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The Reality of College

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posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 06:39 PM
First off, I'll say that I'm speaking from personal experience, and from what I've seen after my personal college experience has begun. With that said, here it goes.

I'll begin with the preparation process. For anybody else who has gone through college in any way, it's an understatement to say I wasn't sure what to expect. I was expecting to experience what many people describe as "the best years of your life". This is what college truly consists of:

1. Redundant. Everyone who tells you college is so much different from high school is wrong. Still the same amount of busy work that really doesn't teach you much. So far, every class I've been in has bored me to the point of sleep. It's almost as if all they want is for you to recite what you're told, jump through the hoops and you're good.

2. Professional Level Snobbery. Everyone envisions a professor who provides insight into important topics. This isn't true. Every professor I've had puts out a snob attitude. The whole "I'm better than you" mindset plagues them. Making class even less enjoyable. The fact that nearly everything involving school seems impersonal is a huge downfall.

3. Sheep. People that tell you college is a wonderland of diversity, for the most part, are lying to you. Everyone (mostly everyone, there are a few exceptions) cares about partying or studying nonstop. Like I said exceptions yes, but few and far between mind you.

4. Sports. I attend a larger University and one thing is definitely certain here, sports are the most important thing on campus. Me being a sports fan, but not a huge one, is almost like a strike against me in a way. At the new student convocation, we were told to study and support the sports teams. Somebody isn't trying to make money now are they?

5. Material. I currently have a history class and all the material I'm taught is the history that is published in textbooks. Why are we not taught the history that really happened? Not the history of the few who have the power to write it.

6. Relevance. Statistics show that half of what you learn in your first year is outdated information by your third year. What true use is that? Another HUGE point is why take the range of classes that are required? If you are majoring in computer engineering, you're required to take an english composition course. What true use is that?

So, if anyone here is wishing they had gone to college, or if anyone is thinking about it, take this into consideration. Is it worth the time? Is my heart in it? Do I truly want to do it? While yes, I am learning about a broad range of topics, will these do me any good in the real world?

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 07:11 PM
Any Educational facility is nothing more or less than just a conformitory Factory designed to give you the false impression that your learning something substantial to provide you later on in life when in actual fact all you really learn is what you could look up after 2 minutes of searching on Google (and your expected to pay through the nose and endure years of debts for this priviledge.)

I remember going to College on a day-release course, luckily being PAID to go, however it was still degrading seeing all the students conforming to each others standards. Noone had any opinion of their own and all their funds was being spent on college funds for their "education" which was nothing more than advanced GCSE's, which amounts to nothing these days anyway as experience qualifies more than whats written down on paper.

Ive never been to University yet after self-study on the net I know more about Astrophysics, Geophysics, Astronomy, Meteorology, Seismology than some of the people who are coming out with Diplomas for simply reading books.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 07:20 PM
i think what's worse than learning just what it says in the book is when the professor deliberately puts their own spin on the material. being forced to spit back someone else beliefs that are completely off base in order to get the A is completely degrading.

not to mention when professors push their hobbies on you:
I had a biology professor who, despite the fact that we were behind already because he had a habit of getting side tracked all on his own, spent a whole class period talking about the space shuttle crash because it was the anniversary and he spent months looking for debris. "this is the area most of the debris was found in" was his answer to my question of why I was paying him to tell me about something that isn't biology.

education systems=bull crap.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Amen to that! I'm in my second year of college and can tell you I cannot wait to be done with my General studies. They are so pointless. I think America would do better if they just got rid of the studies and dedicated 4 years to studying nothing but what your major is. Not like there is much secrecy in my major, music, but I've noticed in my History Class (history from 1865) they did not even touch on some of lesser known history of the United States, it's really annoying actually. I don't really feel like I've learned much that I already haven't known, or will in anyway benefit me. All English, History, Math and the sciences are just big repeats of high school. The only difference? You have more essays and the tests are a bigger deal.

I spend most of my time working on my major and learning what I can about the area I'm going for. Studying theory, writing songs, etc. Stuff that will actually benefit me in the future. I recommend everyone else do the same.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:15 PM
Sigh... yes, lets bash higher education because you don't connect to the material.

Core classes are designed to give everyone a basic shared level of schooling to build your major from. If you have problems writing, then the classes in writing mechanics will fix that. Same for math courses.

