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SurvivalIsts? (Come On~!)

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posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Actually, if you bother to go look at the threads, the only person who says anything about stealing stuff is this "alaskafranke" character.

Come on people.

This thread is a complete waste of time.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:13 PM
I agree that on a lot of other forums, discussion doesn't exclude criminal activities. On ATS, luckily, that wouldn't be tolerated. It would be shot down faster than the coyote out of a cannon to get the road runner.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Stanton Dowd

Have you tried using the search function before you start A thread ?

As far a useless is concerned what about your multi-tool thread ?

Have you read the T&C ?

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 09:14 PM
excellent thread... some parts of it cracked me up... but you are right in a good many things... all too many people spend a ton of money on a lot of different gadgets that they may never ever use....

If you are building a complete underground complex that has to house about a hundred people then there is need for some of the different gadgets....

We have incorportaed the usual items into the shelter but we also have had to add (over the years) upgrades in air filtration as well as better pumps systems for the water supply....

And we have numerous different tactical items for offense as well as defense...

It takes time and a lot of hard work to make a shelter ...especially if you do not plan on the BO scenario..... we don't.

We are about 25 miles from this city here and we are well stocked and well prepared for whatever is thrown at us...and provided we make it there...we will survive..... but if not then it would be my hope that someone with some good about them will find the shelter and actually figure out how to get inside.... so even if we spent a lot of money on it.... it would not be a total waste..... because if we all are dead trying to get there..... well, i cannot take it with me....

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by AlaskaFranke

I have not posted here in a while. Moved on to another site that is more about the realities and less about who has the coolest toys and how to make a reactor in the back yard. A lot of brits on the site and they wanted to know about how to covert a deer in the hills to one on the plate. More about learning skills. Any way I posted the deal from getting the deer dead to turning it into steaks.

What this has to do with this tread is that people need to know that they need skills that are practiced in order to make it if the SHTF. Having a cool BOB, a BOV with all the tricks, a rambo knife and gun is not enough. Good post AlaskaFranke.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by The Utopian Penguin

Originally posted by The Utopian Penguin

I'm kind of curious as to why "YOU" think it's necessary for "anyone" to roam around in middle of the night in the city with your equipment in tow at this point and time?
I want your opinion.

Ahh, this question I understand.

Using a thermal imager in the day to spot small animals is ineffective. It may be a $20,000.00 device but it has limits. You have to wait until the sun has not been shining on anything for a few hours. This is because wherever the sun strikes something directly it heats it up far beyond the air temperature. This causes multiple hot spots in the scene which are nearly impossible to spot a small animal amongst. Late at night however, everything (foliage, buildings, streets, etc) becomes about the same temperature as the air. In other words it is all the same even color. Any mammal then is significantly hotter than its surroundings and therefore stands out as a very bright spot. Therefore you are not forced to recognize the shape of an animal that is obscured by foliage etc. You just look for the hot spots.

Another trick that darkness makes possible is to use a powerful near infrared illuminator on the night scope. Because of that extra reflective membrane in the cats eyes, if a cat is looking in your direction when you go past (which it usually is) its eyes reflect the NIR light and stand out like a beacon in the bush.

Night is the time to track a cat.

This is why I am forced into all of the late nights and am therefore cranky in the morning when someone questions my motives.

I hope this has answered your question.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:35 AM
I recently had a set of cheap binnoculars given to me free (I won them).

The box claimed that these cheap plastic 6x units had night vision capabilities.

I just about laughted my ass off when I took them out and realized that "night vision" was a polite way of saying they had an LED light between and above the two eye pieces. Me and my neighbours do a patrol of our lands every night after dark. While out a few weeks ago I dragged this out and let the neighbours 16 year old play with them. With the light on you could see through the binoculars about 20 feet (kind of useless) but I could see the LED light for about 20 times as far away. So now my 4 year old has them, and it took her 1 drop onto the rug to cause the LED to break.

I can just see people having stupid gadgets like this. I hope they do because that will make it easier to see the stupid ones earlier.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by The Utopian Penguin

Yes and there was no threads specifically about mulit tools.

So your point being???

And why don't you stay on topic - your post has nothing to do with this thread whatsoever.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 06:00 AM
So let's get this straight...

You've started a thread criticising people in other threads?

So you're not happy enough trying to de-rail the said threads - that other people were enjoying - you actually want to start an entire thread about what you think of someone elses' thread?

Stop being negative and go and invent a useful thread.

And for the record the whole lock picking thing is bloody useful to know how to do - and furthermore YOU were the only person suggesting criminal activities.

Go and do some reading and learn something.


As I've said in my thread about escape and evasion...

