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Number of victims to unknown virus growing! State of emergency to be imposed in Ukraine?

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:10 AM
I don't think pneumonia plague is at work here.

But I thought you'd be interested to know that less lethal varieties have been developed in the lab. I think a lab worker in the U.S was infected and died of one of these strains? But the kill ratio is much much lower.
Couldn't find the story sorry, pneumonic plague is all the rage atm, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:12 AM

"Finally, American Coverage of Ukraine Plague Outbreak"

WOW, a whopping 25 seconds of coverage on what could be the next "Black Plague" to run through Europe!! But at least it finally got mentioned. Broadcast on 11/16/09 on Fox News in Philly, PA 10PM EST newscast. The facts are not even up to date, as Ukrainian officials are citing 1.4 million infected and over 330 dead as of yesterday. 11/15/09

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by The Great Day

credible? no, it's better for them to be called 'the evil ones'. after all, sooner than later, they WANT to show their true face. but they also want those that obey, to survive. so they are being 'honest' - 'take the vaccine'. while spreading false-flag conspiracy propaganda behind own back. baxter was a perfect example - they wanted it to look like this. they wanted to discredit the big pharma, so that only the most blind sheeple will want the vaccine. at the same time they'll kill off with a virus/discredit 99% of conspiracy/patriot loonies. it's a perfect solution, much less risky than releasing a bioweapon in a vaccine that anyone can test in a lab. really, check ecoparity's thread. that's his theory actually.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by ecoparity

See my post re: spraying in the Canada thread. Sorry, I'm a noob and still figuring quotes out

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:39 AM
The death of a lab worker was mentioned a few posts back. I've heard some pretty grim stories over the years, holiday family gatherings being the most "fun" when certain relatives like to play "freak out the dinner guests" which consists of a long exchange of ever more horrible diseases found in swine and turkeys. You learn to maintain an appetite or eat while everyone's napping.

I've lost count of the number of accidental release of pathogen stories I've heard. Foreign researchers are allowed to come to the US and use facilities like the L4 where CDC seeds are maintained. I'm told some of these foreign scientists are extremely sloppy and don't seem to care about keeping the bio hazard waste in the bio hazard can. Interns going through dumpsters in full MOPP gear is not an uncommon sight around there.

Then there was the researcher who left his job and took one at a new lab across the border. He was caught with a very deadly pathogen wrapped in foil and stuffed in a glove in the trunk of his car.

Really twisted practical jokes involving non lethal agents that have "entertaining" symptoms....

You really don't want to know how often accidental releases happen. It's usually the lesser threat levels though, they have intense safety systems and protocols built into the higher level labs.

Sooner or later a researcher is going to sell something to someone, in fact there is evidence this has already happened and more than once.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by ecoparity]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:41 AM
I don't think this has been posted yet. Here's a story of spraying in Poland and Austria, with links to YouTube videos (plus several more by the same user). &catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105%26%2312296%3B=en

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:45 AM
Anyone want to wager a gentlemen bet that this virus spreads to Europe and gets allot of people sick but without a massive kill rate.

And also spreads straight doesn't through Georgia, Armenia and into places like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan with a massive kill ratio which they will attribute to "lower standards of living and health care"

I am thinking I know the real reason for this mania over swine flu

And why it went flare up into the plague in the location it did.

Welcome to the Wests answer to the Islamic Influx and population situation in Europe and Russia... Even in Europe particularly Eastern Europe and Ukraine it will be very interesting to see what percentage of deaths when all is said and done are in Muslim ghettos...

I've said it before but just think it bears repeating,,,

The Plague isn't aimed at us, it will be just bad enough to correct the unemployment situation in the West

Not sure why we all don't see what seems obvious, if this is controlled and conspiracy is real in this situation... this is how we win this cultural conflict, they never even had an actual chance, they underestimated just how diabolical those that rule the world can be, they want the oil, an excuse to be there and Neither Europe USA, Russia or China wants the spread of Islam...

Global Pandemic isn't about killing us ...

[edit on 17-11-2009 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:10 AM
Ukraine has 315 deaths now and 78326 people hospitalized.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:54 AM
Swine flu, pork flue, caw flue, seems aids and cancer are not popular anymore. It's clear to me that this flu pandemic repeating it's self in different forms is the work of people at the top. We never had pandemics
like this repeating over and over from different animals. It's the population reduction plan. Anyone remember anything like this before 3,4 years back?

It started with the mad caw disease, and it failed, then came bird flu and it failed also, then came pork flu, it was a better design some people died but it failed too, then it mixed so it would get more of us. All happening in the last years. This is engineered for sure, too many flavors, caw, pork, chicken, strange coincidence, we never had such things before, maybe on occasions in a isolated region.

I remember going to the vet with my kitten and the vet told me that usually us humans catch disease from animals in very special conditions and that it's usually very rare.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

Was I wrong about it being photo shopped? Yes, it did look like it though.
That's why I asked who photoshopped the picture. You are very quick to demand that everyone provide sources for their info.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by ecoparity
So the LA news chopper video was faked? Or are you saying that that wasn't Moshe in the car on the video? The footage shows him being gassed and tasered, with little apparent effect, compared to typical persons.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity
Thanks to beumont for finding this, meet the actual Joseph Moshe.

If you dig enough you'll find the entire basis of the conspiracy was built on falsehood.

