posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by FritosBBQTwist
Fritos, if you're young, you haven't seen govt at its best. If you're older, you saw a govt win WW2, you saw govt efforts to put a man on the moon,
you saw govt efforts to clean up pollution (Republican Richard Nixon). You believed govt could work for the individual citizen. (Of course, if you
didn't like govt efforts in Civil Rights, you wouldn't think govt was so great.) You trusted govt.
Along the way, a notion was promoted that govt was the enemy, govt was not to be trusted, it didn't matter who you voted for. IMO all this
psychologically made Americans ready for a take over, not by Communists, but from corporations. Govt did not work in the interest of the citizen
individual but for the corporate "individual". I can understand this mistrust of govt.
Bottom line, insurance companies are not handling health care with the best interests of the patient in mind. And why should they? They're companies
with bottom lines and profits to make. Do we need a financial bottom line and profit in health care? It doesn't make sense any more. It is time, no,
way past time, to revamp the system.
I have car and homeowners insurance, with the hopes of NEVER HAVING TO USE THEM. That's what insurance is for. While I would hope to never need
medical attention, I no doubt will. In fact, my chances of needing medical care are a lot greater than having my property damaged or stolen.