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Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent

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posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 04:33 PM
In the year and some-odd months I have been on this site, I have seen about 2 disclosure threads per month. According to those threads, disclosure should have happened LAST YEAR. Or, supposedly, when Obama took office. Or, on the anniversary of 9/11, etc. Truth is, the only really real way WE, meaning the average citizen of Earth, are EVER going to know anything about aliens, is if something like District 9, or Alien Nation, or ID4 happens, where the big-arse mothership shows up over a major city for all to see.

Even then, can we believe it? According to some on here, the .gov has tech that is supposedly decades, if not centuries, ahead of the public forum, and then you have the whole Project Bluebeam thing. There are so many IFs and BUTs in this whole thing that I seriously doubt humanity will know the truth any time soon, and will probably NEVER know the whole truth.


posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 04:51 PM
I still don't know what to think on this one, I'm 90/10 at this point with the greater percentage being doubt.

The fact I'm even giving it a 10 percent chance is kind of a personal big deal though given the involvement in the story of the Project Camelot sources.

Here's what I do find compelling if not interesting:

UN secret meeting tie in.
-I know a lot of people dismissed this entirely but I have some personal knowledge of a couple of behind the scenes type events on this. I know that one attempt at FOIA research led to a couple of unknown researchers leaving the field entirely. There's a big, black hole of missing information / details in there.

Navy tie in
Quite a few researchers have come across programs with Navy commanders in charge, I've always found that very compelling since most people assume the Air Force would be running the show. There's a very dark intel aspect within the Navy that's much older than any Air Force black ops and Area 51 provides a great distraction vs. underwater sub bases where the risk of being seen is almost zero.

The UN story contained allegations of Navy control and interaction...

Gary McKinnon(sp?): Allegations that off planet fleet manifests were found which indicated Navy control and staffing of the "ships".

My own amateur research which has included some interesting discussions with family and friends which provided leads to Navy special access programs, USO events, etc.

Hell, there's nothing concrete there and they could certainly be playing off that aspect as part of the UN thing but for some reason I can't toss this one in the trash just yet. I cannot accept that the cover up will continue forever, I just don't see it being possible much longer.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Hi all, from all the research I've done in this subject I belive that the ETs have wanted disclosure since back in the 50s. TBTB do NOT and, will not disclose unless forced to(I.E landings,ETC...) as it would mess up their seats of power and world power structures. Furthermore at sometime in the past 60 years the ETs made an ultimadum that the govt.s disclose or, they will make their presence known guessed it ,circa 2012.

Soooo Obama is a "temp" and is on a need to know basis. He won't be disclosing anything unless they start landing. Also on that others have said ,be watchfull for a staged or false flag event in the US. if they start landing in other countries first.TPTB are that desperate to hold onto power.
I do belive they will be forced to disclose in the next 3 years.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:11 PM
Disclosure ha!

Many right here on ATS have had experiences with other life forms and shared right here that UFO's and Aliens are the real deal. Many have been here for quite awhile it should be known who can be trusted here by now I would think.

What are they going to tell we haven't told you.

Let's see they are Superior to us, there technology is superior to our's. There is more good then not. There not only are different species in the deepest of our waters, they are within Planets and Moons in our Solar System.

Good Lord if you only knew the stuff they have denied you you would feel like fools.

You might get disclosure somewhat but I don't think you will get anywhere close to truth's what life really is.

If it happens it happens and whatever is to be will be.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Don't be fooled!!!!! The Governments of this world want you to think they are Aliens because they are really fallen Angels, American and NAZI aircraft.

This should be obvious when a 1957 UFO looked like a 1957 UFO made out of sheet metal and now they are either massive advanced triangles 2009 style or weird shapes of light. The light beings are the Fallen ones and the Triangles are OURS!!

How many 1957 style UFOs have you seen lately? Do you think they traveled the universe in those little tin cans when they cant even carry that much beer?
Please tell me you don't think they advanced in Technology at the same rate our air-force does.

