I'm 23 years old now. By the time I'm 24 I may actually look like a half decent lad providing I quit smoking (it's a work in progress). With these
pills... I live to a 121 and I look 24 all my life! Oh yes! Bring it on! I dont mind dropping dead just like that when my DNA loses cohesion, maybe by
then they will have sorted that out and I'll live till a 1000!
Imagine if you had to buy these things. £20 a pop. 14 pills, 2 a day. This could mean massive and I mean massive profits and it will replace the
tobaccoe industry forever! People start smoking for many reasons but IF they were told that they could live forever... They would stop! Immortality or
Die of Lung Cancer... Immortality every time!!!
However buying these things is the best it's going to get for us common as muck people. And this sort of stuff is not going to be around for at least
another 50 years. So i'm guessing most of us will have died by then and if I'm still here... great I'll be 73 and still 73 for the rest of my life
which could be another 50 years... Still... hopefully I'll be able to keep up to date with the football.
Unfortunately... This sort of thing has a hell of a lot of bad things that goes with it. You mess with nature and nature will mess with you. And as
Dr. Soren once said in Star Trek Generations. "You can do anything to can to prevent death but in the end Time will hunt you down!" Well... it was
something along the lines of that.
What if... you could only get these drugs if you served in the Military. What a recruitment technique that would be. The chance to live forever
(providing you survive the war and serve us) Would you take it?
The elites, rich, powerful, sportsmen, celebrities, scientists, doctors and brilliant minds will get them... anyone else who is nothing... you dont
get them.
If anyone believes that simple nothings like us will get these... you are gravely mistaken. This could turn ugly and could mean the cleansing and
creation of a super human race, simply by them living forever, them breeding and us dying. 100 years after they get their hands on these they will all
be alright and we'll be dead and nobody will be able to stop them.
This could lead to the end of the Chav! The end of the working class, The end of the underclass, The end of what makes humans human. Bollocks to
Aliens or anything like that... Only the chosen will be allowed to live forever... if you dont agree... well, is some ugly person going to be allowed
to live forever?! (I'll give you a description, massively fat woman, large boils, warts, moles on her face with a mushtash and cant even talk
properly) Whose going to want that to live forever! 999 times out of 1000 that's the end of the line for that gene... but that's just what us
commoners think. You look at the elites way of thinking... it's what... 1 in a 1000?! All depends if were any good?!
Were too late for this but I would definately tell your kids to eat their veg, be good at sports, do their homework and eat those omega tablets to
expand their minds and increase their intelligence in the hope that maybe they will be chosen.
But then... they already have the minds, the sportsmen, the rich, the famous, the celebrities. Makes it tougher and seeing Ryan F*****G Giggs running
down the left wing for Manchester United for the next century will seriously p**s me off!
I'd love to live forever... I just dont think I'll get the chance nor will anybody else... This could be the start of the Super Human race, the
500,000 the guide stones were talking about. Never mind swine flu and all that, this can be done in 100 years. You'll get the slumdogs to do the
hardwork still but the elites will never change, the military will never turn because you dont bite the hand that feeds you. They Live Forever! Why
should they turn on their masters and not live forever! Ok... it might not be forever... but 200 years or 70 years. I know what my first choice would
[edit on 2-10-2009 by Adono86]