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Mix 1 retired teacher few old parts and what do get? backyard hydrogen conversion

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 07:36 PM
This post almost doesn't belong in the science and tech category...
You see this retired school teacher got fed up with paying to much for gas... so with a lot of Internet searches and several trips to his hardware store...No million/billion dollar research grants... Charles Goodwin’s converted his old 1997 Ford van to run on his homemade hydrogen gaining him a 94% gain in fuel efficiency... cant you just hear the Ford and GM CEO's groaning?

Read about his low tech approach here

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 07:58 PM
More like rushing to buy him out / assassinate him.

But then again, so many people are doing their own thing, and progressing science without .Gov permission /control, that eventually we the people will overcome them purely through numbers.

Great news though.

I need to copy this guys tech, if it indeed works.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:12 PM
Have been researching water power for about 8 months now. I am an A&P (Aircraft Mechanic) and Maintenance Engineer. The technology seems to be real on the mathematical model. Using electrical energy produced by the alternator to convert straight water into an amalgam of hydrogen and oxygen; also hydrogen and oxygen molecules of differing ionotic makeup(electron quantity) more power is created than is used. Not breaking the rule of thermodynamics. You are adding the power from the addition of water to the formula.

I have witnessed, personally, the decrease in fuel(gasoline) consumption of 50% in standard internal combustion engines. Several inventors have stated a 100% usage of water as a fuel. No need to go into their claims.

Water injection, as a direct increase in horsepower was used in ww2 era aircraft and is not even disputed by anyone. This increases the mass of the airfuel mixture which directly increases power output. Basic engineering.

What I find incredible is the mathematics on the possibility of using water alone for a power source. We are close. I will not include any links to the research as it is ongoing and will be shutdown if it is successful.



posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:32 PM
I have a cousin that used 100% H2 O2 in a lawnmower. He turned the gas off and ran it for a good while. The only problem is that the battery will run down after a while and an alternator, like is on most automobiles, does not have the output to sustain it indefinitely.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by MBF

That is not 100% usage of H2O2, it sounds like a problem with the amount of electricity provided on the alternator/generator for the engine.

I have been researching it and one of the first things needed is an increase in electrical production to increase the usage of electricity used to manufacture the gas produced. Tell your friend(cousin) to install a larger output alternator/generator and this may help.

edit change friend to friend(cousin)

[edit on 10/19/2009 by endisnighe]


posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Most cars have alternators that generate 50-100 amps. I heard a while back that 500 plus amp alternators would be available in the future. This could help greatly in these kind of setups.

The lawnmower that my cousin used would have eventually stopped because the battery would have been drained.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
...No million/billion dollar research grants...

Are you sure? Read again:
"A lot of my information came from automobile manufacturers in their research departments"

No million dollar grants = no information = no hydrogen power.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:58 AM
Oh look, case number 9238427478926 of easy and simple backyard revolutionary technology that would change the world if applied. Get ready for multi million dollar check to cover it up, or somekind of "accidental death" in the very near future.

And yet, what do we hear from car companies? HYDROGEN? ITS TOO HARD MAN, WE LACK THE TECHNOLOGY. Yeah sure.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by daniel_g

Im afraid thats complete and utter BS, have you any idea how many people have devised this sort of devices? There are a lot such cases of backyard inventors getting "impossible" results. Most of them were just tinkering with stuff, not reading advanced research.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 05:06 AM
I am pretty sure that what he is doing is making Browns Gas. This is old stuff, its been around for a long time:
Browns Gas
There are tons of companies out there selling similar products, for example:

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:13 AM
I'm not really sure just what this guy is doing but if you watch the news vid on that page you can see he has a clear plastic tube attached to his air intake... I'm guessing that's where he injects his gas....

Also in the vid his old van is one of those big conversion vans... Now I have a doge conversion van and because of all the extra junk in back mine came with duel alternators, two 120 amp two Batt's plus a deep cycle in back for the tiny fridge and microwave... his might be the same and if so... it's a rolling power plant...

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:33 AM
The plans must be released in the Internet.

We all know how Oil Companies love these types of inventions to death.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by endisnighe
The technology seems to be real on the mathematical model. Using electrical energy produced by the alternator to convert straight water into an amalgam of hydrogen and oxygen; also hydrogen and oxygen molecules of differing ionotic makeup(electron quantity) more power is created than is used.

I have witnessed, personally, the decrease in fuel(gasoline) consumption of 50% in standard internal combustion engines. Several inventors have stated a 100% usage of water as a fuel. No need to go into their claims.

Water injection, as a direct increase in horsepower was used in ww2 era aircraft and is not even disputed by anyone. This increases the mass of the airfuel mixture which directly increases power output. Basic engineering.

If you use the alternator to power a hydrogen electrolysis cell, the additional energy used by the engine to turn the alternator will be much more than the additional energy gained from the hydrogen.

Water injection was used in ww2 (and current vehicles) to decrease the intake temperature giving giving more oxygen per unit volume, allowing for a greater power output. An intercooler provides the same effect.

