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people lined up like sheep for vaccine in canada

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

did yer doctor create the vaccine does he know what they put in it is there any proof it works. other then the fact theres proof that it causes neurological problems. and vaccines usualy make people sick i never get flu shots and my family does and they get sick really badly. im always completely healthy and never get them. because i eat healthy most people dont and yes there sheep theres no other way to put it there lined up for a vaccine that only has been tested a month. with no idea of the long term side effects if there was scientific proof that the vaccine actually worked id take it but theres none just proof that it causes neurological probs

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by bobs_uruncle

Actually, Canadians are sheep, sheople as I would prefer to call them. They sit in little insulated houses, with little insulated lives, thier insulated bank accounts and their little worthless media fed opinions. They are generally politically correct, fear confrontation and are a mix of bleeding hearts and a**holes, to coin Frank Zappa's words. Most Canadians don't know what the real world is all about, they watch it from their living room seats and if something appears too traumatic, they simply turn the channel and make a mental note to throw some money at whatever charitable cause suits them to appease their conscience. Funny too, most of them believe in gun control to insure that only the criminals have guns, like the politician's henchmen.

Actually sir, come into any bar or gathering of Canadians where I live, and spout drivel such as this, and you would be lucky to be able to walk out.

I think that you have Canadians confused with one of the other countries that you visited, or perhaps your confined circle of Canadians of which you speak is one of the small gathering of pansy's that have somehow managed to get a firm grip in certain parts of the country.

But a true Canadian just looks like a sheep, check the costume closely and you will see that it is indeed that, just a costume.

Thoughts and prayers to whoever decides to peek underneath.

with respect..............

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:44 AM
where all sheep cause we beleave in a certain thing. but id rather be and alive sheep then a dead sheep

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by cronotrigger30
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

did yer doctor create the vaccine does he know what they put in it is there any proof it works.

I get a flu shot every year, and it has never made me sick...nor have I gotten the flu. As to my doctor? It's his business to know what the story is, and he advises me accordingly.

Forgive me if I trust him more than the ubiquitous "Some guy on the net."

Incidentally, there is an agenda at work here amongst people feeding the anti-vaccine bunch. I have an idea what it might be, but it's too outrageous to bring forward at this point. Suffice to ask, why would the fundamentalist Christian Right get on board? Cui bono goes in more than one direction, you know.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

And as a Canadian, you have the right to either take, or not take any or all offered shots, without criticism.

You don't make fun of your neighbor for not doing the same as you, and you also look out for said neighbor in times of trouble.

I really dislike our Government at this time, but love our country more than ever.

My hat's off to you sir......

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:15 AM
This whole scene of seeing all these people lined up sickens my soul!

I really pray and hope that none of them will develop any autoimmune system disorder from this shot!

Of course all people need to make the informed decision themselves wheather to take the shot or not, but I can't say we have enough trustable information yet!

Noone in that line asked, had any concerns regarding the the adjuvants - and that was just plain scary to see! - the have not researched anything themself - nada!

"I put my trust in the government" like that guy said is just like fiction for me!

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Actually, Canadians are sheep, sheople as I would prefer to call them. They sit in little insulated houses, with little insulated lives, thier insulated bank accounts and their little worthless media fed opinions. They are generally politically correct, fear confrontation and are a mix of bleeding hearts and a**holes, to coin Frank Zappa's words. Most Canadians don't know what the real world is all about, they watch it from their living room seats and if something appears too traumatic, they simply turn the channel and make a mental note to throw some money at whatever charitable cause suits them to appease their conscience. Funny too, most of them believe in gun control to insure that only the criminals have guns, like the politician's henchmen.

Canadians are less "sheeple" than many westernized countries, and acutally get news on cbc that the US rarely gets. They were informed for example that the depleted uranium shells and waste by the megatons was being dumped off their coasts, east and west, along with US ones, in prime fishing waters, which is one of the reason fish is highly toxic.
They swing vote a lot more, and are really fed up with politicians. Even in my conservative city, they discuss the bloodlines, conpiracies in lineups at supermarkets.
They also have a lot less obvious info published. For example, while the geneology of the US leaders can be traced back to ancient egyptian royalty through Willam of Orange, and the bloodlines, in Canada, no attempt to trace them back has happened.

Gee I wonder why. They would be thrown out, I can't remember the legal term for such a conspiracy that this would prove. So its kept very quiet. They won't even admit to being masons, and you can't find any sign of them belonging to these organizations on parties, at least not the PM or our premier. Because they would not win any elections and might be facing legal charges.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by bobs_uruncle
Now, ya wee wankers, I am a Canadian, born in Toronto, have a history here that goes back to the 1600's and I have operated on three continents, involved on five borders in active campaigns, been shot once, poisoned once, died once and had three other attempts on my life, in one case involving 250 other passengers (I don't fly if I can help it). I have seen the world, worked in a lot more than just Canada for years at a time (when in Rome eh) and I have worked with the scum in the military, politics and banks, and the brilliant in universities and research institutions. I keep up on world affairs daily and I don't turn away. I have watched terrorists die and countries fall. I have a certain amount of experience in gauging people.

Sorry if this turned into a rant.... but wake up people, time is short.

Time is short...and be careful who you call a wanker. How about you run your bona fides past one of the Amigos, then come back and talk to us about how bad you are.