(I retired at 40, incidentally. I get to do what I want now. I never worked for the White House, I did do work for the government as well as most of the fortune 500 working in technology and bio-technology. I also worked as a journalist at one time back in my youth until I found out first hand what the press really is. My profile has always detailed my professional background).

Not that who or what I am is the subject of the thread but some people will do just about anything to try and discredit me for some weird reason.....

[edit on 16-11-2009 by ecoparity]

Well, I don't see how that proves anything. Like you said to us so's only a BLOG.

Ok, here is my take on the situation:
1. These two men actually look alot alike to me How can you say they are not the same person? The skin coloring match, the facial hair patterns match (mustache) , and the color of the hair (gray) and baldness pattern match.

2. Also, my guess is if you're going to call into a radio show, you're not going to use your real first name. Most people use thier middle name, or some kind of alteration of their name. So, if he says his name is Joseph and his last name is does that prove it's not the same person?

3. Also, if you're a Mossad agent, you're not going to use your real first name. I think that's probably covered in "How to be a spy 101". Hell, if I called into a radio show with evidence, I would not use MY real name over the air!

4. Also, if you're a Mossad agent, you would probably have an "official" position somewhere (an alias). A university professor sounds like a good alias to me. A professor who is a "plant virus specialist" sounds like a perfect cover up for a Mossad microbiologist or a virologist. I don't think if you're a Mossad agent you would officially to list yourself on the internet as a virologist for the Mossad. I highly doubt our own CIA agents have themselves listed officially anywhere as a "CIA agent". Most likely, they also have aliases...(um, alii?)....too.

5. Why did they arrest the second man if he is not the person who called in? And how was he able to withstand 15 minutes of tear gas? I saw the footage myself on that.

6. Also, Baxter has admitted that the vaccine they shipped out to 16 different places was tainted. This is not a lie....I can show you several sources in real news articles that have reported this over and over again. This should not happen in a vaccine manufacturing way was this an accident. No way.

So, sorry, that blog doesn't prove anything to me. To me, they both look like the same man. And to me, a specialist in plant virus would be a pretty good cover up for a Mossad microbiologist.

edit to add:

Also, your arguments that the planes were spraying a "disinfecting agent" such as hydrogen peroxide doesn't add up. There were thousands of people saying that they saw planes spraying stuff BEFORE people started getting sick. In fact, this was reported at the VERY beginning of this thread...and the people said that they witnessed it before people started getting sick. Why would you spray a disinfecting agent before people started getting sick? Nope, that story doesn't add up.

edit to add again:

Also, we are forgetting the biggest thing here in this story: SOMEONE called into a radio show saying that an bioweapon posing as a "vaccine" would be released in the Ukraine. Within a few months, this outbreak of hemorrhagic pneumonia happened in the Ukraine. Coincidence??? Too big of a coincidence for me.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky
They can't spray, the sprayer attachments would tear off, because we don't have the technology to build such things. That's also the reason we can't drop viruses from the air, we can't make parachutes that small!

I agree with you, someone has an agenda!

[edit on 17-11-2009 by butcherguy]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

The Plague isn't aimed at us, it will be just bad enough to correct the unemployment situation in the West.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by mopusvindictus]
Very interesting. IF this is the case, we should see it hit hard in China and Southeast Asia.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:31 AM
I listened to Coast to Coast last night with Steven Quayle as the guest. I have to admit, I didn't stay up for the enitre thing. Unfortunately, I fell asleep before they could get to the part about "all the strange deaths of microbiologists around the world." Darn it...hate it when I do that.

However, the one thing that I can remember hearing that piqued my interest was that Norway now has 20% of their population sick. Same flu? Same virus, or whatever? I don't know.

I hadn't heard this until last night....seems that story has also fallen off the radar....or has been cloaked as well.

Anyone hear about Norway yet?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by CommonSenseRules
I don't think this has been posted yet. Here's a story of spraying in Poland and Austria, with links to YouTube videos (plus several more by the same user). &catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105%26%2312296%3B=en
I am sure that there are wacky people that say that they have seen spraying when they didn't, but you have to admit that they aren't all lying. There is usually a nugget of truth somewhere, even in suspicious stories.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by nikiano
A lot of the Coast to Coast stuff was rehashed things that you have already seen here, I listened last night. You can check out the C to C website, if there was anything earthshattering they would put it up there.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:41 AM
Another 100,600 doses of Tamiflu have arrived in Ukraine from Switzerland today.This is the third such delivery totalling 600,600.
The antivirals were heavily discounted at 67 uah per pack (approx $8)

Interestingly the Kiev Post also apologises for its website being down for several hours due to excessive traffic and have added more server capacity.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:44 AM
I went googling (I think I just created a new form of a new verb! lol!) for information on the flu in Norway, and so far the only thing I could find is a blog dated from November 12.

However, here it is. I'll post more if I can find it:

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity
reply to post by JJay55

Talk about ironic, the US will be going the same way....

All the squalene does for them is allow them to cut the virus in the vaccine in half, so it's a money issue I suppose (setting aside any nefarious purpose for the squalene).
Bing! Star on that. If nothing else, it is about $$$. And if nothing else they do get to more than double the vaccine for the same price of manufacture, however, when they 'stretch it' too far, the recipient gets two jabs and someone gets charged twice!

[edit on 17-11-2009 by butcherguy]

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