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Doctors speak out about H1N1 Vaccine Dangers

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posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
reply to post by drphilxr

I saw a poll on Fox News asking if you would take the vaccine 57% of those who polled said no. It is just downright ignorant in my mind, why would you not protect your family or yourself? I am still worried because my 4 year old has not had the second dose yet.

I am a researcher; it's what I do. I've spent probably 25 hours researching every aspect of the H1N1 swine flu and vaccines. Why? because I have a baby, a wife who's a nurse, and a media that lies to promote an agenda.

I've seen Baxter International's Patent Application for the method to make the vaccine (dated before the Mexico outbreak by 8 months), I've seen the actual ingredients in the vaccine (posted in this thread), I've asked Virologists and Immunologists at Stanford University, I've listened to main stream media, and on and on... I've learned more about vaccines than I EVER thought I would.

And you think of me as ignorant because my actions aren't the same as yours?

If you think H1N1 is as bad as the media says and wish to get the vaccine because you think it will help - good for you for watching out for your family. We all do what we think is best. Showing outrage at others who don't agree with you - maybe you should research a little more.

Hopefully enough people will get the vaccine to bring this flu down to levels like we see with the yearly flu strains.

This is simply wrong. The H1 flu has shown to be less efficacious (sickness-inducing) than the common flu! 25 TIMES more people die from the common flu each year than have from the H1N1 flu.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by notreallyalive

Damn that was a VERY good post and i can tell that came from the heart im i right thank you very much

This should not be a thread with name calling there is nothing wrong with people having different views but it should be civil.


[edit on 053131p://2009-10-26T17:37:35-05:002610 by mars1]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by notreallyalive

You have no idea how many have died. You only know about confirmed cases. A statement like swine is 25% anything is nonsense! You are misinformed friend!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:40 PM
I'm swinging right there in the middle. Probably the best jewels in here so far are:

1) If you're healthy, try to actually get the flu now in order to build up your immune system.

2) Go somewhere that has little to no thimerosal added to the vaccine and get that shot.

3) Screw the NWO and WHO and refuse the shot and risk quarantine.

Personally, I'm leaning towards option 3. Like others, I'm doing my research though, and am not entirely ruling out the shot. However, I'd like to put this one little snippet out:

World population back in 1917 was 1.8 billion. Spanish flu killed between 50 million to 100 million people. That means that either one out of every thirty-six people perished - or one out of every 180 people, depending on the figure you think has more validity.

Are we are those levels yet? Not even close. Not even close... And for those reasons, I think concern is justifiable over all this, but not panic.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by nethawk


I know of two that are not reported as swine.
A 28 yrs old in Texarkana TX.
Another in Huntsville Ar I will have to find the name, he had cancer but died from flu complications. Swine was not mentioned there are many many more if I know of two, I don’t even get out much.

P.S. This is the spanish flu, the 1918 strain was H1N1.

If there was a pandemic do you think it would be downplayed or blown out of proportion (Given the state of the economy, I suspect downplayed.)? Honestly now, step back for a minute.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by Donkey_Dean]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:56 PM
FDA approves use of experimental drug to treat severe cases of H1N1...they don't have any proof this drug works!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by sylph16

Your right death is better, that drug might have some pretty severe side effects.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:58 PM
Donkey, the absolute, hard and cold fact of it all is that 1,000 deaths so far is NOT a large number ratiowise. Heck, CNN back in April were freaking everyone out when even five people had died. Does that sound like responsible, mature reporting of information to you? It doesn't to me. Report information, yes. But don't amplify it. Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room at times reminds me of a scared old man hiding in a bunker while everyone else is sunning themselves outside. The guy needs a vacation away from himself, in my opinion.

I'm not saying Swine Flu shouldn't be watched and monitored, but the fact is that to date - nearly halfway through the yearly normal flu cycle, it has failed to rival the numbers of people killed by ordinary influenza. That is good.

When or if these numbers rise and it is accurately reported to be so, then my levels of concern will rise. Until then, this event is one I'm simply going to continue to research.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by nethawk

This is just the beginning of the flu season, with a thousand confirmed deaths. They absolutely do not test for swine in most cases and death is listed as pneumonia or flu complication. I would go as far to say that you could times the know 1000 by a factor or ten or more to get a more accurate count. Think about it friend, they admit they only test a small percentage. Death has touched us, a child died in my nephews school confirmed. I have personal knowledge of two deaths that were due to flu but not confirmed etc. I have family members who had this and it was anything but mild. You are being played like a fiddle! It has happened before Media Blackout of 1918

Did you know that Medicare claims have dropped for the first time in history this year? Why do you think that is?

