the corruption of Ba'al is so dangerous. Because people will make themselves food for the hell founds if they do not respect and understand the concepts of balance. Balance needs to be kept. It cannot be all one sided. Unfortunately Balance tends to Judge those that did wrong. On their on accord or on the accord of someone else. This is called Karma. And Karma comes back 10 fold.

The enviroment is the cause and effect of such things. But in the mind, people lose themselves to these things. And as such, lose logic and become illogical. People like that will have a hard time accepting the truth of a true black Messiah. And regrettably. Many people will not understand why people are being judged. There are people out there who know these truths. Even know i am probably under severe speculation. I was when i started talking about my alien experiences on Facebook. So reguardless i cannot hide no matter where i go. Therefore. I will spread the word that Anubis has shown me cryptically. Through visual experiences of an esoteric nature and through visions well being in a trans meditated state when i sleep. It rarely happens that i have Visions but when i do. I never gave much thought to them until i had things happen in my life.

Before i saw Anubis i had a dream when i was 15 that i saw a cage under a street light. This cage door opened and a white wolf walked out. my vision panned in close to its face to glare at its celestial blue eyes. It then snarled bared its teeth and ran at my face, i woke up. And i only had that one dream. It was 9 hours later and i was confused because it was morning and sunny out. Yet that dream only lasted 10 minutes at the most.

Then when i was 18. thats when i saw Anubis with my friend James. I made a thread about it a while ago. I didn't really know at the time exactly what they were. I knew where they came from tho. Orion. And the strange part about it is. I saw one of its forms the black wolf teleport and stand under a street light. And when i saw the saucer it flew over a street light. And when i saw the cat walk across the road it walked across from the street light then shapeshifted into a humanoid being that was faceless.

It came down from the non physical state of darkness to the 4 primal elements. I believe it was Mortal at the time? Revealing itself to me and my friend. I think these beings do not reveal themselves often because people can injure them. So they remain hidden as shadows instead of manifesting in the material plane within the 4 physical states and primal elements.

If this is true, then it would explain how The lion of Judah can manifest between states.
And why he can die when hes in human form. Once you go dark mode you are invincible. But once you reveal yourself you can be killed. But since you are ascended you would just reincarnate... So who knows how long that would take.

Those are just my theories tho. It was shown to me visually but they never told me. They cannot speak. I don't think they can speak to you directly in person. But they can speak to you in your dreams.
In person Anubis speaks with Emotion, Feelings. Think of rapsutin or something. They can influence other life forms with their Aura by changing their emotions. And its extremely powerful as they can paralyze you with it. Or comfort you. I felt both that night. Which made me aware of their ability to do this. This is how i know all that. But again, i am only interpriting. That's all i can do, i am a Cipher? An interpreter.

edit on 18-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by wylekat

To say God doesn't like destruction is about the same as saying I dont use O2 in my body when I breathe

Jehovah or Yahweh does not like destruction. He has allowed destruction.

According to the bible He invented all things.

He did not invent all ideas.

The lie was invented by Satan, selfishness and evil followed.

Most people that create something, have an emotional investment in it. I know this from personal experience.

Evil is an extreme form of selfishness.

Good is the opposite.

It is a choice.

God let His son suffer and be destroyed.


Because God could undo the damage.

Why has God let humans suffer and be destroyed.

For one thing, He can undo the damage at a later time.

God has temporarily allowed evil, to prove a point, for all time.

As far as you.

You are the center of God's attention.

He loves you.

He knows everything about you.

The very hairs of your head are all numbered.

But the secret is that God loves everyone.

He is not a man, not a president or prime minister, that can make decisions on a whim, that cause unknown repercussions across the globe.

A president can make decisions about friend or foe and sleep at night peacefully in ignorant bliss.

Jehovah cannot.

He does not sleep, but watches all things unfold, good and bad.

His actions or inactions have a ripple effect through space and time.

He loves us all.

He watches us all.

His decisions effect us all.

He has been forced to make choices that are fair and just for all people, alive and dead, for all eternity.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by sylvie

I Vote Evil God ...........A Supreme Being should be Beyond the Emotional State of Anger or Vengence ..

