posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by SpacePunk
If the FBI goes in as a force, one of two things will happen:
1) No one will know anything about it.
2) There will be a bloodbath.
I do not support the actions of those that did this. I find as wrong as the other type pf lynchings that happened all over the south. I don't support
the message that is being said in this case either, but I am explaining what the mindset and message behind it is about.
And the fact that is was a lynching (and not just a shooting with the same "Fed" on his chest) is calling on some serious racial undertones as well.
They wanted it to make the news and they wanted to be sure that President Obama was informed, hence the lynching.
The incident itself disgusts me. But honestly, not nearly as much as the suggestion that this was just some uneducated rednecks doing a random act of
violence. The revised article connecting the action to domestic terrorism (Tim McVey) and Town Hall meeting disruptions is also quite disgusting.
Why would the media spin this to make that connection? Are they wanting to turn this into bloodbath for the sake of their ratings? Will Keith Obermann
say something along the lines of it being rednecks bored with just tea bagging themselves or some other Deliverance-style association?
But a very serious question is what will the governments response be if a bunch of Federal Agents are killed while in the course of the investigation?
Send in a disproportionally overwhelming force like Ruby Ridge? Are you aware that in that instance ATF Agents sniped his wife in the doorway while
she held their infant daughter and then taunted him by yelling out that she had made him breakfast?
Will you stand for the innocents that get caught in the crossfire? Will you voice objection if they just round everyone up for interrogation? If there
ever is a war on our soil between the people and the government, then there has to be a catalyst that starts it all. I personally would not want the
results and repercussions of the lynching of a Census Scout (and let's be honest, he was not taking the census this early), would you?