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Originally posted by smsjogren
Dragon Rider Gal, again, you continue to impress me. You not only seemingly refute my thoughts quite intelligently, you do so well enough I can't think of any immediate way to pierce your defense.
While I will continue to follow my own beliefs, (as you should until you decide otherwise based on new information that might come to your attention) I would like to rephrase some of the statements I made earlier. The enragement and disgust I felt earlier I think must have been left over from reading the Bible thumpers' posts. Blindly following anything, including a religion, is a path I have no intention of following so eagerly.
Also, when I said it was a masterpiece of insanity, don't take that the wrong way. Insane and wrong are NOT the same thing, and I tend to glorify insanity whenever I see it in person, because I know everyone is capable of it.
Also, I'm going to drop my biggest disagreement of the emotion idea, because when it comes to biochemistry, I am truly in over my head, so I can easily be persuaded that fear can be smelled. Considering that taste and smell are so closely linked, I can buy emotion being tasted. However, I still disagree on it being possible to EAT emotion as sustenance.
Also, still disbelieving as I do, from my point of view, the "self-serving" defense, that you don't want to be enslaved YOURSELF, and that's your motivation, that's a good defense. Well-played indeed, I didn't expect that for some reason.
In a word: touche`.
Originally posted by smsjogren
Just for my own clear understanding, I'm going to describe the sides of this 'conflict' as I see them. Please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken.
The good side is us, because every group considers themselves to be the good guys. We need to... be able to be angry at the end of this contract? And Christianity and the other religions may prevent that? So are we going to fight them at the end, or do we just need to be able to get enraged at the NWO?
Our allies/people who just want the NWO to not win are the 'elves' who Native Americans in North and South America previously worshipped as their gods, as well as Greek/Roman/Norse/Egyptian, etc. mythologies. Essentially most ancient polytheisms worshipped the elves. The elves liked us because we worshipped them wholeheartedly, so they don't want the NWO to enslave us, rather they'd have us worship them (the elves) of our own free will.
The bad guys are the NWO aka Satan and his demons, who want us to... not be angry when they come around to enslave us. Well, I guess I can understand their position, if I wanted slaves, I sure want them to just come quietly and be docile little lambs. They want to enslave us to make us suffer, which they will then feed upon. Delicious, right?
In 2012 is when this contract's term is up, at which point if 80% of humanity... is not angry, they get to enslave us. Am I getting the anger deal right, because it seems odd, so please inform me on that. There is no way that even 2% of humanity would not get angry at the thought of being enslaved. Or will they come to us posing as the saviors in religion, disguised as Jesus and Moses and Buddha and Hulk Hogan? That way we go with them willingly as they deceive us? Is that what they plan?
How in the past have we made fools of them, out of curiousity? I wouldn't know, because I don't have hindsight into my 'past lives.' Truth be told, I doubt I would want to know about my 'past lives' even if I could. I would rather live each life like it was the only one I ever get. I don't know if it's the same feeling I have about knowing what my own death will be, but it's similar in that either way, I'd rather not know.
Also, I'm fairly doubtful that more than 15% of the world is truly faithful to the religion they subscribe to. A major reason why I dislike organized religions. Judging by my estimations, I think we'll be fairly safe when 2012 rolls around.
Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
God I hate christians, oh.. wait.. I hate God too.
Yahweh that is, it's self evident that he's evil, seriously, why can't you christians see that? How can you justify all the sick and depraved things your god supposedly did?
Originally posted by slymattb
reply to post by TheLaughingGod
First either you believe God exist, or you don't believe he exist. If you believe God exist even when he is angry you would stupid to not folllow the one who created all.
Originally posted by slymattb
reply to post by TheLaughingGod
First either you believe God exist, or you don't believe he exist. If you believe God exist even when he is angry you would stupid to not folllow the one who created all.
Ok, so now heaven and hell. They created those concepts as control tools to keep people acting the way they want them to act, period. If you act 'right', you get to go to heaven; and always coincidentally what is 'right' is defined by the priests and dogma of the 'religion' and everyone else must have 'faith' that their priests and dogma is telling them the truth about stuff, and are never allowed to question the information even if it seems counter-intuitive.
And of course Hell was created as a reason to always want to do right so you don't end up going there 'for eternity!'
Originally posted by Maddogkull
You got all of this from one shaman session...??? And it was just drumming??? Look at all the shamans in the world. None talk about the NWO like you have from this experience. Even though I agree with you on alot of the matters, The NWO wasen't here forever... Look at hinduhism one of the oldest religions, the NWO defintly didnt make that. And if you do I think you should look at some history books
Originally posted by PSUSA
reply to post by DragonriderGal
Ok, so now heaven and hell. They created those concepts as control tools to keep people acting the way they want them to act, period. If you act 'right', you get to go to heaven; and always coincidentally what is 'right' is defined by the priests and dogma of the 'religion' and everyone else must have 'faith' that their priests and dogma is telling them the truth about stuff, and are never allowed to question the information even if it seems counter-intuitive.
