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Diversity boss: Whites must 'step down'

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by RoofMonkey

There you go again, selective reading, cherry picking, bottle spinning and outright lying to avoid answering questions derived from your own posts. You put yourself in a box, yet when I ask you to clarify and support your premise you blame me and claim I have a chip on my shoulder. LOL!

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:47 PM
Once again you guys get it all wrong. Race has nothing to do with this. It's about class. A rich black man carries as much weight as a rich white man. A poor black man is as powerless as a poor white man. The only difference is the rich guys are on the same page while the poor men are encouraged to hate one another. Having worked in corporate America I can state this as fact: Being a white male sure didn't close any doors in my face.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE

There you go again, selective reading, cherry picking, bottle spinning and outright lying to avoid answering questions derived from your own posts. You put yourself in a box, yet when I ask you to clarify and support your premise you blame me and claim I have a chip on my shoulder. LOL!

Lie? No. Everything I have stated is readily available for your perusal... provided you have intestinal fortitude to actually look a what was said.

Cherry picking? I've rattled off numerous cultures that are heavily influenced by slave trading... even a few African empires and confederations who actively sought slaves to sell into the Triangle trade route.

As for questions derived from my own posts, they are what they are. I dont have to justify readily available data that is there for anyone who actually has the guts to go look it up. As for identifying "who" as you seem to be hell bent on asking... I pointed you at the sources. (news in general) Hardly a day goes by when one group or another isn't seeking "reparations" or "historical justice" for some perceived wrong.

Fitting that you should start your response as you did.... where did I hear that before?

Oh yeah...

[edit on 25-9-2009 by RoofMonkey]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizan

i do see your point; however, the op referenced mark lloyd suggesting:

race-based views of "diversity czar" Mark Lloyd, who has suggested "white people" step down from positions of power to allow "more people of color, gays" and "other people" to take those positions.

Whites must 'step down'
Obama appointee declares positions of power should go to 'people of color, gays'

it didn't say rich white people, or rich gay people or rich other people which led me to racism. so you saying all those rich people should step down and give other rich folks a chance or poor folks a chance?

But Obama seemed to agree with those who point to the lingering effects of racism when he noted that "there are a lot of African American kids who are still struggling, that even those who are in the middle class may be first-generation as opposed to fifth- or sixth-generation college attendees, and that we all have an interest in bringing as many people together to help build this country."

class vs racism

we are a people. we are one. we come from one source.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by RoofMonkey

Lie? No. Everything I have stated is readily available for your perusal... provided you have intestinal fortitude to actually look a what was said.

Yes, you’ve lied, and I’ve openly asked you to name the sources that contain the information you say is readily available. What have you done? Told me to look at newspapers, watch the news, etc.

Cherry picking? I've rattled off numerous cultures that are heavily influenced by slave trading... even a few African empires and confederations who actively sought slaves to sell into the Triangle trade route.

Yes, you’re cherry picking. Yes, you did “rattle off” numerous cultures heavily influenced by slavery, but did you miss the questions that followed? I asked, “How was this “issue” addressed in the mid 1800’s, and how was chattel slavery the normal standards of operation?”, yet you took no time to even answer this which shows you are cherry picking, actively indulge in confirmation bias and enjoy selective reading.

As for questions derived from my own posts, they are what they are. I dont have to justify readily available data that is there for anyone who actually has the guts to go look it up.

Numerous times on this board I’ve posted data, links, pdf’s etc to support my claims. What you’re simply doing is making claims and offering broad generalizations and excuses as to why you should not have to post information or support your premise. Moreover, you’ve even gone as far as to make the claim that expounding on your claims would garner criticism which would lead to you being called racist. However, when asked who would do such a thing, or how this would happen, you neglected to provide evidence supporting your outrageous claims.

As for identifying "who" as you seem to be hell bent on asking... I pointed you at the sources. (news in general)

LOL! See, you’re doing exactly what I said you’re doing, which is ultimately, something you shouldn’t do. Give me a link, an ISBN, ANYTHING to support your claims. Simply saying “read the news paper” or “watch the news” does absolutely nothing for me, and kills everything you’re promoting in this thread. On one hand you're saying, you gotta have guts blah blah blah, yet when someone asks for specifics you curl up in a ball and come with excuses.

Hardly a day goes by when one group or another isn't seeking "reparations" or "historical justice" for some perceived wrong.

I’ve addressed why they do this.

Fitting that you should start your response as you did.... where did I hear that before? Oh yeah...