Our government is building massive bunkers all over the Midwest right now and you can see it being done on the USGS web site. You will notice allot of 3.0 quakes pop up there and then disappear within a few hours from the records. They know what is coming. Wormwood is coming along with Nebiru and Satan's army.

If Obama comes out and tells us that Aliens are real then you had better start praying.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 07:02 PM
Sorry but I think Disclosure has been happening for 60 years, bit by bit, piece by piece, step by step. We're being given information and by now it's started to switch light in peoples minds, like: hey, this all might be real! So if all people will come to this conclusion THEN there will be a formal Disclosure. Until then, it's still guessing and dripping info through movies, documentaries, reports, books, conferences, lectures. Don't expect Obama to flood 6 billion people with this magnitude of an information. It just can't happen that way... in my humble opinion... but I'm still curious about November... A small hint of information is enough to pull the trigger on this

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 07:10 PM

The idea of this happening is mesmerizing and too much to handle if it were true. Wait wait wait...I could handle it but it would be very cool.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Well said and a star for you !

I believe your assessment to be spot on and IMHO its a wanting to believe that creates much of the fan fair that we see when this topic comes up .

We have been conditioned for a very long time now to except this notion , " they " did not spend all that time and money conditioning us for nothing . Some form of " disclosure " is coming , however it will turn out to be the biggest lie of all time and the people will eat it up .

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 08:05 PM
Obviously, if there are aliens visiting this planet, there is some BENEFIT to them remaining hidden. There is a benefit to the government being aware of their existence, but keeping the information secret.

And what would that be?

Could it be that if it were proven that aliens were visiting the Earth, then it would validate that people were being abducted, and the government was not only aware of it, but approved of it?

When people make that connection, what do you think would happen?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 08:37 PM
But then again, maybe that's EXACTLY what humanity needs? Maybe that's what it will take to launch us into a different level of consciousness. I mean what would be the point of killing each other and fighting each other when there is actual intelligent life out there. It's pretty amazing to think about the glass being half full and how human beings could interpret disclosure. Maybe it wouldn't be all gloom and doom and we should give humans the benefit of the doubt. If we had disclosure the powers that be and the US government would lose A LOT of power.

But then again maybe the US government knows that these beings are not friendly and are looking out for us an dont want to scare us? LOL YEah right.

Why is it in order for a fundamental change to occur in our life we always look towards an outside source to be the catalyst when we have the power all along to change? God? Parents? Society? Mentor? Maybe humanity needs to wake up on its own. Maybe we need to stop looking for a parental substitute and start making the hard changes on our own. This is what disgusts me about the majority of people that believe in aliens--and don't get me wrong cause I believe in them too--"Oh they're gonna solve all our problems! Oh they're gonna enlighten us! Oh they are our brothers!" Or the most egotistical one: "They are our Creators!" Come on. It's high time mankind outgrew its diapers and started changing on their own. Please poster don't misconstrue this for an attack, I am merely using part of your post to make a point.

If the aliens are visiting us we, as in the UFO community, have already done them a great injustice. We have stereotyped them. It's either space brothers or space demons right? They're going to solve all our problems and teach us how to live with each other or, on the flip side, make slaves of us all. You know what the greatest practical joke would be? If and when Disclosure occurs, when all the shock and awe dissipates and all our illusions shattered to find out they are no different than us. That some of the problems that they are trying to solve for decades are the same problems we are trying to solve: pollution, war, racism, economic injustice, dictatorship, etc. How would you look at them then? Will you still regard them as enlightened space brothers still? Will you still welcome them with open arms? I know what the vast majority would think " Oh man what a letdown! I thought it was gonna be like Star Wars or Star Trek! I thought it was gonna be exciting like it is in the movies! Oh well at least I can try and ride in their spaceship!"

