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Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent

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posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:01 AM
Discloser will never happen, not in the near future at least unless its totally necessary and its not! They don't need to disclose anything to us, they have us under control, and slaves to their system, no need to jeapordize their balance of turmoil to disclose new energy, new technology and new ways of thinking. As much as I and everyone here would love this to be so I don't expect Obama or any future president of the US or any other leader in the know to have a press conference abut this subject. You don't free your slaves if you don't need to!

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:07 AM

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way...

So, disclosure may in fact be the first step towards a global union. It makes perfect sense too... because if we were not alone, we would need to deal with other worlds from the standpoint of being a whole world ourselves.

How bad could it be?

Some worry that the resulting unification would be forced rather than voluntary... and a new global currency, initially accessed with a credit card like device, would eventually morph into that long dreaded chip implant. Oh, and you won't be able to say no to it either, because if you do, you won't be able to get to your personal funds to buy or sell... meaning the dinner table is bear and the car has no gas.

Just a little prick.
But you may feel a little sick.

There will also be a lot of industrial skeptics and debunkers out of a job, not to mention the fruitloop academy... though no one would miss them.

On the other hand... maybe nothing happens and we all end up getting fried in 2012.

So long and... thanks for all the fish!

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:24 AM
Just pause for a second and allow some rational thought to enter in.

Take a good look at this guy's past articles, he has been screaming about UFO revelations for years, and none of them have a shred of validity.

His photo alone should convince you that he's "not quite right".

This is what '___' during your college years looks like at 50.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by Retseh]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:26 AM
Let everyone look at a few hard facts.

The first thing I want to bring your attention to is recent articles about climate change conferences coming out of the UN, UK, etc. From what I have been reading, the push is December for getting this treaty hammered out and completed. Their terminology is, if we don't do something NOW it will be too late. Almost like they are in a panic over something.

My thought is that climate change is the new code word for something along the lines of Aliens are getting angrier by the day because their presence is not being revealed to the world population. They WANT to be known, they want to be seen and be apart of our society. Statics prove that sightings have dramtically increased this year above all previous years.

A dramatic increase in countries releasing information concerning the UFO quagmire have been taking place, with China seriously taking the lead recently. The US and their continued denial of their existence is becoming the laughing stock of the other nations. Our credibility in the World Community is plumbeting.

Now you take Steven Basset, Stephen Greer, David Wilcock, Richard Hoagland, Michael Cohen and Michael Sala putting their own credibility on the line by making statements that disclosure needs to be done, or will be done by this presidency.

Add all the movies and television programs in the mix, along with your television commercials that have the UFO and Alien theme propaganda.

What I am reading out of all of this, is that the US is being pressured from all fronts to get with the program and admit they exist, that they can no longer continue to use their psyops agenda to keep this under wraps.

So, now, to combat the outrage that will obviously come from the american people when disclosure from the US takes place, they have to FIRST bring in the NWO.

In comes the usual panic the population via Swine Flu, take the vaccine crap, if you will not comply it will be forced on you. Martial Law!!! Well that didn't work. Lawsuits are flying and people are rejecting it and standing up against this attack. Threats of revolution, pink slips issued to congress, count now almost 4 million to congress in 2 weeks, tea parties, protests against the G20 whereever they meet, washington protest with around 2 million in attendance, protests at the mainstream media outlets. Rumors flying of nuclear threats against major US cities, Economic crashes throughout the world. A very strong patriotic movement with all of them waving the US Constitution. No jobs, people in record numbers losing everything they own, especially their homes. Floods, famine, pestilence, disease, depopulation of our seas, rivers, wildlife, and birds in record numbers. Earthquakes, volcano's, cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, landslides, rockslides, fires, sink holes, rumblings, vibrations, the HUM. Wars and civil unrest throughout the world. Deep corruption in the governments. Rape, murder, suicides have increased dramtically.

Wow. Looks like it is ramping up and someone needs to calm the masses and attempt to restore stability throughout the world. The Beast that rises out of the Sea and the Beast that rises out of the Earth. Revelation 13.

I would say people we are walking through the book of Revelation and Matthew Chapter 24 to a TEE. While the majority hail the dawn of this NWO, I for one will be looking for Jesus Christ to deliver us out of it.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:26 AM
The bigger picture to all of this is UNITY. It is not whether you are on "that" side or "this" side. It is not whether "they" were "right" or "wrong." It is not about "aliens" or "UFO's" or "disclosure." These choices are not elections and you do not have to choose your party or leader. These choices are limitations and they are irrelevant (duality) circles that humans tend to fall into. UNITY is where this (and whatever else you want to call it) is moving toward. We (humans) are slowly but finally seeing reality as a way of UNDERSTANDING and not as a set of "facts" determined by our superiors and or someone else.

Again, reality is NOT a set of facts and or rules and or limitations and or VALUES and or judgments and or assumptions and or ACCEPTIONS that are determined by a ruler, leader, superior, and or someone else.

We can continue on this path of separation

where someone else can feed us

and protect us

and watch over us

and guide us

and relatively rule us.

Or we can realize the separation and stand on our own feet and UNITE as one. One race of humans united as ONE. That will be the day, eh? No elite, no rulers, no one else to guide us. We guide each other as ONE. If one gets hurt we all get hurt. If one feels joy we all feel joy. Therefore we might just all want to continue to feel joy over pain, eh?

Let’s do it.

