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2012 Mass Delusion

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posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

It is kind of hard to transform the world for a positive place when TPTB has you by the balls. They have power and are corrupted. All they care about is power for themselves.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 05:02 PM
Everybody wake up, we have been dumbed down. They came with this imported fairy tail with god lives in the skies. We have been played, god is something bigger in concept, the equal force of the universe that created the universe, these are nothing more than imposters.

These people are blood thirsty vampires they control the world, they set the rules in opposition, they are playing the good and the bad. They sacrifice inocent animals, they changed us, they made us eat meat, eat flesh, blood.

Maybe we don't get it what it means to kill a living animal and then eat it.
Now they start some game on humanity, they are gaming up humanity.

Here it is, the sacrifice of the inocent.
Kill kill kill.
sacrificial lamb is a metaphorical reference to a person or animal sacrificed (killed or discounted in some way) for the common good. The term is derived from the traditions of Abrahamic religion where a lamb is a highly valued possession, but is offered to God as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of Sin.

Human sacrifice.
The golden leafs on the necklace at the top probably symbolizes fertility, which is usually what one hope to gain when someone is sacrificed. In this case, fertility of the land is not the reason for the sacrifice of the woman wearing it.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by pepsi78]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 05:41 PM
Out of all the crackpot, hallucinatory theories out there; there are only two that I think are feasible and neither of them have anything to do with the world ending, and yet bizarrely, they're the least talked about. I never see anyone mentioning them, ever. The first theory is that Agenda 21 may become fully implemented on a global scale by 2012, leading to the beginning of a massive transformation in society (read as: a quasi-socialistic scheme where bureaucracies determine what we can and can't do). This is what Maurice Strong said when talking about Agenda 21: "By the year 2012, these changes must be fully integrated into our economic and political life", all under the notion of creating a sustainable society based on respect and reverence for the Earth. Why do people think we're constantly getting bombarded with stuff about how messed up our eco-system is and how fast it's degenerating, and how humans are the prime cause (read as: the enemy). It's all in the Club of Rome's publication the First Global Revolution. They openly talk about creating a new society and using green environmentalism to achieve their socialistic agendas. So, while some people are fretting about an invisible planet crashing into Earth, they're missing the obvious right under their noses. The susceptibility that some people have to some of the more whackoish theories surrounding 2012 (Nibiru, etc) continues to leave me dumbstruck.

Anyway, that's my two-cents.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Hi all! A few things are certain: death and taxes. Anything else possible.
Change is inevitable, and life is stranger than fiction. I grew up with library books for entertainment in the 1970's, look at what the kids today have to play with. Anything could happen.... we have no control. Duck and cover, learn to cope and accept. Best wishes to all.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:11 PM
i wanted to reply to the OP....

i don't understand why another person's belief is your business? i understand that you think it's delusional, etc. but why are you so concerned with what everyone else thinks and believes? if they want to believe the world is ending...let them. they'll be disappointed when it doesnt, and they'll learn from their mistakes and move on. ok, so maybe you want to put information out there to try and help them see your truth beforehand, but its not your place to do that. everyone has their own personal journey that they go through in life. its theirs, and theirs alone. if they make mistakes, they're given the opportunity to learn from them. you shouldn't in essence try to rob people of their important life lessons by stepping into their space and trying to tell them what to do.

now regarding 2012, i definitely dont think that the world is ending..but there is something in the air. people all around me are feeling like something very strange is going on. people all around me, and all around the world. there is definitely *something* going on if so many people can sense it. its an intuitive sensation. its not something physical that can be proven, or measured, etc. its just a feeling. i think thats where the difference in opinion comes from, is the fact that some people are feeling this, and some arent. the ones who feel it know in every essence of their being that something untoward is happening/about to happen. the ones who dont feel it are i guess, totally confused as to why these people would think these things...its just because they dont feel it. just because someone doesnt sense it, doesnt mean its not happening. it just means that that particular person isnt feeling it. and i want to add the word "yet" at the end of that. i think that everyone will sense change and uneasiness in the air eventually. we all have an intuition.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:34 PM
hello there!

my 2 cnts is for spaceship with gods is coming or asteroid......"!!!!


posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by devilishlyangelic23
i wanted to reply to the OP....

i don't understand why another person's belief is your business? i understand that you think it's delusional, etc. but why are you so concerned with what everyone else thinks and believes? if they want to believe the world is ending...let them. they'll be disappointed when it doesnt, and they'll learn from their mistakes and move on. ok, so maybe you want to put information out there to try and help them see your truth beforehand, but its not your place to do that. everyone has their own personal journey that they go through in life. its theirs, and theirs alone. if they make mistakes, they're given the opportunity to learn from them. you shouldn't in essence try to rob people of their important life lessons by stepping into their space and trying to tell them what to do.