Personally, I hope that Disclosure does not occur (even though I want it to happen now). We are mentally wild children, no where near ready for contact. The ones that clamor for it either want their curiosity satisfied or are so sick and tired of this mundane world that they want something cool to happen. And the others that just want all our problems solved. The majority of us won't welcome them as just people. We'll be welcoming them with expectations. And that's just wrong.

Please fellow posters, please don't think I am making an attack. Please listen to what I am trying to say. If you read this post then thank you for taking the time to do so.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by boomadatigger]

[edit on 22-10-2009 by boomadatigger]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by bentwing2
Hi all, from all the research I've done in this subject I belive that the ETs have wanted disclosure since back in the 50s. TBTB do NOT and, will not disclose unless forced to(I.E landings,ETC...) as it would mess up their seats of power and world power structures. Furthermore at sometime in the past 60 years the ETs made an ultimadum that the govt.s disclose or, they will make their presence known guessed it ,circa 2012.

Soooo Obama is a "temp" and is on a need to know basis. He won't be disclosing anything unless they start landing. Also on that others have said ,be watchfull for a staged or false flag event in the US. if they start landing in other countries first.TPTB are that desperate to hold onto power.
I do belive they will be forced to disclose in the next 3 years.

Something is gearing up for the end of the year, and it's on a roll. It could be as some have said that it will be a fake alien visitation done by the power elite (Blue Beam). But I don't know, but I do know that this Nobel Prize for Peace that Obama got must be more than what was said on the surface. Usually they would've waited a few years before even considering giving one to the President of the US, why know what the rush. It could be as others are saying that along with the UN secret meeting and other leaked reports, that Obama is going to disclose about either alien life or ancient structures on the moon surface.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 08:56 PM
just throughing this out there--do AST"ers belive there are MANY dis-info agents on this site. I mean there are over thirty topics on this site.I've visited maybe 5. if your not interested in this subject and thick it is all BS, why would you post to this subject.....? Just to scoff? to bring others down...or disinfo!? INOP. the later.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 08:57 PM
I don't usually post on disclosure threads, though I read them all. I've thought for years that disclosure wouldn't happen in my lifetime. However, lately there's a tingling sensation in my gut, and an anxious fearful vice-like grip around my chest that makes me feel big changes really are imminent, both re the police state, depopulation and disclosure. I know there are many of you that feel it too. Even so I feel the odds are still much less than 50% in favour, but that's the highest they've ever been for me. Even if disclosure does come, you still will not hear the truth. They won't for example tell us that the US Military/Govt has had contact since at least the 1850s. You just won't hear about such things.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:10 PM
Please copy this article, save it on your desktop, then read it on January 1, 2010. You will then see why the UFO community is regarded as kooks by the mainstream.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:16 PM
I'm starting to wonder how many of the new programs and policies within the US govt might be related to a post disclosure reality?

If ET's were to share advances in energy and bio-tech the government would almost have to take over the medical access systems. Capabilities to suddenly increase life spans and quality of life would become prohibitively expensive and be limited only to the wealthy under our current system.

I'm not a fan of Obama care but in a post-disclosure society it does start to make some sense, IMO.

It makes me curious if there are dots to be connected which lead to large-scale preparations being made so our society will be ready.

* Healthcare systems being placed under government control
* Energy and power distribution projects
* Internet infrastructure upgrades

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:36 PM
Well, you whom have read me know what I think here. I have been in contact with ET beings for most of my life, and I am not alone here either, I think some of you are contacts too. I am told that disclosure is a done deal, whether TPTB like it or not. What we are looking at here is a DNA upgrade. some of us have already been upgraded, and if you have, you know it, and don't have to be told. When the encoded DNA comes out, fully comes out, telepathy will once again be ours, and there will no longer be any secrets. Can you even imagine that? Now many will not be able to handle telepathy, and will kill themselves. Many will embrace it, remember it from a before time. We are not going to have "saviours," we will be taught how to do things like clean up the planet. I know some of you are thinking of a time when ET actually lands and lives among us, would it really surprise you to know they are already here? And that many human beings have ET DNA in them? I would bet that the project to gather everyone's DNA is to identify those with alien DNA, and nothing more. In a session I was shown an old coal mine with many filing cabinets in it, and told this is were DNA records are stored, that these were taken with the smallpox culture in grade school.

