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How to stop sleep paralysis forever.

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Their website

Stories from people that have stopped it

top 10 REAL causes of Sleep Paralysis

The Truth about Sleep Paralysis

Modern Western medical thought says that sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from the REM state, but the body is in a state of paralysis, which they say prevents the body from manifesting movements made in the subjects dreams and causes hallucinations, mostly of "evil presences in the room". Yet they freely admit that very little is known about the physiology of sleep paralysis and that this is at best, a guess. There are several problems with this theory. One is that it is generally accompanied by the sense that there is something evil in the room and if it were only the result of people dreaming, even though their body is still asleep, why isnt there more people reporting all kinds very different dreams as you would expect, as opposed to almost identical experiences with this evil. The same story, the same feeling, and sometimes the same entity are being described by people who have had no contact with one another, or have ever heard of SP before. I think it is helpful at this point to hear what other cultures have believed about SP for hundreds of years.

In Persian culture a ghost-like creature
Malay Peninsula they are reported as demonic figures.
In Tamil and Sri Lankan a "ghost that forces one down".
In the Muslim culture jinns or demons
In Ethiopian culture some form of evil spirit.
Zimbabwean Shona culture some spirit—especially an evil one
In Greece and Cyprus, a ghost-like creature or Demon
Yoruba of Southwest Nigeria demon
In Malta, folk culture attributes a sleep paralysis to ghosts
In Iceland folk culture A goblin or a succubus
In Chinese culture, "ghost pressing on body"
Vietnamese culture, "held down by a ghost
n Hmong culture, or "crushing demon
In Cambodian, Laotian, and Thai culture ghosts.

It may be tempting to dismiss these cultures views about SP because we think our culture (US) has grown out of a belief of demons, but if you have been experiencing SP in your life you know that the demon explanation shouldn’t be thrown out quite so fast regardless of what you think you know about how the world works.

Im going to shoot straight with you, I know what SP is, I know how to stop it, and I have seen tons of people beat it for good. So bear with me as I explain all this, because Im sure many of you will not like the truth about this, but this will be all the information that you need to know to terminate SP for good in your life.

You may have guessed by now SP is cause by demonic presence in the room.
There is some good news and bad news about this. The bad news is that demons are smart and deceptive and very evil, the good news is that there is a way turn the tables on them and make them the victims of your next encounter as well as end it for good.

If you have been researching possible causes of SP from a western medical perspective you have found that everyone seems to be guessing, and that no two answers are alike, I will tell you from my experience what the real causes of SP are.

There are a few common causes.

1.) The most common that I have dealt with is people that have in some way been involved with various levels, even very light level occult practices. Such as Ouiji boards, tarot cards, certain types of meditation, channeling, even obsessive research about the occult of ufos can be the cause for some people. generally The deeper the person goes into the occult the more "doors" they open, and the more authority the demons gain over them, which can lead to severe physical attacks and even abductions. It is important to realize that the demons gain more authority over you the deeper you go, that is they have an interest in a person becoming more active in the occult.
2.) Another cause is some form of a generational "door" has been opened for the person, usually by a parent or grandparent. Most often when a grandfather had been involved in high level Masonic rituals. This can also happen if the parents or grandparents were involved with the occult on some level. This is usually the issue with people who have had SP since they were very young.
3.) Another more rare possibility is that there is a highly demonized object in the room. I know it sounds weird but objects can be given demonic "attachment" in certain rituals. This can be crystals, books, or statues. Really just about anything can be demonized, even if the person attaching the demonic presence thinks they are only attaching "energy" or something else. As I said it is more rare, but still is possible.
4.) There are a few more very rare possibilities but I am already sounding crazy enough as it is and Im running out of time so. If you don’t fall into any of these categories email help@stopsleepparalysis and we will try to help you.

SP is often tied to astral projection or leaving your body because they are done the same way, that is through the help of demonic presence. This even though the people doing it are usually deceived into thinking they are doing it on their own by their own power, but this is why it is easy to leave your body during these episodes. Because the source of the ability is in the room with you. You will find many people telling you to embrace this ability when you have SP episodes, but please don’t listen to them it is extremely unwise and will cause more and more severe SP episodes down the line.

