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Did the USAF Help pull off 911?

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posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:04 PM
"The individual in charge of the Pentagon's budget working with Rumsveld,"

I think the source you used needs to hire a proofreader. They misspelled Rumsfeld's name, not once, but twice. Even if the information they provided is correct, they are not adding to their credibility by making such an obvious error.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by impressme
As far as stand alone evidence, the capability of the BOEING 757 and BOEING 767 to take off and land by computer alone is the most compelling. These planes are fully capable of being remotely piloted which is what happened during the terror attacks. Each of the four hijacked planes had 6 hidden panic alerts for just such events that were known to the flight crew. NONE OF THEM WERE ACTIVATED!!

The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:09 PM

And VISIBLE laser tagging????



posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by rush969


Besides your knee jerk reaction, why don’t you show proof that this statement is my biggest lie you have read?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by rush969


And VISIBLE laser tagging????



Besides your childish outbursts, why don’t you demonstrate as any mature adult would and show with proof that you are correct. I am sure you have some creditable internet sources to support your claim.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:07 PM

The alleged terrorists were the equivalent of Lee Harvey Oswalds --- patsies lured into place to take the blame. Our FBI has made no effort to reconcile their initial list of terrorists with the real people with those identities shown to be alive in the Middle East!!

We know this is true.

The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.

I have not seen “anyone disprove” this information with any *creditable sources* so far all I have seen are opinions.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by impressme]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:43 PM

As a former member of the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization), Hordon’s years as an ATC are particularly relevent to 9/11 researchers.

“Imagine yourself at a circus, a fair, a crowded sports event. You have in your hand your little child of five or six, you’re amongst hundreds of people and you turn around and see that your child is gone. How do you feel at that moment? You feel panicked. You feel that this is the worst thing possible, so what you do is you engage. When ATCs lose an aircraft, all hell breaks loose. They flip right into motion. We take action and do not wait for other things to happen.”

“I was a certified ATC in Boston west-bound departures, the routing that AA11 and UA175 followed on 9/11. I know it like the back of my hand.”
He even received a letter of commendation for his role in dealing with an actual hijacking. When it became clear that there hadn’t been a systems failure of any kind on the morning of September 11th, Hordon was certain that something had gone terribly wrong within the upper echelons of authority. A pilot (third level air carrier) as well as an ATC, he is well versed on in-flight emergency protocol. He is also adamant that if these procedures had been followed on 9/11 not one of the hijacked planes would have reached their targets.

It’s routine. At Otis AFB we would have practice exercises two or three times a year. We’d flush aircraft, get the B-52’s up, get the tankers up, get the fighters up. Just out of Otis there’d be twenty, thirty fighter jets. And on 9/11 there were plenty of fighters as well. They were just diverted over the ocean, tied up in drills, etc.”
The vast majority of air incidents are simple communications or routing failures, common mishaps that are easily remedied. Nonetheless, when a problem does arise, it is treated as an emergency and interceptors are scrambled.

“This is exactly what’s written in our manuals. We alert our immediate supervisors, we get another set of eyes on the scope. We have, two feet away from us, a little button that says ADC, Air Defense Command [nowadays NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector)]. Bing, hit the button. ‘Hey, this is me at the Boston Center air space. I just lost a target or I have an erratic target. He is twenty-five miles west of Keene, last reported at such-and-such location.’”
Pilots use similar checklists when responding to problems with their airplanes:

“I think we all have to agree that, one way or another, the U.S. military was involved in the attacks. The advantage that Rumsfeld had is that he can classify, reshape, make available, make unavailable any information that he wants, at any time and deny that information to the public for any reason, especially national security.”

Hordon is not persuaded by those who make excuses for the lack of military response on 9/11. U.S. air defenses have been on hair-trigger alert to defend the nation from attack since the early sixties. The idea that, on the morning of 9/11, there was an inexplicable wave of incompetence on the part of his former FAA “brothers in arms” offends him deeply.

“The pilots are in their ready rooms, the planes are in open-ended hangars. You have frontline players, pilots and controllers. I’m there, I’m watching. The pilot is there, he’s flying. We have direct air defense command communications. That’s the way it’s been for fifty years.”

The unfathomable delays seen in military action on 9/11 are inconceivable to those who have painstakingly investigated the matter—and for a man who worked for years keeping air travel over the U.S. safe.

“Military pilots would have their asses off the ground faster than you could imagine. I know how quickly our systems can respond. Why would you design a system that responds slowly to an emergency?”

