Just thought I'd point some things out because I was actually just writing something about this very thing and was going to post it here but decided
against it because it didn't seem relevant.
Originally posted by Kaytagg You'll never see Sean Hannity criticize Bush.. Hrmmmmmmmm. Anyways..)
This isn't related to what I was going to post but, Sean Hannity has critized Bush plenty. Of course he's not going to criticize him as much as,
say, people on MSNBC but that's because they see eye to eye on things.
You must remember that not everything Bush did was bad just like not everything Obama has done so far has been bad.
One word: NUKE-LEE-ARE
Bush can't even pronounce "nuke-u-lur" correctly. The man was f'ing retarded.
I rest my case.
This is what I wanted to talk about. Before I continue, I'm not supporting Bush with this. The irony of this is that I was typing about Gore Vidal
originally but read this and decided to who I was writing about slightly.
While speech and speaking properly can be a sign of intelligence, being able to accurately parrot things is not. Being able to say a certain word
correctly is not a sign of intelligence. Surprise surprise, you probably don't say the word "color" the same way I say the same word. You might not
even say it the same way.
Am I less intelligent because I don't pronounce it the same way? No. Maybe I have an accent, a speech impediment, or any number of things. You'd be
surprised but most Texans, including the incredibly intelligent ones, pronounce Nuclear the exact same way Bush does.
To go back to what I was writing about Gore Vidal, he's partially correct about his statement on intelligence. Yes, America isn't doing so hot. But,
guess what? The rest of the world isn't. I can go to any country in the world and ask inane questions and get the exact same results that I would get
from people in the U.S.
The idea that one country is willfully ignorant more than another based on... what? What is that even based on? The idea that we're fat, lazy, and
stupid? Where did that stereotype even come from? The fat thing? Sure, that's fine. But lazy and stupid? What? Our average worker works more than the
average worker in most European countries (maybe even all of them?). We've invented several incredibly crucial things to every day life and continue
to revamp and retool them. The Japanese are very much the same as us. The only real difference between us is genetic. They are genetically predisposed
to good health.
So, I say to Gore Vidal:
Take a step back and actually look at the rest of the world. You have lazy slag offs in every community, culture, nation. You have groups from all
over the world that give their country a bad name. The English have the chavs. Americans have rednecks/gang members (they're really the same thing...
typically poor and living in bad neighborhoods with no intention of becoming intelligent). Other countries have the same things but with different
The idea that America is somehow different 'just cuz' is absurd.