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The first throes of Civil War are here

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posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

I would categorize the events of Ed and Elaine Brown as a throe... I would say when citizens begin to fight back against the law enforcement that would be a throe... When the government attempts to medically sedate its populace I would call that a throe. When towns in New England print their own currency I would call that a throe. When food and aid are denied to hurricane victims so that the poor can be thinned out.. I would call that a throe.

These things and more are just the beginning throes. Events are getting closer and closer together. I am not saying the rebels tried to recruit me today or that I heard about the loyalists razing another town... I am just saying that we are on the precipice, that the first signs of civil war are here. A standing army is on American soil and it has its sites set on US citizens.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 12:20 AM
There's almost an endless number of things people could do and don't. Most people when the SHTF will simply go from 0 to either -1 or 0 to ballistic. One way or another they don't really want to be responsible, they just want it to go away.

Here's a list of things people can do and don't.

1. Run for office or support and elect people into local government and the judiciary that will get rid of fluoridation, traffic tickets, false courts, false laws or false crimes (statutes, regulations, etc..)

2. Hold Citizen Grand Jurys to investigate and initiate prosecutions against government officials and policy enforcers involved in the false laws and abuses.

3. Create a local news letter to alert people to corruptions.

4. Reinstalled public access TV programs.

5. Support a fund and establish a system of law consultants that will help people sue policy enforcers and their employers who write the false tickets and hold the false courts.

6. Don't be a slave to the "credit reporting system". Most credit cards are not lawful contracts and most loads including home mortgages are also unlawful for numerous reasons. Walks away from them.

7. Don't pay the false taxes. Write your county and state and ask them to produce the law that requires you to pay property tax, income tax, have a drivers license or register a vehicle.

8. Sign any "traffic ticket" with "Under duress" and "Without Prejudice" then with your last name as "First of the Lastname family". Take your time reading the ticket thoroughly, explain to the officer that the ticket is in fact a contract and that there are no laws behind traffic tickets so the city governments try to entrap you into signing a contract. Tell the officer that you know they are a good person and just doing their job and the reason they tell you that you'll loose your license if you don't sign is to coorce you into the false contract. You can also cross out date and sign the sections of the ticket you don't agree with. It is a contract and you don't have to accept it as is.

9. If you get a redlight camera ticket. Respond by asking them what this is? It is not a lawful invoice, where are the laws behind this? You have no obligation to enter into a contract and so politely refuse. Also the name on the ticket is not you, the name on the fake bill is then name of a person, a person is a fiction. You are a living human being not a fiction of contract law. Basically get them thinking about what they are being asked to do and why.

Just a few of the ideas.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by ReelView

Interesting to see someone out there who has taken the time to research what is 'common law' and what is 'statute law' in terms of every day impositions. I take it you know how to filibuster the courts as well then? With the old "I'm an interested third party here about ##name of case## and I would like to see the presiding judge please."

Gotta love that. Star for you anyway.

The rest of this thread really just isn't worth commenting on. We all know that things are bad. May I suggest you all watch the film 'Network'. It is on Google videos and can be watched free of charge. Good old Howard Beale.

The Para.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:43 AM
The paranoia is strong in this one...

When Bush was at power, there was always a HUGE contingent of police/army around to look after peace and order...and that in itself was nothing bad. But since Obama is in power, these forums seem infested by a bunch of unhappy rednecks talking about civil war, making comparisons to Nazi Germany (which is a disgrace to the millions of Jews that died during that time, shame on you!!), and talking about stashing food and arming themselves for when the civil war breaks out.

Bush spent a good part of his reign taking away rights from citizens, but it's only NOW that you have a problem wiith it??? What a bunch of paranoid hypocrates you are. Guess you belong to the group who think it's cool to bring automatic weapons to townhall meetings, right? Well, the rest of the world is laughing at your ridiculous paranoia

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

How is that a disgrace to the millions of Jews that died.

You do know, that Jews wern't the only ones to die in the Second World War and the holocaust?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:03 AM
So your seriously comparing your disagreement with current politics with the senseless death of millions of people during WW2?? Sorry, but there are no deathcamps, the government won't stick you in a room with poisonous gas, Obama isn't a reincarnation of Hitler, and there's definitely less racism now than 75 years ago in Nazi Germany. Believing anything else makes you look like some stupid right-wing (or extreme left-wing) anarchist nutcase who's spouting bull# because he's unhappy with who's in power.

