reply to post by letspreadtruth
Whenever I happen to see FOX News (whether Glenn Beck is on, or Bill O'Reilly, or anyone else - they're all the same), this is what happens:
- For five minutes I laugh.
- For Ten minutes I get mad.
- For the rest of the day I get sad, and I find myself confused.
I spend the rest of the day wondering, How can people fall for what is clearly a Song-and-Dance. Glenn Beck, especially, is playing a character. The
conservative, patriot, "I speaks from my heart", puppet-head.
. . . and then I wonder, how can those people that understand he is "playing it up", and that he is not a "reporter", sit there, listen to his
rambling and raving and then defend him as a "truth-speaker" and the "voice of a movement" - what movement? the "Take my country back"
Where were these FOX news personalities when we were suffering through 8 years of George Dubya'. After 9/11, and after it became clear that we were
led into war under false pretenses, where was this anger and outrage then?
These TeaParties that he so proudly supports and organizes, are pathetic. They have no purpose. They only serve to prove that a large part of the
American population is afraid, and easily manipulated. Go ahead, call Obama a Fascist and a Socialist within the same breath, you're ignorant and
you've lost the ability to think.
Letspreadtruth, I'm not attacking you. I'm just speaking my mind, just putting my opinion out there.
But actually . . . . There is one thing I like about Glenn Beck.
He's made it okay to say "TeaBagger" on TV.