reply to post by Amagnon
I can go through this whole website and pull out all the posts here concerning all the "natural disasters and unusual phenomena" that people have
been posting for the past year alone. Not to mention all the news articles that have stated we have not had this in happen in over a decade, and so
Then I can go through the Bible and pull out all the references that the LORD God said would happen in the end time prophecies. I am not just talking
about natural disasters either. I am talking our political climate and monetary issues. The nature and attitudes of the world population. The current
situation in Israel. All of it. It is all there. Every aspect of our world today and what is happening is being fulfilled.
As for the HUM. Well I hear the HUM everyday and every night. It stops, it starts. At night it goes on and on and on. I am used to it now.
My point of view concerning the HUM, from my own personal experience, is that it is the government, along with the phone companies, the power
companies, cable companies and the UFO's... I have watched them climb the poles and then feel and hear the attacks against me. I always said to
myself, I am not alone, this is happening to others as well. This thread proves me right.
Now, you look at USGS, and the posting on all the earthquakes going on around the WORLD and everyone is saying, something very unusual is going on.
Volcano's are blowing off like crazy, record numbers of landslides, and people are in constant wonder if Yellowstone is going to blow. Research
The only thing you will NOT research and is very critical, is the Word of God and what He says. Look I personally am not right about anything. God
cannot lie and does not lie. So, what I try to do, is educate people on what HE says and what He said He was going to do.
Just another prespective. Putting it all together for people to help you all understand that God does get angry and people reject Him and His word.
Problem is, you don't know it, don't study it, nor do you understand what he is saying. My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge. This
is very true.
People like myself, we are more interested in your life after this life. But what we do in this life affects where we will end up in the life to
Organized religion is a farse. I do not attend a church, nor do I belong to any group. I was not taught the scriptures my men, but by the Holy
1 John 2:27
Now to tell you what I do not share with others, but I guess now would be a good time. For the past 2 1/2 years the LORD has manifested himself to me.
I know exactly where we are in the scriptures because He has shown me.
Last year, around the beginning of April, I was having one heck of an arguement with my daughter. I went outside and was crying and praying. I sat
down on my porch, and I looked up and there was the LORD Jesus sitting on His throne. Behind Him a nasty storm, thick black clouds. At His right hand
was a huge demon crouched down. I said, LORD God, you have shown me much, if this is truely you in front of me, rebuke the demon. And poof, he was
This year, I was in my kitchen and looked out the window and all done up in clouds was an arrow in a bow, behind that a book was open and an angel was
writing in the book with droplets shooting out of an ink well into the feather tipped pen. Behind that was the throne and a staircase. After that past
by, I saw an army of horsemen weilding cutlasses. All heading east.
Those are the two most recent contacts with my LORD and Savior.
I really do not care if you believe me or not. You may ignore me all you want, but the government is not ignoring me. They are trying to bring me
down, but the LORD God holds me up and I continue to do the work I was sent to do. I am just a messenger, sharing the messages.