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Alien Abduction in Italy: the sad story of Pier Fortunato Zanfretta

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

I agree that most people try to relate to others,and do not want to feel alone or isolated.If his story is true,then of COURSE he would probably tell someone!!Placing myself in his shoes,as you so aptly put it,I'm fairly certain I would have to tell at least a few of the most trusted people in my life.I am a very empathic person,and strive to understand others,and I also would like myself to be understood.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by amrith777

Exactly. Empathy is the key.

Plus, all the people that investigated the scene probably did not keep their mouths shut about it, especially if the Carabinieri were called out for the two times mentioned in the OP.

Then the witnesses who saw the lights probably told many people. Overall, the story to me sounds legitimate.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
Also i see theres a shoe mark. Would a reptilian wear shoes?? wouldent the footprint be different??

It might be just for comparison.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Good thread!! Strange looking aliens,...The predator comes to my mind too.
I am very interested in the sphere that Pier was given. Have a very good reason for that.
About 4 summers ago, we had a very severe thunderstorm one evening, that did quite a bit of damage from high winds. My aunt was in the storm and arrived at her house to be greeted by a boomerang shaped craft over her home. She said it did a pivot turn and and vanished almost instantly. About an hour later, her cat was across the road looking at something in the road side ditch. She went over to investigate why her cat was so jumpy. In the ditch lay a sphere about the size of a volley ball. It was blinking bright white and suddenly started to rise up off the ground. She backed off, as the sphere rose slowly up to about 12 feet and zoomed out of sight instantly.
Anybody have any ides as to what the sphere was?
I told my Aunt it looked as if who ever they were.....were looking for the sphere, that probably got grounded in the severe storm. I called it a Probe.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Springer
Excellent thread on a case I've never heard about until now, this is why I love our site/community and its global reach.

Whether this fellow was truly abducted or something else happened to him it is certainly an interesting case.


I imagine there are many cases we'll never hear about due to the ridicule factor. Fear can be an overwhelming emotion and can cripple a person emotionally, especially when they feel no one will support them or help them through a crisis. Any abduction is a violation of a persons rights and what bothers me is that our government ignores what these abductees have gone through which should send a red flag up to anyone with a brain. If the powers that be would simply state.." We have heard about these abduction cases and we are trying very hard to find out what is happening to these individuals" then abductees will at least know they have been recognized and perhaps there is hope to find some resolution.

But no...the officials are closed mouthed, insult the intelligence of these victims, and fail to protect them from whatever/whoever abducts them. I hope all of these victims will gain the courage to march in front of the White House and demand answers.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Lois]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:22 PM
i had a very similar,most vivid dream.
crafts were appearing from everywhere.
everyone was outside in broad daylight,staring,in awe.
they then opened fire,scorching anyone within range.
we ran indoors for cover and watched as the destruction spread towards us.
when i awoke from this,i was really freaked out.
the image has stayed with me.
i cannot say this about any other dream that i have had.
i always assumed that any space/time visitors would be passive.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by observe50

There are Abductee's/Experiencers right here at ATS that try/tried to share with members here about there occurrences but they have been insulted and belittled that they don't share any longer.

I do look forward to learning more on this case but what I feel bad for is this is another Human that has had his life changed forever.

Those who insult and belittle obviously have not experienced something so traumatic and fearful or joyful until it changes your life forever, therefore they have no conprehension of the reality of a crisis of this sort and so they deny what they can't see, hear, or feel relating to the paranormal, u.f.o.'s, aliens, God, etc.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:36 PM
this has been like a book i can't put down, thanks OP

i have read many threads about abductee's experiences, i remember one in particular, he told the Aliens/Abductors NO NOT ANY MORE! and he was never bothered again(allegedly)

in the 70's a police friend of my fathers encountered a ufo while on duty in the lake district,cumbria, with his colleague. the ground was singed when they got there, yeh i know blaa blaa blaa

but they were told to get out of there and never speak of it again!

ah well maybe the ugly people(aliens) who are probably more beautiful inside than we could ever be
are coming back here to spawn,

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by McGinty
I wonder how aliens choose which place to visit and abduct from (if indeed they do)?

A possible reason could be that they choose the destination based on observations made from their home planet, before disembarking.

If this is correct, then perhaps, taking into account the speed of light, their observations were of the Earth when the Roman Empire ruled, hence their decision to land in Italy.

The Roman Empire is debated to have ended circa 500AD, so we're looking for a system/galaxy that's approx. at least 1500 light-years away.

We can't know how fast their ship travels (but one assumes it's faster than light, probably employing custom made wormholes), but we do know how fast light travels, so any distant observations they may have made of our planet are confined by that speed.


[edit on 17-9-2009 by McGinty]

Perhaps earth may have been some aliens home planet and they left when they saw a global disaster coming, found another habital planet, then have been returning..only to find the human species have arrived on 'their' planet.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Stormseeker
Clean Undies!! AWW dude ...go commando!! that ll learn em not to mess with you....nopun intended!!LOL....