Now, if you 'pay your dues' and get there, then you get the good stuff. I spent a lot of undergraduate work reading against the grain, learning to see a lot of hidden elements in literature that is not commonly taught.

My grad school is taking me deeper into my chosen field of study and taught me more about what I am doing than any Google course.

Stick with it, or drop out. If you got it all now and think you can rock harder and do more than a college graduate, then go and do it. Why wait for validation from other people?

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:50 PM
Get the piece of paper so you can make more cash later (assuming the paper you get will be able to make you some paper that is worthless anyway)

But get it. Learn from it then go back and change it. Most of these professors will be dead in 20 years we hope.

Spread the truth behind the backs of the Duds running the institutions becuase they are the crazy ones.

Learn their "truth" relize the lies and do your own research. Compare your notes with thiers.

Then when you leave bash the crap out of them on blogs with the internet.

The internet is going to kill these malicious crap Universities in the end.

Wow I sound like a radical.

-- Self taught scholar and researcher

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Hey Preston, thanks for bringing this topic up, as I'm sure many people feel the same way. When I first went off to college, I majored in mechanical engineering and had a horrific time. I don't know if it was mental immaturity on my part, or major flaws in my school, or something else, but I felt it was all a huge waste of time. So I felt much the same way you do, but I've certainly changed since then.

I dropped out of college and served 4 years in the military, and now I'm back in school. I can't tell you how much my outlook has changed. I think a lot of it has to do with maturity and life experiences, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, I used to despise the liberal arts and only wanted to focus on my major. Now I strongly believe that such an attitude is short-sighted and illogical. One thing I learned in the military is that you go through tons of redundant training for your job, but you really don't learn anything until you actually start working. I think the same applies to college. Your major isn't going to make you a professional right out of the box. It's really only a familiarization course that gets you comfortable with certain ideas.

That being said, I think people should embrace the fact that they're getting to learn about so many different topics. They may not apply directly to what you want to do, but they make you a more well-rounded individual, thus causing you to be a better thinker. You'll be cut off from society if you can't relate to other people in a meaningful fashion. And I'm not sure why you believe an English composition course is useless. What good are your ideas if you can't effectively communicate them with others?

And I'm sorry to hear about your professors, but I can say that mine have been great and aren't condescending in any sense. And I also know the frustration with memorizing and spewing back facts. That's one reason I got turned off of science classes. It's a lot of memorization with little to no original thought. That's why I'm studying philosophy where you're actually taught how to be a more logical thinker. Such skills are priceless and can help you in any field.

Essentially, the advice I'd give is to enjoy college for what it is. In the future you'll likely look back and be thankful for the breadth of knowledge you've gained from studying other subjects. Don't fool yourself into believing that your major will give you all the tools you need for the professional world, because it won't. And most importantly, perspective is everything. If you think something useless, then you've likely created a self-fulfilling prophecy. You'd do better to analyze something and find its worth. After all, it's being taught for a reason.

Edit for clarity

[edit on 5-10-2009 by killuminati2012]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by ROBL240
Any Educational facility is nothing more or less than just a conformitory Factory

The same could be said about society in general. In fact, do you consider it possible for such a "Factory" not to exist? So many people like to think they are original thinkers, but I think that idea is an oxymoron. I guarantee you wouldn't have the same thoughts if you were totally secluded from society (you'd actually be dead since you didn't have anyone to raise you). Inner reflection may lead you to draw better conclusions than others, but they're still not completely original.

Life is a huge assimilation process, and I don't view it as necessarily good or evil. The puzzle is too complex to provide generaliztions on what we only have first hand experience of. Every part serves it purpose in some way.

[edit on 5-10-2009 by killuminati2012]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:16 PM
Nice post, and welcome to college.

You have some things correct, and some things incorrect. I have my degree in Comp Sci and went through everything you are currently describing, just as a bit of background.

1. Redundant.

In the first 2 years of schooling, you are going through the "general education" courses. These are your humanities, your english classes, as well as other fun classes like "Art History" or "Theater Appreciation".

This is the same information you would get from an Associates of Arts (2 year) degree at a community college. It is pretty much as you describe, and you learn the things that will most likely not help you in your degree's field. But, at the same time, to have a Bachelor degree, you need to also have a well rounded education and that is what these classes are about. It is giving you views of the world that you may otherwise never have had before. Sure, it may suck having to do all the busy work, and study all that "crap" at the lower levels, but you will probably appreciate it later on in life.