Nothing in your video is applicable to me and I’m sure it doesn’t begin to address anything remotely related to this thread. You've done nothing but post a clip showing two pawns "debate" health care. Knowing you have a shabby track record when it comes to answering questions, I dare not ask why you even posted it.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by buds84

Your proof is Black activist videos of the type that contain time stained images and a small sample of thousands of artifacts that say otherwise. Evidence like the Completely non scientific opinion of a man from the 17th century accounts of the shooting of a nose that is assumed to be a "Racial attack" from Napoleon lol

And mine is a sarcophagus of the Actual Pharaoh Which has Scientifically been validated as having Red hair.

Now the truth is these people weren't "lily white" They actually possessed some features of Both Races

There is no way to know eye color, but the hair was red and the skin was a reddish color closer to native Americans than any other peoples f Today.

But they weren't BLACK as we know Black Today

Actual Africans were used as slaves right along side the Jews and I know this because I spent 7 years studying Hebrew and actually have the capacity to read some ancient texts.

The Israelite Being Black theories are not entirely bogus

but what they are is complete RACIST propaganda.

There obviously and truely were African slaves that became "hebrew" during their stay in Egypt but they were "slaves' and returned south to Ethiopia after the exodus..

By looking at images it is obvious when slavery ended that many Africans stayed behind as well and mixed into to the population following 700 years of War the people of that region eventually took over Egypt entirely and placed a Black Pharoh becoming the ruling class...

This reign of total African power was relatively short and I do NOT blame it on Black Ruler ship but rather decreased trade and other YES, surely, racially motivated factors that led to a desire to do less business in the region with Egypt.

The appearance of the Egyptians was most certainly most closely related to

The Phoenicians

Neither African nor European

Your videos aside from a fringe doctor and some anecdotal evidence do NOTHING to prove anything and again I presented an actual sarcophagus and Red Hair is not African and no it doesn't necessarily make it European either.

These videos are Black power videos

They are the same sort of Aryan proofs the Nazis used pseudo science and speculation to lay claim to the title Aryan which for whatever reason became en vouge as the "origin master race of the moment"

Aryans being a people who...were NOT White either.

The additional posing of EGYPT as "The" origin race of culture is also ridiculous, everyone knows full well that the fertile crescent in the middle east gave rise to cities language and culture PRIOR to Egypt

The obviousness of the racist nature is seen on many levels including claiming that "the Israelites were Black" surely some who went south to Ethiopia were but the rest were not and it's a 2nd blatant attempt to take credit for another culture...

The Israelites were BABYLONIAN in lineage... that's not Black either, nor is it white it's BABYLONIAN If any Africans BECAME Israelites it was by spending time in BONDAGE together in EGYPT if any Africans became part of Egyptian culture in came from being Enslaved by the Egyptians who were NOT European or Black but rather EGYPTIAN

This is in line with BLACK JESUS and WHITE JESUS

JESUS was not Black or White he spoke ARAMAIC and was from the middle East his most likely skin coloring was Middle Eastern/Mediterranean

Sorry if your not happy because you follow tall tales that are in actuality Hate propaganda taking cultures that aren't yours and making them your own...

BUT I DIDN'T claim they were European nor as a Jew do I CARE if they were European...

I showed the plain and Obvious truth... The pharaoh in those days had RED Hair which is not AFRICAN


Is it necessarily White

They were what they were EGYPTIAN a race and culture to themselves

Of course that truth wont be good enough for you, your beliefs are contorted into a racial superiority mode and can't give credit to any Race but your own, Israelite BLACK, Jesus BLACK, Egyptians Black

I know the kind of nonsense you believe because you lack a real self identity and it is no different than the moronic theories of the Nazis

I have no problem admitting my ancestors were slaves in Egypt initially, neither should you. That would be real pride in yourself not racially biased pride.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:11 PM
What a load of crap. I'm so tired of the "poor oppressed minority" song and dance in a country where whites are the minority and we've opened all the doors and windows so the entire population of Central and South America along with anyone else who can get there is free to just move in, get free food / rent / medical care not to mention an education and a job if they want one while they refuse to speak English because that would be "betraying their culture" or some crap like that.

While I agree we should fire the entire federal government and replace them all every few years more affirmative action is not the answer. The real government is made up of faceless workers who push paper and answer phones and for those of you who have been fortunate enough to avoid the District of Columbia I've got some news for you. Those government positions are probably 99% minority filled. Guess what? Our government runs like a rusted out machine.

