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I am a German

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posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 03:11 PM
and I am really confused...

first we start a war and everyone ends up in hating us.

then we start another war and once again the whole planet hates us.

Now for a change we try it with peace, but still most countries hate us now. So what the heck can we do???
I guess we will be the bad guys forever

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 03:21 PM
I'm mostly german, but born and raised in the USA. I think the main reason everyone's upset with germany right now is because they are backing out of an important war now. This war affect's them just as much as everyone else. There is no peace solution.

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 03:47 PM
Also it peeves some people that the German's cast a facade of pacifism but they are willing to sell weapons to the highest bidder.

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 07:59 PM
Germany is doing the right thing, regardless of motivation.
Brick Wall, this board has many a poster who think the US is playing the knight in shining armor role, while our government, is looking to control Iraq because:

1) #2 oil producer in the World
2) The push of an 'oil currency' & euro over dollar standard will cost US companies billions
3) Iraq is the most water rich country in the region......what is more power than water in the DESERT!?!?

Whe are "lead" by a fascist leaning government currently that has a complicit media turning a blind eye....don't worry the world doesn't hate Germany.

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 08:11 PM
Dear BrickWall,
my regards to M�nchen, and - as is universally the case - one should not confuse the attitudes of one government and �lite towards other governments with the feelings of the people of the nations those governments claim to represent.
I suspect most people never think about Germany until the media begin to scream.
One tip might be: "stop apologising": while Germany remains open to Zionist manipulation as a consequence of WWII it will always be a soft target.
This is not -of course - an apology for your disgraceful government: but they are not the German people.

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 09:11 PM
The German government in the 40's start an unrighteous war with the world, and now the German government won't back us up in a righteous war with a wannabe Hitler. There's the problem.

But, hey, you guys make heffe weissen. How could anybody stay mad at you guys for very long?

Send me a schnitzel? Please?

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 11:25 PM
Yeah don't listen to B-T he's wrong this time.

In WW1 the world hated Germany because of propoganda, if Germany won they'd replace Britain economically and have become a superb super power.

In WW2 Germany practically killed off all the Jewish race in Europe
That explains that.

Now, when we HAVE to remove Saddam from power, and we HAVE to establish another Democracy in the Middle east to finally liberate them from their theocratic slavery, Germany along with the pu$$y french, doesn't want to help, they think we are wrong, when we are right.

You don't want to be like the pu$$y french do you? I mean come on, France, is expected to wuss out on everything, but Germany? Man you guys used to throw your lives away over pennies

no signature

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 01:07 AM
brick wall my dear friend we in the south east asia never hate the german only the time of the strain situation take place that where german went to war.but not all people of german liked to joint in the we in ASIA didn t hate the people or their country
anyway.but to the AMERICAN we only sayS this word

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 05:24 AM
Please stop talking about "liberate the Iraqi people" because that is simply NOT true. Tell me why it is suddenly sooooo important to "Liberate" Iraqis ? You forget some very important details. It's the west that let the Iraqi people suffer all the time, it's the west that gave him (Saddam) WMD's, it's the west that helped him to build up his army. It's the west that looked the other way when he used his weapons. It's the west that is looking the other way while people are getting killed by an "allied" country, they are ignoring some UN resolutions for more than 35 years by now. So how dare you talk about liberating peoples ? That is what we call arrogance and ignorance and maybe you don't see it, be sure the rest of the world sees it.

It's an illusion to think that those people who suffered for years are now suddenly America's friends.. think again !

As for France, don't you understand why they oppose war ? If you don't know then you must seek for the real news and not propaganda news. You won't call them pussies.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Brick Wall
and I am really confused...
first we start a war and everyone ends up in hating us.
then we start another war and once again the whole planet hates us.
Now for a change we try it with peace, but still most countries hate us now. So what the heck can we do???
I guess we will be the bad guys forever

I'm french and France is in the same situation

First we colonize countries still colonized by Turks :

We free a people, we devellop a land, we build schools and there is a war against colonized peoples...
Then These peoples destroy there country, buy new uniforms, police, MP, Secret police... etc etc etc... They ruin they nation and ask us to help them...

And at the end,these peoples accuse us to be unbelievers, not in their religion (Instead, we never had any reason to be in their religion and we are still monotheists), puts bombs in our subway...

And, how DAMN.. I becoming a bad gals...

[Edited on 18-2-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

[Edited on 18-2-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 06:02 AM
No, TigriS, put the blame where it belongs, on the shoulders of Hussein. I don't think the West suggested to Hussein to become a murdering sicko.

