posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:04 AM
Chemical castration? That's far worse than infertility and would get more media and public attention rather than just lowered sperm count.
I have to wonder when and if this is already effecting our food supply, such as chickens. I suppose that this is done artificially, but would also
think the supplies would eventually run out. So, does this also apply to the chicken and the egg question?
Man made chemicals or chemicals that have always been here, but our systems or DNA can't tolerate any more. It would make sense if it's in the water
we need to flush it out.
Alien or whatever species have also been said to have similar problems. The ones I've heard about, don't have much if any genitals to speak of
If women can't handle certain products like enzyte or whatever, how are they safe from it's effects in other ways?
Other factors to consider may be related cyclical events/time zero etc.
Another thing is our use of fossil fuels and soy as fuel. Many things may be connected to this as well. Oil and gasoline production may be related due
to substances that are brought up deep below the earths surface. Do they even test these? I doubt all fossil fuels around the world have the same
chemicals, toxins etc.
Now we have chemicals and organisms that are probably getting into our water and food sources from melting ice caps. I find it hard to understand and
accept that it's just this one chemical.
Man boobs or moobs is embarrassing enough. I hope our voices don't change also.
As for sperm count, I think I have enough kids already and too old for them as well. I could think of many parts of the world that could use a lot
less fertility. Makes me wonder if this was planned.
There was something in the bible about a warning with children " In those days" and those who suck or suckle. Maybe it's also related to