The big, liberal cities with mostly "minority" majorities almost all have city councils, mayors, state legislators and even governors who are not white, the halls of government in those places reflect the diversity of the population. Now we're told the answer is for the white people in federal positions to step aside? Go suck an oblong body part.

Go ahead and call me a racist, I know who I am and what minority my wife and children are. Either face reality or don't but all this "racism" noise coming from the left is a joke. Look at the big, liberal cities and the schools, the crime, the poverty and tell me why it's so bad when everything is being run by minorities? Apparently running the White folks off isn't fixing the problems. I'll go ahead and predict it won't fix them at the federal level either.

Obama sure picked excellent people to work on his staff, didn't he? With leadership like this who needs unity?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:05 AM

WorldNetDaily (WND) is an American independent article and editorial based online news source that publishes from a conservative point of view.


Use sources that don't have phrases like "dumb democrats" or "ignorant republicans."

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

this was very informative. i have been taught differently throughout my young years; however, i have come to realize what you state is so true. (the first king of israel, saul, had red hair.)

i could not have said it better. i hope we, as a people (human beings) could accept we actually come from one source.


posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:01 AM
Apologies for not chiming in sooner, it's been a long day. When I left it last night, we were on page 3, up to page 9 now. Some interesting stuff out there, learned some things about Egypt and that apparently WND is not a 'reliable' source. Not only that, but despite my words previously in this thread, apparently I am a racist with an agenda.


First off, to those complaining about WND, my original source was not WND. A mod, in an epiphany, decided to alter my original source and the title, and replace it with that one. My original source was Just as this thread was placed in the political forum, when I don't think it has much to do with politics. Certainly, it was a political figure speaking, but it wasn't about politics, per se. But, c'est la vie.

To Benevolent Heretic,
You had a interesting addition there, and it seems like there may have been some editing done at some point, but it seems you did a small touch of editing yourself so who is to say what is right? You have your opinion of course, and are welcome to it, although not all may agree. The snippet was simply the first paragraph of the article in question. The snide comments and baiting I will let pass, as I have no wish to get drug into a mudslinging match. That was not my intention. I merely saw an article I thought was interesting, and made others aware. You have made your stance on the current governmental administration crystal clear in the past, and as such, there is little reason to go over it all again. Please do not put words into my mouth, or try to infer something that isn't there. I would simply ask that you limit your assumptions of those you have not interacted with or had contact with, because you know what happens when you assume...


posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
“How was this “issue” addressed in the mid 1800’s, and how was chattel slavery the normal standards of operation?”

You must have missed that whole 1861–1865 soiree. Or would you like a refresher?

Beginnings of Slavery in what would become the U.S.:

Following the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland, as many as 100,000 Irish men, women and children were forced into indentured service and transported to the colonies in the British West Indies and British America. The British used North America as a penal colony through a system of indentured servitude. Convicts would be transported by private sector merchants and auctioned off to plantation owners upon arrival in the colonies. It is estimated that some 50,000 British convicts were sent to colonial America, representing perhaps one-quarter of all British emigrants during the eighteenth century.. It is estimated that over half of all white immigrants to Colonial America during the 17th and 18th centuries consisted of redemptioners, migrants would had sold themselves into a period of indentured servitude in order to gain passage to the new world.

Britain played a prominent role in the Atlantic slave trade which began around the mid-fifteenth century when Portuguese interests in Africa moved away from the fabled deposits of gold to a much more readily available commodity; slaves. Slavery was a legal institution in all of the 13 American colonies, and the profits of the slave trade and of West Indian plantations amounted to 5% of the British economy at the time of the Industrial Revolution. In 1807, following many years of lobbying by the Abolitionist movement, the British Parliament voted to make the slave trade illegal anywhere in the empire. Thereafter Britain took a prominent role in combating the trade, although it took another generation before slavery itself was abolished in the British empire.

Wiki Article

During this time frame the colonies broke away and institutional Slavery eventually became unpalatable in the North. It remained a prime source of labor in the South since no viable alternative was readily available. British Mandate did not apply since we were no longer part of Britain. This all came to a head in 1861–1865.

Originally posted by EMPIRE
Numerous times on this board I’ve posted data, links, pdf’s etc to support my claims. What you’re simply doing is making claims and offering broad generalizations and excuses as to why you should not have to post information or support your premise. Moreover, you’ve even gone as far as to make the claim that expounding on your claims would garner criticism which would lead to you being called racist. However, when asked who would do such a thing, or how this would happen, you neglected to provide evidence supporting your outrageous claims.