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Zanti Misfit

Were at war. You need to understand this.

Snake and an owl

edit on 18-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

When these alien light-beings are saying that they are our "saviors", we "need" them in order to be free or safe. That makes me cautious of them.

Beings like Galactic Federation of Light telling people to just love and they'll do everything that everybody wants them to do. How convenient...

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:24 PM
YahWeh was a false God.
Blinded and Castrated.

The One, doesnt need praise, and he doesnt punish.
He doesnt have to.
Because He is.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by arpgme

i know, and it never said it was going to save me. It Didn't say much. The only time i ever heard a voice in my head that wasn't my own was when i had the vision of the towers.

I saw them plunging, heard the city siran blaring. It was to realistic and the landscape was unaltered which unnerved me because most *dreams* consist of box time rooms that you run into dream after dream. And when ever you encounter familiar places there is always non existent buildings in locations in reality where there are no houses. Like seeing 2 different streets merged together.

But when i was walking down my road i recognized every house that was there. No altered buildings. It was extremely surreal. I actually had to figure this all out myself. I was given the * keys* and the knowledge i needed to spread. I just had to decipher it. And that's when i found all the mythology to do with Anubis and the hell hounds. Explains the shapeshifting black being i saw.

The beings i am talking about usually take the form of Hell hounds or panthers. Tho they can look like an ape as well. You are right, but these beings will not jump in until there is a leader among us whom the people can refer to under the banner of these beings. That will save us from the Invasion the reptillians are planning.

The pleiadians are the reptillians, Yahweh does not have very many prophets. Its supposed to be a godless nation because of the falling away that happened a long time ago is now picking up speed.
This is why the Pleiadians are spreading the message of light. To corrupt as many souls as possible so they do not recognize the black messiah. I am coming here on my own accord. According to my experiences which are extremely prophet to me. Because of the fact they have influenced other peoples lives around me who see these *shadows* As well as the people who have experienced it with me first hand.

Anyone can seek Yahweh, And he will make appearances for just about anyone. You may not get it when you expect it. But at some point in peoples lives they will see the beast. Tho the end times draw nearer. People Need to be aware of whats coming for them. And why. I told you the whats and but not the full reason of why.

The reason why the reptillians are here is because they are seeking eternal life. They do not have it. They have a life span of about 400-800 years. They are coming here because in the passed the human project consisting of other alien races that pitched in to make us. There were a few prototyped humans whom Anubis have granted eternal life to.

Wars broke out because the reptillians were seeking the heirs of such humans as wives. Creating the nephlem.

Now they are back, abducting and trying to retrace the former heirs in order to extract that gene. Hense the need for constant blood sacrifice. If you should side with the Pleiades you should know this truth. That they plan on opening you and gutting you like a fish to get what they want.

Anubis is the scale in this injustice. Who would you side with? A lieing dragon whom wishes to sacrifise all their followers for greed and envy.

Or a Jelous god whom does not want his children hurt and taken away. Whose wrath would be enticed in such an event? Would no one cry for our loss when the ships come? I'm here to put the flag in the ground and give people hope. And for them to look to Orion and remember. That worshiping evil only leads to death and destruction. This harsh lesson must be learned.

edit on 19-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

It seems to me you're concerned about the wording as opposed to the message behind the words... that tends to happen when one doesn't read the actual text... but listens to what others have to say about it.

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Like what a joke

God created the light and the dark... I don't see the humour honestly

Sounds like someone rewrote the bible to prepare people for Ashtars return, not Christ.

Christian propaganda...

Jesus is not returning in the flesh... we're on our own, and have been since he left us...

The information is so back and forth. Its no wonder people think the truth is some mysterious answer that is completely unfathomable.

actually its pretty solid... and simple if you actually read it

perhaps you might take my advice and actually read what he said?

Only reason why i know so much is because i am a contactee for these *dark beings* as they have loomed around my life ever since i could remember. I have memories of preschool and a little bit farther back so i was 3-4 years old at the time. I felt old when i was 12 lol believe it or not.