The short answer to how these experiences are stopped is through the authority of the real Jesus Christ. The doubts you may have about this will vanish as soon as you see the reaction of the demons to this authority. The mechanics of this start with Jesus himself in

(Luke 9:1) it says "Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons.
And in
(1 John 3:8) it says "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil."
And again in
Luke 10: 19-20
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Jesus says he has given this authority to us, that is to Christians, but calling out for Jesus’ he

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:27 AM
Welp, you get a S n F from me for the simple fact that this happened to me just a week or so ago (and also a month or so ago) and I really wanted to create a thread about it, asking some of the same questions of this video. Such as why is it always a dark figure/presence that is hallucinated?

I'll tell ya, this was the creepiest thing that ever happened to me. It started off as I was going to sleep. I know I was asleep, but I still felt like I was just lying there thinking. Then, it sounded like I was sitting outside, listening to the wind blow. I could hear the wind blowing.....

But then, this crazy, loud buzzing noise came over me and I woke up breathing heavy and sweating. I was looking at the ceiling, from what seemed like a foot away. But I couldn't move at all for over a min.

Being a frequent guest on ATS, I remember thinking "OMG I'm being abducted!...!) I honestly believed that was what was happening, between the laser beam type noise in my ear, hearing the wind blow outside before I woke up, and being paralyzed..... Really, really scary stuff.

It was pitch dark, so I didn't see any visions, but it honestly just felt like something else was there. And I'm not just saying that to agree with the post, it really did.

So, if all the reports seem to be so similar, and it's always a presence or what not, why is it so easily dismissed as just a hallucination? I know one thing.... the overwhelming fear I felt wasn't a hallucination.

It's weird because the second time it happened, I could feel it coming. The noise starts out slow, and I'm "awake" but asleep. If you can catch it before you completely wake up, you can stop it also. But you have to switch positions or it will most likely just happen again anyways (at least that's my experience).

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:48 AM
So without beating around the bush for too long you're basically trying to tell us that we have sleep paralysis due to a lack of Jesus in our lives..

and that we shouldn't play with magic, cuz that's for witches.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:59 AM
Wow, the first five minutes of that video were good, then it was like I was in church again.

I'll take my changes with the "demons".

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:01 AM
I'm glad this guy thinks he has it all figured out but I'll trust the scientists on this case. Also I noticed he was showing images of the Buddha when he mentioned objects being demonically possessed. That's a bit on the offensive side. As a Buddhist practitioner I feel a bit offended and if I felt like it I'd probably be even more offended. I'm not here to preach about Buddhism though. Let me know if praying to Jesus makes anyone's sleep paralysis go away. I'm not trying to be a smart aleck, I'm serious. Let me know. Again not trying to sound like a jerk, just remember you can't hear my tone of voice over text. I'm being sincere.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by silver tongue devil

I don't agree with the video in the terms that it's caused by a lack of Jesus in our lives. I've never had Jesus in my life, and this has only happened twice in my life, and both times in the last couple months.

It is worth pondering the staggering similarities in reported or documented episodes. I would think if you were dreaming about winning the lottery, then if you woke up in paralysis and had hallucinations, then you would see a rain shower of Benjamins, and not some dark shadow standing over you, wouldn't you? Why always a presence in the room? (and why not a hot supermodel presence if I'm having that dream?? dangit....)

I can't wrap my tiny lil brain around that one.

BUT, despite all this, I'm not so quick to toss religion out there either. Is it possible to believe in spirit/energy existing after death without believing in Christ?

I think the ones studying this can really only guess, after studying brain waves, they just don't know. With such an array of possibilities, I won't knock anyone for what they believe on this one. We could all be wrong.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by Karrotz]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Amenti

The most common that I have dealt with is people that have in some way been involved with various levels, even very light level occult practices. Such as Ouiji boards, tarot cards, certain types of meditation, channeling, even obsessive research about the occult of ufos can be the cause for some people. generally The deeper the person goes into the occult the more "doors" they open, and the more authority the demons gain over them, which can lead to severe physical attacks and even abductions. It is important to realize that the demons gain more authority over you the deeper you go, that is they have an interest in a person becoming more active in the occult.

