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President Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

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posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Obinhi
Perhaps we forget that one of his first acts was to speak in Cairo about brining the muslem world into the fold in the fight against extremeism. Or do we also forget that he put the missile defence system that would have put Russia on edge? Do we forget that what is holding up the closeing of gitmo is political arguments about not wanting captured terrorists to be held in stateside prisons? Do we forget almost every peaceful overture that he has made to the rest of the world because we want to prove a point about how closed minded some of are?

No I think that this award was not only warrented, but required.

I like how in this thread the leader of the free world has been compaired to almost every evil man, and some of the most vile in the world. Perhaps it would behove us to be abit more respectful to the man who has given up at least 4 years of his life to this country. But that is just me.

(Please excuse spelling.)


His speech in Cairo has changed zero policies by any middle eastern countries. Zero. All it has done has made many of those leaders refer to him as a weak President that can be pushed around.

The missile system was actually something he took away, abandoning eastern europe and Poland in particular.

The closing of Gitmo isn't about political arguments just here.... NO ONE IN OTHER COUNTRIES WILL ALLOW THEM ON THEIR SOIL EITHER. So then he tried to put them here, which no one wants either.

Regarding his peaceful overtures, tell me what it has changed. Where is more calm and peaceful now? The US, more chaotic. Russia, nope. Iran, even worse. China, nope. Israel, worse off. UK, worse off. EU, nope. Eastern Europe, much worse. Tell me, where is ANYTHING better because of Obama...

Mod edit: Criticizing spelling is bush league. No more instigation.


[edit on 9-10-2009 by Dr Love]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:34 PM
What a freaking shocker. Next the MacArthur Fellowship.. ha

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Chronogoblin
Did anyone read the story on Yahoo? About the man who built 130 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan? Who really deserved this recognition?

Agreed. He would have been a great choice. There are many people out there who could care less about politics and are just offering their blood, sweat and tears to change the world.

Given this and other examples, let me ask a question I already know the answer to...

Why is this thread one long Obama bash instead of a Nobel Prize Comittee bash?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:38 PM

Mod Note: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 9/10/2009 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:41 PM
I usually hurl when people don`t read any of the posts previously written on a thread, perhaps this has already been mentioned here, but in England it has only just happened. I was watching news at ten and they twice showed a still of Barak Obama in front of an American seal, which was either a cynically posed shot or a composite, of his face with a halo around it. Winning the Nobel peace prize for nothing is one thing, but having it insinuated that he is the new Messiah is another thing entirely. He can now go on to do whatever he likes and he will get away with it because he is not only a peace prize winner, but also the New Christ, which only paves the way for anyone who opposes him as a candidate for the new Antichrist. I have never been a 2012 believer, perhaps now I will rethink my position !

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by johnny2127

Wow, ok I'll ignore the horrific spelling (seems very frequent for Obamabots).

Can you spell "political baiting"?

Political Baiting: You will not engage in politically-charged rhetoric, politically-inspired name-calling, and related right-versus-left political bickering while posting in any topical forum or discussion thread on You will not alter political candidate names or party affiliations in order to insult or deride the opposition.

[edit on 9-10-2009 by maybereal11]

[edit on 9-10-2009 by maybereal11]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Why is this thread one long Obama bash instead of a Nobel Prize Comittee bash?

That is a great question!

It isn't like he lobbied for this prize, or flew overseas to make quick appearance on its behalf (maybe that would have lost it for him), but it was something bestowed upon him by some ignorant elitists that must have watched every campaign speech he made and ogled over him at the inaugaration ceremony. I, too, was enthralled by his inaugaration speech, it was brilliant, but alas, it was the last spark from another victim of the US political machine!

I entirely concur! Let the Nobel committee bashing commense! Feel free to bash the MSM as well!

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:54 PM
So the Fed and the Central bankers screwed the dollar and we need to face facts. We either need to use are military to shut everyone up and restore the dollar but this would cause alot of bloodshed so heres my plan.
Lets finally leave Iraq and reduce the size of are miltary by 50 percent.
We still have Nukes and were armed to the teeth as a country. We bring Mexico into are Empire let them keep there name and together come up with a common currency. We switch to natural gas immediately and begin retooling are whole energy grid. With the amount of resources and cheap labor from Mexico we will once again have the strongest currency. The great part is we will no longer need to import Gas from the middle east.
This would work unfortunately this is not what the internatonalBanksters want. They want one weak world goverment they can just control like Big Brother. Come on Mexico lets get together and become an Empire like the world has never seen. Eventually Canda will join in then were set.
The Tri fecta is we will begin farming Hemp again like we did during the revolutianry war and WW2. Hemp for Victory. Also we will end the Drug War which will free up tons of loot and finally let me smoke the herb like God wanted me to. Lets see how the rest of the world fairs with out are Miltary protecting them. Have fun with Russia Europe.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11

Originally posted by johnny2127

Wow, ok I'll ignore the horrific spelling (seems very frequent for Obamabots).