Perhaps you are an old soul... but it looks like you spend too much time on the internet researching alien stuff...

I feel much older now and i kind a stopped caring about people not giving me respect. they see me as a kid, Later when im older people will ignorantly listen to me because il be a wise man,

Actually if you continue down this path is seems you're the time you're "older" you just might be in an asylum... Just my opinion though

Theres a dozen more quote than that one. It just makes me sick reading it. Knowing people are going to be fighting me the whole time because of what that corruption has seeded in that book.

That's just sad... because you're not reading it... You're doing word searches and assuming the meaning is corrupt...

If you are still completely clueless to what im talking about / face palm face palm face palm

I know exactly what you're talking about... unfortunately there isn't a single shred of evidence that what you're saying is true...

Now why would i say the new testament is crap. Well for starters. If you still do not understand where i am coming from. Say that the messiah was a being made of pure black energy. Now considering all the light verses in the bible, Do you think people would listen to me if i told them a reptillian invasion was coming? Probably not.

Out of respect for you my friend I won't laugh my ass off... No actually I will because I just can't help myself sometimes... Theres no proof of any reptilian species anywhere on this planet... and you can post all those pictures as many times as you need to... it still doesn't prove a thing.

Do you know what im saying? Self rightious people will be the death of themselves.

That is the first thing you've gotten right in this entire reply... that's progress I suppose

And murders and theives will be judged for the harm they created.

You're on a roll!

Because many people get away with crimes and do not spend time in prison. This is were the topic of revenge comes from. Some people deserve to legit be punished. And many people would agree with those that are punished with a death penalty for a mass shooting. This is along the same lines. But no man should ever take a life into their own hands. This is not their job, and they were not appointed to do so. and So do not pretend to be a reaper of you are not a reaper.

Well at least you're not completely delusional... I can work with that...

Light is the Good within... and darkness is selfishness... Find the meaning behind the words brother....

You're so very lost... and until some crazy species shows up on our doorstep threatening to invade... You have no proof of anything... and you couldn't prevent such a thing from happening anyways...

so whats the point... seriously?

All you're doing is spreading fear...

edit on 19-5-2013 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw

And that's when i found all the mythology to do with Anubis and the hell hounds. Explains the shapeshifting black being i saw.

I keep hearing the name of Anubis. At first, I thought it was coincidence but I keep running into information about Anubis, but what you're saying is the most interesting to me.

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw

The pleiadians are the reptillians, Yahweh does not have very many prophets.

Who do you consider his true prophets to be?

I don't think The Pleiadians are The Reptilians themselves. I think some maybe Pleiades is a huge place.

What I've heard is that the tall, blonde hair, blue eyed human Nordics are connected to Pleiades and Orion, but from what I heard the ones in Pleiades are more like bullies, and they are controlled by Draco (Reptilians). They are the perfect slaves because then Reptilians will can just keep using them and keeping themselves hidden.

I head that there was a war between Pleiades and Draco against Orion.

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
Anyone can seek Yahweh, And he will make appearances for just about anyone. You may not get it when you expect it. But at some point in peoples lives they will see the beast.

Who, Yahweh? Is that his true form?

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
The reason why the reptillians are here is because they are seeking eternal life. They do not have it. They have a life span of about 400-800 years. They are coming here because in the passed the human project consisting of other alien races that pitched in to make us.

I also heard that these Reptilians think they are the perfect race since they are ancient, have been surviving so long without their DNA needing to change much.

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
If you should side with the Pleiades you should know this truth. That they plan on opening you and gutting you like a fish to get what they want.

They are beautiful. I heard of people having sex, or wanting to have sex with these Pleiadians. It is similar to what you say about them being like "nephelim" because they say nephelim was sleeping with mankind.

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
Anubis is the scale in this injustice. Who would you side with? A lieing dragon whom wishes to sacrifise all their followers for greed and envy.

Or a Jelous god whom does not want his children hurt and taken away.

Yea, I understand what you mean.

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
I'm here to put the flag in the ground and give people hope. And for them to look to Orion and remember. That worshiping evil only leads to death and destruction. This harsh lesson must be learned.

