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The first throes of Civil War are here

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by titorite
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Well as your Canadian I think it will not affect you as much as it will us down south of you.. More over Throws not throes. I choose to spell it that way. As long as you can understand to context of my words the is the important thing right... For if we where all held to account for our spelling and grammatical errors then none of us would be innocent.

Spelling doesn't matter? An awareness of good spelling usually comes naturally to those who are well-read...even if they aren't very good at it, they realise that it brings credibility to what they communicate. And forgive me for being an elitist swine, but I'd like to know that the new leadership will have read a history text or two...perhaps a little philosophy, some economics, social sciences. Heavy on the history, they don't make the same mistakes.

You know, the kind of stuff necessary to run a country.

I don't know what to say.... if your a religious man I would say pray.

I should think you would want to pray that the scata does not hit the fan...
1) You are on a list because of the nature of this thread.
2) You are on another list because you are a member of this forum.
3) You are on yet another list because you self-identify as a survivalist/fighter, which announces to all that you likely hoard guns and foodstuffs.

...and yes, I'm on a list for responding to this thread.

There is no anonymity on the Net. You will be part of the roundup you fear. The only survivalists I know...I know about by accident. The real deal doesn't talk about it.

Sorry to be a prig, but it's time you knew.

And why would you deliberately use the word 'throws'? You may as well say 'potato' for all the context.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I think you are just on this thread to nit pick at the details and incite argument. You seem to have little to say about my thoughts and focus on my the spelling of my message as opposed to the context of the message.

As for my fighter status that is because I am a member of the ATS debate team. Same goes for my Writer status. My survival status is just a nod to all the other survivalists here on ATS.

As for my being on lists? I am not sure what that has to do with anything. Nor does it bother me in the sense you might be aiming for. The average US citizen is on more lists than he knows about. Creditor lists, debtor lists, government lists, that is not news to me or anyone else here. If we are on a round up list then we are and we have about as much chance to do something about it as those who are on No fly lists have of getting off the no fly lists. It is just something that is.

Like I said before... The problems in the US affect the US alot more then they affect our northern neighbors.

You might want to worry more about the direction Harper is taking yall as opposed to our trouble with our own government.

You may also want to devote some time to the topic at hand rather than the spelling and Grammar of the topic. I am not the topic.

Final edit to add this: I have corrected the spelling mistake. So that should solve the nitpick of the problem.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by titorite]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by titorite
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I think you are just on this thread to nit pick at the details and incite argument.

I'll send you a u2u as I'm really not interested in derailing this thread...that wasn't the point. The point was in saying to those fomenting careful what you ask for, especially if you have nothing better to with which to replace it.

Self edit to say...yes, the corrected thread title looks much better, and I submit the following picture to illustrate that even among revolutionaries...spelling counts!!


[edit on 25-9-2009 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by novacs4me
reply to post by uaocteaou
Your avatar speaks volumes about your viewpoint. As an American, communism will NEVER be an acceptable substitute for the way of life that I knew as a child in the '60's, and can now see is slipping away. Freedom is worth the cost of preserving it.

It never ceases to amaze me, how some of the most ignorant assumptions are made based on one single meaningless avatar. Do you live in a lighthouse..? if not, then please don't assume to know Jack about me, or my positions on any topic, based on an avatar.

It's because of people like you novacs4me, that we are doomed, are you proud..?

Basing an opinion, on nothing more than someones avatar, is not only extremely narrow-minded, but you have also made my point for me.

This is why we are doomed as a nation, because people like YOU can't, or just won't focus on how to repair, or even unite for any purpose other than to cast baseless judgments on somene.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by novacs4me

NOW I remember why I left the States. It's populated with people like you. Knee-jerk reactionaries. Disinfo agent, am I? You are simply a mushroom.

Well, it's your problem anyway. I'm not there and I'm not coming back. I haven't been back in nearly 15 years so I guess I'll survive here just fine. Be sure and send a postcard when the fires die down a bit.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:33 AM
In deed! This will bee the Revalushun of thows hoo canot speal! As long
as they can shoot straight I don't care.

As for peaceful protest it has accomplished ZIP here in the US.

The PTB have had plenty of time to respond to the complaints
of public. Trickle down economics have been saturating the people since
Reagan . I'm pretty sure that's urine I'm tasting right now.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:41 AM
Well, I must say, the irony of the conversations in this thread versus the title and topic of the thread are eerily mirroring each other.