That said, I really don’t see how this turned into a denial fest, maybe I am immune since I do not have any TV influence. Swine is bad news I have seen it first hand, and I will leave it at that. The whole affair has been downplayed in a major way. If a meteor was barreling towards us would you think it was all a sham. Do you think a National Emergency is all just hype? Honestly!

[edit on 26-10-2009 by Donkey_Dean]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by sylph16

Thanks for that link

See what i mean you keep digging and up pops yet more like in UK they were on news wanting to test the vaccine on kids just found the link for that.


posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
reply to post by sylph16

Your right death is better, that drug might have some pretty severe side effects.

You ninny...ALL drugs have side effects....and don't start crap with me, unless you have a thing for shrinking testicles...besides who's to say there is anything wrong with death? So go wank off!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
reply to post by sylph16

Your right death is better, that drug might have some pretty severe side effects.

Relax. It's all good in da hood!
Compare the minimal H1N1 fatalities compared to regular flu. If you can read between the lines, the facts obviously suggest to the casual observer that the various pharma companies hadn't realized their financial goals by marketing the vaccine for the regular flu. If these companies don't make their profits then the government in turn is not going to earn a substantial amount of taxes. Not a good thing for gov't in a time of financial crisis, recession and involvement in two wars.
H1N1 is a slick marketing scheme by big biz and politicians combined. I'm not suggesting it was a planted virus, but I do feel they milked it for all that it's worth. The unreliability of academic opinions precludes that they are largely best ignored as compulsive nay or yay sayers.
I prefer to wait a year or two before I'll get vaccinated. The casualty count for adjuvents should be significant by then.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:51 PM
I know three girls all my age (Twenty- Twenty two) who have all had Swine Flu, and were all feeling well within a weeks time.

They were told to stay home until their symptoms let up.

When they got the "O.K" the following week, they all went downtown to party it up.

I asked them how it was, all three replied that it was "Just like the flu."
Only one said it was slightly worse than the regular seasonal flu.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:51 PM
For your information, I caught the Beijing Flu back in '93 or '94 and it was anything but mild. I was on my back for nearly four days. And I recovered. Do I want to become vaccinated since reportedly a mutated version of the Hong Kong Flu (i.e. avian flu) is found within this current one? Not really. At this point, given the conflicting views in the medical profession, I'm leaning towards taking my chances rather than create a precedent. And I want you to think about that word, because it's important.

If you volunteer to take the vaccine, fine. Your choice. However, if vaccination becomes mandatory as they are talking about, then what you are essentially doing is setting yourself up to say 'yes sir!' to taking a mandatory shot to every subsequent variation of the disease that will come about. And they will come about.

And once the general populace says yes to mandatory vaccination over and over and it seems mundane, then I'm sorry but you become little more than a farm animal yourself. And we all know what happens to farm animals.

Lest you think I'm paranoid about government wanting to kill us, it's because I have my own family history to back it up: I'm Native American and our own Canadian Government purposely sent my forefathers on our reserves smallpox ridden blankets to try to wipe us out. They were trying to murder us. With the information on 9/11 and other wars, I've come to realize that heck - people in power aren't even really out to protect their own - they'll kill each other off if it suits them just for increased power or wealth.

Be brave. Read through the lines and ask yourself who benefits from all this if it goes through. This flu has not yet killed that many people. Media will ramp up the pressure, and since massive amounts of money were spent in acquiring the vaccines to begin with, we all know that few people in power spend money without wanting to see some kind of return. In other words, they'll want to make sure the vaccine gets used and not be locked up in a warehouse - whether it's safe or not.

Like another poster above said, I prefer to wait a year or two and see how much hoopla happens in regards to the adjuvents.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by nethawk]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by nethawk

Thank you that was a good way of putting it that was not in this thread it always comes down to money greed were nothing but a commodity to these people money money.


posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Now there is a brilliant orator. Wow, I am speechless. He is so cagey about it he is stuttering worse than usual.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:23 PM
I'm not convinced. These people say that vaccines are dangerous, which is true. *ALL* medical treatments are dangerous, without exception. There is no such thing as a completely safe medical procedure, treatment, drug, or vaccine. Every time you take anything, you're taking a risk - maybe a small risk, but it's there all the same. People die from taking aspirin. People are going to die from getting the H1N1 vaccine. That's just how it works.

The question has never been whether the vaccine has any dangers to it. The question is whether those dangers outweigh the dangers of H1N1 flu itself. While the video clearly cites many of the real and potential dangers of the vaccine, they weren't clear about the relative risks of the disease it is intended to prevent.