Simple. It's in your demeanor. You wish to elicit a lengthy debate on a subject when you are either being disingenuous about your basic knowledge, or you are a total idiot. Now, I don't think of you as an idiot, so I have to assume you are being disingenuous.

As for identifying "who" as you seem to be hell bent on asking... I pointed you at the sources. (news in general)

Originally posted by EMPIRE
LOL! See, you’re doing exactly what I said you’re doing, which is ultimately, something you shouldn’t do. Give me a link, an ISBN, ANYTHING to support your claims. Simply saying “read the news paper”

No one is curling. That is one sport that I find absolutely boring.

I have specified what particular style of story that are there for you to look for. I'm not going into specifics simple because I will not be painted into a corner by someone who seems, from the attitude that is displayed, to be spoiling to drop a race baiting hammer.

Fitting that you should start your response as you did.... where did I hear that before? Oh yeah...

Originally posted by EMPIRE
Nothing in your video is applicable to me

Originally posted by EMPIRE
"There you go again"

Apparently, humor also eludes you.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by musselwhite

the human race is one. we are a one people. racism is a sickness, a cancer eating at the core of those that think themselves better/lesser. our government is playing on this ace in the hole. our government is using racism to divide our country, to destroy us from within.

That was a wonderful post Sir(Madame?). I am not sure if your speaking metaphysically or what, but I liked it. That bit of truth in the quote above really struck a chord. Star for you.


posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:26 AM
Obama's point of view is everything but normal, it's simply anti-social to say "whites should step up", that's pure racism.
but i ithink the USA are allready mindf***ed enough to accept stuff like that

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by Chronogoblin

i believe every word i said deep within my soul. if our people could just grasp this simple fact would our world be in choas?

thank you for your comment. i am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and friend.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Chronogoblin
To Benevolent Heretic,
You had a interesting addition there, and it seems like there may have been some editing done at some point, but it seems you did a small touch of editing yourself so who is to say what is right?

Listen to the audio.

I transcribed from the audio, then found the typed quote.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Have you even looked at the Egyptian art?
It is clearly art of black people.

Why do you think the racist whites shot the noises off some of the sculptures?
Because they couldn't handle the fact that blacks had made this incredible city, much like the people of the today who look at the black art in the face and say it's not African.

Something in the roots of Africa is not African?

I have presented proof and it's not black activists, just because two black people are talking about Africa they are black activists?
The original jews were blacks, I can see you didn't know that either but that's easily researched.

How can you look at the Sphinx and not see a obvious negro face looking at you? I'm sorry but I can't help but see you're in denial.

Ask anyone that has been to Egypt they will tell you it's nothing but drawings of black people.

Look at the names of all the Egyptian rulers, Black African names.
All painted as black people with black features, you think they made sculptures of slaves instead of the rulers?

White elites are trying to strip Africans of their culture.
You have presented no proof what so ever.

If you went to Egypt in the tombs with a tourist group and said these Egyptians are not African, you would be laughed at.

They paint themselves different shades of brown with clearly Negro hair every where.

They took us to some of where the art looked like the Mediterranean and anyone who knows anything at all about Egyptian histroy knows that this was after the Roman invasion where they mixed, long after Egypt in it's prime.

The Mediterranean art looked like a garbage copy off real Egyptian art.

Remember, you have presented no proof yet of what you claim besides one red haired mummy which could be hair dye or just a black person with red hair which is just as common as a white person with red hair. Red hair is not a trait of white people.

I have presented proof but you ignore it because one of them had black people talking in it.

Just because some blacks are trying to prove their roots that have been stripped from them doesn't mean they are black activists.

Black Africans Built and Ruled Ancient Kemet tg&hl=en&ei=Kyu-St3QFMnT8Aat8fS_AQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

There you have it, Scientific proof Egypt was built black long before Romans and Greek mixed in.
The evidence of Egypt being black is overwhelming.

I could go on for years about it with lots of proof.

So until you can come with some better proof and evidence besides a mummy with red hair this should keep your head spinning for a while until you can come up with some other way to say Egypt was not black.

The rest of what you said is just a "Your word for it" with no proof.

I have studied Ancient Egypt for years so it will be very hard for you to out prove me and all the other scientist that proved Egypt was anything other than black.
Also Jesus wasn't his name, the letter J wasn't invented till the 1500's, his name was Yeshua and if you ever read a bible, you will see that it clearly explains in detail Yeshua having negro hair, a long with Noah, Salomon, Paul, the list goes on, people just want to ignore this because they hate black people. The Bible was written by the old blacks.

