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Mix 1 retired teacher few old parts and what do get? backyard hydrogen conversion

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posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 09:40 PM
I think that a lot of people are confusing a little something. A battery stores electricity and they are drawing power from the battery and thinking that the power is coming from the alternator. The battery will eventually will drained.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by Rikhart
reply to post by daniel_g

Im afraid thats complete and utter BS, have you any idea how many people have devised this sort of devices? There are a lot such cases of backyard inventors getting "impossible" results. Most of them were just tinkering with stuff, not reading advanced research.

I visit the S&T forum everyday in search for threads like these, simply to learn about new technologies. From time to time I find threads where everyone devates whether a technology works or not. Some people follow scientific methods and others don't, but at least they put effort into it. I don't care if they are right or wrong, I like to seat back, read them all, and form/share my own opinion. My opinions have been proven wrong on multiple occasions, hell I've even lost count on how many times that has happened, but this is the first time that a fellow ATSr calls one of my posts 'BS'.

Either way, if you're going to call my post bull#, at least provide an example of a non-scientific oriented individual or team that developed such 'impossible' technology without referring to research done at the expense of somebody else. Also, if you know of this technology, why aren't you using it on your car, and if you are, why aren't you sharing it here?

And please take note that you were the first person in this thread to use the word 'impossible'.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by daniel_g]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by MBF
I think that a lot of people are confusing a little something. A battery stores electricity and they are drawing power from the battery and thinking that the power is coming from the alternator. The battery will eventually will drained.

But the battery is charged by the alternator. When the battery voltage is lower than the alternator output voltage current flows into, and charges, the battery.

In most circumstances the alternator provides the electrical power for a car as well as charging the battery. The battery is mainly used for starting the car.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Alo ha,
I like the "impossible" accusation.
The person who stated this did not do ANY research on the people I named.
If he had, he would know that saying "impossible" is an unprovable lie.
Those people ALL proved that their tech worked.
And they are just the tip of a very large iceburg.
Google Suppressed technology to find out what is really happening.

As it was said- If the motor is running on say, water, it is simultaneously charging the battery by way of the alternator.
Most people don't take into account the fact that the water itself has energy. Einstein stated that water was pure energy.
This being true, it is not over-unity to use water as a fuel.
One gallon of water has over 1800 gallons of hydrogen.
Hydrogen burns must faster than gas, making it more efficient.
Hydrogen has 3 times of much combustion energy
as the same volume of gas.

Hydrogen boosters make a very small amount of hydrogen and oxygen,
and add a small amount of water vapor. These act as a fuel additive, increasing gasoline's performance, and lowering emissions.
For full tech info on these, search out a site that has the ability
to provide all of the tech and assembly info you could ever desire.
I have a project folder on,
if you want to know what I am doing.
Stan Meyer used high voltage potential to break up water.
You can research a video of a lecture in Colorado by him,
for a basic explanation of how it worked, but no assembly info is there.

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