And of course Hell was created as a reason to always want to do right so you don't end up going there 'for eternity!'
I agree with you, and I am a Christian. Some call me a heretic or worse, though.
What the churches teach and what scriptures teach are 2 very different things.
The word "hell" is not a valid translation of any word in scripture. Neither is the word "eternal". Keeping these mistranslations in the Bible is a conspiracy, because these "theologians" know better.
It's not my site, but he explains it better than I can.
Todays religion is all about control. And with control comes money. Lots and lots of money.
And I have heard that before about hell not being in the bible although I hadn't heard about the shakiness of 'eternal'.
Unfortunately, though, what I see quite clearly is that the bible itself was written as the primary control tool of christianity.
Originally posted by EarthFallingApart
Hi guys, I'm hoping to just jump right in here and throw you guys a curve ball to wrap your minds around, hopefully making you think, possibly coming back with replies that would help further others thoughts including myself.
People say that there's a physical plain and an astral plain. We live in the physical plain and our soul resides in the astral.
Combined with that is the idea that there are different densities (from low to high) in each plain or in other words dimensions. Some believe that lower density represents negative vibration and in the higher densities it becomes light.
What if our soul would return to the astral plane vibrating like it was in the physical plain. Negative souls would go to the lower densities and positive to higher?
Now you have a pool of negative souls, and positive souls. From here you can tell it's starting to resemble Heaven/Hell without the clouds or fire.
On top of this is the thought that outside our bodies and the physical plane, there is no concept of time, everything just IS. Therefore what we consider an eternity is just existing there.Past, present, future just are so that encompasses all time.....eternity.
Do i believe you're stuck where you end up.... no, but it would come by raising your vibrations.
All stories have some truth to them. I personally think over time the story has changed to make "Heaven/Hell" much more glorious/sinister. Again think about it, these stories are coming from people who thought the earth was flat and was the center of the universe. Shouldn't we rethink Heaven/Hell in modern term with more evolved knowledge?
My usual disclaimer:
I don't claim anything above to be the absolute truth. It's just my opinion on the given topic of Heaven/Hell. What lifestyle would lead you to each domain is another topic in itself for which i really don't have a response. My goal in writing this is not to confuse you but to hopefully provide you with an outside the box view you haven't thought of. Use your mind (and heart) and come to your own conclusions please.
[edit on 2-10-2009 by EarthFallingApart]
Originally posted by ReHaBzWuRdZ
reply to post by DragonriderGal
"And the NWO has been sooo sucessful at spinning 'peace' and 'love' as the only 'true' indicators of spiritual 'superoritiy' that it has almost been accepted as TRUTH. Of course since they are creating all the new religious or spiritual movements, or infiltrating and corrupting any new one they didn't invent, it is easy to see why that distortion of spiritual advancement has been consistant across the millinia."
What are you trying to say here? That We Can't believe in peace and love? I Love the post tho. . .Good Job
Originally posted by PSUSA
That I don't agree with. It is the difference between what is written and what is taught.
But I do agree with you if you speak of how it is practiced by the vast majority. They know about the "great apostasy" but they can't see it, because they are a part of it.
This is really difficult to out into words, but I'll try.
I knew what I was being taught, going back to when I was a kid, was wrong.
They could not even agree what it took to be "saved". Then, we get into the whole nature of God. THey said "God loves you". Yeah, right up until the nanosecond you died. Then he tortured you forever for one sin because you don't have the right beliefs, never mind those that have never even heard of Christ. "Christians" never account for THOSE people. They just chuck them into "hell" with the rest.
But I didn't know what the right answers were.
I had faith that I would know what the answers were, in time. The ironic thing was that the answers were right in front of me the whole time. It's a curious form of blindness that kept me from seeing it. It also keeps others from seeing it. Try and show it to them and my they get pissed!
Christianity today is sick beyond words. That is why I don't get into fights with those that can't stand it, or get into religious arguments at all. I understand where they are coming from, and arguing solves nothing.
What I can't reconcile is the differences between the OT and NT God. The "jews" seemed to have treated their OT god like the NT "christians" treat their NT god. Neither is the God of love and mercy. They say it but they don't mean it.
As far as I can tell christian counseling is one of the biggest oxymorons ever to exist. How can you have any kind of personal self esteem and healing if at the very heart of your religious belief you are, from birth, SO flawed 'god' had to send his 'only son' to die so that 'god' could love you again. Sheesh. What a load of horse pucky.
And the reason you can't reconcile the OT and the NT god is because they don't belong together. That attachment of the jewish part of the 'bible' was just to make the christians feel like they were somehow obligated to the NWO bunch/ex-high priests of Israel.