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 07:59 PM
OP. Thought I read it all, but no. Thanks for the detailed info.
Nice to see opinions from ATS well respected Co-own -- Springer.


posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Lois

Originally posted by observe50

There are Abductee's/Experiencers right here at ATS that try/tried to share with members here about there occurrences but they have been insulted and belittled that they don't share any longer.

I do look forward to learning more on this case but what I feel bad for is this is another Human that has had his life changed forever.

Those who insult and belittle obviously have not experienced something so traumatic and fearful or joyful until it changes your life forever, therefore they have no conprehension of the reality of a crisis of this sort and so they deny what they can't see, hear, or feel relating to the paranormal, u.f.o.'s, aliens, God, etc.

However, some people are instilled with the same kind of fear through therapeutic deception. There's evidence of some people out there doing regression therapy and hitting the jackpot convincing people they've been abducted, when all the patients have been receiving is leading questions and things are are simply made up out of thin air to push the therapist's agenda.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Cagalli
reply to post by Orion65

I wonder what their definition of "soon" is.

Good question, Orion.

Hey there - I'm in (western) WA, too.

I think the OP had more info about the "soon" part (?).

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Orion65

And since this happened between 1978 and 1981 have they returned "in larger numbers" yet?

I would say that depends on how they get here from the "Third Galaxy".
At least according to our understanding of physics (but somehow I feel as if these advanced species have the ability to circumvent what we understand to be physical restraints).
If they are travelling in a way that we consider conventional, meaning from point A to B linearly, they could travel as fast as they wanted, but time would only speed up for us.
From their perspective, they could leave 1978, go home and come straight back in a week, but have 100 years pass here on Earth rather easily.
This is of course considering they are able to propel themselves at the speed of light, or thereabouts.

Back to reading, just thought I would throw that in.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Brainiac

In regards to your 95% no comment:

Holy Jeeze, dude. That is some of the worst logic I have ever seen.
You claim that there is life throughout our Solar System but nowhere else?

You claim that because Earth is at the 6 billion mark in a 10 billion (wrong) lifespan of outward expansion that we are NECESSARILY the oldest species in the universe?!
You give that probability 95%?!

That is ridiculous. Realistically, given your numbers, there is 40% of the universe older than we are.

Considering that we only have one example to go by, our Solar System, that is studied to any sort of sufficiency to judge by and life exists here (us) one can only conclude that life is at least POSSIBLE in ALL star systems.

Meaning that, given your numbers, we would be just above average on the universal scale.

And that sounds about right to me.
Just above average. I want to meet the guys that have been around since nearly the begining!

And this also doesn't account for several other possibilities.
Evolutional advancement vs. cosmological hinderance. IE, asteroid strikes rendering a developing species extinct immediately.

If you factor THIS into the equation, you realize that a planet with life only half the length of ours could advance BEYOND OUR OWN EASILY if conditions weighed in their favor.

Back to reading, just wanted to throw that in.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by McGinty

If they employ wormholes then the idea of calculating a time from whence they came goes out the window.
As their travel becomes instantaneous.... Unless they are traveling through a network of connected wormholes (See the movie Contact).

But even still, at that point, you can't calculate the amount of time needed to travel from point to point, as the bridges are literally instantaneous. At least insofar as I understand it.

Easier to just stick with SOL travel.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

In regards to the Operator asking if "they" were human:

I would imagine that the question was being asked because the caller wasn't specifing what it was that was bothering him. The logical question when someone says "my god are they ugly" would be "what are they?"
Is it a 20' long snake? A lion? An invisible thing that this crazy caller is imagining?

So, the question is "Are you being assaulted by someone?"

Or in more specific terms: "Are "they" Humans?" "Are "they" harming you?"

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Hack28

Why would they abduct people?
I don't know, but I look at it in the same way that I look at how we treat Native Amazonian tribes.

We have non-intervention policies. We study them. We try to do so without their awareness.

We intervene if they are sick.

Now sure, they aren't curing everyone of every illness. But perhaps they perform their medical "experiments" on people who are carrying something that can harm the whole.

We do the same thing even today.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Alright, finally caught up.
Sorry for spamming the thread guys, but I am too lazy to copy posts over to notepad that I want to respond to and read the thread first.

This thread is awesome! Fascinating story.
I love reading about these "unknown" unknowns. Meaning, aliens that we don't encounter on these boards all the time, the typical greys, etc.

This is one I had heard nothing about until now. Good case study.
And now I'll star and flag it.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Orion65
...."they want to talk with us and that they will soon return in larger numbers."

They interrogated/questioned him and examined him (and scared the cr@p out of him) but they ultimately didn't physically harm him (?) so does this mean they want to "talk with us" benevolently? And since this happened between 1978 and 1981 have they returned "in larger numbers" yet?

Maybe they never made it back to their home...
Living 3 galaxies away (at least) that means a lot of way to travel back, lots of different worlds to explore and having a habit of abducting and terrorizing inhabitants of lesser civilizations, I somehow feel you just don't stay around long enough doing this. Something bad has to happen to you..

I doubt they will ever return, chances would be big they landed in the wrong kind of planet someplace.

What's the point of abducting people terrorizing them and then telling them you'll be back in large numbers. Probably we found the idiots of our local galactic village, or in this case, they found us.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by spacebot]

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