Claims by authorities that, once a hijacked aircraft’s transponders have been turned off, the plane becomes virtually invisible to radar, is another sore point for Hordon.

“Bottom line, these aircraft were always radar monitored, we were always in communication with them, even if they were hijacked. The only way you can lose an aircraft these days is for the plane to flat out blow up.”
Since any genuine air attack would not likely announce itself as such, NORAD radar has to be able to detect anything. But there’s nothing stealthy about an enormous Boeing passenger liner, whether its transponder is operating properly or not.

“That aircraft is represented on their radar scope from the time it takes off to the time it lands. Even little puddle-jumpers out of our local airports. NORAD tracks all these aircraft. They have the world’s most sophisticated radar.”

I really believe Robin Hordon knows his information well. He is well qualified to comment on what NORAD should have been able to achieve in its response to the near simultaneous hijacking of four domestic passenger carriers on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by impressme]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by impressme

I really believe Robin Hordon knows his information well. He is well qualified to comment on what NORAD should have been able to achieve in its response to the near simultaneous hijacking of four domestic passenger carriers on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

1.- What YOU believe, is your opinion. You´re certainly entitled to it but it bears no weight in these matters.

2.- How qualified is Hordon to critizise NORAD is another matter entirely.
All of us can guess, how qualified he may be. Equaly this has no weight in these matters either. He is just ONE guy with ONE theory. And he may very well be completely wrong.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by rush969

And he may very well be completely wrong.

Then you prove he is wrong.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by rush969

1.- What YOU believe, is your opinion. You´re certainly entitled to it but it bears no weight in these matters.

Neither does yours.

BTW, you have not answer the above question of my so-call lies? Still waiting to see your creditable proof with internet sources to back your claim?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by impressme
The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.

You are the one who should provide proof to support this claim.
I am telling you it´s a lie.
Prove to me that what you are saying is true.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by impressme

Then you prove he is wrong.

I don´t have to. 9/11 already prooved him wrong.
Sad, but true.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by rush969

You are the one who should provide proof to support this claim.
I am telling you it´s a lie.
Prove to me that what you are saying is true.

You were given sources if you don’t believe them that is your broblem.

You are saying it is a lie then you need to prove it is a lie. I don’t believe you know how to debate? This is not a one sided issue.
You are the one “making the claim” I have lied. Now YOU need to back up your claim.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by rush969

Then you prove he is wrong.

I don´t have to. 9/11 already prooved him wrong.
Sad, but true.

Well if this is the game you choose to play, then here is your answer to every thing you have quoted me:

It has already been proven that 911 was a false flag operation and the OS is as laughable as all the jokes told (If you think you’re a redneck.)

I don’t have to prove anything to “you game” is the game you play, then I think putting you on *ignore* is most appropriate thing I need to do to someone that is Trolling and baiting for a fight and has no interest in backing his outrages claims.

As far as my claims I posted from creditable sources if you don’t want to believe it, that is your right but, to call me a lair and you don’t substantiate what you are accusing me of? That is pathetic.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by impressme]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 09:10 PM
To the casual reader in this thread,

I would like to say that I do respect our military and our government and I do support our troops fighting in both illegal wars. However, in my personal “opinion” a small group of evil, greedy, treasonous government officials in the Bush administration and a handful of experts in demolition and aviation in our military pulled off this false flag operation for personal financial gain and to change the world as we know it. Also, to pass new laws to allow our government to spy on the American people, not because they think some of us are terrorists but, because they ( The Government) have committed an unspeakable act of murder on its own American citizens and have destroyed millions of dollars in property and businesses. The real reason the government is turning on the American people, is to eavesdrop on our phone calls and monitor email to find out who is too close to discovering the truth. Furthmore, if any new groups of government resistors should cause any problems by exposing the truth, or demanding accountabilty the government may want to “stop them.”

I have researched 911 for many years and one thing I can say that is true; there is no physical evidence that supports the OS.

It is hard for some people to even imagine that our government could conspire with military officials to pull of such a false flag. But to think that our government is not capable of pulling off such a treasonous act is delusional in it self and show the reader has not done much research in False Flag Operations.

False Flag Terrorism
"False flag terrorism" occurs when elements within a government stage a secret operation whereby government forces pretend to be a targeted enemy while attacking their own forces or people. The attack is then falsely blamed on the enemy in order to justify going to war against that enemy. Or as Wikipedia defines it:
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.