Comon' guys, not paying parking fines and speeding tickets as a means of revolution? You always paid those in the past, and suddenly you wont? Laughable!

Bush spent 8yrs taking away people's rights, and most just went along with it. But suddenly now that he's gone you got a problem with it to the point where you call for civil war??

Seriously, if you disagree with current politics, and you have the right to do so...start a discussion like civilised people. Bu calling for civil war, posting signs of sniper rifles with slogans like "vote from the rooftops", and other ridiculous things just makes you look very very paranoid and stupid.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Is that post for me or everyone in general?

Because i didn't make any of the comparisons you just said.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

I agree with you some things on this thread are ridiculous and over the top, but other posts i agree with.

But remember:

"There are none more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free"

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:22 AM
Like I said, it is your full right to disagree with things...and just fyi, there's a lot of policies (mostly economical) I disagree with as well.

I just think that those extremist "omg civil war" nutcases are hurting the rest of us who are trying to have a civil conversation. I mean, would you take any of those sniper-rifle ppl serious who posts "lets vote from the rooftops"?

And yeah, you asked how comparing Obama's administration to Nazi Germany is a disgrace to Jews. Obv it's not only a disgrace to Jews, but to all ppl who died during WW2. Disagreeing with politics, and the senseless slaughter of millions of innocent people ISN'T THE SAME!! Anyone who disagrees is a bit of a nutcase imo.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Parallex

reply to post by MrXYZ

I will tell you two jokers what I think is crazy. Crazy is the amount of folks that are giving this thread a cursory glance and then decide it is an anti Obama thread full of racism and calling for civil war.

If you even stopped long enough to read my post at the top of this page you would see how you are wrong. I am not calling for anything neither are the majority of others here... I am am saying the cracks at the seems are showing.

You both have provided excellent posts that speak to half the heart of this country. The other half of the country is bothered as sin by such blind obedient love of the government.

The patriot act is still in effect. Warrentless wire taps are still active. Even more troops are going to hit Afghanistan. More folks are being called domestic terrorists with weapons of mass destruction. And some here just want to defend the current administration and label dissenters.

I would like to know how many of you folks that are labeling us dissenters have already turned us in to the government watch dog sites? You are aware that you can turn in dissenters right?

"There are none more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free" - Gothe

[edit on 27-9-2009 by titorite]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by titorite
reply to post by harrytuttle

I would categorize the events of Ed and Elaine Brown as a throe... I would say when citizens begin to fight back against the law enforcement that would be a throe... When the government attempts to medically sedate its populace I would call that a throe. When towns in New England print their own currency I would call that a throe. When food and aid are denied to hurricane victims so that the poor can be thinned out.. I would call that a throe.

These things and more are just the beginning throes. Events are getting closer and closer together. I am not saying the rebels tried to recruit me today or that I heard about the loyalists razing another town... I am just saying that we are on the precipice, that the first signs of civil war are here. A standing army is on American soil and it has its sites set on US citizens.

What do you mean with fighting back against law inforcement? Not payinig parking tickets, lol?

And show me proof that the government is medically sedating citizens! And show me real proof, not some conspiracy theory about how the H1N1 vaccine might be a means for the government to "thin out the population". Because you know, the rest of the world is using it as well...and if it were that bad, you can bet there'd be an outcry. It's not as if other medical specialists couldn't verify the exact effects of the medcin.

And that town in New England has been printing their own money since 2007. It's a clever business, because once you invest in their "currency", you can only spend it in LOCAL shops. It hasn't been done to counter the effects of the economic downturn (that started AFTER 2007!!), but rather to increase people's local spending. There's plenty of such schemes all over the world. In addition, it's not a real currency, because you can't use/get it anywhere but there...try to exchange it at a regular bank, and you'll see what I mean.

Regarding the hurricane disaster aid, yes, the government #ed up big time. But I'd bet you it was rather incompetence than an evil plan to kill off the poor. Tons of rich people lost their homes too. Governments make mistakes, such as invading a country under false premises. All it means is that they make mistakes like all humans.

