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'U.S. furious over Israeli incitement against Obama'

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posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by mattpryor
reply to post by NOTurTypical

I'd like to see an opinion poll which backs up your claim that it is ridiculous.
I didn't say it was, I quoted the individual who said it was a ridiculous claim. Secondly, an 'opinion poll' is just that, people's opinion, it doesn't make anything true or false. It's an argument from popularity.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by azzllin

Sheeple really DO exist!

Dude, this has been comming for a long time.
Why wasnt england allowed a refferendum?
This is why.
Wake up dude!

But if it doesnt happen? I will be soooo glad!

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Okay, I misunderstood sorry.

I don't think it's far-fetched to assume there are Israelis that support Obama's Middle East stance and also support Netanyahu. Netanyahu doesn't stand for anything particularly radical, and his dealings with Obama have been highly cordial and respectful from what I've seen.

Anyway, this is all speculation from an unnamed source. I tend to be sceptical when "close aides" to the President make claims like this. Most of the interaction between people of power goes on out of the media's glare and we don't get to hear about much of it.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

Haha, no worries man, I mis-read people's posts too sometimes. I read and type too fast for my own good, and we agree. I wanted to challenge the other person's claim that it was rampant, or the majority opinion.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 08:33 AM
Also let's not forget that there are a LOT of people with a vested interest in upsetting the relationship between Israel and the US, so it seems highly likely that this story has a political agenda to it.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

Well, of course, politicians don't do anything at all without trying to gain some political advantage over it.

Politics makes me sick.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Selahobed
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Cartoons aside, when was the last time you was in the west bank chilling with the homies there?

As for the kidnappings, go to gaza and see what happens. Doesnt get reported, but google it lol. (ive been there)

You might be surprised the places I turn up on occassion. That is neither here nor there though. Per capita we have more kidnappings here in the United States than they do in Gaza but don't let that get in your way.

Or are you talking about the occassional IDF Soldier drunk on leave who stumbles in to the wrong place at the wrong time. With the IDF's record I could see how they might be prime targets for kidnapping in Gaza.

Columbia is the most at risk place of being kidnapped when traveling abroad as a foreigner.

Once again though it is this type of attitude that is straining relations with the U.S. Public in concern to Israel.

Israel's paid Internet bloggers actually do far more harm than good in my humble oppinion. Americans don't enjoy being talked down to and told what to think or say.

Politically correct is just a nice way of saying Police State, and while it's clear the Zionists run an Apartheid Police State in Israel, America's goodwill and charity can only be abused to a certain extent.

Word from the wise to a toon.

The writing happens to be on the wall. Israel's propoganda arm fails to take note and make adjustments at it's own peril.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Selahobed

You mean the UK Rght? England is not the whole uk. Just thought I would point that out.

This tantrum by israel with others out there against obama, I fear a JFK assasination happening here. I just hope it does not happen, but who knows, if the Zionists become really peed off by Obama they would stop at nothing to take him out.

What would happen after that is anyones guess.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Selahobed

Jesus of Nazareth is never a pagan

The Mishneh Torah (an authoritative work of Jewish law) states in Hilkhot Melakhim 11:10–12 that Jesus is a "stumbling block" who makes "the majority of the world err to serve a divinity besides God"

Heathens who have strayed from the one true path and defame the lord most high of highs.

Jesus of Nazareth gave his life for the sins of all.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Laurauk

Out of interest, who are you referring to when you say "The Zionists"? Why don't you just say Israelis? Why the derogatory terminology?

I only ask because calling people Zionists makes you sound a bit extremist and probably causes quite a lot of offence / division. I'm sure that's not your intention?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Most people dont know or realise the extent Israeli's hate Obama because he asked them to halt illegal settlements. It has been downplayed in Western Media what actually is Israel's view on Obama but few news sources still do show it.

One of those questioned in the below video - an otherwise seemingly reasonable young man - said that he would shoot the president if he had the chance and others had no problem furthering the fabrication that he is an Arab or a Muslim.

If you want to see the extent of hate and racism Israeli's have aganst the United States President, here it is;

Here are some news links:

Far-right wing activists launch anti-Obama campaign

Anti-Obama Rally in Jerusalem

Anti-Obama protests in Israel

Anti-Obama Rally in Jerusalem – Israel National News

Roughly 1,500 Israelis attended a pro-settler, anti-Obama in front of the home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem today, at which rabbis condemned President Obama as a “racist” and predicted that his demands that Israel halt its settlement growth would lead to the disintegration of the United States.