Personally, I'm watching the world and shaking my head. The problems here in America are going over the top and you can't help but to see them. It's getting almost silly obvious. When my non-CT brothers and sisters start pointing out (almost in a huff-LOL) all of the crappulence from 2-10 years ago with Bush and 9-11 and the Wars on Terror, Drugs and Morality (That one's not so talked about, but, watch primetime TV for a week, you see it all over the networks) and saying "Murph, this crazy stuff is going on! Did you know Cheney did this and Rumsfeld did that?"
In my estimation, we're all toast. I, myself, am going to continue doing what it is I do, online and off until it's at my doorstep. And then I'll die as it burns everything. But, I'll die free.

Talking about it here, then arguing on the semantics and spelling is almost a distraction.


posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by uaocteaou

Originally posted by novacs4me
reply to post by uaocteaou
Your avatar speaks volumes about your viewpoint. As an American, communism will NEVER be an acceptable substitute for the way of life that I knew as a child in the '60's, and can now see is slipping away. Freedom is worth the cost of preserving it.

It never ceases to amaze me, how some of the most ignorant assumptions are made based on one single meaningless avatar. Do you live in a lighthouse..? if not, then please don't assume to know Jack about me, or my positions on any topic, based on an avatar.

It's because of people like you novacs4me, that we are doomed, are you proud..?

Basing an opinion, on nothing more than someones avatar, is not only extremely narrow-minded, but you have also made my point for me.

This is why we are doomed as a nation, because people like YOU can't, or just won't focus on how to repair, or even unite for any purpose other than to cast baseless judgments on somene.

No, I don't live in a lighthouse. Jesus is the lighthouse. Thanks for asking, though! I think you expressed pretty well how you would like us to unite as a nation, and my answer is, 'No, thank you!' I think we can repair our nation if we will all learn what is in the Constitution, and either stick by it, or amend it, instead of treating it as a block to 'progress'.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Cuhail

LOL Amen... Like I said in my OP The signs of the times should be obvious to all but the most brainwashed subservient among us.

Strange days indeed.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:44 AM
Well, I see this thread has gone the way of others....nit picking and Jesus this and Jesus that. I thought the point was the Coming American Civil Conflict?

I try to keep a weather eye on events all over the word every day, and most especially here in America, my home. I have seen many things in recent months, and have heard many people talk about things going on these days, from normal citizens to police officers and public servants. All say the same thing....they see some kind of war coming between the American people and the government. It makes you stop and think when a Deputy Sheriff tells you something like this.

The thing is, the whole world is changing, whether one wants to admit it or not. The old status quo is a stale, static thing, and the people are thinking in a more dynamic way. The secrets are becoming more and more transparent, more is coming out ever day. Of course, there are those in these forums doing damage control, but those of us with an open mind can easily see through that, can't we?

The G-20 meetings are going on right now in Pittsburgh, and already I have seen a man get abducted right off the street by camo clothed thugs and forced into an unmarked car. I am hearing rumors that new weapons are to be used on the protesters, sound weapons ant the like. Will the first shots be fired in Pittsburgh? I can still remember Kent State and the National Guard soldiers firing on unarmed college students, and that was back in the 60s. The State militias are locked and loaded, I'm told, waiting for it to come, as are many religious groups.

The Federal Reserve is about the be audited, and they have already said that the American economy would crash if an audit were performed. So here we are, our money is about to be no good anymore, there are way too many on welfare and would rather have a job, we have cops who think they are God, and we have a government that keeps on doing what they have been doing. We have two political parties that are like eggs in a basket, and politicians who run for office again and again just for the money, and care not about the people who put them there. We have a president who promised transparency and doesn't show any, and we have home grown terrorists cropping up all over.

So who here does NOT see a conflict coming?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by titorite

Careful throwing the term "throes" out there. Dick Cheney made that famous and we all know what a national treasure he is.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 12:38 PM
Not to worry.If you natural born "Americans" don't like the way things are going they will just import some "refugees" from other third world failed dictator socialist countries to replace you.

They will be so happy to be in "America" they will go along with anything that is done with no complaint.

That is pretty much the plan as far as I see.