This is also the time where the Universities weed out (heh) the people that are just not going to make it in school. Stick it out.

2. Professional Level Snobbery.

Professors that provide insight you will meet when you take your degree core classes. This is usually during your junior and senior years. In your senior year you will definitely meet at least one or two professors that can provide you the needed insight into your area. The snob attitude you are seeing may be from the lower level classes that are taught by graduate students who are working on their thesis. They are only teaching the classes because they need the money. The younger ones may also appear to have this snobbishness that you describe. Again once you get into your senior year you will meet the better professors.

3. Sheep.

No argument here.

4. Sports.

or here.

5. Material.

As far as history goes, it is the winners of wars that write the history books, and as such, all history is biased. You will just have to do the research on your own, and take what you learn with a grain of salt.

6. Relevance.

The first two year classes are what separates people that got a college degree, and those that got a certification, or went to a votech school. The way I looked at it, the first two years were to train you on how to learn on your own, something you will be doing in a higher end career for the rest of your life. Once you hit your core classes however, you will be doing very relevant material. Bachelor degrees are designed to give you knowledge in the field that will stick around for 20 years at minimum. At least that is what I have been told by my mentors.

All in all it is what is is. Having a degree is like joining a club. The club of degree holders. And whether people like it or not, there will be benefits for those in the club.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:27 PM
When I was going to College in late sixties, it was a place to learn. To day it is business. Any way they can rob you. One of my loved ones recently was complaining about books and material and asking me why the colleges don't publish the required text and material at time of registration so people can buy it on line or those who cannot afford it can look for used one cheaper. Believe it or not, one of his books that was used but he had to pay nearly $ 300 (full price) just because the instructor gave them the material list lst day in the class and the next day they had to start on a project. Text books at my time use to be very reasonable. Greed has gone beyond control.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:30 PM
Wow. You sound like a snob. College is what you make of it. If you are motivated enough, you can learn a lot. By the sound of it, you are expecting some enthralling professor to teach you about the secrets of the world!!! Grow up.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:32 PM
I think you are generalizing a bit much, and seems like you may not be very social (nothing against that or you). LIFE is filled with everything the OP listed. I respect young minds (mine is not old by any means), but don't try to generalize the college experience, unless you want to be one of those "sheep" you mentioned. Calling your brothers and sisters on this planet sheep is pretty egotistical and malevolent of you. I get on everyone's case about that, not just you. IF you want more out of college, TAKE more from college. Get involved with your professors. Get involved with campus life. Go out and get trashed and bang an ugly hooker if all else fails, just don't sit back judging everyone around you because you are either on your high horse or antisocial to begin with. I assure you that you may look back on what I have said with a different view than you have now.


so you don't think I'm talking out of my arse, I recently went back to college as I am 25 years old and the 70-80 hours a week of manual labor wasn't cutting it anymore. I started off at 18 going to a mid-sized university, and I excelled at being lazy, not taking classes seriously and generally thinking I was a tid bit above some of the college "scene". I have since learned that I was a dumb ass, who thought he knew what the world was about. Now I'm 25, enrolled at VCU (VA's largest university). THIS IS THE MOST DIVERSE place I have ever been to in the U.S. I am interested to know what college or university you attend for comparison. I have found that many of the teachers and professors I thought were "above" the classes they teach, or came off kind of snobbish are not at all such. Most teachers display the symptoms of teaching kids like you (no offense) all day, and since you show no real interest or care in/for your professors, they are not going to show it back. If you really want to know what they are about, engage them, during office hours or after/before class or even via email. You would be surprised what you will find.

*edit #2*
and to the person above me who said its all about business these days, I would have to ask you how the hell you know since its been 40+ years since you attended. THE REASON schools make you buy stuff is generally because they can not afford to supply everything a person needs. The only people robbing EVERYONE (the school included) are the book companies. My school can't even afford to print off scantron sheets for teachers to use for exams, as state cut-backs are crippling our state funded education system. School is still about acquiring knowledge and using that knowledge to make an impact on this world.
[edit on 5-10-2009 by VirginiaGreen]

[edit on 5-10-2009 by VirginiaGreen]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Thank you all for the responses.

