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Glenn Beck

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by letspreadtruth
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Oh ok I see thankyou for the insight. Have you ever been to the states ??

I have been to the states a few times, both west and east coast. I love America, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. just a shame about your News outlets.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by the_space_monkey
reply to post by letspreadtruth

I appreciate your response, And you seem like an intelligent person.

Thankyou, as you do too, its nice to be able to exchange ideas with someone who dosent take it as a personal attack.

Yes, the past is the past, but I think a persons track record (especially when it's their conduct and statements of the last 8 years) should be considered when they place themselves on a podium, and attempt to start (or just fuel the flames of) a "movement". These FOX personalities called war protesters and critics of the Dubya' administration "Un-patriotic"and "Un-American". please consider this.

That is a great point, Im just so fet up with lies that I want truth thats all I care about is truth and accountability it is our future our childrens futures that are being put on the line for a greedy one percent of the population who are to ignorant to understand that this isnt a way to run a country. And that thats where I can see eye to eye with Glenn Beck.

And Second, Healthcare is not unimportant. It is a human-rights issue. This year, I had to go to a free dental clinic (because I can not afford regular dental care/dental coverage). At this clinic, there was a group so large that it filled a Parking plaza (hundreds of people). People with jobs. Hard-working taxpayers that were in pain, but could not afford care. There were only 5 volunteer Dentists and 2 volunteer Oral Surgeons. I got to see a dentist, but over half the people that showed up, had to be turned away (after a 10 hour clinic. A 10 hour wait for some). Sadly, this is happening at free clinics all over this country. It's wrong that so many people are suffering in the "greatest country in the world".

I wouldnt call healthcare unimportant and if i did i truly do aplogize. I think its a HUGE issue that needs to be addressed but to be and what I see so far is that Obama is putting all of his attention on healthcare when he hasnt made a decision on a war that has claimed 800 lives and nevermind the over a trillion dollar price tag. Also the decline of the dollar and the state of our economy which is in over 11 trillion dollars in debt are things that need serious attention. Im fairly new to this and still learing, Ill never stop learning but it seems alittle like Obama is acting like healthcare is going to define his years in office but thats not the truth. He will be judged based on wheter or not he brings the economy to where it should be.


mod edit, added quote codes for clarity

[edit on 9/10/09 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Most tv here is terrible and the news is run by the government which dosent accomplish much. The whole mind set and education of this country is going down the tubes. Today I was watching a show and it was about how these young females would do anything to be famous, they would get all kinds of crazy plastic surgeries and do things like saying thier father was an alcoholic even though he was a good man just to get their 15 minutes of fame. That shows you something and it isnt good, people seem to be getting dumber and dumber.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:29 AM
save your money,,, he's a schill,,, dont't make him any richer.
he swings which ever way will keep money flowing into his pockets

buy a real book, with real info ,, and can really make a difference

end the fed, ron paul


the creature from jekyl island , g edward griffin


outrage, dick morris

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by letspreadtruth
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Most tv here is terrible and the news is run by the government which dosent accomplish much. The whole mind set and education of this country is going down the tubes. Today I was watching a show and it was about how these young females would do anything to be famous, they would get all kinds of crazy plastic surgeries and do things like saying thier father was an alcoholic even though he was a good man just to get their 15 minutes of fame. That shows you something and it isnt good, people seem to be getting dumber and dumber.

Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy. If not, you should see it, not the greatest movie ever, but amusing take on the dumbing down of society

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by shortywarn

Thanks for the advice, im looking into those books right now.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Nope i havent seen it but it seems like a good thing to watch. Its crazy how dumb and ignorant people have become. Ive read alittle about ersatz freedom and to me it can be tied into a good part of the dumbing down of this country and world. People focus on material things which makes them feel free etc etc when actually there not and there burying their heads in the sand, I need to read up on it more.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by letspreadtruth
reply to post by Amagnon

An example of this kind of method is 911 truthers who say outrageous things such as; the WTC was destroyed by beam weapons, or there were no planes - such people are disinfo agents. Such arguments and statements destroy the credibility of the real arguments - and GB and AJ both undermine the credibility of those who have serious questions.

Ive never heard of those theories but they arent mine, what do you
believe ?? Inside job, demo ?? Whats your take ??

It is entirely unlikely that the buildings fell due to being struck by planes. Other evidence is that many people heard explosions right before the collapse - traces of a compound called nano thermite (I think that is correct) was found in the debris.

That material is extremely hard to get - and is used in demolitions - building 7 collapsed without any real apparent damage - it is almost certain it was demolished.

The evidence clearly indicates a sophisticated approach, using demolition - NORAD could have shot the planes down - D Cheyney was in charge, but failed to authorize it.

The official story is totally implausible - it looks like an outright lie. A far better model of events is that the attacks were staged by Mossad and the CIA, under orders from the globalists - to manage public opinion to support a war on Iraq.

Thats my take on it - the evidence is plentiful - the questioning of the official story is full or merit - the alternative picture is unsavory - but seems to fit the evidence far better.

Bush and Cheyney, and whoever else created the attacks - and benefited from it. They should face trial and execution.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:25 AM
I never watch fox... but I don't watch any MSM outlet for that matter if it's not Comedy Central or some Discovery Channel variant. On the few occasions I stumbled across Glenn Beck it just smelled like bs to me, so I kept going -- but watching the various clips in this thread has allowed me to get a closer, more vivid perspective of this character and now, and I honestly believe this, he is a reallllly bad actor playing it up for the camera.

