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Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’

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posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Naeem82
quote from the article

"When you foreigners hear the word ‘conservative’ you think of kindly old men hunting foxes. They’re not, they’re fascists.”"

This is exactly what I thought of conservatives, old white men having cigars and going hunting.. vidal might be right!

Old men who want to tell you how to live, what you can do with your body, forced economic collapses for profit (bubble economics), propaganda in the "news," never ending wars, stripping away of liberty, shredding the constitution, expanding the size of government, running up the deficit, installing judges who primarily side with big business, etc etc.

That is the kind of "conservative" they are...

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:22 PM
On Nov 2003 Gore Vidal did an interview, and predicted the debacle in Iraq. LINK

GORE VIDAL: No. We are talking about despotism. I have read not only the first PATRIOT Act but also the second one, which has not yet been totally made public nor approved by Congress and to which there is already great resistance. An American citizen can be fingered as a terrorist, and with what proof? No proof. All you need is the word of the attorney general or maybe the president himself. You can then be locked up without access to a lawyer, and then tried by military tribunal and even executed. Or, in a brand-new wrinkle, you can be exiled, stripped of your citizenship and packed off to another place not even organized as a country — like Tierra del Fuego or some rock in the Pacific. All of this is in the USA PATRIOT Act. The Founding Fathers would have found this to be despotism in spades. And they would have hanged anybody who tried to get this through the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Hanged.

GORE VIDAL: No. There are some memories of what we once were. There are still a few old people around who remember the New Deal, which was the last time we had a government that showed some interest in the welfare of the American people. Now we have governments, in the last 20 to 30 years, that care only about the welfare of the rich.

MARC COOPER: How do you think the current war in Iraq is going to play out?

GORE VIDAL: :I think we will go down the tubes right with it.
With each action Bush ever more enrages the Muslims. And there are a billion of them. And sooner or later they will have a Saladin who will pull them together, and they will come after us.

GORE VIDAL: And it won't be pretty

LINK to The Uncensored Gore Vidal

[edit on 30-9-2009 by seataka]

[edit on 30-9-2009 by seataka]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg

Republicans are just as bad as the democrats, except at least the democrats (not that I'm supporting them) aren't social conservatives that want to force the rest of America to obey their idiotic social standards.

Obama has put in as a science czar, John Holdren, a depopulation advocate, not to mention advocates of giving away our sovereignty to the UN, and yes Democrats, and Obama, are shoving down everyone's throats their SOCIALIST agenda, only some Liberals, and most Democtrats agree with whast they are doing, which includes FORCED vaccinations... MANDATORY Community Service, which Emmanuel Rahm has stated they want ALL Americans to do some form of FORCED Community service, among other things and you claim Democrats, and Obama are not trying to shove down every American throat "their idiotic SOCIALIST standards" ?.....

I have given in some other threads the statements of even a Liberal Supreme Justice state that "certain sectionss of the U.S population, th undesirables, should not be allowed to have kids".. yet some Liberals, and most Democrats say this is good?......

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

You forgot to mention that he has no birth certificate and was secretly born in communist china. That he's installing death panels to kill old people. And that the UN is going to fly in black helicopters to take over Amer... oh wait, you mentioned that. Good for you

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg
reply to post by Credge

60% of americans do not believe in evolution.

You can't say that about 99% of the other countries in the world.

So -- are we "dumber" than the rest of the world? Why don't you think about that statistic for a minute, then get back to me.

If you can honestly say "No, everybody is as dumb as we are," then please explain why 60% of americans are over 100 years behind on common sense scientific knowledge.

Not only that, but we got a guy posting above us who thinks einstein's theory of relativity is wrong, and instead the universe works like a giant electronic appliance plugged into a cosmic electrical socket.

Again: Can you honestly say that this sort of lunacy can be found all over europe, asia, or the middle east? I don't even think the third world is this dumb.

[edit on 30-9-2009 by Kaytagg]

I am not religous and consider myself liberal leaning. I am college educated and have a professional career. However I do not believe in Evolution as the reason humans exist. I think it is a huge stretch to say we derived from a single organism. I think it more likely we were created or planted here by a superior race rather than by a religous God.

To say people are stupid because they don't believe in evolution in the strictest sense, is pretty stupid in itself.