What a buck naked load of ignorant B.S.! Basically everything completely came to a stop for me after acquiring knowledge along those lines, including sleep paralysis, unless I do it deliberately. I don't think it's appropriate to spead lies. That pretty much makes you a helper of those demons. Wake up!

Yeah, plenty of doors are open. I'm opening more all the time. Only thing is is that I see less and less of things of the nature you describe unless I tune my mind to that in particular, in which case, yeah, I can bring it about. Or, I can banish it. See it gives you a choice in the matter instead of being a helpless tool.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:18 AM
Good idea for those freaked out by it, but I have had 2 episodes and I'm hoping for a third experience, I try my hardest to have another go and see if I can 'communicate' with any entities that show up, weird I know but I was freaked out on the first one as I had no idea what was happening, the second one to totally took control over it, and it hasn't happened again since, so hence waiting and hoping for a third ( think I scared them off, or if it was just a physical aspect then I may have inadvertantly preprogrammed mysel to not have them again..

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith
Good idea for those freaked out by it, but I have had 2 episodes and I'm hoping for a third experience, I try my hardest to have another go and see if I can 'communicate' with any entities that show up, weird I know but I was freaked out on the first one as I had no idea what was happening, the second one to totally took control over it, and it hasn't happened again since, so hence waiting and hoping for a third ( think I scared them off, or if it was just a physical aspect then I may have inadvertantly preprogrammed mysel to not have them again..

So what did you see?

Maybe you could try and keep making yourself wake up before you drift off to sleep. Do it over and over a few times, make yourself really drowsy but in a kind of pattern of sleep/wake. Also concentration on your thoughts might help REM sleep take over sooner after you fall asleep.

But I'm just guessing, I don't know anything about it.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Amenti

It's really hard to believe there are people who buy into to this sort of thinking. Why don't you start burning people at the stake for being witches while you are at it?

I've dealt with SP for pretty much my entire life. I had my first episode when I was 14 and have had probably close to 40 since then. There was a period of time where I had one every night for a week.

While they were extremely scary experiences, they have nothing to do with Satan or demons. In fact, they eventually turned into extremely profound spiritual experiences - once I learned to master them. They are a doorway into a realm very few people get to experience.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:00 AM
This is a load of crap and I'm going to address each part:

1.) The most common that I have dealt with is people that have in some way been involved with various levels.....

I never played with the Ouiji boards, tarot, meditation, yoga, channeling or anything like that. I've never done "obsessive research" about the occult or UFO's but I have read about them. My reading reading does not involve the reading of magick books etc, but simply reading about the people, what they believe in and how to avoid them. Yet I experience SP.

2.) Another cause is some form of a generational "door" has been opened for the person, usually by a parent or grandparent.

My grandfather on my mothers side was a mason. My grandfather on my dads side was a baptist minister. Two of his sons were upright baptist ministers, three of his sons were upright baptist deacons, yet the fact my grandpa on my moms side was a mason couldn't be outweighed by bible believing christians on my dads side?

3.) Another more rare possibility is that there is a highly demonized object in the room. I know it sounds weird but objects can be given demonic "attachment" in certain rituals...

I'm sorry but I don't have anything like that in my room. I have a large LCD TV. I have a dresser. I have an armoire or however you spell it. I have a lamp. I have clothes, I have shoes, I have a ps3, I have a freakin bible.

4.) There are a few more very rare possibilities but I am already sounding crazy enough as it is and Im running out of time so. If you don’t fall into any of these categories email help@stopsleepparalysis and we will try to help you.

Yes, you are sounding crazy, those are your words not mine. Sorry, but I'm riding with the science guys on this one. I experience SP the majority of time I sleep on my back. It doesn't matter what room I'm in, if I sleep on my back, I experience it. However, I'm able to feel it coming on now as the dreams either go pitch black right before the episode, or I simply feel it happening and wake up. Also, I experience it when my circadian rhythm is off.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:01 AM
I have had SP once and I started praying and it DID help... thanks for posting this... it might not sound scientific, luckily not everything can be scientifically explained.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:07 AM

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by EMPIRE

Oh really


they say

Researchers are not sure why this normal paralysis happens during consciousness for victims of sleep paralysis,

as for the other atricle

according to Harvard psychologists Richard McNally and Susan Clancy

it never says according to studies done on 5 million people or 30% of the population.