And don't for a second think I blindly follow everything the US government comes up with. I disagree with 80%+ of their economic policies, I don't think they have any real reason to be in Afghanistan (other than increasing turnover for weapons of their biggest income generators), and a ton of other stuff.

However, the things you mentioned are definitely NOT signs of the start of a civil war!!

[edit on 27-9-2009 by MrXYZ]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

No I do not mean not paying parking tickets. Where did you get that idea?

As the the government medically sedating it citizens you should really pay more attention to how many children are drugged. And FYI your on a conspiracy web site so if you don't want to hear about the h1n1 conspiracies then perhaps you should try a site like freerepublic or libertypost.

You say tons of rich people lost their homes too...Funny that. I did not know that the rich folk lived in the ghettos of the fifth ward.

I mentioned alot of things on this thread. Like the escalating police brutality. The fact that peaceful protests have become unlawful assemblies. The fact that our economy is in the tank.... People full the most inclined to resist tyranny when the have run out of food and comfort. In todays world they are.

I'm just saying the first signs are here. That is my view point. I am not calling for anything... so you may want to spend more time thinking about what your typing before you press that enter key.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by titorite

Well, if so many children are me where child deathrates have gone up in recent months? Enlighten me

You said that town in New England printing their own money is a sign...when I just explained why it can't be. They've been doing even before the crisis started, and it's clearly only clever business...yet you obv ignore that part of the post.

Hurricane Katrina was horrible for the local tourism industry, and the FED lost millions in tourism revenue. Why on earth would they voluntarily pass up on this? Yes they really messed up...but just because they did, doesn't mean they want to kill off the poor. If they wanted that, they wouldn't come up with universal healthcare now.

The economy tanks because investment bankers took insane risks by overleveraging their investments...and the government not stepping in. But they've allowed this kind of bad behavior since the 90s, it's nothing new. Yes it sucks the economy's down, but again, it happened because there wasn't enough regulation, and investment bankers got lost in their own greed.

Now I don't agree with the governments plan to counter the bad economy, because I think they're just postponing the problem instead of fixing it...but I don't count this as a sign of a looming civil war.

People protest right now, but they have done so for years. The reason why the government steps in (and they always have...just remember the RNC in the past few years), is because some idiot nutcases bring automatic weapons to those assemblies. This is dangerous, especially if you know those same people have "lets vote from rooftops" bumperstickers on their cars. I'd be concerned for other people's safety too...

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

I don't think you have any concern for peoples safety here. I think you just want to argue. And thats fine that is what the internet is for right? Arguing with strangers over issues that don't really matter to you in your daily life?

I said in my OP that "It should be plain and apparent to all but the brainwashed subservient that the first throes of civil war are here. "

I will now let you have the last word as I have no interest in continuing this exercise in futility with you. Your gonna think what you think and I'm gonna think what I think and the boys with the LRAD weapons are gonna think what they think.

Jeffers morning to you.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
i have to say, your signs of an early civil war ... they do sound like early signs of a civil war! lets be honest with ourselves, i cant remember anytime since ive been alive that the general public has felt so disenchanted with government.. i think the government is increasingly seen as a tool of the federal reserve, the bankers and thier banks... look at the sales of gun and ammo for 2009... up up up up! surely that is another sign of civil war..

well, i felt disenchantment with my government during the kennedy assasination, the vietnam war, king and r.kennedy assasinations, nixon watergate, gas crisis of the seventies, reagens irangate betrayal, first gulf war, impeachment of president clinton for lying by trying to keep an affair secret, 2000 election, 9/11 cover-up, iraq, weaponized anthrax sent to congress, 2004 ohio vote tally fraud, katrina, wire-tapping, gitmo...and on it goes.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by titorite
reply to post by MrXYZ

I don't think you have any concern for peoples safety here. I think you just want to argue. And thats fine that is what the internet is for right? Arguing with strangers over issues that don't really matter to you in your daily life?

I said in my OP that "It should be plain and apparent to all but the brainwashed subservient that the first throes of civil war are here. "

I will now let you have the last word as I have no interest in continuing this exercise in futility with you. Your gonna think what you think and I'm gonna think what I think and the boys with the LRAD weapons are gonna think what they think.

