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all self proclaimed aliens report in

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by reticledc

A good term to describe the behavior of electrons, quanta and photon wave/particles is that used in computing, Massively Parallel...There are Linear effects and there are Massively Parallel effects.
The implication therefor is of either Sub-space or Hyperspace information transfers in real time.
This is where Consciousness enters the room so to speak.
The question regarding phasing and phase relationships is going to require a whole new set of paragraphs, and right now i am hungry, so if you would be so kind as to give me a moment to refuel, i shall take my leave.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I would give you a ride in my spacetimecraft. I just have a few minor prerequisites. First, I'll need a surrogate for my hybrid baby. Second, I would like that guy Barak O'bama to come with us so I can take him home. He doesn't belong here with you earthlings. Third, I'll need to find out how to make a spacetimecraft and I'll also need a good ETsuit.

If you really want that ride, you'll help me out.


posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:24 PM
Why isn't this in skunk works or the Grey area?

"All self proclaimed aliens report in," doesn't belong in this forum and for myself I believe your title and opening post is insulting.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Agree2Disagree
If you really want that ride, you'll help me out.

My R&D department is already hard at work on our own ship... but I am impatient and the skeptics demand proof so I need a ride NOW

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I know what it's like. My STC crew quit on me. They said I am too ambitious and demanding of their intelligence. They said that I continually insult them with my gestures of impatience and superiority. I have no idea what they're talking about.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by observe50

I am sorry i offended you. It was not my intent to offend anyone.
Why do you find it insulting?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by WitnessFromAfar
That's unfortunate, because I've got some theoretical physics questions I was hoping you could answer, and apparently you cannot...

Okay... now this is silly...

On Earth there are many Hu-Mans in many professions A mere handful of those could answer questions on theoretical physics...

A Aline ship would require a Pilot... how many pilots on Earth can explain physics? Now it might be possible that a physicist from an unknown planet MIGHT be on board a visiting ship, but only if that ship is on a science mission

So asking any common ET such questions would be proof of nothing

I absolutely agree Zorgon. However asking those questions may trigger an answer that is testable, and I'm all about testable

I think of it this way, anybody who drives a car may not know how to fix their own engine when it breaks down, but most people who drive cars can tell you that they step into a vehicle and operate controls that move that vehicle onto a road, and that road leads to intersections with other roads that take you here from there. These people also know (out of necessity) how close the nearest fuel supply is, and what grade of fuel they need to put in their vehicles...

So even if I get an Extraterrestrial archaeologist, he/she/it would likely still be able to tell me how they got here from there.

And honestly, my curiosity gets the better of me sometimes. LOL These are questions I'd like clear answers for myself!


posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by redwoodjedi
Not only are the implications of such an idea applied toward the concepts of distance and speed but temporal realities as well. Quantum Mechanics through and through!

By being a visitor here on this planet from another galactic locale in all of your physical glory, your presence to us mere simians makes us question not only where you are from but when.

Let that bake your brain pan for a bit.

Very well said. I think people often forget that if travelling at light speed, it still takes 4+ years to get to the closest star!

People also tend to forget that time and space are as interconnected as electricity and magnetism

Redwoodjedi, you're amazing!


posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
reply to post by WitnessFromAfar

Well aren't we the persistant one! A quality i admire, so i will answer .

It's a quality I admire too, thanks for showing it!

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Let me start by noting that most of your questions are of the Einsteinian relativistic theory, A flawed theory at best. It is a match for photons and photo-electric effects and little else.

Would you mind posting me a link to the underscoring math accompanying your point, or perhaps explaining that a bit more here in the thread. I like to fully understand a point, and I just want to be clear I'm following you correctly. What you're saying is that He got Electricity/magnetism right, but everything else wrong...?

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Quantum was better, UFT even better.

But Einstein never achieved his UFT, could you explain this sentence?

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Let me state that the Large Hadron Collider will not produce a Higgs Boson nor a Graviton,possibly Strangelets and Charmlets,

That's interesting. Why don't you suppose it would produce the Higgs Boson... I like to understand, and I'm not sure I do...

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Neutrinos exist out of phase with matter in this dimensional frequency, so the possibility of using neutrinos would be a technical challenge for anyone.