Next time you watch him, make sure to leave the volume on so you can hear his emotion, but remove yourself from the context of what he's saying - just step out of that little box and observe him. He's not crazy, he's a bad actor banking on the emotions of his viewers to turn a buck - kind of like a televangelist.

Turn off the idiot box.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:33 AM
True journalism does not take in a position and then set out to denigrate an opposing position. Thefore, Glenn Beck does not practice journalism. That said, some of his stuff is informative and educative.

It illuminates the evils of one side of a coin. Now, if it would only also illuminate the evils of the other side, that would be fantastic.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:14 AM
Plain and simple;

Glenn Beck exposes a lot of things that typical Mainstream Media won't.

Is he right about everything? Of course not, but who is?

I say watch the show if you enjoy it. I do. Just remember to take everything with a grain of salt.

Most importantly, DO NOT get all of your information/news from one source.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:50 AM
What do I think?

He's an idiot.

That is all.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:28 PM
The people on the Far Left hate anything on FoxNews factual or not. The people in the middle or on the right like it which is evidenced in the fact it is the most watched cable news channel by far.

What you will find is that the people complaining the most don't watch anyone who does not agree with them limiting their information and making them easier to control.

Being a Moderate I watch a variety of news sources and opinion shows. Since both the Left and the Right lie constantly it gives me both sides and a far better chance of finding the truth.

You will find those on the extremes of both sides to be illogical and controlled. They are told by their respective leaders what to say and what to think. The sad part is they don't seem to be aware how controlled they are.

When someone says I am a Democrat or I am a Republican it means they have made the decision to let themselves be controlled by people who can not be trusted or believed. It means they would rather someone else do their thinking for them.

As to Beck, I watch him maybe once a week. I am impressed he criticizes both Parties. I am impressed he is helping bring down ACORN. I think it is great he exposed the bizarre nature of many of Obama's appointments and the nature of those he surrounds himself with.

One thing I've noticed is that the DNC controlled folks try to misrepresent him as a news reporter and a Republican when in fact if you watch him he his clearly as critical of the Republicans as he is the Democrats and I've never heard him claim to be anything other than a normal guy giving his opinion like us. Why they choose to lie about that makes one wonder about their motives. I think it is part and parcel of being brainwashed enough to be a Partisan who lets a political party do their thinking for them.

Either way, any group that has sites like Move On or the Daily Kos and lets people like Soros control them has a lot of nerve criticizing anyone.

I don't know if you are aware but both the Obama Administration and the DNC are pushing to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine which gives the government the power to control what we see and hear about political topics. Their goal is to eliminate from the airwaves anyone who does not agree with them. If they succeed, you can kiss ATS goodbye as recently their plan has grown to include the Internet. Pelosi and Obama's people are pushing hard for this. It should scare everyone but then not everyone is awake.

Do your homework and you will find everything I just said is factual.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by letspreadtruth

Aliester Crowley (High ranking Mason and lucerfarian) once said. Progress demands ANARCHY, tempered by Common Sense. Beck's new book is titled COMMON SENSE coincidence? or is it just a way to temper the society as volatile as it is today?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

I agree with everything you have said. One other thing that id like to point out is that no other steel building in the history of the world has EVER fell due to fire.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by memoir

I understand where your comming from and yes maybe the act or whatever you want to call it is little much but unlike most of the MSM he isnt afraid to speak out.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Good point, I dont get why people bash him just because he dosent act like a stiff with no personality. He talks about things the American public needs to hear.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by GroundZero

I agree 100 %, take everything with a grain of salt. Although I like his show and i will continue to watch those beliefs alone will not make up my opinion, i will always think for myself.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I don't know if you are aware but both the Obama Administration and the DNC are pushing to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine which gives the government the power to control what we see and hear about political topics. Their goal is to eliminate from the airwaves anyone who does not agree with them. If they succeed, you can kiss ATS goodbye as recently their plan has grown to include the Internet. Pelosi and Obama's people are pushing hard for this. It should scare everyone but then not everyone is awake.

So how do we stop this ?!

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:10 PM
It's ironic the amount of fans Mr. Beck has around here seeing as prior to the Obama administration taking office, Mr. Beck equated those with the views on this particular forum and the views that he now covers as TERRORISTS AND EXTREMISTS and not only that but he contributed to the medias agenda of making anyone supporting Ron Paul as fringe and nut jobs.

Mr. Beck serves one purpose, controlling the opposition, We all know both top political parties are one and the same, and that its a divide and conquer game.
TPTB know they cant win our hearts or our minds with opposing views, but they do know how to infiltrate our cause and twist it gradually until it's something completely different and beneficial to them, they did this with the tea party movements which attacked the problem at its core, the Federal Reserve, yet they infiltrated the cause via Fox News and the MSM and changed that movement into one that doesn't attack the cause of the problems but rather a symptoms aka ACORN, government spending, the democrats, etc, yes those things are problems but they aren't the root of the problems, you all who support attacking those symptoms have been distracted.

This is FNC's and Mr. Becks job, they are being used to manipulate those of us who are freethinkers, Mr. Beck sets up straw men and then brings them down, all while hes also changing your minds as to the real issues.

Yes the issues Mr. Beck discusses are often true, but they are are discussed to keep your minds off of the real problems.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by C0le]

[edit on 8-10-2009 by C0le]

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