posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:42 PM
I tend to go straight into the 'recent posts' section when I come to ATS. If you've ever refreshed the page there, you'll see that the posts come
at a pretty fantastic rate. This rate changes at different times of day too. Have you (OS) checked the traffic based on timezones and when different
countries are at peak usage?
Someone mentioned that this is an English speaking site, and there are a LOT of Americans who speak something similar to English (I jest). There are a
lot of Canadians here too. It might be hard for a, say, Portuguese speaker who does not speak English fluently to get past the pedants here who seem
to be more interested in grammar, spelling and punctuation than they are in the content of the thread. Spell a name wrong; miss an apostrophe; use
"your" instead of "you're" and you are instantly 'debunked'. That could get old quick.
For the record, I'm English but living in the USA.
Just ignore the silly threads, and dig deeper into the search function. You'll find much that will be on subjects close to your heart.