I would suggest that the few that are criticising dainoyfb and his lock pick tools go and have a look at On Point Tactical urban escape and evasion courses. You can find them on google. One of the main things they teach is lock picking.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by Stanton Dowd]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Stanton Dowd

There was an EMP event in your area that disabled most of the electronics in your area and there is no radiation.
The water and electricity is off for A 100 mile radius.
It will take 72 hours to restore "some" of the services.

Tell me what you have prepared "already"to survived at this point ? the truth

Tell me what your going to do as a result of such an event ? cry

Are you prepared to leave or defend yourself ? beg for your life i bet or i'm going to get know joe blow and follow him around ...I know i'll invite him to the pub

Why do "you" need a multi-tool for ? to play with it ?

Have you bought one ? "eventually" I need 4 threads on the subject.

Why in the hell does a survivalist need an exploratory thread on tin cans ? Because sitting at my comp pretending is fun

How hard is that it beyond you abilities to figure that out ?
I don't need a tin can !!!!!! are you going to carry it in your pocket !!!!!!!
why ? Because i'm going to incapacitate or kill anyone that keeps from getting to my crap
How many times have you survival fished already ?
How many hooks have you "MADE" ?

That thread of yours is one step up from the raft thread !!!!

How much water do you have stored ? oh i have 600 gallons in a high tech water filtration stasis field generator that turns it to ale at press of a button.
How the hell do you go from tin cans to E&E in one week !!!!!!!!!
Have you eaten a squirrel yet with out getting rabies or bitten?
I can imagine you getting in A life and death struggle with a food source and dying over it.
Your bloated ego and self absorption is going to get you killed.
Now go back to your thread and "pretend" your A ninja ?
How many martial arts have you studied ? let me guess 5 right.

That book your going to eventually buy about edible plants,that you'll be carting around in your ninja tin can is going get you killed. Why ?

An E&E kit will get arrested or killed. why ? there's nowhere to run

You show up on our property without permission. you get poked and told to extend your index finger,you get told to speak into this ,answer the questions clearly and concisely and you have to look into my eyes when your doing it. I don't asks for ID.

Now go look at alaskafranke's 30 part series on winter survival you ninja before you freeze to death and try tell me he doesn't have clue

[edit on 7-10-2009 by The Utopian Penguin]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by The Utopian Penguin
reply to post by Stanton Dowd

Have you tried using the search function before you start A thread ?

As far a useless is concerned what about your multi-tool thread ?

Have you read the T&C ?


Wouldn't leave home without my Leatherman Wave tool. It's attached to my belt even as I sit here on the computer. Saved my bacon many times, many, many times.


Good now?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:12 AM

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by lilwolf

I would be interested in reading your thoughts on Long Term Shelter. I am presently "tinkering" with a carbon activated, sand/gravel air filtration unit, using a store bought HEPA ionizing fan. Hey-it fits perfectly inside of a 5-gallon bucket.

The only thing that I'm a little unsure of, is how to to build a decent blast valve to protect from over-pressure. I would hate to drop a big check on this, at least at the present time.

Shelter is made from a 8' x 20' steel shipping container, reinforced on the the roof with 12" x 12" x 12' pressure treated timbers, then covered with 5 feet of packed earth.

The sides are equally protected, but I use 12,000 year old Pet-Moss to add as an insulating barrier, in order to minimize frost heave, and ice swelling on the sides. Peet Moss, even when its well below zero outside, will maintain (about) a 53 to 58 degree core temperature. I've dug into it, and was surprised that even when the first few feet were frozen almost solid, and covered in several feet of snow, the inside was warm enough to keep the chill off my hands.

What part of the world are you loacted in...?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by The Utopian Penguin

We're all prepared thank you.

We have plenty stored and we're just fine.

You on the other hand will struggle to survive in the real world if you talk to people like that.

I would suggest you stop being so damned rude.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by The Utopian Penguin

Are you that bored with BTS topics that you must try to derail threads here. Stop acting like a juvenile and get over it already.

Survival means different things to different people. Part of surviving involves being able to see the reality of your situation. You may want to check in on your reality once and awhile.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Just out of curiosity, why would anyone plan on breaking into someone's house? Especially if it is occupied?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by AlaskaFranke

You know, silly bird; normally I would respond, but since your being a dick, I will allow you the options of not having to read my reply to you, err, uhm reply...

Having looked through some of your 70 odd posts, I can see that you fantasize yourself as some sort of entertainer of the masses. Geez Dude, with all the vocations available out there, you decided to be a clown.
...? Good thought pattern, rreeaal gooood throught pattern.

Bye Bye.

Thankyou AF for the wonderful multi-part series on cold weather survival.
It is well written and you cover the topic well.
I friend ed you for those threads.
But I've live in A four season climate all my life.
I've been sleeping outside in all four seasons most of my life.
I can wait it out in a hole or I can build A Utopian society using clean alternate energy technology and more.