now regarding 2012, i definitely dont think that the world is ending..but there is something in the air. people all around me are feeling like something very strange is going on. people all around me, and all around the world. there is definitely *something* going on if so many people can sense it. its an intuitive sensation. its not something physical that can be proven, or measured, etc. its just a feeling. i think thats where the difference in opinion comes from, is the fact that some people are feeling this, and some arent. the ones who feel it know in every essence of their being that something untoward is happening/about to happen. the ones who dont feel it are i guess, totally confused as to why these people would think these things...its just because they dont feel it. just because someone doesnt sense it, doesnt mean its not happening. it just means that that particular person isnt feeling it. and i want to add the word "yet" at the end of that. i think that everyone will sense change and uneasiness in the air eventually. we all have an intuition.

You cannot know unless you are the time traveller....???
Something is up 2012 maybe its commercial who knows
but not you my friend......deny ignorance....!!!
I dont believe nothing personally only checking the
facts and fact is so many talks and predictions.....???


posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I believe you are right in a sense. However, calling something delusional before it happens would also be categorized as delusion, no?

There is a chance something big happening in 2012, not because any natives said so but because many people believe something will in fact happen in 2012. This leaves a window of opportunity for a possible depopulation scenario.

Many believe their Messiah will return and they must fight in the end time battle. And I do believe that many people have already bought into this crap to make something happen.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Considering the collective consciousness, and that I do not believe there are any accidents whatsoever, that this is a school, that our tests are related to the level of love, this is a hellzone for billions on this planet, our tests can be rather harsh. 11 11, aug 11 2011, a comet that flung to meteors out of its tail is going to come relatively close, and alot of that is guesswork at this point as the sun and planet affects it. To me, in a Holographic Universe model, the sun is our collective consciousness.

Other than the possiblity of a cosmic event, I believe that 2012 and the Mayan calendar's promotion comes from the bloodlines, to begin with. That they intend to use 2011, to even times extending past 2012, (ie. if something doesnt happen, false alarm, but their plans may be much further, to 2020 on). We are not being run by a sane bunch, rather mystery school who use ancient astrology and conduct as above, so below allignments, numerological dates, and leylines for their magick.

I do not think highly of them and feel we are all in a great deal of danger.

And some of us have some theories as to why they perform "sacrifices" on leylines, which BP was on a leyline at great loss to marine life, and our world as well. Some beleive they portal in that which they follow.

And Mayan calendar is more than pole shifts and time/calendar, its about the return of Quetzalcoatl. That is the same group as Egypt/Sumeria, the same sirius b and orion.
And you're right, the human sacrifices were attributed to the feathered serpents.

So, is it a date, or an ongoing thing. Most of what could occur I would blame on the bloodlines, directly, even earthquakes or breaking up the land in any way, and that is one I heard too.

Whatever is going on, this decade, next, we need to be aware, and loving. Get our Love to the next grade, for these are all temporal and low level test: fascism (and I put this first for most of what we would face comes from the pyramid system), poverty, starvation, homelessness and war figure pretty high to me, these tests arent given to higher grades, so we need to start passing some test. They're all related to Love and equality.

As for nothing happening, great. But........this world is hell anyway, billions are starving, so the same criterium for Love and Equality exists every day, for the curtain can raise on anyone at any time, and is not dependent on 2012.

I dont know how many would be worried if it wasnt for those managing the world, however, so if people are being paranoid, to me its more exploited, fear tactics not love, on purpose by a ruthless corporate group and some within this group have some not so good plans coming.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 01:15 AM
i can just imagen plenty of poeple in the world a week before 2012 doing stupid stuff and taking everyhting out of control, causing trouble etc spending everything because they think they will die..then nothing happens and theyve got nothing... :S

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

i say if zilch happens in 2012 then all the people that made up the hysteria should face law suit and be sent to the assylum

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Geladinhu

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by Geladinhu
Why don't you just let them be deluded?

Im not into passivity when I see people suffering.


Why dont you explain what you base your 2012-beliefs on rather than throwing around incoherencies.

[edit on 13-10-2009 by Skyfloating]

Well, I'm sorry to tell you this.
But I doubt you are alleviating any suffering by saying that people are deluded. Maybe your alleviating or trying to alleviate your own suffering, but I'm not going into that.

My belief concerning 2012:

Somethings up with 2012. So many people talking about. So many people looking forward to it. So many people bashing it. So many emotions coming to surface just because of this idea that translates into numbers. Its almost like a "God" concept again coming forth. And concepts like those don't grab peoples attention because they are dumb. It grabs they're attention because its powerful. Your attention has been grabbed by it and as you stated, just in this website we have hundreds of people that had their attention grabbed by it also.

Its a very interesting social-cultural-psychological phenomena to start with. Even if it is just a "mass delusion". Damn, we ought to pay more attention to this. Why is it happening now? How and why is it coming into being? Why are so many people "falling into delusion"?