Why should you? Simply because you swath your insults in a mantle of cognizance. Take that away, and who is the wanker? I still won't agree with your assessment, but at least I'll know that you're not just another pajamahadeen.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:42 AM
i just dont trust the government. they have given me so many reasons to not to

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Don't lable all canadians as "sheep", just because that is what you have chosen to observe in your neck of the woods.

I am on the west coast, and most people out here are pretty much awake, NOT "sheep" and definatly not of the mentality you just described.

In my experience and as I said, I have had a lot of it, Canadians in general behave like "sheople" and I don't hold out much hope for this colony (it's not really even a country). Just as in the US, one person says they are conservative (republican), another says they are liberal (democrat) and another ops for whatever third measure of perceived political legality exists. It's all a scam and if the Harpers, Cretiens, Mulroneys and their ilk are the best we can do, this colony called Canada is in a really sorry state..

But back to the flu vaccine and shots, if the vaccine is so safe, why are pregnant women and some children getting an adjuvant free vaccine? In a different area of the world, why are the German soldiers getting an adjuvant free vaccine? Taking a different tact, why is Baxter International who are linked to the Ukraine outbreak making the adjuvant free vaccine?

Those are just a few things to consider before anyone sticks a mercury laden needle with synthetic squalene in their arms (or ass as the case may be). and

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

see exactly thats corruption to the max. and thats why i refuse to take it

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
same in Calgary.. its dumb.

its a money grab in the U.S, but it's free here soo..
People just get too scared, too easily.

It's a money grab everywhere:

London — GlaxoSmithKline PLC , the world's second largest drug maker by revenue, posted Wednesday an 11-per-cent rise in third quarter earnings on the back of strong sales of the flu drug Relenza and forecast an even bigger boost from its swine flu vaccines in the final quarter of the year.

London-based Glaxo reported net profit of £1.44-billion ($2.35-billion U.S.) for the three months to Sept. 30, compared to £1.29-billion a year ago.

Revenue rose 15 per cent to £6.76-billion.

Guess who's paying for those shots in Canada? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Nope... the taxpayers.

On the topic of the lineups, how much importance do parents of small children and pregnant women place on their offspring? A little... a lot?

The lineups are a result of 6 months of fear mongering on the news reports of every television channel, every radio channel and each and every newspaper. The upshot of these reports is that those most at risk are the very young. No wonder parents are shuffling their kids off to the clinics.

What responsible parent would not err on the side of caution just as the school year has started? I don't blame them at all.

What worries me are the side effects that may begin to show up after a few months or years.

I'm not getting the shot, by the way... nor are many people I know.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by masqua

On the topic of the lineups, how much importance do parents of small children and pregnant women place on their offspring? A little... a lot?

The lineups are a result of 6 months of fear mongering on the news reports of every television channel, every radio channel and each and every newspaper. The upshot of these reports is that those most at risk are the very young. No wonder parents are shuffling their kids off to the clinics.

What responsible parent would not err on the side of caution just as the school year has started? I don't blame them at all.

Exactly. After being assaulted with the press over this how can a parent not be concerned. Then to be told that the vaccines are getting in short supply, what parent wouldn't have a feeling of panic.

If you look at the line ups in my area, and yes there are long lines that have a wait time of up to 4 hours, the majority (not all of course) have their little ones standing there as well.

I really hope that no side effects come about because of this as there are many children that would be affected, and they are indeed, our future.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by cronotrigger30

It's a Baaaaaaaa baaaaaa-d time to be one of the sheeple.

Sorry, couldn't resist it.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:53 AM


posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Thank goodness we have people like the OP and others in this thread that know absolutely everything, or we'd certainly be in trouble.

As far as the vaccination goes, I'll trust a professional doctor's advice before a conspiracy theorist on the Internet, every day of the week. For some, taking the shot makes more sense than not. Unless you are in the "omg they put deadly chemicals to reduce our population in the vaccine!" camp, then you know well what's in the vaccine. It's really no different than other flu shots given every year.

My daughter is pregnant and has another complication. Should she get the flu shot? Of course you'd say "omg no!," but if she did not, and catching the flu, those complications kicked in and she died.. would you give a rats butt? No, of course not.

Stop trying to be the smartest person on the planet. You do not know all, even if you think you do. I get so sick of the term "sheeple" around here. Sheeple apparently means "Someone who disagrees with whatever you believe." There are plenty of very intelligent folks here, who can make up their own minds, and don't need your condescending attitude. And taking possible life-altering advice from many people whose idea of "research" is linking to other conspiracy sites as "proof" isn't a very wise thing to do.

Your sweeping generalizations of a country are also somewhat sickening, by the way. I'm not even from Canada, and I'm offended.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:28 AM


posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by fleabit

beleave what u want but dont attack me like that. ok buddy. and stay on topic. i dont need to here this vaccines should not be given to pregnant women. cause the child recieves exactly what the women receives. and we are getting different vaccines. we have additives in ours and the other countrys and millitary are getting no addivites.
[edit on 2-11-2009 by cronotrigger30]

[edit on 2-11-2009 by cronotrigger30]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

Well, I didn't line up, and no one in my house is having the vaccine. We all got pretty sick no to long ago when H1N1 was rampant in BC so... probably already had it.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:09 PM
watching that video really made me sad really sad... people are so scared they dont know what to do..
reminds me of that movie I am legend

here is some info for Canada people

H1N1 Vaccine Insert they give in Canada
Arepanrix H1N1 Vaccine .pdf Exposed

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