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Does this look like America to you?

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+60 more 
posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:34 PM
Police attack on Thursday Sept 24 2009.
Filmed at the University of Pittsburgh.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:37 PM
Thank you Warren.

We have to see it. No MSM coverage of the other video yet. Do you doubt this will be swept under the rug as well?

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Thanks WB.

We can't turn away from it. We have to stare it down and rebuke it. We have to tell our friends, family and neighbors.

Even though it's been posted elsewhere, I'm leaving this here too, because it's important.

[edit on 25/9/2009 by kosmicjack]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:43 PM
Wow that just really opens your eyes to what is really going on. unfortunately the people that need to see it never will.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Brave New World Indeed..

What Monstrous creatures we have wrought...

We live in frightening times friends, not unbelievable,
just plain frightening.



posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:22 PM

The march began with several hundred protesters. It did not have a city permit and police declared it an unlawful assembly.


Why do you need a permit. What happened to the 1st amendments? Someone please explain what happened to the U.S.

+16 more 
posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:22 PM
I think JFK put it best...

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

A second civil war is no longer a matter of "if", but "when"

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:25 PM
It is chilling, but you know, this sort of thing has been going on for some time. Every time we have some sort of g-20 meeting or whatever on par with that. Not that that lessens the impact at all. It's just a reminder on how little power we the people really have.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Gray Fox

Very true, it seems to be the direction theTPTB are taking things, we

have no rights left!! Never thought America would come to this!!!

Everything changed on a day in Sept. back in 2001...9/11...its

been downhill ever since...imo


+40 more 
posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:48 PM
People say that soldiers and police will not turn on their own citizens. We are told that they are people too, and have families, and neighbors. We are reassured that they won't goosestep behind the next Hitler.

I think this shows that they will.

Face it, to want to be a Cop in this country, in this century, you pretty much have to be a power-hungry thug who just wants to be with the best equiped street gang. They no longer care if we respect them, only that we fear them.

Traitors. Every one of them.

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by truth/seeker
Everything changed on a day in Sept. back in 2001

I surely don't mean to minimize it or compare the two in scale or tragedy, but the videos posted have affected me in a way similar to 9/11 - my world view will not be the same.

No, people did not die, but our liberties have. Until I saw that video, I never really grasped how the War on Terror has now been turned on us. Intellectually I got it but, in reality, I don't think I really did before but I do now.

Jack-booted riot police were denying citizens their right to free speech and to peacefully assemble. We paid for that equipment. The LRAD was meant for Iraq. It's now patrolling a U.S. city. This is the second time in a month it's been used for crowd control purposes against citizens not breaking any laws, only exercising their Constitutional Rights.

[edit on 25/9/2009 by kosmicjack]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 05:52 PM
These videos show me one very important thing - peaceful demonstration will get us NOWHERE!!

Slowly, but surely, they continue to remove more and more of our Constitutional rights..............and people just let them! What I am seeing, in these videos, is the removal of our right to peacefully assemble. Laws passed, that require permits, are unConstitutional! No ifs, ands, or buts....

It is only going to get worse, IMHO. Until the day comes - and, I believe, it will - when we start pushing back as physically as they are pushing back the protesters in the videos!

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 06:23 PM
God, both of those videos just make me sick to my stomach.

This is not the America I grew up with (and I'm 19), this is not the America I was taught to be proud of, and this is not the America I was promised when I was a young child. It seems like more and more, every day, something happens that completely blows my mind away.

I'm at a complete loss for words, and I even expected things like this to be common during the G20. But to see it in actual just really hits home.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 06:23 PM
You have to wait for it as it's further into the video (2:39) but it shows Pitt students peppered in their dorm entrance/stairwell while watching events on the street below. They weren't even part of the protest, just observing.

In the clip you can hear the LRAD vehicle instruct "Citizens of Pittsburgh you may be arrested or subject to other police action." For what!!?? Watching? More like witnessing.

I just don't understand. We have first and fourth amendment rights that are inalienable - cannot be usurped by any authority. Just because some idiots are breaking the law, doesn't mean that the rights of other citizens should be stripped.

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not anti-police. I'm pro civil rights. I do however think that the police should exist to protect and serve, as peace officers. I detest the term Law Enforcement Officer and I feel that a noble profession has been wholesale purchased by the military industrial complex.

We allowed it to happen but it has to stop.

[edit on 26/9/2009 by kosmicjack]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:44 PM
The government claims "we are terrorists" if we go against them, and

stand up for our rights and freedoms. But what do you call the police

who intensionally pepper spray students "observing" the protests from

their dorms. Have the police in their riot gear become the "terrorists"

against the american people they are suppose to protect??

This surely can't be America!!!

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:16 PM
Now the crap I blog doesn't seem to far fetched
This is only a People-gauge. The Elite are testing the resolve of the US American People. I don't know what the exact "constant" that is being measured against, but make no mistake this is not only to desensitize, but to make determinations of progress in totalitarian empirical govt.

They are testing the resolve of not only the Protesters, the People at home, but also of the military, and po-lice.

It is obvious the military, and po-lice are servants of the Empire, and not of the People any longer.

Why not stand up? Everyone's time is coming, but who will be around when it is Your turn, or mine?

Thanks warren, and kosmicjack for posting the vids.........there's another member who is there, and posting continual footage as he gets it.

EDIT: this is the thread from the member at protests.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:32 PM
How long before the spin starts and turns it on those who were there, rather than the outrageous behavior of the Police? I'm sure that the spin will say that enforcement was provoked...

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:37 PM
It sure does. Let's see, Kent State, 1968 Democratic Convention,. Let's not forget all the unionists who had their heads busted in the 1930's. The list goes on and on. Seattle, Portland( they teargassed women holding babies in that one. The more things change...

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
It sure does. Let's see, Kent State, 1968 Democratic Convention,. Let's not forget all the unionists who had their heads busted in the 1930's. The list goes on and on. Seattle, Portland( they teargassed women holding babies in that one. The more things change...

The last reference, are you talking about the anarchist gathering or the Iraq war protests in PDX? Ya, I was around town for those and they got scary as hell... (and I'm not even referencing police action) but the actions of the protesters themselves in some cases. People trapped in cars on bridges while protesters tore them up... Freaky stuff. I don't remember tear gassing riot cops, though...

[edit on 25-9-2009 by LadySkadi]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:48 PM
It started right away.I'm originally from the Pittsburgh area,and I was keeping a close eye on the events and protests.I was at first surprised whenever I saw so few.......but the truth is that the protestors were shot down before they had a chance to begin.

"They" didn't want another London scene,and were ready this time.

This is bothersome to say the least,but not shocking,and we should be better prepared for what is to come.So sad.

mod edit, to fix video link

[edit on 26-9-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

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