And so this upcoming (possible) event can be perceived as an infinite number of possibilities. Therefore however you go into it is what you are going to get. Basically you will get exactly what you want to get. So please do not fear anything and please look toward exactly what you want to happen, and not what you don’t want to happen. You may be very surprised.

That is my two cents and no matter what happens or not happens I am proud to be in this reality with you all. It has been an amazing ride. For some this particular ride is about to end, and for some it will continue on until those that are ready hop off.

In the end it is just a ride.

-peace and love

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by reasonable
My source has revealed:

Nov. 22nd- an object will appear in the sky, huge and glowing.
Nov. 23rd- it will make it's way to the surface
Nov. 24th- Obama will call for calm, claim we are not in danger and a full international press conference will be scheduled 6hrs later
Nov. 24th- Full disclosure of 3 Alien Races, 2 extra-dimensional races and 1 race of time traveling aliens
Nov. 25th- The craft will hover above the white house, closed meetings are held
Nov. 26th- The aliens show videos of biblical times and how they influenced and manipulated humanity with local agents, texts and special effects
Nov. 27th- Most religious commit suicide
Nov. 28th- Aliens make a gesture providing us with free energy and food replication technology
blah blah.. it's easy to make stuff up.....

Damn, you had me going until the blah blah part! Lol

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:49 AM
Nice ! Although will he break the "God Spell" and tell us all that this society is all just one big "Alien Experiment" or will that cause "Mass Psychosis"

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:56 AM

u guys are flagging this thead? examiner is not a good source

really, I am just sick of this ... we need to implement something to take out flags

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:11 AM
several sources are saying that disclosure is imminent, examiner just collects them in one page.

Lets hope Obama discloses the ETs this year, would be nice if it happened in my lifetime

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by liveandletlive
Damn, you had me going until the blah blah part! Lol

Exactly, people are so incredibly gullible they will believe most anything.

The irony of course being that in the process they will look down on everyone else as "mindless sheep" who are all incapable of seeing the truth.

Such is the way of the Conspiracy Warrior.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Now you take Steven Basset, Stephen Greer, David Wilcock, Richard Hoagland, Michael Cohen and Michael Sala putting their own credibility on the line by making statements that disclosure needs to be done, or will be done by this presidency.

Placing Michael Cohen and 'credibility' in the same line creates a logical paradox.

Isn't disclosure always imminent or 'just around the corner'? Only this time, I'm just surprised how many people are jumping on the bandwagon, more than what we have seen before.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:26 AM
For the record I dont believe this will happen, and if it does, I believe it wont be genuine.

But then again I dont trust the US government.

There is always a new date for these things. Its getting to the point that its no longer interesting anymore.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:28 AM
I don't think "The Fourth Kind" movie is going to help. It portrays aliens in a creepy/sinister light, and it sounds from this article that they will state that the majority of extraterrestrials are good/benevolant. And with the state of the economy, do you really think they're going to risk panic from UFO/ET disclosure?

Don't get me wrong...I'm ready and I want official Government disclosure. It's long past due. I just don't bet the house on this article.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:29 AM

If extraterrestrial disclosure does occur at the end of 2009 or early 2010, President Obama will lead an unprecedented effort to promote global governance through the United Nations t

Global governance through UN??? I'm not liking this article's take on disclosure...

If and when real disclosure does happen, I'm sure that many will feel the genuine need for people of the world to come together with a new sense of unity and purpose. TPTB could simply sit back and watch as good hearted people form the new world government themselves... then along come the usual candidates to fill the positions...

Sneakiest and cheapest way to bring in the NWO I can think of

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by doctorwork

To Serve Man. Yeah i liked that episode too. Be wary if They start to offer free rides !

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:41 AM
It would be hillarious if they did give complete disclosure AND they told the truth, but the answer was "We haven't got a bloody clue what they are. We're as baffled as you guys!"


posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:58 AM
Mr. Salla is a fracking moron, anyone that reads an examiner article and thinks it has a *shred* of credibility is horribly mistaken. Anyone, that takes Mr. Salla seriously should do the world a favor and not reproduce.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:01 AM
I really would like that for happen, but I just cannot trust this source ... really

I can say here in this board that the world will end tomorrow, so, now you guys will flag me to death to get to the first page? no ....

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:02 AM
I would love for this to be true but we must always have our skeptics hats on. We live in times where people can Cherry pick their reality and thus we have to be careful not to get sucked into disinformation, because even when the disinformation is "harmless" it burns a path in our minds that allows more harmful information in.

On a side note as much as I want Disclosure I know it will be a "Be careful what you wish for moment"/

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Cydonia2012
Discloser will never happen, not in the near future at least unless its totally necessary and its not! They don't need to disclose anything to us, they have us under control, and slaves to their system, no need to jeapordize their balance of turmoil to disclose new energy, new technology and new ways of thinking. As much as I and everyone here would love this to be so I don't expect Obama or any future president of the US or any other leader in the know to have a press conference abut this subject. You don't free your slaves if you don't need to!

I thought the same thing. Then I read the article a few times and it got me thinking.

disclosure would get the elite the one thing theyve always wanted, World Goverment.

the article does mention the UN led by Obama taking a lead role. And it does explain the Nobel Peace price being awared to a President with troops occupying several nations.

Global relations with aliens would give the elites the excuses they need to take away property rights and probably firearms. it would be the ultimate form of socializing our society

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