Rabbis Condemn "Insolent" US President Over Settlement Demands

Now if you connect the dots right from the first Birther propoganda, fake kenyan certificate led by Orly Taitz who ran away (only to return later) to Israel, 4 days after submitting fake certificate to US Federal Court....the Tea party protest led by a Israeli Lobby guy (under the guise of Freedom Works group) and other many protests led against Obama, you will see the pattern.

and this is a very important article which presents why and how Israel hopes to make Obama fall

Israel wants its American ally to instill regime changes in the Middle East, especially in countries which are hostile toward it. Only after the Iraq invasion, did Americans perhaps realize that the cost in American lives had been too dear. (let alone that we left the country in shambles). It is working in concert with neocon have-beens to weaken Obama in any way they can, be it the 'birthers' movement, health care, the economic crisis, the wars, anything at all.

The thinking goes that a weakened Obama will have to relent and give in to Israel's demands. And Israel knows exactly how to stall long enough until a friendlier U.S. administration comes into the White House.

How Israel hopes to deconstruct Obama as it did Carter

[edit on 9-10-2009 by December_Rain]

[edit on 9-10-2009 by December_Rain]

[edit on 9-10-2009 by December_Rain]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by mattpryor

There is a difference, there is those in Israel who wants this to stop, and there is those in israel who are hell bent of removing palestine once and for all out off thier so called land. Also there are those in israel who do not want Jerlusalem split up. Those are the ones whom are the Zionists.

Call my views extreme all you want. Normally I would stay/sit on the fence, not anymore, it is plain to se there are those in Israel who will do anything even assasinate someone to get thier own way.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Laurauk
reply to post by mattpryor

There is a difference, there is those in Israel who wants this to stop, and there is those in israel who are hell bent of removing palestine once and for all out off thier so called land. Also there are those in israel who do not want Jerlusalem split up. Those are the ones whom are the Zionists.

Call my views extreme all you want. Normally I would stay/sit on the fence, not anymore, it is plain to se there are those in Israel who will do anything even assasinate someone to get thier own way.

I think wanting a united Jerusalem is pretty much the consensus view amongst Israelis. You have to remember that when East Jerusalem was under Jordanian occupation between 48 and 67 Jews were barred from that part of the city, and it includes some of their holiest sites like the Wailing Wall. You won't find many Israelis that support splitting Jerusalem up if they don't have to.

As for wanting to turf Palestinians out of the land and conquer it all, there's not much support for that from people I've spoken to but there are probably people that support that viewpoint just as there are people in Britain that want to kick all the Muslims out. It's an extremist point of view, and is not represented in the government.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by mattpryor

Then why build up illegal settlements ?

That land they are building these settlements on do no be long to Israel.

As Israel Expands the palestinian state shrinks, if that does not tellyou something....

Oh and btw before you accuse me of being a extremist or a muslim or a terroist lover/sympathiser, I am neither.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 01:14 PM
laurauk - mattpryor doesn`t seem to distinguish between those israelis who are honest , hard working and faithful followers of judaism , and the zionist nut jobs who are driving there country into destruction - the zealots who run israel are using judaism as a tool , there has been holocausts before and since then - yet we are reminded of the suffering of the jews (yet not any of the other 10 million who also died at the hands of the nazi`s) were is the reminder of the slaughter in the days of stalin? or the genocides in africa?

my heart goes out to those innocents in israel who will end up suffering because of this

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
laurauk - mattpryor doesn`t seem to distinguish between those israelis who are honest , hard working and faithful followers of judaism , and the zionist nut jobs who are driving there country into destruction - the zealots who run israel are using judaism as a tool , there has been holocausts before and since then - yet we are reminded of the suffering of the jews (yet not any of the other 10 million who also died at the hands of the nazi`s) were is the reminder of the slaughter in the days of stalin? or the genocides in africa?

my heart goes out to those innocents in israel who will end up suffering because of this

I believe you really hit the nail on the head there. It’s the decent honest Jews who are being set up and made to suffer and suffer more, and will likely suffer even greater as a result of out of control Zionist politics.

I honestly believe Israel’s survival depends on them getting the Neoconservative Zionists out of power. You would think Israel is the world’s only superpower and determined to take advantage of it the way the Zionist Government operates. Yet the reality is it’s a small sized nation whose military is rich in advanced assets courtesy of the United States but will quickly find a lot of grounded expensive worthless toys without spare parts for them if the United States cuts or alters it’s relationship with Israel. The Shah of Iran’s military and Air Force was top shelf too with American weapons but with out the spare parts became virtually worthless in a couple of short years.

Israel talks a little too tough for what is essentially a small child that will be in big trouble should it loose its big brother.