I have been called traitor, a Holocaust denier, anti government and military hater, I have been told to move out of this country, I have been told I hate America, you name it its been said to me in the years I have talk about 911 Truth. But if I didn’t love my country so much I would just ignore the creditable and scientific evidences and pretend 19 untrained pilots pulled of the worlds most unimaginable defeat and penetrate a multi billion dollar military security defenses system with the world best technologies ever built yet, these alleged hijackers flew around our highly restricted airspace for an hour with out so much as one F16 or F18 to intercept these four commercial planes.

In one day for the first time in America, we had four commercial airliners fly completely off course and no intervention was done.
The same day we have three high-rise’s collapse in their own footprint and at a recorded freefall speed which two of them only burned for an hour, un-flipping believable. There are to many incredible coincidence in one day, and no real crediable explanation for these strange events that stand up to real science by our government.

The explanation we been given dose not stand up to scrutiny or science.

I love my country I care about our military even with it flaws I never have thought the “entire government or military” was involved in pulling off 911. In fact I believe most of our government and miliatary are in the dark, if the entire military was involved 911, it would not have happened because, I know there are good men and women who would have blown the whistle had they found out. I believe this was a military coupe formed by certain members in the Bush administration and I believe this group was loyal to Dick Cheney and answered to Dick Cheney.
It has already been proven Cheney was running and controlling what the military was doing on the morning of 911 and it was Dick Cheney who was given all the orders that morning.

Dick Cheney refused to testify under oath to the 911 commission, perhaps he didn’t want the 911 commissionaires to have anything on record so, (we the people) couldn’t go after Cheney years later for treason.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by impressme]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by impressme

To the casual reader in this thread,

Very well stated, I agree with what you said...the OS simply does not add up, nor does it make any sense.....

It's hard to believe that people still defend the OS even after seeing all the video proof... makes me wonder, are they working for the 'government' or are they just that naive?...

I, rainfall, have posted some very controversial posts about the military in general, but that is only to get them to think outside the box.....I, of course, do not believe the entire military was in on the the false flag of 9-11...

I do believe, however, that the ones who are defending the OS are doing so so not to face the guilt of what they did to INNOCENT people in Iraq and Afghanistan....

I have been ostracized by my family 2 years ago when I tried to explain what happened on 9-11, even gave them DVDs of loose change final cut to help explain the events...

I do have faith that one day soon all the facts and truth will come out about that fateful day, and we can put all our bickering behind us and get on with making this world a better place we can all be proud to call home.......


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by impressme
We know this is true.

The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.

I have not seen “anyone disprove” this information with any *creditable sources* so far all I have seen are opinions.

Please show your "source" for this claim.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by rush969

The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.


Originally posted by rush969

And VISIBLE laser tagging????



You are the one who should provide proof to support this claim.
I am telling you it´s a lie.
Prove to me that what you are saying is true.

Then you prove he is wrong.

I don´t have to. 9/11 already prooved him wrong.
Sad, but true.

The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.

I have not seen “anyone disprove” this information with any *creditable sources* so far all I have seen are opinions.

Please show your "source" for this claim.

I already have, when are you going to prove that I lied? Looks to me that it is you that has made the claim that I am a lair? Well if I am a lair why don’t you demonstrated where I have told lies?

I have not seen “anyone disprove” this information with any *creditable sources* so far all I have seen are opinions.

Please show your "source" for this claim.

Sources for what?

Instead of attacking my personal beliefs, why don’t you demonstrate how it is “impossible” for a small group in our military, working for a small corrupt group in the Bush Administration to pull off a false flag? You really think they are not clever enough don’t you? I have posted a mountain of creditable evidences in the months that I have been posting on the 911 threads that proves our government is capable of orchestrating and pulling off a false flag operation. You need to read some of my other post. Is this the game you want to play?

[edit on 11-11-2009 by impressme]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 06:30 AM
Do you think, for the sake of Veterans and all who served this country, we could all lay off blanket accusations that members of the Armed Services conspired to murder thousands of their fellow Americans?

Just a thought.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:01 AM
What you (impressme) believe is all very fine.
Everyone is entitled to have his own beliefs.
But when you make a claim like this:

Originally posted by impressme
As far as stand alone evidence, the capability of the BOEING 757 and BOEING 767 to take off and land by computer alone is the most compelling. These planes are fully capable of being remotely piloted which is what happened during the terror attacks. Each of the four hijacked planes had 6 hidden panic alerts for just such events that were known to the flight crew. NONE OF THEM WERE ACTIVATED!!

The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.

You are obligated to provide a support to this claim.
Please tell us:
Which are the 6 hidden panic alerts you speak of?
And HOW does the software in B757/67 airplanes over ride pilot error?

Two simple questions.

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