Can you spell "political baiting"?

Political Baiting: You will not engage in politically-charged rhetoric, politically-inspired name-calling, and related right-versus-left political bickering while posting in any topical forum or discussion thread on You will not alter political candidate names or party affiliations in order to insult or deride the opposition.

[edit on 9-10-2009 by maybereal11]

[edit on 9-10-2009 by maybereal11]

If that insulted you, I apologize. Anyone here who frequently reads what I write will tell you I do not bait people politically, or engage in hateful rhetoric. My comment was more an observation that I have made. It just seems that much of the horrible spelling comes from the Obama supporters. This could be for many reasons, including that maybe they are foreign and english is a second language, and foreigners tend to support Obama. It was not meant to be a commentary on the intelligence of Obama supporters.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:07 PM
What would you expect from a liar, one who deceives, one who is full of deceptions. So now call me a birther and I will safely assume you are an idiot that has eyes that can not see the truth but you have ears willing to listen and a heart to believe this liar. Laughing my a** off as I heard them say "yes we can" but KNOWING "NO he can't". Could I please see his legal birth certificate. Never in my life would I believe I would witness so many fools, zombies and sheeples marching into the gates of hell.....enjoy. Still laughing!

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by yankeerose
This is such wonderful news for America! What an outstanding way to acknowledge our President! I am so proud of America and her President right now! What a change from just 10 months ago!!

Good for Obama!! Now maybe more Americans will see what the rest of the world thinks of our President.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said Obama was honored for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

HA HA HA HA HA ..............HA HA HA HA HA

Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

[edit on 9-10-2009 by Phenomium]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:10 PM
Alright, I felt the same way about the issue as most of the rest of you do. I found out this morning when my college professor for management principles was giving a lecture on leadership. He began his statement by saying, "Hey did you hear about who won the Nobel Peace Prize?" For an 8am class I woke up and was sitting straight in my chair when he smiled reeeeeal big and said, "yeah Obama!"

Straight flabbergasted, there's no other way to put that. After knowing what I know I was shocked that OBAMA of all people could win a PEACE PRIZE. It actually seemed like everyone else in the class kinda woke up too for the morning after he said that.

He then continued to tie it in with his leadership lecture and ask, "Now how do you think he achieved that award?" The answers he was looking for was the basics: leadership, hope, and change.

I raised my hand and said, "By putting more troops in Afghanistan."

I don't think he likes me anymore lol.

The rest of the class went on to give the "right" answers that he was looking for and him and about a quarter of the class went silent and turned around and gave me a dirty look.

Guess they don't like hearing the truth

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You make a good observation but I think the committee is rewarding Obama for not being Bush.

Obama made statements early in his administration about closing Guantanamo and has since trotted around the world playing "peacemaker puppet". Now, he hasn't repudiated the Hitler/Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive war, or repealed the Patriot Act or the Military Commissions Act or rolled back a host of Bush's presidential signing statements, etc., but he has sounded like he wants to play nice with the world.

I think they are trying to send a signal deep into the bowels of Zbigniev Berzhezinski's brain, that this is what a US President should do.

Nobel standards for US Presidents are low. As long as you are not crapping on the dining room table, you are eligible. If you mentioned Bush's name in a Nobel Committee meeting, they would all faint.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:20 PM
Why doesn't Obama deserve the Nobel Prize for Peace at all?

Because :

1) He choosed Joe Biden as his runing mate and Joe Biden has been one of the earliest and staunchest advocate of the military invasion and occupation of Iraq.

2) He choosed Hillary Clinton as his Foreign Secretary and she had been one of the staunchest supporter of the invasion of Iraq.

3) He recently congratulated the US troops in Baghdad for "getting rid of Saddam Hussein" (in his own words) proving by this statement that he actually fully endorsed this war and its goal of regime change.

4) His Vice-president Joe Biden called Saddam Hussein a "son of a bitch rolling in his own grave" during a recent trip in Baghdad.

5) He escalated the war in Afghanistan.

6) He expanded the war on terror into Pakistan immediately upon taking office and killed since countless people in this country with drones.