I didn't need the military to teach me how to survive like some.
I know how.
I use to have a friend that was their instructor.
He wanted me to drop by once in awhile and scare the hell out of them because he had a sense of humor too.

Your efforts in the E&E thread on the other hand did nothing to approach or explore the subject,showed me your close mindedness towards technology, and the result was this thread, and this thread belongs in the RANT section of BTS not in survival. Those threads on winter survival should of been your response. I suggest you keep an eye on the E&E thread.

I understand your point of view about the basics of survival in the short term..but if it's long term, I have the capacity to live as I am right now.
with or without out the frivolities of technology.That technology is going to give my team a huge advantage over your team in every aspect.
I don't think you realize that. From my perspective don't want to know end result.Your situational awareness is limited.

Having looked through some of your 70 odd posts, I can see that you fantasize yourself as some sort of entertainer of the masses. Geez Dude, with all the vocations available out there, you decided to be a clown.
...? Good thought pattern, rreeaal gooood throught pattern.

You have the capacity to read poo. Not my thoughts.
As far as my vocation is concerned,I'm an entrepreneur and self employed.

Yes I like to clowning around.
But the few times I ended up on the ground with someone,I was the one that got up.You won't even know what happened. It's just going to go dark.
Because your never going to get that close and you won't understand whats happening. I don't like talking of weapons,tactics and advance technology.
I'm not willing to teach or enlighten "anyone", your on your own.

When I mentioned semper I was talking of the FSME of this forum semperfortis.

I hope you get A few applause's for those threads on winter survival and I hope he warns you for the post in the E&E thread because they were off topic.The problem with knowing everything is you never learn anything new.
if the SHTF good Luck.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by The Utopian Penguin]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by The Utopian Penguin

Are you that bored with BTS topics that you must try to derail threads here. Stop acting like a juvenile and get over it already.

ATS/BTS/MATS is expansive.

Do you have anything to add to my thread in regards to long term food and seed storage ?
Please don't babble about how you bought a few big cans of soup mix online and make a link to an E-store. It's about knowing about doing it yourself.
DIY-long term

Survival means different things to different people. Part of surviving involves being able to see the reality of your situation. You may want to check in on your reality once and awhile.

Yes your right is different to buy cheese in a can. I don't
Most of your threads involve politics with source links from places such as yahoo news.

Here ...have a few links. enjoy !!!

From MY Cold Dead Hands

[edit on 7-10-2009 by The Utopian Penguin]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by The Utopian Penguin

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by The Utopian Penguin

Are you that bored with BTS topics that you must try to derail threads here. Stop acting like a juvenile and get over it already.

ATS/BTS/MATS is expansive.

Do you have anything to add to my thread in regards to long term food and seed storage ?
DIY-long term

Survival means different things to different people. Part of surviving involves being able to see the reality of your situation. You may want to check in on your reality once and awhile.

Yes your right is different to buy cheese in a can. I don't
Most of your threads involve politics with source links from places such as yahoo news.

Here ...have a few links. enjoy !!!

From MY Cold Dead Hands

[edit on 7-10-2009 by The Utopian Penguin]

No. I don't have anything to add to your thread and apparently no one else does either. You only cite you tube videos but nothing from your own experience. I get the feeling that you are what you read and not what you practice.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by jibeho

The major problem some have involves sealing the bags properly.
Do you use an clothes iron,A sealing bar, or a hair straightener ?.
or did you just build your own sealing bar ?
Do you use a retail vacuum sealer ? most don't work well with Mylar.

With A proper element,some commercial grade Teflon strips...pretty easy really.
Have you had any problems finding buckets ?
Try the fast food joints like sub shops. just buy the lids?

Now personally I don't have problems with any of that.
That guy made that video series. He's a survivalist It's pretty good.
Some people can't afford $5000 worth of supplies.

...getting your grains straight from farm kind of have do it yourself.
Plus you can do huge amounts on the cheap.
If you don't have that option you could always buy emergency supplies on-line.
We were looking at DIY-freeze drying,but it's not very cost effective,unless your starting a business.
Better to just to buy it on-line really.
Have you considered buying local cheese and coating it in cheese wax ?

so ...when you kill one of your chickens because you feed them wheat sprouts(because they have better flavor)how do you do it ?

We were looking at A small processing line.

Here's a good link. It will get you started.

So when you build a house do you do most of the sub-trades yourself ?
If you live in A 4 season climate you pretty much ,need R-20 in walls that's up to building code in most area's.

How about A computer, would you like me to personally custom build it for you one or fifty ?
Anyway here's a good link for you.

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