While it's true that neutrinos pass right through the planet (and us) all the time, I thought that was due to their size (ability to fit between atoms). If we can't interact with Neutrinos, how do we explain observations of neutrinos passing through heavy water?

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
As i am sure you know, regarding orbital mechanics, Einstein"s curved spacetime is in error, another Michelson-Morley experiment required there me thinks.

But how does Gravity propagate, and what is it's source? if not 'curved spacetime' mass warping space, how do we explain the movement of the heavens?

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
I will point you in the direction of the real physics.
Maxwell-full quadratic.not the abridged Lorentzian.-Dynamic Aether.
E T Whittaker-Fourier Waves, Scalar Potentials, Gravitational field point charge, Harmonic Cymatic wave propogation.
O C Hilgenberg and Carl Friedrich Krafft-Hyperdimensional Vorticular Mechanics.

Um thanks, I'll try to google some of these folks. I've certainly read Lorentz and Maxwell...

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
You asked if an EM Field could counter Gravity? yes, but you would not want to be inside it, a Faraday cage would shield the electrical potential but not the magnetic.

I'm not sure that I understand this, are you saying that you would fry inside a magnetic field that powerful?

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
In your question regarding pushing and pulling are you refering to quantum field effects as per H B G Casimir and D Polder?
I have forgotten half your questions now so i will stop and refresh.

Yes I'm half referring to quantum effects, but also to 'humanscale' effects, that we observe in our everyday lives...

Thanks for at least giving my questions a stab. That shows good spirit, even if I still don't think you're a non-human alien, at least you're a good sport!


posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

You still fail to recognize.

Given that "aliens" exist, then they are real and have perception and you are choosing to not see through their perception.

Just because we can play games imagining their technologies, nuances, and language doesn't mean we know crap. But, if we put ourselves in their place and realize that we also are alien, we realize that there is a universal language - and it is of the conscious awareness.

Anything that is not homo sapiens then, by your very own argument, is alien. Therefore, we live amonst many aliens.

If your argument is that anything that is not from earth is alien, then maybe you should prove that we ARE originally from earth.

If your argument is that anything that is not from this dimension is alien, then maybe you should prove that there ARE other dimensions.

If your argument is that anything that is not from this universe is alien, then maybe you should think about that idea a little and realize that the term universe implies UNITY, or rather, one state of existence. Nothing is alien to existence except for non-existence.

Now here's a trip... what if you found out that the micro-organisms that live in and on and around your body were consciously aware and could communicate and make choices?

You'd crap yourself.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by WitnessFromAfar

Firstly, you assume that any "aliens" must travel from a different galaxy. Secondly, you assume that the designations or "types" of civilizations are reality. Based on this assumption, I'm surprised that you are willing to believe that we have only the technology that you know about and that we are not much more advanced - meaning, that certain organizations in the world haven't already developed these "type 1" and "type 2" technologies!

As open minded as you seem, you are quite narrow I think!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by locster

I understand the intent behind this thread. I can intend to go to a job interview to be a peon and end up being hired to be a manager. Intent is only a catalyst, not a destination.

So, let's intend to study the psychology of crazy people who think they are "extra-terrestrials" and instead actually learn about life!


Anything that you can imagine is not, as you say, "alien" to your mindset.

My real name is Tarzan. Before I told you that, it was an "alien" concept. But now that your imagination has been opened slightly to understand the concept that someone could actually be named Tarzan in this world, the foreignness of the concept is lost.

In actuality, the purpose of people searching for "alien" life is simply this : FEAR.

I'll give y'all some time to honestly think about why that is the case and come to some conclusions. If you -honestly- can't figure out why on your own, then you are only making chit-chat because you're bored.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by dodadoom

Thread still going I see! (told ya it was a sure thing)

Here ya go!
Might explain quite alot!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

reading that post, you clearly are missing the point of this thread.

The name thing is not an alien thing to me, it still fits human logic.
You jump to the conclusion that searching for alien life is fear.
Really? do you know me that well? maybe i just know and have seen a little more things than the Average Joe?

You can go on about my motives and my fear all you like, jut tell me this; What was my intent behind this thread?

