posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 02:38 AM
So a friend of mine introduces me to a series of books by S.M. Stirling. Part of the "Change" series (If you've read them you know what I mean)
At any rate, this guy starts spewing out ideas on how to survive without electricity. In one of the books he talks about creating refrigeration from
the reversal of a Heat Engine.
I had never heard of this so I wanted to know if it was fact or fiction. I Googled said engine and I'll be damned if it isn't real.
Here's some links on the topic
Wikipedia - Heat Engine
Basically using this process in reverse, where you supply the "work" you can cool things down. The "work" could be supplied by ANY old fashioned
windmill (doesn't have to produce electricity to produce work) which can save time and money. As we all know, the electricity producing windmills
are quite expensive and not readily available...especially in a SHTF scenario.
Here is a link on the Stirling Cooler (Not sure if there is any correlation to the author, but I doubt it.)
Wikipedia - Stirling Cryocooler
This might help some of us keep our food longer if electricity isn't readily available. Or even if it is, you could use this process and save on
your off grid power consumption. The uses seem to be nearly unlimited.