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Crop Circle (pics)

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posted on Jul, 10 2002 @ 11:03 PM

[Edited on 7-9-2003 by quaneeri]


posted on Jul, 16 2002 @ 12:22 PM
Some of these are great, if they are man made, I dont know how they do it, I think its a bit more sophisticated than a plank of wood, and two bits of string.

posted on Jul, 16 2002 @ 12:41 PM

If you have any more you can add to this gallery if you want to. !

posted on Jul, 16 2002 @ 12:58 PM

posted on Jul, 16 2002 @ 05:59 PM
those are some cool pics.I think its somesort of advanced language

posted on Jul, 16 2002 @ 08:03 PM
A few of these look computer animated....

posted on Jul, 16 2002 @ 08:07 PM
Now the one with the car is surely extraterrestial

posted on Jul, 16 2002 @ 08:17 PM
Some look computer generated, and some look like woven tapestries.

posted on Jul, 27 2002 @ 10:43 PM
Go back and read my post again.

I never mentioned anything about aliens. !

posted on Jul, 29 2002 @ 04:26 AM
Of interesting note.
circle makers use the furrows between the stems to approuch the area they are going to use so as not to disturb the corn and cover their presence.

you can clearly see on the Car advert one near the exhaust how carelessly trudgeing through the crop leaves obvious signs of human intervention.

posted on Jul, 29 2002 @ 04:22 PM

I see what you mean. !

posted on Jul, 30 2002 @ 08:04 AM
then how do you explain the ones with more than just circles in em? i dont think you can do that with a plank of wood and string, do you? Also, the ones made completely of circles, lets say ones with 70 or more Large cicles and many smaller ones, I dont think 5 teenagers would be able to do that in one night, let alone complete the project because of its diffuculty


posted on Aug, 1 2002 @ 01:46 PM
Did ya ever notice that no one ever seems to see uncompleted crop circles. Or ones that are just really bad. As far as some of the crop circles, I can do the same thing with a piece of graph paper, some string, and broken toothpicks to figure out the dimensions everything needs to be. Then make everything 100 times larger for the crop circle and just look for a nice field to mess up. Make the center circle, then use a carpenters angle (or whatever the thing is called that they use to get the degrees), and figure out where the rest of the circles go.

posted on Aug, 3 2002 @ 03:47 AM
Um, these crop circles can be done by humans. Well, some. Not all. The car waseasy for no real design. But some, it would either take a year of planning and 50 experts, or something not of human origin. Or maybe human origin, like say government aircraft teast? But then, how the dif. designs.

posted on Aug, 4 2002 @ 07:07 AM
Saw this thing on TLC about crop circles. It had five kids make a crop circle design in around 7 hours. It was a little under one football field. Now, 7 hours a football field with five. So say you get ten for a two football field crop circle. So maybe 11 hours for that. But say you still only had five, maybe 16-18 hours, for you have less people to cover the ground.

Well, if say you did the largest found, about 8 football fields in size, say, with 20 people, it would take 45 some hours. Now, if you were to use more, it would get noisy and might get caught. So, I think 45 hours is a little more than what is in a farmers night. Farmers I know start at 4:00 AM and end at about 10:00 AM So that leaves about 6 hours. But maybe some have the money for better tech and more people, so maybe they give a 8 hour window. But, anymore and it would be daylight. Not bright idea to do it in the day.

So, some can be explained, like LOBO's probable circle that looked like a 3 year old went wild on the wall with a crayon, but others are a wee bit to big.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 02:16 PM

I've seen people make some (unless the tv is lying?) and I've seen the infamous 1940 ufocropclip (on Simon's site somewhere !)

posted on Aug, 9 2002 @ 01:16 AM
Good Pic. !

If you have more please post.

posted on Aug, 9 2002 @ 03:23 PM
Where the crop of a DNA strand? it was in England where a face and a human DNA strand was found over night. The face was one where standing in it or only say, ten feet above looked like nothing, but when you got farther up, it turned into a face.

Then the DNA strand was a perfect human DNA strand sequence. How many here know what the DNA sequence in correct order and know how to make it on a corn field please raise your hand.

posted on Sep, 1 2002 @ 10:35 AM

If you have it please post.

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 11:43 AM
[Edited on 9/9/2003 by SamaraMorgueAnn]

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