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(American Police Force) APF Just who are they? some answers here

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posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Yes you are right this has been going on for quite a time, it first came to the public view with a letter send by a radio show asking for a prayer.

I read the letter it accuses Obama of trying to privatized the police in the nation.

Weird, somebody has been working very hard to get this to public knowledge.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:28 PM
Wondering is there is any connection with the recent earthquakes and yellowstone going soon. Maybe they are aware of yellowstone blowing and will want to tell everyone it was a nucluer attack on the US. That this APF was actually a terror plot. Or will it be a Nucluer attack and tell us it was yellowstone? suddenly ppl are dying of radation posioning and we are told its the swine flu ... Just some thoughts.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:37 PM
As i said in other thread about this subject, double headed eagle with 4 C is Serbian crest, The C's are cyrillic S and they mean : Only unity saves the Serbs( Само слога Србина спасава).

These people are probably remnants of Milosevics government, members of spec ops units or criminal elements, that went international as thugs for hire after the revolution.

They are probably only pawns,as i doubt Serbia has a secret agenda to conquer USA(I tried to keep straight face when i typed last part but i failed btw
). Hopefully tracking them will show you who is moving the pieces, or at least who is the king and who is the queen


posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Whatthehell?

"Capt. Michael" is from Montenegro. Thus, the flag.

That flag of Montenegro is not the flag that was on the car decals. It was definitely the flag of Serbia. They both have the double-headed eagle, but at least the inside part is different.

They are neighboring countries, of course.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:57 PM
For those who believe in this sort of thing, remember that it's currently Mercury Retrograde, albeit the shadow period after the worst is over. It's possibly the worst time to make decisions or agreements or sign any kind of contract! Supposedly whatever project one initiates now is doomed to fail. Astrologically speaking, Hardin should wait at least until October 15th or 18th. That's enough time to research and openly discuss the situation. Then, according to a site I found today, October 18th starts the Mercury peak weeks (til the 29th) which are conducive to "clear headed thinking" and good for starting or finalizing projects.
Mercury Retrograde link

And if the elite/Illuminati are behind this, and are spiritually-oriented, they are probably well aware of this glitch in human thinking associated with this time and may be trying to take advantage of it.

Also, I agree with another member (forgot who) who said that maybe Hardin is a test town. Maybe they figure if they can get guns away from people in Hardin and do whatever it is they plan there, then they can do the same in any other town. I mean, they've scoped out the town for 10 months, after all, so they should know what it's like.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by invernal]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by invernal

Well thanks for the zodiac tip I was going to purchase a car next week but now you got me thinking.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by pauljs75
Another google search lead me to this place. Interesting history. Relation? Maybe, maybe not... Maybe another false lead, I'll leave it to someone else to connect the rest of the dots. It's down the page... A Mexican connection, and in California? It's just too wierd.

Double Eagle Restaurant

I don't think there is a Mexican connection, or did I miss something? Were you thinking Edward Angelino is Mexican? He's not that we know of, though it did occur to me he may be part Mexican with that so-called last name. Maybe he just made it up to fit in with the Hispanics in Los Angeles? Along with the Edward he made up in place of Emad. [is it Emad or Ehmad?]

[edit on 1-10-2009 by invernal]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by prevenge
so.. that's why they have the image of the double headed eagle and dawn..
they're coming to hold down the fort as much as possible.. because people changing into people with amazing super powers en masse?

Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. It had once occurred to me that it could get messy when the veil comes down and people start having more paranormal abilities (for whoever believes that stuff).

Speaking of which, some cultures believe the veil at this time of year wanes to to it's thinnest on Halloween. I don't know if this timing is just coincidence with this jail deal. The people who connect the Illuminati to the occult might say it's a prime time to invoke spirits and maximize magical energy, I would think.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by invernal]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 04:37 PM
There are so many posts on this on so many forums....'s gone viral in fact..

Has anyone asked before, isn't this all some kind of shock-advert for the in-production remake of Red Dawn?

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

can you explain what this means? i found it looking at the serbia coat of arms.

it says absurb, as 'america' and 'civilization' in the same phrase. can someone please explain this homage to serbia poem?

The black crow soars high above Surveying an obscene orgy of devastation Unwillingly justice became the stepmother of monstrosity Christendom suffers from Cassandra complex Absurd, as ‘america’ and ‘civilisation’ in the same phrase Vlad’s house was reduced to rubble by winged devils The firemen could only fill useless forms Here the beeches are bent by the north wind He lays fresh flowers on a shallow grave “1912” reads the cross, merely one amongst an harvest Great-grandfather Sasha fought the Turk on this martyr land Vlad wears new fatigues against ancient and novel enemies He bears a centuries old insignia, for an eternal duty The earth of Serbia flows between his fingers The wounds are almost healed, he is ready to rejoin the front In the certainty that the soul of Europe will never capitulate He is the quintessence of this continent, the unknown soldier for the next generation Maybe his own great-grandchildren will still have to bear arms Maybe one day Serbian women will be left only with the trees to embrace Until such a day, to exist is to defend each grain of this holy soil.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 05:45 PM
There are two possibilities:

1) That this is simply a clear example of political and fiscal corruption in a remote little town.

