posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Power, or the loss of that power rather, is only one of the two main reasons for the covert manner of operations with UEs(Unknown Entities) and the
disclosure of them, their technology, and philosophical doctrines in my opinion. If indeed it is true the government has been hiding this all from the
population for at least over 60 years then I think they would realize that there is no way to keep this secret forever, I also highly doubt what ever
species they are in contact with (again, if they are in contact at all) would want or allow the truth of a interstellar community to be hidden for too
long. So I really do not think it is totally in our hands.
I personally think that there was a first contact made in the modern era, around 1954, possibly earlier. I also think that it is logical that any type
of first contact would be contained within a small group of individuals(similar to what the aliens said in the movie Contact, about that being
only "Phase One") from a planet that is being exposed to the cosmic community for the first time. Good choices would be heads of government and
scientist, which is who were reportedly there during the rumored first contact event. It also makes sense that the integration of an "cosmic
community" would happen in stages, with progressively more and more information being released over a period of years until finally through this
"slow drip" preparing the masses of a "non-exposed" planet until finally a mass contact is made.
I also do not think the USA is the only country to communicate with these beings. It is my opinion that every major country on Earth have had
and still are in contact with these beings in some way or another(that includes China and Russia). So appropriately, I do not think the OPs theory of
a world crisis over the US hoarding technologies is correct, although it was laid out very good and could be possible, I just do not think that is the
case at this point.
Back to the loss of power, that goes for military, religion, or anything that has massive influence over what the masses do or think. That also
can be applied to a less malevolent scope as well. The loss power is driven by fear, now that fear may not be based upon evil intents, rather
the fear of the unknown, of drastically shifting our paradigm to a way never before seen. The fear of "would this result in the collapse of our
society and species in the end?". Well likely so in the past, and still possibly today, although I feel we are coming closer to a point were we
are ready to take the next step in our species evolution.
So in conclusion, I believe that the reason for no disclosure yet is two fold. The first and primary reason likely being that 'this is just
how it is done' for obvious reasons. It could be VERY disastrous if an alien civilization just 'dropped everything on a unexposed civilization at
once', there are just too many things that could go wrong, potentially ending in the extinction of a species.
Secondly, I believe that there are indeed factions within the government that do want to wait of a lot longer than is needed and may be taking steps
to delay or prevent a disclosure, for both their own personal reasons and skewed outlook on 'what is the good of all'. Basically the power
of society is similar an addictive drug, once you are immersed in a certain way of life for so long you become terrified to change it.