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people lined up like sheep for vaccine in canada

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posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 08:03 PM
link check it out

people are lined up for the vaccine. like sheep

its quite creepy

[edit on 1-11-2009 by cronotrigger30]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 08:20 PM


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 08:23 PM
same in Calgary.. its dumb.

its a money grab in the U.S, but it's free here soo..
People just get too scared, too easily.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

doesnt it look like sheep hurding tho. lol

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 08:39 PM
cool, world soon gonna be cleaner..

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 08:46 PM
stupid ####s

is the media to blame or just plain ignorance?

really thought Cannucks smarter than the dumbed downed Americans.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 08:49 PM
Actually, if you all paid attention to the media coverage it was getting up here, you would realize that over 60% of the population are NOT getting the shot, by their own choices.

You're not actually seeing the ENTIRE picture of the situation up here.

So please keep comments like "I thought Canadians were smarter..." to a minimum.

[edit on 2009/11/1 by juniperberry]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by juniperberry

Well them if what you say is true- then the media is trying to portray otherwise.. "Canadians are 'smart'- they're getting the vaccine, shouldn't Americans get it as well?'

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by wylekat

yeah, good point. I only know 4 out of say 800 on my facebook who have gotten it......less than 1%.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by wylekat
reply to post by juniperberry

Well them if what you say is true- then the media is trying to portray otherwise.. "Canadians are 'smart'- they're getting the vaccine, shouldn't Americans get it as well?'

I'm not understanding your point. Are you saying that the media are saying that Cdn's are 'smart' to get it?

Which media? The American media? I don't feel any pressure from the media in Canada to get the vaccine. The media is 'amazed' about the number of people NOT getting it, but they're not calling us stupid in any way for NOT getting the vaccine.

And after watching the above video, I can't give any credence to a random guy I've never heard of before who has a PRESS label attached to his hat. Especially when he says that this is '..the end of Canada..' (when you only see about 1000 people on the video) and goes onto discussing the NWO.

[edit on 2009/11/1 by juniperberry]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:51 PM
Oh and I should point out that we actually get other points of view up here about the whole H1N1, from respected sources..

Ontario's Former Top Doc Says No Reason to Panic Over H1N1

Our media even goes into detail about some of the cases. You know that 13 year old kid who just died recently of H1N1? Well he was asthmatic to start, AND knowing he had the flu, went and played a 2-3 hour game of hockey anyway. At least we get that information so we can make our own informed choices about the extenuating circumstances. If the kid was perfectly healthy, no asthma or other health issue, and just dropped dead after playing 2 hours of video games, okay, that might be worrisome..

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by cronotrigger30

How are they being sheep? Who are you to call other people sheep? I guess you have the monopoly of truth like many non-sheep on this website with conspiracy inflated ego.

Are you not being a sheep yourself by believing what other people are telling you about this vaccine? Or I guess you have first hand knowledge of this issue.

I guess Mainstream media always lie and internet conspiracys websites are always right.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Did you guys get the "clean" version of the vaccine as some people are claiming? I've read a few articles online saying that foreign countries / higher-ups in the US are either refusing to take it or are getting modified versions.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by juniperberry
Actually, if you all paid attention to the media coverage ... blah blah

You're not actually seeing the ENTIRE picture of the situation up here.

So please keep comments like "I thought Canadians were smarter..." to a minimum. [edit on 2009/11/1 by juniperberry]

Actually, Canadians are sheep, sheople as I would prefer to call them. They sit in little insulated houses, with little insulated lives, thier insulated bank accounts and their little worthless media fed opinions. They are generally politically correct, fear confrontation and are a mix of bleeding hearts and a**holes, to coin Frank Zappa's words. Most Canadians don't know what the real world is all about, they watch it from their living room seats and if something appears too traumatic, they simply turn the channel and make a mental note to throw some money at whatever charitable cause suits them to appease their conscience. Funny too, most of them believe in gun control to insure that only the criminals have guns, like the politician's henchmen.