2) That this is a clear test-run and desensitization operation regarding something far more serious to come.

If option 1 is correct, and right now I'm leaning in that direction, then we are simply dealing with alot of very corrupt idiots who did not think that national attention would be directed at what they are doing.

If option 2 is correct, and I know much of ATS is on that side, then everyone should expect alot of apologies after October (when this all is set to go live), a short quiet period, and then similar events in other rural areas across the country where new "prisons" have been built and stand empty (this is one of several).

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 05:52 PM
Steve Quayle says that Edward Angelino is also known as Eddie Ali, Emad Fazi Ali, and Jamad Ali. So far, I can't find anything on any of these names relating them to Edward Angelino, from what I know to be his face and other info.
Video Link Alex Jones Show

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:21 PM
This is not just some small town corruption deal. You don't bring in a bunch of foreign mercs, tell everyone you're the police and open up a private prison without having permission from various federal entities (and spreading a great deal of money around as well).

This is why I'm leaning towards this prison being used to detain the gitmo prisoners but the spokesperson for APC has denied it and even stated the prisoners will be from within the domestic US. It makes me wonder where they plan to get them from since the governor has forbid them from importing any prisoners from outside the state. (Apparently there are no sanctioned prisons in Montana looking for a place to send prisoners to).

Did everyone catch that quote by APC's legal rep claiming the company was founded "over a century ago in Washington, DC"? If that doesn't stink of NWO going back to the big money players from 1903/4 then nothing does.

The other 30 cities was referenced in the Jones / Quayle interview and was taken from a quote made by Obama. I have no clue if that's accurate or what quote / when. I'm looking for confirmation not claiming it's fact.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by musselwhite
reply to post by TheCoffinman

can you explain what this means? i found it looking at the serbia coat of arms.

it says absurb, as 'america' and 'civilization' in the same phrase. can someone please explain this homage to serbia poem?

The black crow soars high above Surveying an obscene orgy of devastation Unwillingly justice became the stepmother of monstrosity Christendom suffers from Cassandra complex Absurd, as ‘america’ and ‘civilisation’ in the same phrase Vlad’s house was reduced to rubble by winged devils The firemen could only fill useless forms Here the beeches are bent by the north wind He lays fresh flowers on a shallow grave “1912” reads the cross, merely one amongst an harvest Great-grandfather Sasha fought the Turk on this martyr land Vlad wears new fatigues against ancient and novel enemies He bears a centuries old insignia, for an eternal duty The earth of Serbia flows between his fingers The wounds are almost healed, he is ready to rejoin the front In the certainty that the soul of Europe will never capitulate He is the quintessence of this continent, the unknown soldier for the next generation Maybe his own great-grandchildren will still have to bear arms Maybe one day Serbian women will be left only with the trees to embrace Until such a day, to exist is to defend each grain of this holy soil.

Looking at the site that you've linked, it says that that poem was posted on

Nato bombing campaign started on march24 and lasted till june 11 1999
You can clearly see that he/she is talking about bombing:

"The black crow soars high above
Surveying an obscene orgy of devastation "

It is one of many artistic forms of expression of outrage and anger that was felt during those times.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I'm thinking right along those lines as well (posted back on pg 4-ish?). The timing of this, along with so many other crises. Feels like a domestic "shock and awe" psy-ops... or maybe we should call it "overwhelm and paralyze".

SO many people are running around trying to figure out what's going on and what to do about it. They frantically chase every issue that arises, overlook the big picture, and have made zero preparations to survive.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:42 PM
[deleted - it was a Facebook for a British guy, I think not the right Michael Hilton]

[edit on 1-10-2009 by invernal]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 07:29 PM
could this be the parent company? i googled cabazon + cia and got this

Nichols corporation, Meridian Arms, a subsidiary of Meridian International Logistics, was licensed in California in 1987 to posses and/or transport machine guns under the Permit No. 01678, and to sell machine guns under Permit No. 01677

this is in connection with Wackenhut Corporation who was bought out by G4S which is the largest employer in the world.

i'm still digging.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by musselwhite]

[edit on 1-10-2009 by musselwhite]

[edit on 1-10-2009 by musselwhite]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 07:51 PM
I see by one of the linked articles that the FBI knows about this, but is doing nothing.

No one in authority has called out the National Guard.

Where are our National Security People?

The Militia is strangely silent.

What do you think would happen if the Militia confronted these guys and told them to leave?
What if shots were excanged?
Wouldn't it be interesting to see who came to the aid of the intuders?

Perhaps it was more than money that bought of that Shay woman and others. Maybe money and a big threat.

I find this whole thing highly disturbing, no matter what spin you put on it.

Has anyone called their Congressmen or Senators?

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 08:02 PM
I really am thinking that this is run-up, pre-production marketing efforts for some kind of movie.

That website is too damn cheesy to belong to a professional security force, IMO.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 08:13 PM
I checked further into the domain registration of, which by the way is not the name the company presents it's name as. The domain name was registered on May 15, 2009 and is set to EXPIRE in only 1 year. Who creates this huge type of presence in an area with a previously unknown company and then registers a name for only 1 year?

I do live very close to Hardin. I think I will have to drive over there tomorrow and see what I can stir up. This is very close to me, and it has me concerned.

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