7) He expanded the war on terror into Somalia by recently ordering the killing of some "suspects" there.

8) He shielded Israel's nuclear arsenal and activities from any inspections or treaties.

9) He does nothing to block illegal Israeli settlements expansion in the West Bank.

10) He praised Tony Blair's leadership and presented him as an example to follow.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

maybereal love how your arrogance besuites you. i am so happy for you and everyone that feels obama deserved this award. as for me and everyone that i have talked to on campus. we feel that this was just another sip off of the old kool aid cup. their was over 200 people for this award and they chose the one man that thus far has made a corn hole out of america. love freedom of speech but plz do not talk over me as if you were here in idaho your quit lil compliments would last about a second!!!
go go obama. he loves us!
he is the savior

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Exemplar

Are you actually trying to pin these wars on Obama?

The anti obama squad has been getting so wrapped up in their spewing that they don't even know what they are spewing anymore.

Obama is not responsible for running two illegal wars for eight years. And trying to pin it on him is just ridiculous.

This site is about denying ignorance, and this thread is doing nothing but creating it, and the garbage people believe it just unreal.

It is one thing to not like Obama, and think he doesn't deserve the award, but try to debate it like adults.

Guess what, the world isn't going to collapse at this moment.

I came to this thread getting EXACTLY what I expected to see, 30 some odd pages of vitreol and spiteful, name callers.

As I stated before, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are disasters, And disaster cleanup is never smooth or easy. New Orleans is still rebuilding and that was a hurricane in a small city. Imagine what it takes to end two wars in volatile ares. Our troops are going to be doing cleanup for a few years, get over it. And no, you can't just leave. The repercussions would be devastating. And the United States would end up looking far worse then for starting the wars in the first place.

There are still many countries trying to recouperate just from the end of communism. And how long ago was that?

The least that can be done is too stabilize the areas before we leave them. If that means more troops, then so be it. To sit there and blame Obama for not having it over and done with shows a lack of any understanding of the situation.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by johnny2127

Originally posted by maybereal11

Originally posted by johnny2127

Wow, ok I'll ignore the horrific spelling (seems very frequent for Obamabots).

Can you spell "political baiting"?

….. You will not alter political candidate names or party affiliations in order to insult or deride the opposition.

If that insulted you, I apologize.

Much appreciated. Thanks.

My comment was more an observation that I have made. It just seems that much of the horrible spelling comes from the Obama supporters.

I guess we all wear our colored glasses. I will confess I have thought just the opposite, or rather that those railing into Obama are educationally challenged and the grammar and spelling within their posts reflect it...but I have resolved myself not to comment...none of us are perfect after all and I am certainly no spelling or grammar guru.

It was not meant to be a commentary on the intelligence of Obama supporters.

This.. I have a hard time swallowing....isn't calling Obama Supporters "Obamabots" exactly that? A comment on the intelligence of Obama supporters?

Thank you again for the courteous and non-confrontational response.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:34 PM
Wait! Could this be the beginning of chocking events that David Wilcock was talking about? Uh oh ! Something’s about to go down.
But how bizarre that the reaction over a Nobel peace prize winner has turned into the U.S. against the world! Wait, wasn’t the government (in which Obama is imbedded) behind 911? Or is it Israel? Wait, Israel is pissed too. Why always the U.S./ Israel against the world? Is the “world” the NWO? So the NWO already has the world except for U.S. and Israel. Damn

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:37 PM
Today, when I watched the news and heard that Barack Obama won the nobel peace prize, the first thought that went through my head was "what in the ****** is going on?! is this another lie of the mass media?".

Now that I'm online and checked all over the place, all I can say is that the nobel peace prize has lost more credibility in my eyes, it really isn't worth anything anymore if a president who is currently in TWO WARS and still wishes to continue them is awarded this prize. I mean isn't it an oxymoron that a current president who is in wars and has failed to achieve any sort of peace between other nations to get awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

Really, I'm quite disappointed with the decision. I feel I got "trolled", as people in other sites would say.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by johnny2127
My comment was more an observation that I have made. It just seems that much of the horrible spelling comes from the Obama supporters.

You were saying.....?? And yes I checked and "besuits" is not a word and I don't know what "quit lil compliments" means?

FYI - This is a post from this page. It's not like I had to go hunting for it.

Originally posted by tatersalad
reply to post by maybereal11

maybereal love how your arrogance besuites you. i am so happy for you and everyone that feels obama deserved this award. as for me and everyone that i have talked to on campus. . in idaho your quit lil compliments would last about a second!!!

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