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people lined up like sheep for vaccine in canada

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posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 01:44 AM
I saw on the news that the H1N1 vaccination was made with the active virus. Now with an epidemic going on right now why on Earth would anyone want a shot of the H1N1 virus?

To me that is insane. This year was the first year I got the flu shot. It was made with an inactive flu vaccination.


posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 03:32 AM
So we are SHEEP HUH?

...36 countries ordered their H1N1 vaccine before Canada did and that many had begun administering the vaccine up to three weeks sooner.

How BAAAAAD of us to be late to the party.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by tribewilder

So true! We may be fun, we may know how to have a good time, and generally get along, but cross boundaries and principles....and WATCH OUT!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Don't lable all canadians as "sheep", just because that is what you have chosen to observe in your neck of the woods.

I am on the west coast, and most people out here are pretty much awake, NOT "sheep" and definatly not of the mentality you just described.

Oh really? If this is the case, then why do people on the west coast vote in the same useless mob from the same useless political parties that the rest of Canada does? This is your idea of being awake?!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by tribewilder

Actually sir, come into any bar or gathering of Canadians where I live, and spout drivel such as this, and you would be lucky to be able to walk out.

I think that you have Canadians confused with one of the other countries that you visited, or perhaps your confined circle of Canadians of which you speak is one of the small gathering of pansy's that have somehow managed to get a firm grip in certain parts of the country.

But a true Canadian just looks like a sheep, check the costume closely and you will see that it is indeed that, just a costume.

Thoughts and prayers to whoever decides to peek underneath.

with respect..............

Ah, another Internet "warrior" who likes to threaten people. Then he ends the posting with "with respect". Are you for real, pal?
Then again, that's the Canadian way. Walk loudly and carry a small stick. The only thing Canadians get riled up over is cable TV, Tim Hortons, and Hockey Night in Canada's Ron MacLean being fired from CBC a few years back. Most Canadians like to think of themselves as tough but those types are just boors who like to use thuggish behaviour to attempt to push people around. I've come across folks like you in my day-to-day life and they back away pretty quick when they see in my eyes that I won't back down from them.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by matrix99

Then again, that's the Canadian way. Walk loudly and carry a small stick.

I think it's more appropriate to say that Canadians are not the type to swagger onto a web forum and impress everybody with their lack of manners on Day One.
Just sayin...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by matrix99

Then again, that's the Canadian way. Walk loudly and carry a small stick.

I think it's more appropriate to say that Canadians are not the type to swagger onto a web forum and impress everybody with their lack of manners on Day One.
Just sayin...

No swagger here. I just get tired of the useless talk from Canadians. I see by your post that you must be one.
Just sayin...

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