I think Americans are full of knowledge. It's just what they know is generally wrong.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:38 PM
Wow all this hatred to the right by those who claim to be "left of center" or "center" truly amazes me. Honestly as a "righty" I have never nor do those I listen to ever advocated a "coup". This myth of the far right rising up and throwing obama out because they are so desparate to regain power is I believe an atempt to spread fear and mistrust in those who are truly left of center. I have been politically active for many years, I have met several in government who were concervative and I never ever have heard of talk about revolution. My gut is telling me though that we are truly about to loose many of the freedoms that we have enjoyed for generations because those in power now realise that their place in the sun is going to be short lived and they are desparate to make as many changes as they can before they are voted out. There won't be a need for revolution due to the simple real possibility that in a few years there will be a massive change in leadership on the federal level especially in the executive branch. Then when a republican is in office all you "left of centers" and so called "moderates" will come out of your caves and be screaming about that president and how evil he will be and how you would like to leave the country and all that. Lets just face it, true independant thinkers like myself are rare these days. Those of us who found fault in both parties over the last 20 years have been screaming the same thing over and over again. But those of you who voted for Obama, hoping he would be your answer, yet not knowing anything about him, blindly following his stupid "yes we can" slogan like that meant are the ones who I truly feel sorry for. Dont expect the next president to make any real difference whether its a DEM or GOP canidate. I am truly begining to believe that real "change" wont take place here in our great nation untill the people of this great nation change. Untill that happens, we are going to be given idiots, dictators, and con-men. Nothing will truly ever change.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:45 PM
I read this article and considered posting it here but when I came to you had beat me to it.

I like Gore Vidal and generally find him on the money...

But the government as in our system will not fall because of left leaning liberals or right leaning conservatives but because of both.

The wild swinging from polar opposites from left to right will render the government unable to function...what did we see when bush minor took extended period where he undid as much of Clinton's works as he could...what did we see when Obama took extended period where he undid as much of bush minor's work as he could. The same thing happens in congress.

Eventually the government will become so ineffectual that it will break down entirely and when the dictator steps forth he will posture himself as an alternative to the poles left and short he will claim that he is neither and will most likely not be aligned with either party...which is why he will succeed.

So no it will not be Obama or anyone from the parties...look outside of them for the future dictator whomever he is.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:03 PM
I think he's right.

I think at some point we will have a military dictatorship and the American people will take it, just like we took Bush stealing one - maybe two elections, and there will be a small minority as always talking about how ready they are to fight only to sit and watch their country burn.

IF we won't do anything then, what makes anyone think we'd do anything different when someone is pointing guns at us?

We wouldn't. The majority of this country is beyond help, and beyond caring enough to act on anything other than getting up to take their frozen pizza out of the oven during a commercial break.

Its coming, and it doesn't take a genius to see it.

The only way it gets prevented is by providing REAL education for free to the masses. More important than health care, more important than the economy and more important then "global warming". It won't happen because our government knows they lose control if it does.


Pure. and. simple. #1 priority.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Chovy
We already have a dictatorship...

Its run by Obama and his goons.

Forces flu shots is just the beginning!
Oh dear God..
I honestly can not figure out if posts like this are made by complete loons or perhaps someone with MHMR (Im being serious here... seriously) or if it is simply someone waiting for someone like me to reply and then call my mother fat and my dog a whore.... Im being serious here, somebody tell me. You CAN NOT believe that after having JUST lived through the Bush presidency unless you at least believed it then too.

I believe your statement is just ridiculous. Bush was an ass with a capital A. Obama is shaping up to at least be a #er if not a complete piece of #. Im not anti government but good lord it doesnt take a political wiz to see both sides are banging us in the ass and not only making us like it... But making us argue over who does a better #ing job of it... Jesus Lice.

All that being said this is in no way, shape or form a dictatorship. It wasnt when Bush declared himself "the decider" either. Get a grip.

[edit on 30-9-2009 by shug7272]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg

Not only that, but we got a guy posting above us who thinks einstein's theory of relativity is wrong, and instead the universe works like a giant electronic appliance plugged into a cosmic electrical socket.

