posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 12:21 AM
I think both sides of the chemo/radiation vs alternative therapy debate need to admit that there is no magic bullet.
Cancer runs in my family, for no real apparent reason, on both sides. Some of us have vices (smoke, drink, etc), some have unhealthy eating habits,
stress, etc ... and some seem to have lived perfectly healthy lives. Yet all of my known relatives in my lifetime that have died of natural causes
(not accidents, shootings, etc) have died of some form of cancer. My dad has had it, had surgery and minor radiation, and is fine. I have had it, and
a small dose of radiation got rid of the small tumor I had without surgery. That was when I was 25.
But chemo, radiation, as well as alternative therapies have also failed plenty of people in my family on various types of cancers in various stages.
Having relegated myself as having cancer again at some point in my life, I have tried to draw together research from my family about treatment types,
cancer types, etc.
The problem is ... the points are all over the map. Breast cancer and chemo. Liver cancer and spiritual healing. Working. Not working. Deaths,
survivals. It just doesn't make sense.
My point is, if any particular therapy has worked for you then GREAT, I am extremely happy for you. But do not slam any other form of therapy because
all of them have the potential to work with SOMEONE.
I had such low doses of radiation that I was supposed to feel no side effects, yet I had some significant problems for a few months after. All I can
state at this point is when it comes back I am willing to try an alternative with lesser side effects ... with the knowledge that I can fall back to
radiation to beat it if need be.
What do you think is scarier to me - knowing I will have cancer again at some point? Or knowing that the almighty dollar is preventing people from
creating alternatives that may help someone (even if it's not me)? Does anyone know WHY it takes millions/billions of dollars to get the FDA to
approve clinical trials? There's a conspiracy somewhere in there, and I'll probably die of cancer trying to find it ...