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Racism is for Ignorant Fools, not ATS.

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posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 04:58 PM
Going into the sematics of "race" is silly. Spouting terms and defnitions is just deflection from the fact that the site owners have asked that bigotry against ones skin colour and ethnicity ceases immediatly.
Their T and C's do cover biggotry of all kinds, and they have highlighted the above as a problem lately.

Its not a diifficult premise...
Cease, or go to another site and participate in bigotry there.
Your a guest here, if you dont like your hosts way of thinking and how they like their home treated whilst your here, find another party to attend that doesn't mind if you smash up the furniture, swear profanities at people, and spit at other guests.

YAWN, bored now.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 05:05 PM
The song said "yellow, red, black, and white
Every one precious in the path of Christ"

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
Going into the sematics of "race" is silly. Spouting terms and defnitions is just deflection from the fact that the site owners have asked that bigotry against ones skin colour and ethnicity ceases immediatly.
Their T and C's do cover biggotry of all kinds, and they have highlighted the above as a problem lately.

Its not a diifficult premise...
Cease, or go to another site and participate in bigotry there.
Your a guest here, if you dont like your hosts way of thinking and how they like their home treated whilst your here, find another party to attend that doesn't mind if you smash up the furniture, swear profanities at people, and spit at other guests.

YAWN, bored now.

Go Girl

well put. end of thread!!!

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 05:26 PM
There is more racism on your daily PMSNBC "news" outlet than you see here at ATS. Lighten up and get a life...

Are you giving cover to the real racists and laying blame at the doorstep of those that actually want to bring to light the truly evil racists that occupy the White House and congress today? I suspect that is exactly what this post is supposed to do and I'm not buying it.

What an idiotic and lame attempt to give cover to your obvious political affiliation. That is not what ATS is about... But you go ahead and play your little game...

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by northof8
What an idiotic and lame attempt to give cover to your obvious political affiliation. That is not what ATS is about... But you go ahead and play your little game...

I see in your time here that you have not quite grapsed that that the people who are involved in this board on the staff side come from all across the world, all have differing background, all have differing opinions and have differing political affiliations. We don't all see things the same way - so why would you think that the board has a political affiliation?

As you can see by the flag on my avatar, I have no vested interest in US politics, outside of how it affects foreign policy. That being said I do have a vested interest in denying the stupidity that comes with believing a particular skin colour is better than another.

We aren't the ones projecting this. We're trying to remove the rhetoric out of the debate to aide the discussion of the politics.

All you've done with your assumption here is clutched the strawman, and attempted to make politics about race. Its not.

[edit on 19/9/09 by neformore]

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 08:27 PM
And remember everybody sing....." Bah Bah RAINBOW SHEEP, have you any wool"
I think this is one of the greatest moves to quell racism at a young age, before it gets out of hand!
Of coarse this may offend certain parties that may hold the symbolism of Rainbows dear. Where do we go from here?

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by northof8
There is more racism on your daily PMSNBC "news" outlet than you see here at ATS. Lighten up and get a life...

Are you giving cover to the real racists and laying blame at the doorstep of those that actually want to bring to light the truly evil racists that occupy the White House and congress today? I suspect that is exactly what this post is supposed to do and I'm not buying it.

What an idiotic and lame attempt to give cover to your obvious political affiliation. That is not what ATS is about... But you go ahead and play your little game...

No joke.

I've noticed most of the people who claim I'm racist because I don't support Obama are the same ones who say things like "I have friends that are black".

I have friends too. All sorts of friends. But I don't feel a need to categorize them by skin color or creed and use them to try to make myself look credible.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 09:06 PM
[edit on 19-9-2009 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 09:20 PM
We cannot and will not move forward if we keep relating to one another according to our skin color. Many of us (black) have to stop seeing racism at every turn, whites should be able to have a normal, civil conversation without living in fear of being called a racist if they say the wrong thing.

IMO whites are being made to walk on eggshells for no good reason, and if you look closely you will see that they now are the ones that are being discriminated against. We have been given a false sense of entitlement and this white guilt has to stop.