And to answer your question, I'm not really antisocial. I do go out on weekends and enjoy myself, and I'm not saying everybody falls into those two classes, I was just saying most do. Not trying to be egotistical or malevolent, just honest. And that's what I've seen so far. I guess this broad view of opinions and views is what makes our world so interesting. We can all learn things from each other.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by prestonposthuma

It's all good man, I'm glad you keep an open mindset, as that will serve you better than any degree in life. I hope your college experience improves (I'm sure it will). The deeper you get into your major the more enjoyable it becomes. When professors actually stump you with questions, not of memorization, but of applied knowledge then the fun begins. I hope everything goes well, and hang in there and get your degree, just make sure its something you can and want to use when you graduate. Best of luck brother.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:03 PM
John Taylor Gatto was New York teacher of the year. He has an entirely different philosophy of what education is, who created it, and how it works.

It seems that what the public believes and what parents believe education is for is very different than what those who created the education system actually designed it to be.

Google Video Link

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:20 PM
Yes the academic point of college is misguided. But the lifestyle and atmosphere depends on where you go. I go to Umass Amherst and let me tell you, besides school work and grades, it's like a little piece of heaven. Amazing community and atmosphere.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:21 PM
Well kiddo, sounds like you're definitely jaded enough to see through the b.s. in higher education. That, I will be thankful for...

Far as your rants on the various depravities and shortcomings of said higher education, here are a few things to consider;

1) Sports; you went to a large school that I'm assuming plays division I football? Yeah well, deal with it. I'm guessing no one locked you in an armbar to sign the application. I'm a huge fan of a particular SEC football team... exact reason why I didn't go there even though I got accepted. Noted as a party school with a decent academic record, even the fact that it stood out in the two disciplines I majored in, didn't make me want to sacrifice an education for the sheer zealotry the students had for the team

2) High-minded, haughty professors; everyone brings their own slant to the table; textbooks not withstanding (most of mine at the time were fairly, I say fairly, unbiased) each professor with a PhD thinks they're god's gift to education - some are, most aren't. That should be expected (hence the need to think for yourself). As I recall, the only professor I really had who irked me in that regard taught my 310 History of the Vietnam War class - got into an argument with him over the Tet Offensive and was actually asked to leave because he couldn't outshine my argument

3) Sheeple; they're just people. People who need persistent and often times public affirmations of their ability to conform. Don't hold it against them too much - if we weren't social animals to a degree we would've been wiped out by our own insolvency a long time ago... appreciate where your head is at, believe me, fitting in I would guess wasn't on anyone's priority list who is a) on ATS and b) college educated but the fact remains that the people that are so desperate for fellowship that they often times think as a collective isn't something to spurn, but to pity and ultimately, to try and better

4) Relevancy; not going to candycoat this one... I guess a lot of people here are in the same boat. A college degree doesn't mean what it once did. I had a pretty good stint in the first three years after I graduated, then bit the bullet with my first layoff and have been playing catchup ever since... too much experience or not enough, learn that phrase well because the relevancy you speak of is lost in the translation

Finally, I gotta say just enjoy it. Don't spend too much time worrying about the conceit of professors or the angle of the material or the conformity of your supposed peers... see through the b.s., challenge your professors as much as they try to challenge you and get a good education, initial humanities courses aside. It is what you make of it. Don't spend your time becoming even more jaded about the world you are soon to enter - it's not worth the receding hair line.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 11:18 PM
I'm in my 2nd year in college and I like it, but there are some useless things they make you take. Everyone has to take music...which is complete bs, I'm a political science major, why do I need to know about the Gregorian Chants or stuff like that. Parties are just a way to relax and unwind after studying all week, I really dont see a problem with that. It's only a few years of your life, suck it up and deal with it or if your really unhappy then drop out, go work in McDonalds or maybe you'll get lucky and win the jackpot. I'll take my chances in college though.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 11:18 PM
oh my god, are you serious? which college do you attend?
i plan to apply to an ivy league in a years time, and
the college you're going to isnt one, i can only imagine if i get the chance to go to Columbia.
this has discouraged me to significant point.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Debsturrs

Don't let it discourage you from learning more and more, just be sure to go about it the right way. College is something you can really use to your advantage, which is why I plan to finish. It increases how much money you can make in the long run. Just be sure you heart is in it otherwise things can be tough at times.

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