reply to post by nik1halo
I agree with everything you said there, I think he either doesn't have any footage or is holding out for money, there is always the third option
which has happened a lot, that is he videos the object, and with his excitement started telling people about it, then when he played it back it
wasn't what he expected to find or the footage didn't do it justice.
I always just brush the video claims aside and try and wait, it will turn up or wont, nothing can change that.
As for the whole UK seeing activity in the sky you are absolutely right, I have been trying to get as much of the information together as I can, but
there is so much of it, I don't think a single night has gone by for over a year without at least one sighting a night, sometimes there are strings
of them maybe 3 4 5 reports from the same nights, but reported weeks apart.
There are a lot of members here from the Uk and a lot in the North West, where I live right on the edge of Liverpool, I have a clear view because of
the farmland, and have been trying to go out and do some spotting myself, but the farmers are doing a lot of work in their fields so I have to wait a
week or two to get to a place I like to use, from there I can see the skies clearly over the Widnes, St Helens, Warrington area, I can even see as far
as planes on the glide slope into Manchester airport, and that can be a little confusing when your looking for weird stuff.
I want to go up onto the moors when winter really sets in, and get the crisp clear skies, I think it would be a great time to do it with everything
that is happening, only problem is the freezing cold plays havoc on my health.
I don't know what people are seeing, but not all of them are lanterns, there is a huge cube that has been seen as far south as London, and was seen
not long ago near St Helens, the descriptions sound exactly the same, and I think a few nights away from the towns up on the moors will offer
something up, I have a gut feeling I cant explain, like there is something going on in the boonies, and what people are seeing is whatever it is
leaving the area.
Would be nice to organise something, there are a lot of members up in that area, some very close by, may well be worth a night of cold weather