Get more people from somewhere else,make them Americans,simple as that.

Why do you think they are not enforcing the immigration laws and keeping us all drugged?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by calcoastseeker
Not to worry.If you natural born "Americans" don't like the way things are going they will just import some "refugees" from other third world failed dictator socialist countries to replace you.

They will be so happy to be in "America" they will go along with anything that is done with no complaint.

That is pretty much the plan as far as I see.

Get more people from somewhere else,make them Americans,simple as that.

Why do you think they are not enforcing the immigration laws and keeping us all drugged?

Forgive me for noticing, but I look at your signature,

Calling illegal aliens "undocumented workers" is like calling drug dealers "unlicensed pharmacists"!

and I can't help but remark that...on the whole, people do not go to drug dealers with the expectation that they can get the same services as a pharmacy - as opposed to American employers who gladly hire the illegals as cheap labour to extend their bottom line.

...Which suggests that the illegal immigration scenario is a little more complex than you are spelling out for us.

self edit to sweeten my grammar a bit...there might be a quiz.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by titorite

First of all.. you are spinning things, worse than hannity.

For the military abduction, it's already been determined those men are NOT US Military Personell. Whether is was a private contractor or not is still being argued. And it may have been a hoax.

As for the kids singing? Its disturbing but it's just one incident that was probably conducted by a teacher who is an Obama tron. This is not public school policy.
As for the census murder,we also have little details.

Is civil war possible? Yes. But these things are not signs of that.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by titorite

Very good OP, S&F!

You are absolutely correct unfortunately "there are none more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free".

There is much to this whole picture and most are in denial for the sliver of hope it will all just be ok.

We need a rebellion. An organized one, for that is the "ONLY" way at this point in time we will take back what is ours. We could have used other methods previously in time but unfortunately there were not enough willing or enlightened. Now we must experience our own repercussions. However, I am willing to stand and I stand with you in opinion on this subject for the sole purpose of seeing the bigger picture. Now, how many else will do the same?


Until then...

[edit on 25-9-2009 by N3krostatic]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Sadly we may find out how bad things are in this nation as the G20 meeting protesters anger increase and how many will be joining the increasing desire to be heard.

It only takes one spark to ignite a nation's population.

Agreed but not with a manipulated and separated nation. Many will ignore the spark these days and at a time like this we need a extra significant spark to ignite the unity within, so that an appropriate amount of people will stand and enlighten others to stand.

The spark these days unfortunately is a spark we haven't seen yet IMHO or in essence we all need to be that spark as it seems those close minded won't respond to such as they use to. Oh isn't brainwash such an effective tool to those who know how it works and know how to use it...

[edit on 25-9-2009 by N3krostatic]

[edit on 25-9-2009 by N3krostatic]

[edit on 25-9-2009 by N3krostatic]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by titorite

Well it is just the fat lady warming up, but this is definitely
the smoke before the fire.

How long til it goes full tilt ?

I have no idea, but expect it to escalate, and expect when the
H1N1 thing goes mandatory that some families will keep their
kids home and start group home school programs.

If it goes long term look for teacher lay offs, and look for the
GOV to do some incredibly stupid things.

Although some might say some of that is going on already as
you have so astutely posted yourself.

The ppl are still preparing, and I am glad that a lot of ppl have
got themselves ready for the coming crisis.

Hopefully with so many prepared it will soften the effect.

Good Luck to you all !

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:10 PM
as much as I want to agree with you that the nation is falling apart, I feel these incidents might just be isolated ignorance applied to people. I don't think kids singing about obama is as big of a deal as people make it (I have been warned twice for making my feelings so?).

Yes, the death of the census worker and arrest/kidnapping of those kids (I'd bet at least one of them didn't do anything to deserve it) is HORRIBLE and should be acknowledged and followed upon properly (the prosecution of all the those in the wrong), I can't help but to feel this thread is fear mongering.

piddles out.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Where did you move to, and is it warm there?

I am seriously considering packing up and leaving myself. I have seen enough that tells me soon, there will be govt issue strait jackets being given out....

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:20 PM
Back in 93 there was the same mentality. Hillbilly idiots screaming communism & socialism while they didn't even know the meaning of either. Rednecks starting militias because old bill was gonna take away their guns.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by jonSUN]

[edit on 25-9-2009 by jonSUN]

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