Can they explain why sleep paralysis dissapeared when all of these people and myself started praying...NOPE!

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:21 AM

if it were only the result of people dreaming, even though their body is still asleep, why isnt there more people reporting all kinds very different dreams as you would expect, as opposed to almost identical experiences with this evil.

No, if it were related to dreaming, then you would expect broad thematic similarity among people with plenty of individual variations. That is what is seen in the hallucinations which are sometimes complications of sleep paralysis.

There is a great deal of thematic similarity among different people's dreams, over time and space. Place people in the same situation (any of the "REM intrusions," searchable, not just conscious awareness of the normal muscle atonia during, or which begins in, REM sleep). It is unsurprising that similar "dream incorporations," searchable, will occur in many such people.

Also, there is a wide variety of responses to "sleep paralysis." Many people who have sleep paralysis do not have any hallucinations. Other people have the same kinds of hallucinations right after or before sleep, but without any paralysis.

And finally, there is great similarity between the contents of hallucinations (of many kinds, not just REM intrusion hallucinations) and the contents of dreams.

Sleep paralysis proper is well understood. Dreaming is a frontier area in science, and so hallucinations cannot be understood better than that. But it is plain that dreams and hallucinations will be understood together, since they are so conspicuously similar in qualia, and there is such a strong intersection in situations when each category of experience occurs.

The "paranormalization" of an ordinary medical condition is a bad idea.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:22 AM
I've had nightmares/bad dreams in the past but absolutely nothing compares to the absolute terror of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis feels real... it lingers for a long time after you've been awake, unlike a bad dream where you know it was just a bad dream/nightmare...You can still feel the presense of evil after you've come out of the episode. It lingers.......

What I've learned about sleep paralysis.....

When you eventually break the grip of it....DONT GO STRAIGHT BACK TO SLEEP as you'll often just re-enter the experience where it left off.
Get up, watch some TV, have a coffee do something ,anything for about 30 mins and then go back to bed. This works every time for me.

It would be good to totally avoid having SP to begin with.
I've tried to make a connection to what I was doing or watching that brought the episodes on and I've never been able to identify any one particular thing. Its totally random for me.

Just like to add that I've always thought there was a link between sleep paralysis and sleep walking and also those who get up to eat food from the refrigerator, have sex or go for walks through the neighbourhood etc.

I really believe that the sleep paralysis is the initial stage or the tool that an entity uses to take over your body to use it for an earthly experience of their choosing.

Unfortunately, those of us who are aware struggle with this due to being sensitive to what's going on. Whereas others don't have the same level of sensitivity (due to exhaustion, stress or other things that prohibit a alarm from going off) and the entity can literally take over the body to do as it wishes.

It's probably just some random entity scouring the neighbourhood at the particular time you're asleep looking for a body to use for the night. It tries you, you kick up a stink and prove to difficult, so entity goes on look out for someone else.

It might also help to bring in that Welcome mat at the front door!!

[edit on 23-10-2009 by Flighty]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:16 AM
To those who believe that sleep paralysis is a form of demon attack I have one question: why is it that you were not actually harmed or killed by the demon during the episode? It must be a pretty feeble demon if all it can do is stand over an unconscious person and go 'whooo'. I'm sure I could do worse myself and I have no paranormal powers. Why don't these demons rip out your heart and lungs, throw you from your window, etc? Instead of doing actual evil they wander away and leave you to sleep.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Karrotz

Karrotz to answer your query.

The first time it happened I went to bed as usual, being a married middle aged man that means when the wifes tired so am I
Anyway the first time, I was in bed and I was woken up, I couldn't move anything except my eyes and my head an inch or two. I was lying on my left side in the foetal position, my wife lying to my left.
I couldn't move nor speak or call out, I tried my hardest to call the wife but all that came out was a very strangled croak, I could barely hear it myself. the room being dark ( we sleep with the curtains opne, and the window is on the right side of the room about 6 foot away from the bed) I noticed a small hunchover figure about 3 feet tall which I called a 'gnome' for lack of a better term. It disppeared behind my back and thats thte last I saw of it, a 'few seconds' later I woke up in a panic and checked the room, there was nothing, The wife stirred and I asked her did anything happen? She said no. I couldn't get back to sleep that night no matter how hard I tried and it was about 3 in the morning when it happened as the lit alarm clock in on a cabinet at the foot of the bed.