Jeffers morning to you.

So you're only argument is that you're not willing to discuss the issue?? Great argument, lol. So far I've challenged every single point you made, yet you can't counter you pull back into your shell? Weak!

And no, I'm not I said, I DO disagree with a lot. But you're bloating stuff out of proportian, and when people challenge it, you have no counter arguments and attack them by calling them brainwashed.

All you do is spout BS you hear on FOX news...without showing any concrete proof. And when ppl demand proof, you pull back.

But yeah, pulling back into your shell is a valid method do evade a constructive discussion I well done

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
reply to post by amari

Give it a break! Obama makes Bush look like Satan himself. Obama is now and was at election time, the people’s choice!

People see what they want to see. Look at what Obama does, not what he talks about. I have heard him say one thing one day, and the exact opposite the next. I'm not taliking about what I read in some paper, I'm talking about what I heard the man say myself, with my own ears. He's a liar, plain and simple, and thinks people can't remember what he says from one day to the next. His motto is, "if you can't win them over with the truth, baffle them with BS".

By the way, I don't like Bush either, so don't accuse me of being just an Obama hater. They all lie, and have been lying since day one. To those who love Obama so much, have you asked youself why he hasn't repealed the patriot Act? Or why he hasn't changed all of Bush#2's policies?? Both Bush and Obama play for the same team. They are controlled by the same elite. That's why nothing ever changes. Different methods, same ending. Obama has an agenda, and won't stop for anything. he wants total government control of our lives in every way, and nothing short of that.

And that bit about Obama being our president. he may be "our" president, but he's not "my" president. I have no respect for someone who wants to take away every constitutional right I have, as quick as he can, and turn my government into a fascist, socialist run state.

And all those citizens that the Obama administration chooses to denigrate with various slurs, and cast them as domestic terrorists, he is going to find out that those millions, yes, millions, still haven't lost the right to vote. And not all the pis___d off citizens have been at the tea party demonstrations. Many have jobs and can't attend the demonstrations. They will show their displeasure at the polls. Even the kool -aid drinking lemmings in DC understand this concept. That's why the health care bill is so bogged down. The Dems have the power to pass the bill--so pass it, and shut up and take your medicine.

Very soon, even the most devoted Obama lover will be pausing at every new tax, or law that the Obama people enact, and saying "what gives"? , as they realize they have been butchered and skint alive again. How much more will it take for Obama people , for you to figure out what's reaslly going on. You can't keep blaming Bush for everything.

Lastly, I just wonder how many wish they had their vote back.? Hind sight is 20/20 they say, and a blind man could see what's happening now..

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

I like what Chomsky said. (I'll paraphrase since I don't have the book in front of me.) He said, for anyone to make so many mistakes they would have to either be complete idiots or lying to cover their real intentions.

So do you believe they are idiots constantly "making mistakes," idiots guided by lobbyist and special interest. or lying to cover their ass?

Another old saying that fits the situation, it is always easier to ask forgiveness for a mistake than permission for your true intentions.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 02:50 PM
I noticed the OP chose to ignore my requirment for fact that i asked in this post -
I can only imagine why he did so, perhaps the lack of it.


Mod Edit: Removed u2u correspondence.

Mod Note: Please do not post private correspondence on the board.

[edit on 9/28/2009 by AshleyD]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by December_Rain
I noticed the OP chose to ignore my requirment for fact that i asked in this post -
I can only imagine why he did so, perhaps the lack of it. But the OP was kind enough to U2U (asking me wether the millitary has given me some underground basement to work on or do I work from home) alongwith a link to this article on ATS itself G20 Cops Dressed In Camo 'Snatch' Protester! which indeed mentions that the protester detained was "vandalising a store" thus doing something illegal.

Respectfully, wouldn't those 'policing' the area be obliged to state why the arrest was taking place? I really don't know, but I have never seen police or law enforcement personnel simply abducting someone without so much as a word of explanation..., let alone identifying themselves as legal agents of authority.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want this to happen, but what if the crowd were vested enough in the event to actually subdue the presumed police until they produced evidence of who they were and what they were doing? The whole point of identifying yourself and describing the offense for which you are being detained keeps that sort of thing from happening.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by Maxmars]

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