So I'll be waiting for whatever stuff you can make up with no proof here.
I pretty much know you won't even read of the proof I posted here because it's probably too much to handle.
Your talking to someone who has been to Egypt and seen it first hand.

Oh, and I'm not black, I'm mixed.
P.S I don't support anyone "stepping down" from something they have earned because of skin color. (Our corrupt rulers can go die in a fire)

[edit on 26-9-2009 by buds84]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:37 PM
So... how do you account for the red hair?

The one-metre-wide nose on the face is missing. The Egyptian Arab historian al-Maqrīzī, writing in the fifteenth century CE, attributes the loss to iconoclasm by Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr, a Sufi Muslim fanatic from the khanqah of Sa'id al-Su'ada. In 1378 CE, upon finding the Egyptian peasants making offerings to the Sphinx in the hope of increasing their harvest, Sa'im al-Dahr was so outraged that he destroyed the nose, and was hanged for vandalism. Al-Maqrīzī describes the Sphinx as the “talisman of the Nile” on which the locals believed the flood cycle depended. Some legends claim that the nose was broken off by a cannonball fired by Napoléon’s soldiers and that it still survives. Other variants indict British troops, the Mamluks, and others. However, sketches of the Sphinx by the Dane Frederic Louis Norden, made in 1737 and published in 1755, illustrate the Sphinx already without a nose.

BTW... a mummy with red hair isn't that big of a deal... considering that the Ptolemy dynasty originated with Macedonians following the death of Alexander.

Any idea of how old this red headed stepchild is?

Food for thought:

l Di Rienzo et al. (1994) studied the relationship of three samples (taken from Egyptians, Sardinians, and sub-Saharan Africans), using mitochondrial DNA and simple sequence repeats. In terms of genetic
distance, the Egyptian sample was closer to the Sardinian sample than to the sub-Saharan African sample.

l Hammer et al. (1997) used seven different methods to compute population trees of world populations, using Y-chromosome data. All seven methods grouped the Egyptians with the non-African populations rather than with the sub-Saharan Africans. Egyptians' genetic profile resembles that of South Europeans more than the other regional groups in the study.

l Poloni et al. (1997). Egyptians and a few other African populations (Tunisians, Algerians, and even Ethiopians) showed a stronger Y-chromosome similarity to non-African Mediterraneans than to the remainder of Africans mostly from south of the Sahara.

Warning, it's a PDF.

Eiher way, they self identified as being African... which makes sence since they were/are in Africa. The culture extended far to the southern end of the Nile, but they generally concidered themselves to be the red rather than the black. Beats me as to why. (sunburn?)

If this subject intrigues you... you might also look at some of the earliest Olmec facial representations in Central America.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by RoofMonkey]

[edit on 26-9-2009 by RoofMonkey]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by RoofMonkey
The culture extended far to the southern end of the Nile, but they generally concidered themselves to be the red rather than the black. Beats me as to why. (sunburn?)

[edit on 26-9-2009 by RoofMonkey]

Obviously they wont paint themselves as PITCH BLACK.
Look at Ethiopian people and plenty of Africans their skin is a lot of the time redish brown.
Almost all the colored paintings in Egypt were Brown skined people in it anyways and just a few had brown redish tint on them.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by buds84

The genetics testing you have here is of modern Egyptians.
That doesn't count.

Also the art in that pdf file (made by some random person on geocities) I saw up close in Egypt I think in Seti tomb in valley of kings. That art in the book is such a small part of all the stuff in that big tomb it really proves nothing but a small war.

Seti ruled from 1313 to 1292 B.C, A small time frame and in that tomb was lots of African art showing themselves with negro hair.

Whoever put that pdf together didn't do a good job, and seemed to pick out tiny bits of art to make it seem like blacks were not the ruling power of Egypt in it's prime.

btw the tour I took of Egypt was with John West an amazing fellow who I was honored to meet by the time the trip was over.
This is the tour I took a few years ago
I recommend to anyone who wants to visit as he has access to parts of tombs where normal tourists can't go.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by buds84]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by buds84

Really depends on where you get the reference. Two separate "Table of Nations" images. One is more detailed... (well, in the number of representations) than the other

Red Skinned Egyptians:

Black Skinned Egyptians (used the same tint as Nubians):

# 1 is Egyptian, # 3 is Nubian.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by RoofMonkey]

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