Anyway a couple of years later it happened again, same bed, same room , same time, again I noticed the 'gnome' disappear behind my back but this time I also noticed there was another taller figure at the foot of the bed by the wall,this figure I saw was cloaked and hooded but I could feel it looking at me, there was also a very faint outline so I could tell the head from the shoulders and that it was about 5 foot tall and what I can only described as a malignant feeling , it was totally oppressive, there was no warmth, no compassion.
Anyway as the 'gnome' went behind my back I realised I was awake and conscious and I imagined a green force field or shield around both myself and my wife, and I managed to erect this shield and as I did the 'gnome' tried to batter its way it, there were 4 green / white flashes as it tried to force its way in.
I said in my mind as I couldn't speak " I do not welcome this, begone from my presence" and as soon as I had thought that both figures disappeared and I fell back into sleep , waking up soon after , again the clock read about 3.30 am GMT ( being in London) When I woke up at the correct time at 6am I wrote the details down in my diary so if you want I'm sure I could find the date as well.

Now about myself, I'm into UFO's and ghosts ( why I'm here on ATS I suppose
) but I don't particularly watch horror vids , they don't interest me, I hardly watch TV or listen to the radio. I'm also into astral projection and have tried lucid dreaming in the past and have almost AP'd twice, got to the point of almost leaving my body but my body shut me down before I could leave. I have never used a Oujji board, or drugs so that cuts out those options of causing SP.
I don't know if they were aliens from outerspace or another dimension but the only feeling I could describe it as , so that we can understand it as as if we are looking at a hamster in a cage, the same way you'd look at them in a pet shop, or better yet a tarantula in a glass jar in a pet shop, you don't go " AAWW they're so cute" you look at it but don't 'feel' any warmth ( Unless you like spiders of course), you look at them with total disregard for their well being .

You'll probably say I'm nuts or that I was dreaming but I want a third epsiode to find out who they were and what they are.

[edit on 23/10/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:20 AM
I'm not into ghosts or other things that go bump in the night because I'm afraid of them. But I can't say that I believe nor disbelieve. I'd rather not have one of them prove themselves by appearing near me. Sheesh. I'm getting the goosebumps just typing that. Yes. I'm scared of them. Scared enough not to read the ghost posts in the supernatural forums.

As for the "generational door", I don't think I have any relatives that are part of secret societies.

Demonized objects? I hope there isn't any since I essentially lose on things that I can't hurt physically.

I'm still skeptical about this supernatural thing with demons and all being the cause of my sleep paralysis. I'm just a regular guy. Why the hell will a demon waste its time on me if the world leaders and their cronies can cause more damage than simple old me.

However, there might be a slight chance that the cause is the "lack of Religion" since I haven't been getting it for a few months already ever since I've started researching the Bible and the apocrypha for curiosity's sake a few months back. But I never actually thought about this since I have always attributed SP to drinking soda/sweet things or buttery/oily foods before sleeping.

I'm just glad that I haven't been getting it lately.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 08:02 AM
Haha. The more advanced and aware people are the more groups pop-up to tell them that everything they are observing is a doing of the demons. While I don't dismiss the demons being resposible for those events I am highly negative towards such a thinking that we should not explore occult, meditation - you name it.

It's just a foiled attempt to put humans behind bars. It's a sunday school all over again.

Are there demons? Yeah, probably. Are they resposible for some of those event? Probably, can't be proven otherwise. Are they the sole reason for people leaving their bodies and such - NO. This kind of thinking goes in line with the popular church dogma. It's just too simple to be true and makes a perfect slave: eat, sleep, die and in-between, pay your local church, send in your taxes, do not question, do not explore, do not test for yourself.

I had some sleep paralisis problems myself. Funny - they started right about when I decided to leave church for good. May be my subconcious - which is highly probably, or maybe the "demons".

*If* such event occur because you are going into occult, then perhaps you are on a right track.

Premptive strike is used when you are positive that the other side might win later if given enough time.

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