The Zionists are driving that wedge, and perturbing many of us here in America with their extreme politics and often arrogant stances and their attempts to belittle those that won’t agree with hard line extreme Zionist politics.

Eventually the American people will stop voting for politicians that support Israeli causes and it won’t matter how powerful AIPAC is. It certainly won’t matter should lobbying reform ever come to pass on Capitol Hill.

Israel and the Zionists need to relax and take a chill pill and remember that what they really are to America is our number one charity case. What’s the saying about looking a gift horse in the mouth?

In the end it will be the innocent Jews that suffer the most for failure to curb and put an end to the Zionist Political machine. Neoconservatives and Evangelical Christians here in the United States as well need to stop acting in lock step with the Zionist Political machine.

It’s especially important to remember that the Evangelical Christians do actually welcome the appearance of an Anti-Christ figure and a apocalyptic war fought over and in Israel for their religious prophecies to come true in regards to the second coming.

That I imagine would not be a good thing for a peace loving Jew. Strange bedfellows indeed!

[edit on 9/10/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

Then are those are re-doing the holocaust, with what they are doing to the palistinians?

When does it end?

It is simple or easy to say oh Israel is trying to protect its borders.

But then who is the victim?

Those whom have lived through and survived the holocaust, whom are now doing the exact same to the people of palestine, what the nazis did to thier ancestors.

Or those who worked with the nazis, whom got a way with it, whom are zionists, whom potray themselfs within Israel to be working for its population.

Maybe this is a topic for a different discussion elsewhere.

But I fear, obama needs to watch what he is doing, those behind the scenes are not going to like what he is doing, and try and persuade him to change his ways, if he doesnt.

JFK Style assasination.

Maybe I am sounding like a cray female but is what vibes I am getting from this. Do you see where I am comming from?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by chiron613
Some of you seem to think that the US supports Israel out of some sort of (misguided) altruism. This isn't the case. The US supports Israel for the benefit of the US, not for the benefit of Israel.

This is true about all our foreign aid and humanitarian efforts. While it might help people, we're doing it because it helps us (or, we think it will help us). If it ever turned out that it would be better to bomb those same people, we'd do it in a heartbeat. If you don't believe me, look at Iraq.

You need to distinguish between the reasons for an act, and the *explanation* for that act. The reasons for protecting Israel range from the Religious Right wanting to foster their biblical prophecies, to our military wanting to have a presence in the predominately hostile Middle East. These are the reasons for protecting Israel.

The *explanations* are much nobler-sounding. Defending the underdog against overwhelming odds. Preventing another Holocaust. Supporting a democratic country in a region riddled with dictatorships and theocracies. How noble of us, right? That's why politicians say these things. They want the support of the American people. But it's a crock.

If it ever turns out that the US decides its interests would be better served by bombing Israel out of existence, you can bet that suddenly Israel will disappear. The US is looking out for its own interests. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

Oh I enjoyed reading this post. Can you imagine the sqealing from the Israeli/Zionist regime if ever the US of A turned against them.

The Israeli supporting loudmouths in this thread seem to think that Israel can look after itself. I can assure them they are wrong, and if ever they are left to face their enemies on their own they will be anniliated.

Even USA with all its military might cannot win wars against determined people with much less weaponary.

Israel is making an almighty mistake building nuclear weapons in secret and beliveing they will save them. No way. If even one of those warheads was to leave the ground Israel would find itself turned to glass within seconds. They know it and so it won't happen.

Regarding Israel coming into Europe, I don't think so, well not with the current zionist regime who do nothing requested of them by the international community. The whole point of Europe is that everyone abides by the agreed rules laid down by the centre. I cant see Israel joining in with that. Although if they did it would be a good thing because the zionists would have to go.

Another thing, Tony Blair recently converted to Catholic. This is so he appeals to all the other Catholics in Europe. Will Catholic Europe support Jewish Israel ? I don't know, but I doubt it.

I think we will see the demise of Isreal from here on. Nobel Peace Prize winner will now befriend the Muslim nations, force Israel to retreat and eventually bring about regime change in Israel.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 04:07 PM
Oh and remember when Mrs Tony Blair went to Palestine and mortified everyone when she spoke about the plight of the Palestinians. She said she could understand why they would bcome suicide bombers because life for them was so bad, there was nothing else for them to do.

Tells you how the Blairs think

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Eye On War

Poor lil' puddin' is there someone out there that doesn't like him?

Big whoop.

Governments are going to do what governments are going to do. Cynical approach, but I can't feel sorry for this administration in terms of foreign policy.

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