MLK said that black supremacy is just as wrong and dangerous as white supremacy.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 09:29 PM
I'm no fan of racism, but I don't think most of you even know what real racism is. To the overly-sensitive types out there today, racism is about words. Ooooh, we mustn't use the N-word, and calling somebody "nappy-headed" is a transgression worthy of flogging, for example.

If you're so hung up on mere words, then you'll be a sucker for every con-man smooth-talking his way into your trust, telling you the words you want to hear.

I remember the real racism of the 50s and 60s, and what we have in America today is laughably pale by comparison. In those days, blacks were hosed down in the streets, hung from trees, burned alive, bombed in churches, shot down in their driveways — and all of this with little or no hope of justice.

My point is, we are not seeing a resurgence of racism in America, not real racism as I and many others remember it. What we're seeing is a war on thought.

It starts out by assailing those thoughts that most people disdain anyway, such as racism. But once we agree that all racist remarks are indicative of ignorant, tiny minds that we will not tolerate, then the war on thought moves on to another target...such as religion.

How long before religion is considered too ignorant for discussion on ATS? According to many, many ATS members, it already is.

After religion is banned on ATS, how long before nationalism is considered too ignorant and narrow-minded from a global perspective?

See, I'm not crazy about a lot of things that people think, but I'm not going to refuse to tolerate them because I think I have the moral high ground. When you play that moral high ground game, you're talking about yet one more kind of supremacy.

I mean, I tolerate lots of idiots everyday, we all do. But to refuse to acknowledge or to refuse to tolerate people because they offend us is simply another form of discrimination.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I can't give you a star on this thread, so I'll just leave at I would if I could.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:11 PM
IQ in the United States

Asians score the highest
Then Whites
Then Native Americans
Then Blacks

Berry, J. W. (1966). Temne and Eskimo perceptual skills. International Journal of Psychology, 1, 207-222.
MacArthur, R. S. (1968). Some differential abilities of northern Canadian native youth. International Journal of Psychology, 3, 43-51.
Roth, P. L., Bevier, C. A., Bobko, P., Switzer, F. S. III, & Tyler, P. (2001). Ethnic group differences in cognitive ability in employment and educational settings: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 54, 297-330.
Hunt, Earl & Carlson, Jerry. Considerations Relating to the Study of Group Differences in Intelligence. Perspectives on Psychological Science 2 (2), 194-213.

What happens with cases like this? It's true, but also probably racist to mention. We can deny ignorance on the racism, but what if that involved denying ignorance on scientific truth?

I've seen a lot of people on ATS make those kind of posts. Are they no longer tolerated, even if they cite studies to back up their claims?

Personally I'm not a fan of that kind of racism, but when people use scientific studies, we pretty much have to accept it. It seems a tough conflict to resolve.

I think it's better to argue the points than to censor the racists, because that just forces them underground into closed off societies where they can never be debated with again, with the intent of changing their opinion.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Nutter
reply to post by twitchy

My point being:

Why is race all of a sudden taboo here?

BTW....I can not type 'n-word' without the censors going berzerk.

But I can surely type FAGGOT in big bold letters for everyone to see?

Pease give me a break.

Would it make you feel better to be able to say that word? Everyone I have seen complain about not being able to say that word has in some way been a bigot.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Since I was young, one thing that my mom said has always stood out above the rest. She says, "Racism is the greatest form of ignorance." I've never heard a more true statement.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Eight
IMO whites are being made to walk on eggshells for no good reason, and if you look closely you will see that they now are the ones that are being discriminated against. We have been given a false sense of entitlement and this white guilt has to stop.

I agree with you most of the way. However, I have been on both sides of the coin.

As a former racist, I can tell you the process of change takes time. Some people are so hateful, that they can never change.

Others fool themselves into believing they are "tolerant".
Some agree to equality, but to a point. As long as it does not decrease my property value.

