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Someone Help Please!!

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posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Your Video is wicked real. Those are Demons, or Dark Earthbound entities trying to mess with you. I have heard them- many times before. What you are dealing with is not Alien- it is spiritual.

Sounds to me like you may have been playing with fire...Have you ever done a pact with the Devil or ever promised him or a demon anything, or done any demonic magic?

I am a demonologist, and a very classic trick that demons use is wall tricks. Cracks in the walls, Blood on the walls, Walls crumbling down etc.

My husband, for example, used to have similiar experiences. He would wake up and be in this alternate reality, in his bed- in his bedroom, and demons were there and dancing and twirling round and round him- and then the walls would start to physically tumble to the ground. This was a real experience. And then after a few moments it passed and everything was turned back to normal. This is because certain Demons possess the ability to change matter and manipulate it in and out of dimensions.

The wall cracking- are you consiously doing it or are you watching it happen?

Depending on whats going on, You may seriously be in need of working with a good paranormal team that can help you.

The name calling, that is likely a manifestation of earthbounds or demons #ing with you.

The helicopter- it can be a manifestation from them. Seriously have no idea what the Helicopter could be.

Let me know if I can help in any way with a U2U

Good Luck

[edit on 25-9-2009 by xynephadyn]

I wanted to add about your father-- it is likely that he too has experienced what your talking about, and is terrified by it. His way of dealing with it, is not talking about it with you- because he doesent understand it. It doesent neccesarily mean that he is keeping a dark secret from you. But if you can corner him into telling you why he is so weird about it- and tell him that he is terrifying you with his silence- youll likely guilt him into him telling you what you need to hear!

[edit on 25-9-2009 by xynephadyn]

I very lightly responded to your post but i will answer more in detail:

The cracks in the walls i am doing consciously. Or atleast my conscious causes them to happen.

It feels like i get random rushes of energy and then if i use it i can cause these things to happen.

Eventually if i prolong it enough i hear the beeps going off and then the helicopter(s) come and the rushes go away.

As for the name calling, i had a very weird experience happen to me a while back:

I was in the just waking up/sleeping state of mind. I kept hearing my name being called in a repetitive interval. Almost like at an exact beat per minute( i play music). Then when i woke up fully a few seconds later i heard a bird chirping in the exact same interval.

Also, sometimes when im feeling the energy and concentrating i hear this owl. Almost every time i do it at night.

Im open to all interpretations so please give me all the information you can.

It could be demons, but i feel as if it is a part of me or i have some control over it. What could it be?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
OP do you want to stop hearing helicopters and voices?

Do you enjoy the walls falling down?

If you want the helicopters to stop and the voices to go away and the walls to stop crumbling it is up to YOU to do something as soon as possible.

Only you, can change what is happening.

If you really, really want to change you will-need to talk to someone. If you have no money I suggest you go to an emergency room in a hospital. They have experience with this type of thing.

Or you could go to a minister who also has had experience with this.

If those two don't work go to the fire department in your town. Talk to one of the guys that drive the ambulance.

You must talk to someone in person for anything to change.

Someone will be able to identify what it is that is causing the voices, wall grumblings and helicopters.

Always try to talk to your family first but if you feel that will do no good then you have to talk with someone else.

Please let us know what you find out as yours is not the first we've heard of this.

We could use your information to possibly help someone else.

Also, remember to get some sort of paperwork from who ever you see and post it for us.

My best wishes to you.

The next move is yours.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by dizziedame]

If you think its a medical condition i dont quite think your advice will be any help.

You seem to know something though, so please if you have any information other than "go see a doctor" im all ears!

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 12:58 AM
Firstly - I'm glad you're listening to my points.

Secondly may i politely ask why you don't think it's a medical condition (i'm not saying it is or isn't) but you seem quite sure it isn't.

Sorry i've not had time to study the audio, i'll get on the case soon.

Until then, i suggest maybe you talk to your dad and see what he says, as it seems to have affected him.


posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Unrelated to your case, i'm pretty sure (but can provide no proof) that VLF (very low frequencies) can cause strange phenomena (as i mentioned in my other post).

On a similar note, i seem to experience hypnagogia and sleep apnea when in built up electrical places, more so than i do in the country side.

I'm therefore using my own experience to suggest that electro-static frequencies can affect the perceptions of the human mind and can alter dream states and brain waves.

I can't explain the birds and owls, but as you say you were in a semi-awake/asleep state , but just because you are asleep does not mean you can be aware of your surroundings.

