Hi all, I felt it was time we examine a possible reason or reason(s) for the U.S. to NOT disclose what it knows about aliens, UFO's, and such
sundries. I know every week someone posts about a new deadline for disclosure or this project and this project has whistleblowers pushing for
disclosure. Now before I begin I would like to say that myself, have seen 2 things I can't explain. Alien craft? I doubt it. I tend to feel my
encounters were manmade and of our gov't. that being said I do believe that there are aliens somewhere out there. Now that that is out of the way, I
would like to invite all believers, fence-sitters, skeptics and even the hardcore (we are alone) debunkers to chime in.
I am coming at this from the aspect, whether true or not, of the U.S. has recovered alien technology and is reverse engineering it for military
and commercial purposes clandestinley. So let's get started.
Let's say tomorrow President Obama holds a presser and decides to give us what everyone in the UFO Believer community wants: full unhindered
He tells a story beginning back since Roswell and elaborates on the technology that was retrieved, possible homeworld and even has experts whom worked
on the projects fully disclose EVERYTHING! What would happen? Most believers would tell you it would open up a new era in openess and technology the
would put us on a path to solving our world's ills. A noble idea to be sure. But is it based in fact or the hopes and dreams of optimists? As a
lifelong student of military doctrine and global geo-politics I may have another possibility that isn't quite so utopian. That being said, I am only
putting this down as means of looking at both sides of this coin.
After the speech which was broadcast all over the globe, the full extent of our military's possible might is made painfully aware to the rest of
the world. Top-secret and black projects are not disclosed of course but the mere fact and extent of the knowledge that is in the U.S.'s hands
becomes painfully apparent to countries that THOUGHT they were on par or even a little ahead of us militarily. Despots, dictators, superpowers all
take this news in and begin a re-evaluation of there military options and match -ups now to include unknown "variables". What would they think?
First America has access to alien, intergalactic traveling, laws of physics breaking technology and has been tinkering with it for more than 50 years.
I can tell you if I was in this position I would be VERY worried. How do you plan a defense against something that could evade almost all of your
defenses? How do you defend against a possible alien/U.S. death ray? Transporters? All different manner of sci-fi movie ideas get brought into the
discussion militarily. The hardcore generals and advisors who are used to tanks, missles, aircraft, UAV's, helos, etc. suddenly are back at square
one. They are defenseless, so they would assume. What now? What can bring balance back to the world?
Every country that is not within the U.S. umbrella, and maybe even a few who felt betrayed by not being kept in the loop, start calling one
another,eventually ending up in the U.N. for an emergency meeting. World leaders meet in N.Y. and in a move of gracious solidarity the U.S. allows
every world leader to attend and speack at this session. The U.S. feels secure and knows how insecure the rest of the world feel and hopes that now
with these unknown variables about our might it will bring everyone peacefully back to the table. On it's face that is what happens, although many
speeches in the U.N. chamber by many leaders including allies, demand access to the research, technology and a full disclosure of any offshoots of
this technology in order to better bring the world back into balance. Of course the U.S. agrees to some of the requests for non-militarily viable
technologies , stating that the bulk of this technology has been under study for more than 50 years and to all of a sudden give it to a country or
scientist who doesn't understnd the preceeding research could be dangerous at best. Well the world community, namely those not on our myspace friends
list, are a little skeptical and more than outraged and say so. Emergency sanctions against the U.S. are drafted withiin the body proper of the U.N.
as well as the security council. Oil, funds and travel are all embargoed and levied aginst us in an attempt to force our hand.
Of course you can see where this is starting to go. I will leave it here. Anyone who understands global politics can understand that Russia,
China, Iran, Venezuela and every other enemy of the U.S. would be foaming at the mouth to get thier hands on our goodies. Would they risk it? Would
they risk attack, knowing that they might not be able to stop what ever we have hidden in the back pocket?
Let the debate begin....
[edit on 16-9-2009 by djvexd]
[edit on 16-9-2009 by djvexd]atrocious spelling blunders
[edit on 16-9-2009 by djvexd]