I have personally run small petrol engines on a mixture of petrol and water with up to 40% water. A drop of washing up liquid is required to get a mix. I didn't measure the performance difference unfortunately but the mixed tank ran for approx the same time at the same RPM as the 100% petrol test. The timing had to be altered however.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:43 AM
i think its hilarious that he got information from car companies research. it just goes to show they could and likely have figured out this information, probably a long time ago.

we could all have cars like this...too bad its too profitable to continue the straight gas bull.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:45 AM
I, myself have been tinkering with my own hho system, also called Brown's gas, for about a year now. Like this guy, I have done alot of reading and practical application to this subject.

There seems to be alot of speculation going on in this thread so let me try to shed some light on this in layman's terms-

-Your altenator has a fairly consistent production rate. When you don't have your lights, flashers, stereo, dome light, tow package etc. on, this electricity is pretty much just grounded away. The power consuption of an hho unit is ideally between 12-17 amps which really isn't that much. Ever blow out a fuse? The number on the fuse is how many amps it took to blow it. So in a nutshell, you already have the needed energy to produce hho, your just letting it go to waste.

The physics behind hho is that gasoline, although very volatile, doesn't burn that quickly. You are only using about 20% of the actual fuel. The rest goes out your tailpipe! Hydrogen produces one of the most quickest and powerful punches when ignited. So by introducing hydrogen into your air intake system you're supplying basically an additive to your gas to help it burn quicker which in turn produces more bang for the buck while in your engine's piston cylinder before it gets pushed out your exhaust pipe.

Your natual gas/propane systems have what they call flame arresters on them to prevent the ignited gases from going back into the line due to loss of pressure. Now here's the part that scares everybody. Hho burns so quick that these 'arrestors' don't work! The flame goes by them so fast that they don't even get a chance to work. What you use is called a 'bubbler' which is place as close to your engine as possible which is nothing more than a coleum of water in which the hho passes through thus breaking the gasses up into indivisual bubbles so that a chain reaction does not happen due to a backfire of your engine which brings us to the next issue.

-By introducing the right amount of this 'additive', the gases will ignite before your gasoline does. This basically is like a giant spark igniting your gasoline instead of that little one coming from the sparkplugs. By introducing this big flash fire, you inturn ignite more of the gasoline at once. Now your car's timing (the spark) is set to so many degrees before your piston is at the top of it's cycle to begin the powerstroke down (called BTC or 'before top dead center'). This is because of the nature of gasoline buning so slow that by the time your piston is at the top of it's cycle (TC or 'top center') enough fuel is burning to push it down (the powerstroke). Hho now remember, burns super fast so when it gets ignited before the piston has a chance to get to the top, you can end up with 'pinging' due to premature ignition of the gasoline which can cause a backfire due to your intake valve being just slightly open. But by burning more of your gasoline, your O2 sensor is reading a 'lean mixture' which means that the engine isn't getting enough gasoline. Are you starting to get the jist of what our automobile manufacturer's are doing? So to compensate for this it tells your computer to dump more gasoline into the system. Now we get into the 'hacking' of the engine works.

- First you need to set your timing (the spark) closer to the top of your powerstroke since more of your gasoline is being ignited at one time than before. Then you need to change the message that that nasty little O2 sensor is trying to tell your car's computer. The best way to do this is this little circuit box that can be bought for about 40-60 bucks that gives a new message to your computer that all is well.

Why you may ask, If hho is such a good fuel, why can't I just get rid of the gasoline?- PRODUCTION! To produce hho does use more energy than you can get out of the gas at today's technology but your just wasting that energy anyways by not using it from your altenator in your car.

I hope that I explained the basics of the hho system easy enough for you to see where all of this excitement is coming from .

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:50 AM
What he's doing is pretty simple. He's bleeding hydrogen into his air intake. This will allow him to burn less gasoline and still generate the same power. I think it's brilliant. Do a slight adjustment on the car's computer and I think it should work nicely. I wonder if you can do the same with natural gas?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:59 AM
I still cant say I understand just what he's doing...
But I want one!!!!!
Especially if he's getting a 94% increase in efficiency...

Starts making a list,,, need pickle jars stainless steel for an anode... fish tank tubing ... cant forget the water

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

Now your thinkin'!

You're not really burning less fuel, your burning more of the fuel that has been introduced into the system. Although that little circuit gadget that I mentioned earlier will tell your car's system to turn down the gas supply due to the fact that more fuel is being burnt to achieve the same results.

The problem with propane or natural gas is that they just don't burn quick enough to 'flash' your gasoline.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
Starts making a list,,, need pickle jars stainless steel for an anode... fish tank tubing ... cant forget the water

This site:
offers any of the parts which you might need to Hydro-boost your vehicle. They also offer the entire setup with all the parts you will need for $570.

More information can also be found here:

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:20 PM
My favorite thread of the day! I may be contacting some of you for help on this car in 3-6 months.

Combine this with the cheap solar panels from,

some aeroponic farm kits....

athmospheric water generators (if anyone has some good links for that let me know)

and you are THAT much closer to living off the grid. just need shower water (or enough athmospheric water for that, again help smart ATS) and i guess heat, and to bank at a credit union and you can live however you want.

O and dividend stocks for income. Take that TPTB.

great thread, keep the tips going. I know im mechanically challenged. A good excersize is to taek the words one says and minimize them without losing the message. How small could we make these guides?

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