This is going to sound silly, but i've lost track of the amount of time, i've 'seen' through my closed eyelids. I can sometimes see the wall i face when i curl up in bed, and i do think it's something to do with what i have described.

May i ask what area / country you live in (just generally).... Is it mostly country or inner-city? How many pylons and cell phone towers surround you?


posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

You are not the only professional - and that does not mean people who can do, it only means people who have passed exams.

How do you know that no-one else here is a so-called professional?

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by mr-lizard

Unrelated to your case, i'm pretty sure (but can provide no proof) that VLF (very low frequencies) can cause strange phenomena (as i mentioned in my other post).

On a similar note, i seem to experience hypnagogia and sleep apnea when in built up electrical places, more so than i do in the country side.

I'm therefore using my own experience to suggest that electro-static frequencies can affect the perceptions of the human mind and can alter dream states and brain waves.

I can't explain the birds and owls, but as you say you were in a semi-awake/asleep state , but just because you are asleep does not mean you can be aware of your surroundings.

This is going to sound silly, but i've lost track of the amount of time, i've 'seen' through my closed eyelids. I can sometimes see the wall i face when i curl up in bed, and i do think it's something to do with what i have described.

May i ask what area / country you live in (just generally).... Is it mostly country or inner-city? How many pylons and cell phone towers surround you?


Well let me explain a medical case is broad so it could easily be a medical problem that needs treatment.

What im getting at here is that it is not a hallucination. I am NOT hallucinating any of this.

When you rub your eyes then watch the little circles and blobs change colors and float around, that is a hallucination.

If you smoke shrooms and see unicorns(harold and kumar lawl) that is a hallucination.

what im going through is real. Its right there in front of me, its a part of me. I dont know what it is, i dont know where it comes from, and i dont know if i can control it or not.
But i do know its there and its real. And i know that a few people around me are 100% in the know but wont split a single word about what it is.

Ive tried my best to figure it out, but they wont budge.

Let me update on the country-side thing:
I live near a big city but in the suburbs of it.

I went back up to the "hill" last night and there was a Van parked there that wasnt parked there before.

I dont know what happened but i felt bad agian. I didnt feel right. Maybe the van had something to do with it? Maybe this is a part of me? Maybe wherever i go it goes and slowly nests itself there?

It sounds crazy, but i remember saying something like "who is that?" in one of my dreams, just as i was going lucid.

Im starting to pick the pieces together and what im coming to is really frightening.

I was trying to astral project, but before i was able to i had an episode of sleep paralysis.

During my sleep paralysis i tried moving, as hard as i could. And thats when the cracking started.

I think ive somehow caused my Astral body to every now and then enter the existing world.

And i think somebody out there knows about it(ie the helicopters) and they are stopping me from doing it.

Its almost as if there is a power i cannot use or something. It feels very horrid.

But i will say this again, im only speculating. I have no idea what it is, I still have just as many questions as everyone else.

But mark my words, the audio is real. None of this is fake. Ill put my life on it.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by demonseed

On the last page you stated you have video of the events. Let's have it please. I'm very interested.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:29 PM
You know you are cracking the walls.

but you can't explain how this isn't upsetting your parents that you are destroying the house.

It isn't a hallucination. But you aren't concerned about your house's integrity.

That you cannot see the reason, is what points to a mental disorder.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by djpain75
reply to post by demonseed

On the last page you stated you have video of the events. Let's have it please. I'm very interested.

No i just have audio which you can find a few pages back.

I currently dont have a camera capable of recording for more than roughly 2 hours. Ill try to figure out how to make some video evidence.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
You know you are cracking the walls.

but you can't explain how this isn't upsetting your parents that you are destroying the house.

It isn't a hallucination. But you aren't concerned about your house's integrity.

That you cannot see the reason, is what points to a mental disorder.

If you found some cool new power and everyone told you to stop thinking about it and just carry on with your life what would you do?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 05:38 AM
Anybody analyze the audio yet?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by King_John
Anybody analyze the audio yet?

Unfortunately not, my computer recently crashed on me and i had to reformat my HD. I'm still in the process of re-installing software.

Then i'll need to download the audio again.

Where's this video evidence??

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:55 AM
you will need night vision video to find out what is causing the noises.
have these sounds only been coming at certain times, if so set the video to around those. I'd be doing a complete makeover of my room if I heard these things at night and locking up everything that can be opened and filling up cupboards to the brink so nothing else can fit inside.
an alarm type motion detector could be a way for detecting these things as well, have a good lightsouce handy within reach though.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by demonseed

I don't want to preach, and I am not claiming to be an "expert" in any medical/paranormal/metaphysical field, but please read through my post, and consider what I have to say - and please do not get offended.