Now many of you think I am crazy, and you have a right to think whatever you like. You can listen, or not, your choice. I am a lowly auto mechanic, years spent bent over a car fender, but I have a mission. I am not certain what it is, but I do know that part of it is to come here, and to other forums, and post what I know, so others can wake up. The human race is fast asleep, and most refuse to wake up. Can you believe that? Many of you reading this have ET beings talking in your head all the time, and you do not hear. You are shown things of a supernatural nature, but you pass it off as imagination, or a dream sequence, or a drunk thing. Friends, I have seen things that would freak out anyone, but...I have seen it all my life. I am used to it, and i think some in here are too, but fear saying it so others will read. Humans are concerned at what other people think of them, but I am here to tell you is doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you, you are each special in your own way.

ET is not a "superior being," no, they are much like we are. Oh, yeah, they have a higher order of technology, but the Immortal Spirit that inhabits each and everyone of us is special, and this is the key right here....the "battle" is for our souls! Together, in spirit, we are all powerful, so powerful that TPTB and a lot of ETs are scared to death we will some day realize that all at once. We could destroy, or create a world, or many worlds just by thinking about it. I have been shown this, in real time, by what I took as an alien being.
Whatever I would think of became real, just like that. I was shown that by thought alone I could life a very large boulder very high and smash it to the ground. Then I was shown that when an airliner flew over me, I could bring it down by thought alone, and I did this.
I was in shock at this, but then was told this is a test, to see my reaction. When this DNA upgrade happens, pay attention here, we will all have to be very careful.

Want to go along? Educate yourself. Learn as must as possible the knowledge that has been hidden from you, the so called "occult knowledge." There is a reason the book religions warn you not to study this...The information you need is out there, just look for it, and you will find it. Love and Light to all Beings.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by bentwing2

So you have something against a person with a different opinion? Is this somewhat like saying "You're either with us, or against us"? Perhaps you don't want you fantasies ruined or maybe you really do think this is a game? Me, I welcome a differing point of view. My ego is not such that I can't learn something new from another point of view or have my mind opened to other possibilities. If I am secure in my position then a differing opinion can only possibly open my mind, never close it. Maybe what you are really trying to say is "HEY! If you don't like playing with our toys then get out!"

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:44 PM
Wasn't the DNA file system in a coal mine, cultures taken w/ the smallpox vaccinations the plot for an X-files episode?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by ecoparity
I'm starting to wonder how many of the new programs and policies within the US govt might be related to a post disclosure reality?

If ET's were to share advances in energy and bio-tech the government would almost have to take over the medical access systems. Capabilities to suddenly increase life spans and quality of life would become prohibitively expensive and be limited only to the wealthy under our current system.

I'm not a fan of Obama care but in a post-disclosure society it does start to make some sense, IMO.

It makes me curious if there are dots to be connected which lead to large-scale preparations being made so our society will be ready.

* Healthcare systems being placed under government control
* Energy and power distribution projects
* Internet infrastructure upgrades

I think you might be on to something here.

The Fema camps could be for the housing of alien refugees ala District 9
The plans for martial law as contingency to possible rioting after disclosure is announced
Forced vaccinations to immune ourselves to a bacteria the aliens might have.
One world currency in the hopes that Disclosure will bring about a one world government. Maybe that was why Obama was named President of the World?

There's more to be sure. But don't want to get into it. Anyone else have any ideas?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:48 PM

Well it'd be nice, I know that much.

I believe it's _long_ overdue.

And, when it happens, ahem, WHEN, not imposing it's going to happen on that date, I'll be so happy to come on here and join all the other intelligible's and have ravenous fun harassing the non believers, and saying 'I told you so.'

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