That's my anthropological approach.

Now my personal approach.
Like MrVertigo said, its intuitive.
I can feel the change, I can feel the turbulence becoming stronger each day.
I can see how things are getting exponentially crazy. I can see the bomb about to explode. I can hear the ticking. Its happening right now. It is changing. Change with it.

You think you feel the change? Collective obsessional behavior, or...Mass Hysteria. You people reading this forums about "Awakening" and "Ascension"... My take on it, somebody posted about them actually growing up, thinking differently, becoming more mature, and mistook it for something else, posted somewhere, went viral and now you people suffer from the hysteria effect.

Y2K was powerful, big, people panicked. Oh, there is also about 9892482357289357289357298357235782935 other failed predictions...That being said, I don't ever recall 2012 being a prediction, but more of a "Oh, our calendar ends on Dec 21, 2012."...So if it ends then, why would the Mayan's make a new calendar when they could use the same one they just went through? It's like having a watch...You don't go buy a new watch every time 12 hours is up...

But I respect the fact that people are entitled to opinions no matter how intelligent or un-intelligent they may be. The only thing we can say for certain, though, is all we can do is wait and see.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by Equinox99
calling something delusional before it happens would also be categorized as delusion, no?

Me saying next week pink bunnies wont jump down from the moon does not make me delusional.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I don't believe in the 2012 hoopla that has gone wild for many of the same reasons as the OP. But the major reason I don't believe in it is because the people that are into it all are centered on *themselves.* Checking symptoms, comparing notes, me me me me me me me. Its separatist thinking.

Add into that is the fact that its the young people who are mainly falling for it. Sorry to say but its those who haven't lived long enough to know these kinds of things are predicted all the time..the dates come and go..nothing happens. If 2012 was my first experience of this phenomena I'd probably fall for it too. But its not. The poles didn't shift, Y2K was a hoax, and these things are a great way to sell books, tapes, videos, seminars and so forth. It helps the economy but thats about it.

Lastly these kinds of things are never about God/Universe/Creator/Goddess/Divine Being..they are about humans seeking to be "special." Seeking to believe in a future time where everything is blissful rather than dealing with the world as it is and putting their energy on making real change.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I do feel a bit sorry for people who are just waiting for this date

There`s some amount of compassion I have for these people...this website alone features hundreds...because they are building their entire personal cosmology and lifestyle around something completelely artificial and empty.

[edit on 13-10-2009 by Skyfloating]

i agree with you and BH...what i'm worried about is there will be certain people that will take this to the extreme and help it come to fruition.
there are plenty of "crazies" out there that have weapons, and the rest of us need to be cautious and alert when this date starts to approach

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by LunaKat

actually...luna....Y2K wasn't exactly a hoax...i was a computer tech in 1999... and the company i worked for had contracts of which i personally worked on, that had the "4-digit year" software (and in some cases hardware) fix. these were not small companies either, but critical systems were taken care of first, and well before jan. 1, 2000. alot of it was way overblown as to the supposed worldwide meltdown that was suppose to only caveat to that is obviously i was not aware of every scenario, nor am i pretending to have some "inside" info. the computer systems along with their networks at that time, were still massive and global, so i can only speak in general terms.
edit on 1-5-2011 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

It was a big nothing. Every day new computer viruses are born and companies do try to keep up by purchasing (good for the economy) up to date security programs just in case. But it came and went quietly.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

To the OP:

Now you have to tell us about your spiritual understandings and your opinion of what is going on around here.

In your spiritual beliefs, is everything just all rosy and business as usual?

You have given a scathing review of the 2012 scene, focussing solely on the extreme beliefs and throwing everyone who believes in 2012 into those categories, which isn't true.

You also make the mistake of dismissing theories because they don't fit into mainstream beliefs (Like that because someone has taken drugs all of their theories become invalid instantly). I'm not saying that the theories must be true either.

So please enlighten us with your spiritual wisdom, since you seem to believe that you possess it while others do not.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:48 PM
Oh yeah and about the sacrifices - you are really going to discount an entire culture because they practiced some things we look down upon now?

Should we all stop using fire because ancient cave men used it to burn their enemies? Should we stop using knives because almost every ancient culture used them to sacrifice people?

You realise that in terms of murdering innocent people for no good reason that our current civilisation puts all past cultures to shame right? Yes, thousands are slaughtered every day in our current world in the name of various gods and the wars between their believers - at least back then it was for a purpose that served the whole community (i.e. to make it rain or what have you, even if it didn't actually affect anything).

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by Equinox99
calling something delusional before it happens would also be categorized as delusion, no?

Me saying next week pink bunnies wont jump down from the moon does not make me delusional.

No it doesn't. But if pink bunnies jump down from the moon next week, then yes it does.

See how this works?

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