I have both family and friends who are, or have suffered from mental and emotional instabilities (Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar and Manic Depressive).

Mental Illness is very, very powerful. And the reason why hallucinations are so convincing, is because If you have never experienced an intense (and I mean INTENSE) hallucination first hand, there is no way to anticipate the experience. And when Hallucinations are brought on by Manic-Depression or Paranoia, the mind is very susceptible to the false sounds, sights, and experiences.

Now here are a few of my observations:

- I know you do not want to hear anymore about your screen-name, but please hear me out. Mr_Lizard is right in that, Yes, DemonSeed is a book title. It's probably a band name, and it's probably the name of a thousand other things. But, YOU selected it as your screen-name, and then you used that name to post your story. (a story about "demon sounds", supernatural abilities, and a "conspiracy of secrets"). So, your name is a bit concerning.

- Several people have said that they want proof(video) of the "cracking walls". You claim you need a better camera, because you seem to shift the attention to the "entities" visiting you at night. What everyone has been asking for is video, or a photograph of the Cracking Walls. Is there a reason why you haven't provided this proof?

- You say that you're studying psychology. well, from my experience, people suffering from, and people fearing psychological breakdown often seek out psychological study - I AM NOT SAYING PSYCHOLOGISTS ARE MENTALLY ILL - I am saying that mentally ill people sometimes have an interest in psychology.

- You also seem to be very paranoid: you think your parents are keeping something from you, you think your neighbors are secretely aware of something strange happening around you, and several of your post responses have suggested suspicion of other members within this board.

- Lastly, you said that your father cried when you told him about all of this. well I can tell you, I have cried countless times when I've been been confronted with the fact that someone I love needs help, and they can not see it for themself. He loves you, and is probably unsure what he should do. I think that that is why he cried.

Talk to your loved ones, Tell them your story, Open up completely, and Trust them. Trust that they want whats best for you.

Please don't be offended by what I've said. I am only trying to help.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by spacemonkey42

Good advice spacemonkey.

Demonseed, i suggest you at least listen to him/her with an open mind.

If nothing else it proves we care. If you don't like these experiences then i don't know why you wouldn't want to eliminate these problems or at least provide us with proof to prove us wrong.


posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 03:29 PM
It stopped. It finally stopped.

I can't explain everything but i can tell you exactly what worked:
Jesus Christ

I was an atheistic jew looking for answers, and somehow the only thing that made this all go away was Jesus Christ. I dont know what i found or what happened, but it was something along the lines of being possessed, thats without a doubt. I was in control, but i was growing cold and the world around me started shifting.

After hearing about people saying Jesus Christ to make the demons go away, i felt as if that was my only resort.

So what the hell, i did it.

I was falling asleep, and the voices started creeping in...
"Jesus Christ...." I thought to myself.

'Jesus christ? Jesus christ! JESUS CHRIST!!" The voices started saying to each other as they slowly faded away.

Its about day 4 now since this happened. Im feeling much better. My headaches are gone, no heart palpations and the noises are pretty much gone completely.

I'm not advocating christianity here, but there is some truth to it. I was very powerful, fearless, i could bend see the energy around me and almost bend it to my will, but the price i paid was my soul. I did not know what was happening because i did not understand it. I still dont today, but its far more clear.

There might be a bit more to it than demons and hell, but to some extent all of it is true. That i learned through this experience.

Sorry if nobody will believe it, but thank you all for your help.

Oh and lastly,

GL debunking the audio. Ill be waiting....

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by demonseed

You do realise that for finding Jesus and him making it go away you're all the more crazy?

Honestly it did feel like some bad misleading advert when at the end the answer is Jesus. Damn Christians with their misleading advertisement trickery!

I've come across this before both in the psychological field and in the spiritual field. It's far more common as a psychological problem. Though the odd spiritual case does occur.

To anyone who claims to be an expert and perhaps the ONLY expert, you never know who is watching! Some of us have seen the exorcist upwards of 5 times!

In all seriousness there are answers for what you came across, and i can believe you based entirely on your words without video evidence, cos it fits a pattern. It's not that big of a deal (depending upon where you're looking at it from). But I'm glad you can accept Jesus in your life if that makes it better!

Problem solved.

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