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Originally posted by martin3030
Originally posted by martin3030
Ukraine health ministry says it has no need to publish lab confirmed cases of A/H1N1.
Seems extraordinary that they should say this.
Originally posted by JJay55
Originally posted by martin3030
Ukraine health ministry says it has no need to publish lab confirmed cases of A/H1N1.
Seems extraordinary that they should say this.
Could very well be that they don't know they've been hit with a biological weapon because of the timing. If they planned a H1N1 political posturing scheme and someone leaked this information there very well could be an outside biological introduced without them knowing about it. Since they are caught up in the scheme as scheduled they won't pursue anything else. Perfect opportunity. Further, if they exposed their scheme they would be blamed for the biological terrorism and genocide. hmmmmm.
Originally posted by martin3030
Its difficult to make a real assumption,given the political bickering.
They are aware of outside was after all Ushenko who made appeals himself to the outside world,and neigbours.
Originally posted by nikiano
We know that on November 8th a South African site ( carried the following:
“Suspicious aircraft were forced to land. A US operated (Russian-made long-range heavy transport) AN-124 changed its call sign from civilian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF (Indian Air Force) upon entering Pakistani air space (forcing) the plane to land in Mumbai while (a) second one was forced down by Nigerian fighter jets that also arrested the crew.”
“According to reports, China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukrainian aircraft amidst growing concern that the United States was spreading ‘biological agents’ in the Earth’s atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to (commit) mass genocide via the spread of H1N1 swine flu.”
So who is the dastardly scum that photoshopped it? How can we get to the bottom of the photoshop story?
Originally posted by ecoparity
reply to post by butcherguy
That is a refueling boom on a tanker with something photo-shopped onto it.
Even the "article" posted doesn't claim that is a photo of "the plane".
Originally posted by ecoparity
reply to post by butcherguy
That is a refueling boom on a tanker with something photo-shopped onto it.
Even the "article" posted doesn't claim that is a photo of "the plane".
The A i r Force F l i g h t Test Center has the
c h a r t e r to conduct All-Weather t e s t i n g on A i r
Force weapon systems. This includes t e s t i n g i n
airborne icing conditions and i n r a i n . To d a t e , a
high speed (180-300 knots) NKC-135 modified f o r
a r t i f i c i a l i c e l r s i n t e s t i n g has been used. This
system is c u r r e n t l y being upgraded to provide a
more r e l i a b l e , t e c h n i c a l l y adequate cloud simul
a t i o n . The P a l l e t i z e d Airborne Water Spray
System (PAWSS), u t i l i z i n g a C-130 cargo a i r c r a f t ,
w i l l compl.ement the NKC-135 with a speed range of
100-180 knots
The PAWSS is self-contained and is b u i l t on a
cargc p a l l e t and rcquires no modifications to its
c a r r i e r a i r c r a f t ,
General Info
In 1971, the A i r Force F l i g h t Test Center,
1,ocated at Edwards AFB, CA, acquired the A i r Force
c h a r t e r f o r All-Neather t e s t i n g from Wriglit-
Patterson AFB, OH. All-Weather t e s t i n g includes
a r t i f i c i a l i n f l i g h t i c e and r a i n t e s t i n g . This
t e s t i n g is necessary t o assure t h a t A i r Force
weapon systems have the c a p a b i l i t y to operate to
design s p e c i f i c a t i o n s (MIL-STD-210B, Climatic
Extremes f o r M i l i t a r y Equipment, and MIL-STD-HlOC, -.- Environmental Test Methods) i n icing and r a i n
environmental conditions.
Originally posted by nikiano
UPDATE: Latest Ukraine Plague figures: 1,253,558 very ill; 65,615 hospitalized in serious to critical condition. These are Ukraine only figures. [estimated deaths are 11 percent of the hospitalizations - or around 6000 or so -ed]
The biggest story on the Planet today is the outbreak of a very serious Advanced Biological War virus in Europe. The second biggest story on the Planet is the suppression of this story for almost two weeks by the corporate owned mainstream news media.
There is a lot we know and a lot that we can only speculate on about what is unfolding in Central Europe. We know that in mid-October, less than a month ago, there was a growing number of cases of what many thought was Swine Flu (A/H1N1) in the western part of the Ukraine. We know that many hundreds if not thousands of people in western Ukraine witnessed low flying light airplanes aerosol spraying something over Ukrainian cities during the days of October 29, 2009 and October 31, 2009. We know that beginning the night of October 29th, massive numbers of people begin to get very sick. We know that the Ukraine government issued a statement denying that it was doing any aerial spraying to combat the growing disease or authorizing any spraying over Ukrainian cities. We know that by October 30th, the Ukrainian authorities closed all schools for three weeks and banded public gatherings.
We do NOT know what disease the people were/are coming down with. We do know that doctors are describing the disease as Pneumonic Plague, or as some type of hemorrhagic fever, or as hemorrhagic influenza, or as hemorrhagic pneumonia. We know that the illness, whatever it is, does not appear to be A/H1N1. We do not know if the disease is a recombination of A/H1N1 with other viruses or some totally different virus or if it is in fact a virus. We know that the World Health Organization (WHO) has had several days to sequence the genes of the disease but has failed to release this data.
Situation Update No. 39 On 16.11.2009 at 04:22 GMT+2
Ukrainian News Agency "Fraza" reported that, according to informed sources, "it has been confirmed 100 % Pneumonic Plague in Ukraine". The Agency asserts that "the head physician of the medical institutions has sent out an informal disposal - not to sow panic, to refute the information about the plague, and to speak only of swine influenza".
It is also required to distribute masks at health facilities with 8 levels of protection and anti-plague protection costumes. There is also an informal order not to allow any visitors to see the patients.
According to the "Fraza" agency, "today in Ukraine pneumonic plague is going in parallel with swine flu. The plague has killed over 60 people, and about 14 from the flu. Meanwhile, the press service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine reported that there is only one death from "California" virus A/N1N1 in Ukraine. "In Ukraine there are 22 cases recorded of the virus A/N1N1 disease and there is only one fatal consequence as a result. All other cases of death from influenza has only a speculative attitude to "California" virus," press service reports.
The situation with the epidemic of influenza is a complex and unpredictable because of the propensity of influenza A/H1N1 virus to mutation, said First Deputy Minister of Health Mr. Lazoryshynets on Monday, November 2.