Again: Can you honestly say that this sort of lunacy can be found all over europe, asia, or the middle east? I don't even think the third world is this dumb.

You just showed to be among the 60% of the homo ignorantus sapien spieces that is plaguing much of the U.S...

Thee are many unawnsered questions about the theory of relativity, more so those dealing with quantum physics which they can't be reconciled with each other.

Anyway, I am not going to derail this thread just because you are ignorant about any topic in the sciences.

But I will ask you this, are you one of the millions of people who believe in the Big Bang theory?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Let me just say something: You know nothing about quantum mechanics, relativity, or the big bang.

And i'll end it there.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:14 PM
This article covers a lot of ground. It's not just his opinion on what might happen to the country..But he does make a few good points. Like the fact that this country is slowly sinking into a religious swamp of zealots that may actually cause a war. Conservatives are not supposed to be fascist, religious zealots, they're supposed to be Constitutionalists. But the latter has been forgotten and today we live in an age of ignorant liberalism and radical conservatism.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:16 PM
It's a pity Mr Vidal is so old already. He would make a fabulous president. He's the cure for what ails the US. It's a bit too late now though. Pity.

Fortunately he will leave us with a fine body of his work from which we can perhaps, finally, learn.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Yes, he would make a great president (I doubt he thinks that, though).

I thought Ron Paul would have made a great president too, though. He was a much more realistic candidate. Fox "news" torpedoed his campaign every chance they got, though. When the mouthpiece of the party you work for trashes you on a daily basis, you're pretty f'ked.

Maybe he should run as an independent?

I'm sure there are other good candidates for president, but Ron Paul has a much bigger following than any other good-intentioned candidate.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
This article covers a lot of ground. It's not just his opinion on what might happen to the country..But he does make a few good points. Like the fact that this country is slowly sinking into a religious swamp of zealots that may actually cause a war. Conservatives are not supposed to be fascist, religious zealots, they're supposed to be Constitutionalists. But the latter has been forgotten and today we live in an age of ignorant liberalism and radical conservatism.

I Agree, unfortunately. be sane is insanity.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by shug7272

All that being said this is in no way, shape or form a dictatorship. It wasnt when Bush declared himself "the decider" either. Get a grip.

Riiiight... Have you been living under a rock?....

MANDATORY Community Service...

The Obama administration labeled most REAL Americans as "possible terrorists" and then sent their dictatorial, and biased report to every police department warning them about the "evil Americans who are returning veterans, or anyone who oposes any policy of Obama, or anyone who fears Communism, or a One World Government, or any American who wants the government to defend, and uphold the Constitution are now "possible terrorists" to the Obama administration... Alongside the Socialist takeover of GM, and they are trying to do the same of other industries, including healthcare...

But hey... you want to believe that MANDATORY Community Service, MANDATORY vaccinations, and the takeover of the government of what should be private entities is ok, more power to you, if you like to bow down to a Socialist dictatorship that is.

TPTB haven't taken complete control yet, but we are seeing step by step the same Socialist policies which have turned other countries into Socialist dictatorships being implemented in the U.S.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:21 PM
careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

2nd line as informative as always.


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg

Let me just say something: You know nothing about quantum mechanics, relativity, or the big bang.

And i'll end it there.

Riiight... you believe in the Big Bang theory?

Stop avoiding the question.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by Kaytagg

Let me just say something: You know nothing about quantum mechanics, relativity, or the big bang.

And i'll end it there.

Riiight... you believe in the Big Bang theory?

Stop avoiding the question.

For crying out loud!
Can you two keep on topic?
If you must have a catfight, use U2U, ok?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Except that most conservatives, or republicans are not like that.

I am a conservative in many ways, and a Republican, yet, I am not Christian.

There are also many Christian Americans who are not the "evil bible thumpers" that the Liberals/Democrats claim every "Republican/conservative is".

I don't agree with the premises of Vidal, because he, like most Liberals and all Democrats want to turn the United States into the mirror image of a Socialist European country.

The forefathers didn't fund this nation to make another European nation. they wanted among many other things "religious freedom"... The right of every American to choose what religion to follow, yet liberals/Democrats want to make the nation into an atheist paradise, which is not what the forefathers came here for, nor why the United States was funded.

[edit on 30-9-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

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