Quit being so self-loathing, it's not constructive and not true.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 08:08 AM
On behalf of the millions who marched last weekend, i salute Germany, France and plucky old Belgium. At least someone has the balls to stand up to the U.S. I dont think they delayed the the turkey defense issue for technical issues, they just wanted to give a public f**k you to george w.
I for one am glad they did.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 11:41 AM
Kegs you're just living in a fantasy. Welcome to the real world, and that world is that it's riddled with Dictators and the US is the only cure, finally we have a president who has the Balls to tell dictators to shove it, and even more balls to actually follow through with it, and stick those dictators on pikes.

The Germans, are #####, you are a disgrace and I'm ashamed I'm 1/2 german. Thank god the rest in me is English and Finn//swede...

Besides no one ever expected the Germans to agree with ridding the world of another Dictator, after all they are the captital of Dictatorship and Evil. I mean god, they only had to be dog piled by the whole rest of the world, even other dictators, to shut them up and stop them from butchering innocents.

Yeah, Germany you and your peace marches only proves you've never changed, but at least, we've made you pathetic, so your wicked views will never harm anyone ever again.

And anyone who says the west is at fault is not facing the music, if someone started a problem so what? More reason for them to finish it.

"UN, Please let the Americans do their job."

no signature

[Edited on 19-2-2003 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 11:45 AM
While a lot of folks who were at the peace marches in the US were probably good folks who aren't anti-American, they were very uninformed. All of those rallys were organized by anti-American organizations. And why is it that people who march in these things only have signs etc that say bad things about the US, and Bush, but they don't even ask Saddam to flat out disarm immediately? If they are so peaceful and against war, that is the one guaranteed way to avoid it.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 01:26 PM
old man bush, not the pres but his senile ol pops, could have avoided all of this if he had simply kicked baghdads arse in the first gulf war. it wouldn't have been hard.

i'll tell you from someone who lives with the us army, we don't hate the germans. i'm actually nervous about going to germany this summer since there is so much anti US stuff goin on in europe. i for one as much as many other soldiers on ft. drum think that bush is an idiot. all we can do though is follow orders. this whole war is going to do nothing but make people hate the US that much more.

i do applaud france germany and belguim. it is about time someone decides to take a stand against our government. the only problem is it is merely delaying the inevitable. when it is all over france germany and the belgians are going to want to be in the bank when oil cuts are given when it's all over.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
the German government won't back us up in a righteous war with a wannabe Hitler. There's the problem.

You really believe this is a 'righteous' war, don't you?
Control the water ( Iraq means land of water, or some such translation), control the world oil market's ( sell cheap...hurt Russia, sell expensive ...hurt Japan, EU) and cause a humanitarian crisis.....this is righteous?
When no US petrol or hydro interest steps into Iraq post annihilation, then the 'righteous' thing will fit. Until then, focus on the 'after' to see if the reasons leading into hold credibility.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 04:19 PM

Control the water ( Iraq means land of water, or some such translation), control the world oil market's ( sell cheap...hurt Russia, sell expensive ...hurt Japan, EU) and cause a humanitarian crisis.....this is righteous?

Geez BT you really believe all this wild speculation don't you.They said the same think thing during the Gulf War.Yet none of this has come to pass.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 05:45 PM
No one is right or wrong when it comes to War.
Saddam Hussein is a murderer and must be stopped. The 1st Gulf War failed to stop or kill him, and it has gone on for far too long. He must be stopped regardless of opinion. The U.S. has 1 fault; they took too long the first time around.
This time finish the job at hand. No Arab country will try anything anymore after this War.
If you support the War to stop all wars, then you do, if you don't support the War, just shut up and put up with it!
The French and Germans crack to vocal minority groups.
How many people protested around the world? 10 mill? 20 mill? That's what 0.01% of the world�s population?

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 06:37 PM
well, democracy works. i mean, a people made a leader running for re-election actually put his ballz in specially made guillotine. yah democracy! damn what everyone says if they aint german or french for that matter this is your country...your boys and girls..if you people don't wanna go to war then damn it, your government shouldn't send you to war.

her 2 cents provided by Saphronia inc.

[Edited on 19-2-2003 by Saphronia]

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 07:13 PM
And I feel the same about them. To heck with their opinion as we are the primary target, not them. They, on the other hand, will be found out to have commercial reason not to want Iraq attacked. I'll bet you evidence will be found in Iraq that will shed bad light on our former allies. But, when more attacks come against the U.S., it won't be any skin off the noses found in Berlin or Paris. Therefore, I don't give two hoots in Hades what they think. If I were king of this nation, though, I'd remember their attitude toward this situation and when they needed a hand again....

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