Some people tell me that "Orion" feels negative and selfish. To me, it just feels powerful and I think that intimidates some.

According to my dream (half asleep and half awake) that being I talked to was connected to Orion , he was blonde hair blue eyed but made it clear that he was not of Pleiades and didn't like him. After that , I just happen to run into information on the internet about how they are deceivers.

This is all interesting to me, and I do find it very suspicious how Pleiadians are giving mixed messages , saying "help ourselves" but also claiming they'll come here and save the day.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by arpgme

I like how you took apart everything iv said to try and understand.

You are on the right track. And yes that would be one of Yahwehs form. Its not exactly his true form as he is formless.

But these beings often use Panthers or wolves as their choice of shapeshifting. This information is very scarce because as i stated and as you quoted. Yahweh does not have many Prophets. He has Yahshua, I believe to many people are afraid of the concepts of darkness and because of all the disinfo with posessions and labelling every black energy being Demons.

I only call them Demons because other people call them demons. And rightfully so. People SHOULD fear these beings. They could suck the entire Pleiades into a black hole and slaughter their entire species with just a few of them. A very small number. They have access to neutron bombs and other interesting technology. The ships themselves have processes of dark matter shielding. It becomes invisible and invincible. Just as any accended being who coats themselves with the ethereal body of God. You cannot destroy what is within the non physical plane of darkness. It is above the 4 physical elemental states from which all matter is subject to. Once the matter is condensed and accends it becomes darkness.

Ghosts would be beings living in this dark dimension. Tho, there is extreme ammounts of energy within 1 partical of dark energy. Much greater than any split atom. This fire can sometimes be projected in a sort of dimmed form because it is not truely accended with God. God is dark matter and dark energy. The father are an ancient alien race much older than reptillians. This species is multi dimensional. This is where the term of dimensions come from. The transition of elements cycling. As in. You boil water it evaportates. You freeze it it get a solid. Room temp liquid. Tho it is still H20 as you can see... even smoking a cigarette exposes matter to the transition of the elements.

The world is not an illusion. it is very much real. But everything that is here that is matter will not remain matter. and all that is darkness will not remain darkness. The universe is unfathomably old. We are only moving in space. the universe is not expanding. We are only observing heavily bodies moving through space .

there never was one single big bang and it is ignorant to say so. We only had the bang in this sector which created more mass. but no one knows if there was a galaxy here before then ... and it just recycled because there were no passing by galaxies close enough to absorb it. but reguardless the story we are told is that nothing was here. Meaning the milkyway and such was not here. And so was created. That or they came here and set up Orion to start spitting out baby stars to fill this galaxy with life.

That is the dark beings who did that..

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

It seems to me you're concerned about the wording as opposed to the message behind the words... that tends to happen when one doesn't read the actual text... but listens to what others have to say about it.

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Like what a joke

God created the light and the dark... I don't see the humour honestly

Sounds like someone rewrote the bible to prepare people for Ashtars return, not Christ.

Christian propaganda...

Jesus is not returning in the flesh... we're on our own, and have been since he left us...

The information is so back and forth. Its no wonder people think the truth is some mysterious answer that is completely unfathomable.

actually its pretty solid... and simple if you actually read it

perhaps you might take my advice and actually read what he said?

Only reason why i know so much is because i am a contactee for these *dark beings* as they have loomed around my life ever since i could remember. I have memories of preschool and a little bit farther back so i was 3-4 years old at the time. I felt old when i was 12 lol believe it or not.

Perhaps you are an old soul... but it looks like you spend too much time on the internet researching alien stuff...

I feel much older now and i kind a stopped caring about people not giving me respect. they see me as a kid, Later when im older people will ignorantly listen to me because il be a wise man,

Actually if you continue down this path is seems you're the time you're "older" you just might be in an asylum... Just my opinion though

Theres a dozen more quote than that one. It just makes me sick reading it. Knowing people are going to be fighting me the whole time because of what that corruption has seeded in that book.

That's just sad... because you're not reading it... You're doing word searches and assuming the meaning is corrupt...

