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Australian Aboriginal Mathematics
In Australia, mathematical systems have been developed over tens of thousands of years to create intricate kinship systems ensuring genetic vigour. Similar systems were innovated millennia ago for species breeding and classification. Weight systems were based not on numbers, but on patterns on natural objects such as shells, conforming to what western scientists have only recently "discovered" and labelled as the Fibonacci sequence. Geometry was used in calculating time according to the angles and postion of the sun, moon and stars at different times, governing predictions about seasons and weather. This was also used for navigation.
Although in many Australian Indigenous cultures numbers had no names beyond three, large-scale quantifying was still used in records and calculations through patterns and diagrams on rocks, trees, bark and message sticks. Many language groups in New South Wales developed base five number systems. Calculators for this were developed based on one-to-one correspondence, using materials such as honky nuts (like a disposable abacus system), and served to perform calculations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Figure 1. Spectra of didjeridu sound. (a) an uninflected drone, and (b) a drone with two prominent formant bands. (From [4])
What is now the right tuning? A= 432Hz is clear and the others?
Could you provide me a (easy to follow) list with all notes and Hz?
Originally posted by B.Morrison
reply to post by hawk123
hawk I'm a little confused because when it comes to numbers I struggle..i operate in more of a rapid-throw/see-what-sticks kind of way...when I compose music for e.g. I hit half a dozen 'wrong' notes before I find the appropriate note to progress the composition...
I noticed that each of the figures represented, are they ratio's? then why are some single digit like '6' and then immediately to the right of '6' is 27/4 and if 27/4 is a ratio, what is it expressing, like 24 x to 4 y? what is x&y? and with regards to the 6, 6 what?
I also saw how for e.g 'perfect 4th - green' had a path of green arrows that covered the entire matrix, likewise so did the other 7 'colours'.
are the 7 'colours' scales?
I thought the perfect 4th was a chord....are you talking about any scales built out of a perfect 4th chord is represented by the green arrows and any scales built from the perfect 5th are represented by the blue arrows?
I'm aware that I really don't understand what I'm looking at...I'm not sure if I know enough for you to explain it to me in terms I can understand, but I'd appreciate it if you will try....
[edit on 6/7/10 by B.Morrison]
...... In the mean time the information I have collected states that now the Illuminati are
attempting to control the world through the recording business and the media. Inserting subliminal
messages through all the major recording studios, they have now gone to actual application with the
broadcasts of the 425MHz mind controlling frequencies with towers all over the world (the one in Russia
is targeting California) and they are controlling the television companies and are starting to insert
hypnotic messages into everything we watch and read. I can only do my part to try and stop them, I hope
some other people will help this time.
I have sat in "the chair" several hundred times and they used me to open several hundred portals and
make several hundred recordings. The earlier time travel project was the one called project "Southern
Cross". Time portals have always been here on Earth (at least as long as modern man). The oldest
version of the time portal is an older system in which a huge crystal which has been here since the time of Atlantis is activated by emitting sound frequencies while over the crystal. There are supposedly 8
crystals hidden around the world. Only one has been located, and it is at the corner of what makes up one
of the corners of the Bermuda Triangle. Project "Southern Cross" was used to win world war II in the
favor to the allies.
Earlier observations had revealed the prodigious amounts of light and heat created by black holes. "Now we have detected their sound, too," says Andrew Fabian of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, England, and the leader of the study.
In musical terms, the pitch of the sound generated by the black hole translates into the note of B flat. But, a human would have no chance of hearing this cosmic performance because the note is 57 octaves lower than middle-C. For comparison, a typical piano contains only about seven octaves. At a frequency over a million billion times deeper than the limits of human hearing, this is the deepest note ever detected from an object in the Universe.
Bear in mind that everything here is in relation to the even tempered (aka equal tempered) scale, where an octave is a frequency ratio of exactly two and a semitone is a frequency ratio of exactly the twelfth root of two. In the real world however many different temperaments may be used - see - and octaves too can vary in size, see
Also we call middle C "C4" : this is the commonest octave numbering but some people call middle C "C3" or even "C5".
In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.
Professor Cox tries to diffuse echoes using what are called "sonic crystals".
These consist of an array of regularly spaced objects - such as rods or spheres - that can be hung in a room to produce a more favourable auditory experience.
"Rather like real crystals that will scatter X-rays, sonic crystals will scatter sound. And if you can disperse sound, you can get rid of echoes."
Professor Cox is presenting his research on Daisy and sonic crystals to the British Association's annual festival, which this year is here in Salford, Greater Manchester.
Originally posted by hawk123
reply to post by B.Morrison
Very interesting.
Where did you find that the Rosicrucian were involved, since I more and more understand their codes.
# NorrisChuckling 3 months ago I'm confused. This is the just version of 21-EDO? Anyway, sounds great, keep it up man!
# tomatoe0000 2 months ago @NorrisChuckling No, it isn't a Just version of 21-EDO. It is a symmetrical scale he developed using some very simple ratios in 7-limit just intonation. Check out his website in the link, it explains a lot more.
Rather than sound stimuli travelling through the same brain pathways from start to finish as previously thought, studies of neurone activity in rats have shown that the onset and offset of sounds take separate routes.
New research shows our brains are a lot more chaotic than previously thought, and that this might be a good thing.
The left shows thousands of dye-loaded cells in the mouse auditory cortex over a large area. The right shows the preferred frequency of many cells, and shows that neighboring cells can have dramatically different frequency preference. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Maryland)
Originally posted by zosomike
reply to post by B.Morrison
Alright mate?
Just watched the vids - I need me a Sanden fretboard, but at nearly 4k, I'll be waitin a while!
Thing is, I play ALOT of blues and bend the hell outta my strings - that 's bound to render the TT system useless isn't it?
Originally posted by hawk123
reply to post by win 52
I would not use 528 Hertz in Room 528.
INCEPTION writer and director, Christopher Nolan, heralds "528" as the "code" through which social transformation, involving music, is achieved.
Originally posted by hawk123
Originally posted by hawk123
reply to post by win 52
I would not use 528 Hertz in Room 528.
INCEPTION writer and director, Christopher Nolan, heralds "528" as the "code" through which social transformation, involving music, is achieved.
528 Solfeggio thread was referred by article in: Illuminati Under the Microscope .
Be aware that 432 = 9/11 x 528