A loose statistic, in the US guns accidentally killed 1250 people in a year, however doctors accidentally killed about 80,000. Shall we ban doctors and the pharmaceutical industry? I think that might be a good start!

How many people have been killed by the financial industry literally deliberately through suicide, rage or the wars they create in the name of profits? Shall we ban them too? I think we should. How many politicians are party to those financial institutions and are therefore culpable in the carnage, shall we ban those also? I think that would help too!

I'll bet you didn't even know we are still a feudal monarchy even though queen what's her horse face and her bat eared dopey son the princess of wales sold out Great Britain and her UK assets to the EU and the IMF. The governor general isn't even a real figure any more (she was just your masters viceroy) just like the lieutenant governors for provinces.

It's all a shell game and a huge scam.

Now, ya wee wankers, I am a Canadian, born in Toronto, have a history here that goes back to the 1600's and I have operated on three continents, involved on five borders in active campaigns, been shot once, poisoned once, died once and had three other attempts on my life, in one case involving 250 other passengers (I don't fly if I can help it). I have seen the world, worked in a lot more than just Canada for years at a time (when in Rome eh) and I have worked with the scum in the military, politics and banks, and the brilliant in universities and research institutions. I keep up on world affairs daily and I don't turn away. I have watched terrorists die and countries fall. I have a certain amount of experience in gauging people.

Canadians as a rule are sheople and the herd lines up for whatever flavour of the day crap the MSM spouts. I constantly hear all those baaaaa...d Canadians saying yum that crap tastes good. Canadians live in a fractured colony made up of a series of cultural special interest groups all vying for the biggest piece of the pie and they will never cooperate with each other. Multiculturalism is what the IMF/politicians use to divide us and most of the PC idiots have bought it. Which makes it a helluva a lot harder to get out of this mess.

We need to get rid of these stupid political wankers, deconstruct the Bank of Canada (IMF owners) and revoke all treaties going back to 1930 or earlier and rewrite new ones that work for Canada, not other countries and the screwed up UN (political arm of the IMF).

When the time comes, it won't be long now, I know the drill, they'll put me down, my suffering will end and I'll be out of this virtual game called reality, but those of you who don't make a real change, not the Obamabot kind, will see true hell on earth in your lifetimes. I would only feel sorry for your children.

Sorry if this turned into a rant.... but wake up people, time is short.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
same in Calgary.. its dumb.

its a money grab in the U.S, but it's free here soo..
People just get too scared, too easily.

Not sure about other places in the U.S. but I am in Southern Indiana and they are having clinics here and the vaccine is free. My family will not be getting it but so far around here people are about 50/50 on taking it. They lifelined a close friend of the family out of here to a bigger hospital last night due to a severe reaction to the vaccine. Right now it is not looking good for her. Not a word in the news or papers about it today.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Don't lable all canadians as "sheep", just because that is what you have chosen to observe in your neck of the woods.

I am on the west coast, and most people out here are pretty much awake, NOT "sheep" and definatly not of the mentality you just described.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 01:53 AM
You know, it is just as likely that the vaccine is really good for us as it is likely that it is some kind of poisin itself. Imagine that your government found out that some type of bioterroism is underway, that a virus would be used. Do you think that the Government is going to annouce to the people that this event is going to take place? Hell no. They would not, because of the panic factor. But to introduce a vaccine to a virus that we are openly told of, that would not raise so many questions.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 02:03 AM
These people don't look like minless sheep to me...

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:25 AM
Those sheeps waiting for there vaccine in line should ask there fav tv reporters if they also got the flu shot of corse the answer will be they didnt get it.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by cronotrigger30
people are lined up for the vaccine. like sheep
its quite creepy

Perhaps the lineups are a drag....but my Doctor advised me to get the shot, so until I hear otherwise, I will be. Sheep are people that take their marching orders from 'some guy on the internet'.

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