If you are still completely clueless to what im talking about / face palm face palm face palm

I know exactly what you're talking about... unfortunately there isn't a single shred of evidence that what you're saying is true...

Now why would i say the new testament is crap. Well for starters. If you still do not understand where i am coming from. Say that the messiah was a being made of pure black energy. Now considering all the light verses in the bible, Do you think people would listen to me if i told them a reptillian invasion was coming? Probably not.

Out of respect for you my friend I won't laugh my ass off... No actually I will because I just can't help myself sometimes... Theres no proof of any reptilian species anywhere on this planet... and you can post all those pictures as many times as you need to... it still doesn't prove a thing.

Do you know what im saying? Self rightious people will be the death of themselves.

That is the first thing you've gotten right in this entire reply... that's progress I suppose

And murders and theives will be judged for the harm they created.

You're on a roll!

Because many people get away with crimes and do not spend time in prison. This is were the topic of revenge comes from. Some people deserve to legit be punished. And many people would agree with those that are punished with a death penalty for a mass shooting. This is along the same lines. But no man should ever take a life into their own hands. This is not their job, and they were not appointed to do so. and So do not pretend to be a reaper of you are not a reaper.

Well at least you're not completely delusional... I can work with that...

Light is the Good within... and darkness is selfishness... Find the meaning behind the words brother....

You're so very lost... and until some crazy species shows up on our doorstep threatening to invade... You have no proof of anything... and you couldn't prevent such a thing from happening anyways...

so whats the point... seriously?

All you're doing is spreading fear...

edit on 19-5-2013 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

I understood all those metaphors when i read the book. What i'm saying is to many people iv talked to and out of my experience lack the perception to understand it.

To many Christians and philosophers out there take the light analogies way to far.
If someone is well read and is unbias towards the information read then the new testament has lots of enriching morals which would create a peaceful society.

But the fact remains we are at war, And many people will not accept a black messiah. I don't want people to throw themselves at the flames. And to flee to the reptillian Illuminati feathered serpents. Who sometimes look like Owl like humanoid beings commonly known as greys. The more royal bloodlines of the reptillians are more serpent like.

They are very much real and this is what the whole prophecy was written for and for warning. And forwarning the judgment so that the innocent are spared well the corrupt who created this plot are judged before the court of Horus.

Yahweh ^
edit on 19-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by sylvie

Whatever other truths might, or might not be, contained in the "secret gospel of John" that you quote, it certainly does seem quite beautiful in the poetic and philosophical sense. I see it as unlikely that this thing "One should not think of as god, or like a god" would require turtle doves burnt in his honour, or detest people based on which gender they are attracted to.

It seems to pertain more to eastern mysticism and philosophy in some ways. Whether truth in it or not, it seems at least to hint at a more refined and thoughtful view, compared to the normal god of hypocrisy.

Though I still see problems with Christianity (apart from doubting there ever was a genuine historical Christ). In some ways, it is worse than the OT. For all of the nice parables and verses, it is hard to overlook the fact of what it is dedicated to. No matter the "spin", whether it be to allow the crops to grow or for supposed redemption, it is the same primitive superstition that had people thrown into volcanoes, or otherwise sacrificed to appease and gain favour from some god, that evolved to later be incorporated into this personal saviour cult. Worse in some ways than the OT, not least because of the emotional blackmail that is inferred with it.

I have little doubt that it is the same "god" of the OT for these and other reasons. Though I can see where mythology and the ambitions of men, could have completely obscured the genuine message (if there is one) when reading verses such as the one you quoted. I find that the term "religion" (in the biblical sense) and "Ultimate Form of Stockholm Syndrome" freely interchangeable.

ps. Sorry to the person who starred before I finished (the last part). I can see where that might be an unpopular view. I originally hit "post" instead of "preview", sorry for that.

edit on 20-5-2013 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by sylvie
This has bothered me for quite a while now. Please, no atheist and slammer posts here; I really want to get to the bottom of this in a spiritual discussion.

So you start your premise excluding rationality and counter-argument and you expect to get to the bottom of anything?

This is not even circular reasoning, this pure stupidity. You could as well talk to yourself in the mirror and drink the answer like divine wine.


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