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Alien Rights and Exopolitical Correctness.

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Ahh see thats why I started this thread.

I never considered that they would even care about the general population getting the same freedoms and rights we have been discussing. Not only that, but that those basic rights and freedoms might form the basis of their negotiations.

Interesting concept.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:57 AM
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Hi there! Great post!! Right, my thoughts on the subject -

Firstly, on the introduction to a new race/culture, there should be a basic stand-off whilst there are diplomatic talks to identify key elements of human/EBE relations. Interaction should be incouraged after basic belife's/customs and cultures have been discussed and made known to all involved partys so that theres no 'culture shock' moments. Its basically the same as visiting a diffrent country. As long as you show them respect and break none of your host nations rules, then you should be made welcome. The same should work if humans visit Alien worlds. After being made aware of the basic underpinning knowledge of the Alien culture as well as their belifes and customs, you should be able to visit. Although if you break any of their laws, you should be sentenced there if Earth cant deport you back home to face a Human sentence. And it should be the same here, if an Alien breaks human law after agreeing to abide by it whilst visiting, then they are susceptible to being judged in a human court of law.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

So you are advocating an interspecies prisoner exchange program?
That could work.

Would we want any legal proceedings to have equal representation by both species?
- Two judges (one human, one alien) possibly more?
- No jury (I would assume a jury to be overly biased in these cases)

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by

It dosnt matter what origin or race the judge is. The whole point of Judge is to be unbiased. Although, an Alien nation may have a diffrent approach to Earths Laws, such as more stringent sentences. A 'happy medium' to sentencing would probably be drawn up taking into account the crime, and the sentences awarded on either world. Obviously it would be complicated, but once the first crimes have been commited they would establish the legal procedure that would be used to sentence all crimes in a similar nature. A prisoner exchange may work too, perhaps an exchange of prisoners who have commited similar crimes. A murderer for a murderer perhaps? Although they may have to serve a mandatory sentence first so that they do serve some prision time incase the other worlds sentencing is 'lax' and to provide some satisfaction to the damaged partys.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by

This seems like a good time to re-introduce this picture of a toy I bought my son...with the shared notion that one day it just could be considered an outrage...or not. Your call.


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

My thinking was not that the judge would be biased, more along the lines of having a judge from each species would allow for different interpretations of the law.

reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Ha! Thats classic!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:51 AM
That's a weird toy, Johnny Canuck, or shall I say, neighbor.
Perhaps we can press some wild flowers together someday.

Interesting post: My thoughts.
If the aliens showed up with superior methods, (beyond the technology) such as, telepathy, or even just knowledge we could use. Those aliens would go through a much faster debreifing than say, the type of aliens that showed up in District 9.

Remember who WE are. We are paranoid, but we also buy the message if we trust who's selling it...

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by

Yes, i know what you mean, and come to think of it, it does sound like a good idea. For instance it would promote humans and aliens working together in a court of law. With a judge from both species (asuming theres only two involved species) it would provide an insight on each owns punishements and would help formulate a new interspecies procedure of law. Also, this may also eliminate the need for a jury due to the fact that two judges would have to agree on a sentence. But also, i suppose the need for a jury in more major cases would be needed to help formulate and achive a more convincing sentence.

All in speculation of course.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:49 AM
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Can i just say what an amazing thread, something different for once. I've been thinking about this a lot myself actually and i think governments have plans for this already drawn up..
my main concern is what species come here and if they are quarantined as chances are all of them will have a hell of a lot of radiation on them... if they go unchecked it means we could live in a world like "Fallout 3"

also another three questions to your post..

Is inter-species relationships/breeding/mating allowed or will they be regulated and/or banned?

Will a terran defence force need to be formed to be accepted into the aliens alliances and federations? (So to be accepted a NWO needs to be here)

How do we go about naming policies and communication? some will be telepathic, others only literary communication.

[edit on 17/05/09 by Raider of Truth]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Raider of Truth

Nice questions there.

On the communication side

I would assume that (initially anyway) there would be strict controls on what information could be passed from aliens to humans.

A main part of this would be restrictions on alien use of the internet.

If they were to have any form of armed forces, I would assume that it would take them years of training humans before we are allowed to join.

What about education?

There would probably be huge amounts of our maths, science and history that would need to be rewritten. And would we then be incorporating their history into our curriculum?

Would we allow them to setup/run education facilities here on earth?

And religion

Would we allow them to openly practice their religious/spiritual beliefs here on earth? Would we allow them to establish a religious base and recruit humans to their faith?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by

cconsidering the americans sold land to hitler in colorado.. I would say that owning land, or selling land to extra terrestrials is ok as long as they use our currency. lol

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:17 PM
We have already been in contact with non-humans. In some cases, they have been more sentient than some of our humans. We have treated them as we pleased, in some cases kindly, in many more cases with indifference or cruelty. For their part, they have treated us with affection, indifference, or aggression. These non-humans have practically no rights in the legal system.

They are called animals.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Jumbles

That may be the case. But Australian Aboriginals were class as fauna under british law too when the first fleet landed. And seeing as how that initial classification and subsequent actions on the part of the government are still causing issues in this country, I would assume it would be something that we would want to have resolved as quickly as possible.

In asking these questions I guess we have to make the assumption that if full disclosure was made, then rights, rules and laws would need to be in place to openly regulate further contact and interaction.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by Republican08
I think most of the quesitons humanizes them, their not human, of course, and wouldn't be subject to human lifestyles.

Most of the questions that I have put forward are because I believe that one way or another people on earth are going to be expecting equal rights to any alien visitors.

Either they be restricted to what they can do on earth, or we will need to be given greater freedoms.

I dont think people will accept that an alien has the right to go to any country on earth at their own discretion, when we cant even go to a neighbouring country without a passport, vaccinations, and quarantine checks.

Thanks for clarifying that.

Of course, The newly formed agency (MIB type of stuff, but open) would regulate travel, and such, but unless their refugees, well they trump us, (be like a small island off of the caribbean trying to tell our army they can't just come and go as they please).

If they merely wanted to coexist, then there would most likely be a revolt against the gov't, because once the lifeform recognized injustices from an oppressive gov't it'd be an ally for a better world, and if not, well we'd all be screwed, (taking that their more intelligent, but really are the weakest and dumbest aliens going to come seek refuge here or for coexisting.)

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
If they merely wanted to coexist, then there would most likely be a revolt against the gov't, because once the lifeform recognized injustices from an oppressive gov't it'd be an ally for a better world, and if not, well we'd all be screwed, (taking that their more intelligent, but really are the weakest and dumbest aliens going to come seek refuge here or for coexisting.)

Im not sure I quite buy that they would be more intelligent. I admit that they may have more knowledge, and they may be more advanced technologically. But does that actually mean that they would be more intelligent?

I dont think that humans today are any more intelligent than our ancestors of 20,000 years ago. We have (in some cases) a better understanding of our world. But our reasoning and problem solving ability hasn't changed a whole lot.

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