The claim that H1N1 is "milder than seasonal flu" is not quite accurate. While the majority of those affected manage to get through without problem, H1N1 has killed young, healthy people who would normally have been able to throw off seasonal flu with little problem. This is what distinguishes H1N1 from ordinary seasonal flu, and is the reason why authorities are so concerned. H1N1 can cause the immune system to turn against the body. The people with the strongest immune systems - young, healthy people - are the ones most vulnerable to such an attack. It is called a cytokine storm, and it can cause the immune system to attack and destroy healthy lung tissue. Despite vigorous medical efforts, many of these people die, not of the damage by the virus, but by their own bodies.

The link between autism and vaccinations is not a strong or obvious one, if it exists at all. Even if there is a link, you need to consider how likely it is that a child will develop autism, versus how likely the child will suffer neurologic injury or death if he comes down with H1N1. That applies to all potential harm that the vaccine might cause. Does the risk outweigh the benefit?

Unfortunately, we don't know enough about H1N1 to make a sound estimate. If this disease turns out to be as bad as it was during the Great Pandemic (which it probably won't), then the vaccine's dangers are trivial by comparison. If it turns out that H1N1 isn't much different from seasonal flu, then it may be that the vaccine isn't worth the risk. The only way we'll know is looking back after all the results are in. Right now we simply don't have enough information to make an informed decision. All we can do is play the odds.

My point here is not to claim that the video is wrong, or that everyone should get the shot. I don't know that. No one does. All I'm saying is that it isn't possible to make any confident claims one way or the other, because we just don't know enough.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
reply to post by nethawk

If there was a pandemic do you think it would be downplayed or blown out of proportion (Given the state of the economy, I suspect downplayed.)? Honestly now, step back for a minute.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by Donkey_Dean]

Downplayed?? The President just declared a national emergency!

It's all I've been hearing about lately.....but we will have to wait and see what the numbers really are.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 09:04 PM
had to post the reply before losing the thought...

Bo says the orders are to give it to "risk populations" like ADD adhd autism etc. The first video says ESPECIALLY not them.

what a scummy government I have

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by nethawk
For your information, I caught the Beijing Flu back in '93 or '94 and it was anything but mild. I was on my back for nearly four days. And I recovered. Do I want to become vaccinated since reportedly a mutated version of the Hong Kong Flu (i.e. avian flu) is found within this current one? Not really. At this point, given the conflicting views in the medical profession, I'm leaning towards taking my chances rather than create a precedent. And I want you to think about that word, because it's important.

If you volunteer to take the vaccine, fine. Your choice. However, if vaccination becomes mandatory as they are talking about, then what you are essentially doing is setting yourself up to say 'yes sir!' to taking a mandatory shot to every subsequent variation of the disease that will come about. And they will come about.

And once the general populace says yes to mandatory vaccination over and over and it seems mundane, then I'm sorry but you become little more than a farm animal yourself. And we all know what happens to farm animals.

Lest you think I'm paranoid about government wanting to kill us, it's because I have my own family history to back it up: I'm Native American and our own Canadian Government purposely sent my forefathers on our reserves smallpox ridden blankets to try to wipe us out. They were trying to murder us. With the information on 9/11 and other wars, I've come to realize that heck - people in power aren't even really out to protect their own - they'll kill each other off if it suits them just for increased power or wealth.

Be brave. Read through the lines and ask yourself who benefits from all this if it goes through. This flu has not yet killed that many people. Media will ramp up the pressure, and since massive amounts of money were spent in acquiring the vaccines to begin with, we all know that few people in power spend money without wanting to see some kind of return. In other words, they'll want to make sure the vaccine gets used and not be locked up in a warehouse - whether it's safe or not.

Like another poster above said, I prefer to wait a year or two and see how much hoopla happens in regards to the adjuvents.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by nethawk]

You raise some very interesting and indisputable points. I call H1N1 —feel free to correct me if I'm wrong— the manmade influenza. Why? Because the decades long widespread vaccination for regular flu promoted by big biz interests has caused the regular flu to mutate on an annual basis. So much so, that these vaccinations are largely ineffective and merely represent an immunity lottery, according to medical professionals. Avian flu, H1N1 and what is yet to come will all be a result of these vaccination sales programs. But yes, even I expect a bubonic plague type flu in the future. It's inevitable but an artificial creation. Thanks a lot, Pharma Industry! In my mind, staying away from these fast buck vaccines is the best way to build antibodies. If it doesn't kill you, it'll only make you stronger. Interestingly the three groups that stand to profit most from H1N1 caccination programs are the media, gov't pharmaceutical companies. The economic trickle effect is suspiciously significant as well!
All this hype to get the shot has boosted the revenues of printing companies, radio and TV stations, advertisement and PR consulting firms, the post office, IT techs, etc. etc.
H1N1 makes the economy recover!

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