[edit on 22/9/09 by locster]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by locster

Your original intent of this thread was simply to psycho-analyze the people who would claim to be alien, to determine the veracity of any of their claims, and to put into perspective the UNDERLYING notions of alien existence....

If the thread had any intent at all other than attention and points, which I'm beginning to doubt!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

I wasn't being critical of your intelligence or anything. I said politely that it's difficult to read your posts. I was interested in reading your thoughts but had a hard time because you bunch up your sentences together. Take it easy please. If you can't take simple constructive suggestions then I suggest that you seek help because grammar and being an alien may be the least of your problems.

BTW, seeing as you have corrected the problem as I suggested........ my input was a strong contribution to this thread! We all can read without eye strain what the alien has to say.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by spinalremain]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by redwoodjedi

You still fail to recognize.


You'd crap yourself.

Fail to recognize......Wow......where do I begin?

First off, you have made a grievous error in your applied reasoning about not only the direction of this thread but from the platform in which it was initiated. Your response was highly subjective and therefore esoteric and non provable. The initial nature of this thread was dualistic and thus not of a nondual nature. Subject witnessing object. Your response may be correct but I do not think you fully realize that and further it has no place in this thread.

My line of inquiry to all self professed aliens, and yes alien meaning not of this Earth, was benign and forthright. I still stand firm as I am keeping my inquiry in line with this thread.

If you would like, however, to illustrate for me on a Wilbur-Coombs Lattice or an AQAL model where my line of questioning lies in relation to your responses that would be mighty magnanimus of you.

Yes. I am a student of Ken Wilber (Integral Theory), Clare Graves (Spiral Dynamics), Genpo Roshi (Big Mind) and Andrew Cohen (EnlighteNext). I do recognize my friend and I adapt to the situation at hand.

This is as off-topic as I will go with you on this matter and I will be surprised if my response is allowed to stay without a warning from the Mods. I felt that I needed to clarify before we continue on in this matter so as to have a clean slate to draw upon from a mutual understanding.

Subjective Realities have no place in Objective Queries. In other words, as far as this thread is concerned, think more Zoroastrian and less Wilberian or Maharshian.

Before enlightenment: Chop the wood and carry the water.
After enlightenment: Chop the wood and carry the water.

You are throwing the tree on the ax and expecting a woodpile and you are expecting the well to haul water for you. ; )

So...Back on topic once again. I would still like to see some sort of Anecdotal Schematic or Otherworldly Pejorative Prose with a nice Primer. That way our path to Unity and Understanding has a some tools and perhaps a map that we can use collectively as.......ONE.



P.S. The bacteria on my Gross Physical Body is not only me it is YOU as well!

You are also the crap!

[edit on 22/SepamTue, 22 Sep 2009 09:16:07 -0500/08 by redwoodjedi]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

Great that is freaking awesome. Now you are getting defensive and really you shouldnt. just bow out before you completely ruin this thread. seriously uncalled for but thanks for your childish act.

Sorry for the childish statement.

[edit on 9/22/2009 by CrashGecko]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I dont think that it is fear of anything but more like a search for the unknown not the fear of. If people were afraid would they not think to build mostly weapons first. Instead some people think that Aliens are real and could actually help us but because everything on earth about aliens is them trying to destroy us and us always winning then the only thing i can think of is. Why would they come here if they think we might attack. We are trained to attack and fear the unknown not accept it. Maybe your fear of being alone is what is making you attack people. This thread was started for info not for bashing so please lets stop and see what really happens here and leave the poster alone.

If we seek knowledge why are we being persecuted for it.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by locster

Your original intent of this thread was simply to psycho-analyze the people who would claim to be alien, to determine the veracity of any of their claims, and to put into perspective the UNDERLYING notions of alien existence....

If the thread had any intent at all other than attention and points, which I'm beginning to doubt!

Nope both reasons are wrong.
Could you just please accept that you don't know my reasons?
Please get off your high horse.
And i did this thread to get attention and points? Please there are much more ways to do that wich do not take half the time of writing a post.

Again you thinking i did this for points kinda shows the way you think.
It takes one to know one.
Maybe you should read some other threads and posts i did before judging me.

You still made my friends list. I am sure i'll see you around here on ATS.

[edit on 22/9/09 by locster]

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