There are more layers than you may think. I worked with a guy that was a Ted Kennedy idolizing NY Liberal right down to the way he dressed, but he had a hard time controlling himself when he saw a Back man with a White woman. He told me he felt as if something had been literally taken from him personally. Think about that. He just could not shake that thought. I have heard the same sort of thing from other Whites, Hispanics and Blacks.

There is a problem.

It's real, little about guilt involved, or Black Supremacy, any Whites that feel guilty may need a little coaching, but they have already reached some understanding of bigotry. They are not the ones showing up at Tea Parties with Assault Rifles and Glocks. It's the White liberals that feel guilty, and non racist Conservatives, and Republicans.

Racist people do not feel guilty, they feel justified, Patriotic, and like they are protecting their race from being "taken over" or "defiled". Black, White, Hispanic, Jew, Muslim, whatever.

There are a lot of Americans that are both conservative, and racist. Yes there are racist Democrats, Libertarians etc.. But the groups most populated by racists are the Conservative Christian Right, and the Confederate flag waving Southerners. I would include the rich elite, but they are few in numbers, and while financially powerful, they prefer peaceful prosperity if at all possible.

Then we have the convergence of legitimate NRA members defending their rights, with the opportunistic supremacist militia types, and the KKK types all freaking about a non issue. Your gun rights are not going to be taken away.

Blacks are being pretty silent about this whole debate. I believe the majority of Blacks, having a lot of training in being screwed by "The Man" have taken a wait and see approach. They know what happens if you get too "upity" too fast. But don't you believe for a second that Black people are not ready to blow if the unspeakable should happen.

Latinos have also not been a vociferous group. I believe Latinos are also in wait and see mode. But Latinos are going to lean left until the Right stops the racist thing. Illegals are today's slaves. Nuff said about them.

So what we have is a tinder box ready to explode. Legitimate Conservatives and others on the right have to decouple from the extremists. Legit Liberals and others on the left have to take on the extreme right with the help of Legit Conservatives and other right wingers.

This American debate over President Obama and his policies has to be played out, without a race component. That is where the majority of the problem lies. Look at all the posters and signs at the rallies, obvious racism.

Extreme right wing people who are in the minority, are creating a state of National unrest with the full blown financial support of the crippled Republican Party.

What is the point of having elections? if one Party is going to take the position of, "If we can't govern, we are not going to let "you" govern at any expense".

There is a major race issue brewing, and if we don't address it as intelligent people with an interest in the survival of our Nation. We are going to go down the tubes.

This is not about the Constitution, it's about a Black man being President and an exchange of Party Power.

This Thread is legitimate.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by GigaloCool
You would think things would have changed by now but did you see the way the black people almost universally voted against the white candidate for President, if that's not pure racism I don't know what is.

Or maybe they just had more common sense and voted for the better ticket? You are jumping to conclusions here my friend. You are assuming that African-Americans voted along the color line. Totally wrong in my case. I liked the more experienced McCain, but the Palin ticket was simply unelectable.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by harpsounds
IQ in the United States
Ethnic group differences in cognitive ability in employment and educational settings: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 54, 297-330.
Hunt, Earl & Carlson, Jerry.

Scientific studies can be skewed by the people at either end, like statistics where you plot two ends and draw a curve, you cannot compare apples from different regions.

Never in the last 40 years has so much dirt been thrown at your elected president and his family, even before they entered your "White House", for the rest of the world it is obvious.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by prof-rabbit

Never in the last 40 years has so much dirt been thrown at your elected president and his family, even before they entered your "White House", for the rest of the world it is obvious.

really? that's a surprise to me. we didn't really know much about obama or his family, and the media universally loved him. what were you reading or watching? the only questions raised were by bloggers who got no national attention. did the rest of the world know something we didn't?

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by prof-rabbit

Never in the last 40 years has so much dirt been thrown at your elected president and his family, even before they entered your "White House", for the rest of the world it is obvious.

LOL... Where were you for the last 8 years?

And just FYI.. I couldn't stand Bush either. Guess that makes me racist against white people.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by prof-rabbit

Sadly I have to agree with you. "You lie!" wouldn't have happened to a white Prez. The threshold of respect seems to be a lot lower.

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