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2012--Oh isn't the NWO having fun with this one??

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by Dave157
reply to post by antithesis.

Anyway, the NWO bunch have a lot riding on enslaving us, and their back is up against the wall now. They got to go for it or lose everything. If they weren't such arrogant a**holes, I would kinda feel sorry for them. It is going to be really ugly AND painful.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

They sure against a wall, and check out the news lately, they are gonna pull out all the stops. Have no fear.

'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil'

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by EarthQuake
reply to post by DragonriderGal

ive heard many different versions of the same rhetoric involving 2012, the last one similar to this was a series of videos by Drunvalo Melchizedek. I guess we can only assume until the day it comes, (unless of course everyone could access higher planes) but if people can't see that change is coming in whatever form it takes they are seriously out of touch.

One question though if the planet is gaining energy then why are the magnetic lines weakening?

I haven't had a chance to see those videos. Chances are if he is saying similar stuff, he may have a similar source.

And it would be best to be proactive in seeing what YOU want to have happen, instead assuming you can't do anything other than wait and see what will happen which probably be more like letting the NWO play out the scenarios they have planned.

And from what I see, the energy lines aren't weakening per say, it is sorta like having aquifers in the ocean. With the water arriving in abundance now, there isn't a need for the containers. The lines were built to hold and make the energy available if you tapped into them, but now we are entering a phase of the energy being everywhere and they aren't much needed, other than as guide 'lines' and amplifying the energy field in general.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by eldard
What if someone don't want to shift? I like the world as it is (but with fewer idiots and with a destitute America.)

The shift is entirely your choice. I think a lot of people will give it a try and decide it isn't for them, just yet. And really, America is just being used by the NWO right now, and shame on us for letting them, but their junk isn't even what the real america is about. Like a bumper sticker I saw says, "I love my country, it is the government I don't trust."

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:11 PM
2012 is a subject that I have spent too much time studying. Don't assume you know how I feel about it just from that statement.

I have a question: Whom do you consider the NWO to be? The reason I ask is because the majority of people talking about a REALITY of 2012 are very quickly labeled as nutjobs, extremists, controversial, etc.

Are you saying that they are using reverse psychology? If not, could you please provide me with the sources you are using to determine the connection between 2012 believers and the NWO?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by blujay

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Anyway, the NWO bunch have a lot riding on enslaving us, and their back is up against the wall now. They got to go for it or lose everything. If they weren't such arrogant a**holes, I would kinda feel sorry for them. It is going to be really ugly AND painful.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

They sure against a wall, and check out the news lately, they are gonna pull out all the stops. Have no fear.

'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil'

Yah, they are gonna give it their best (evilest) shot; can't really blame 'em. A rubber band stretched across 300,000 years is gonna hurt like heck. They can feel it coming.

And yes, that is the key, don't let them spin you with fear. That is their best and most effective mind game tool. I am not saying, be oblivious, just don't buy the crap they are trying to sell you. It really is our choice.

I am sure there will be a lot of us make it thru the rough patch just fine. Manifesting, manifesting.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
2012 is a subject that I have spent too much time studying. Don't assume you know how I feel about it just from that statement.

I have a question: Whom do you consider the NWO to be? The reason I ask is because the majority of people talking about a REALITY of 2012 are very quickly labeled as nutjobs, extremists, controversial, etc.

Are you saying that they are using reverse psychology? If not, could you please provide me with the sources you are using to determine the connection between 2012 believers and the NWO?

I would not assume anything about someone, unless your nick was 'Ithink2012istheend' or something.

And of course people will get labeled nut cases and whatnot if they are saying information the NWO wants kept hidden, like stuff about the psychic/spirit realm, the real way to enlightenment, this latest version the vast conspiracy they have been running since somewhere before the first World war. Obviously the previous versions weren't successful enough.

To date, probably the most successful time where they had held full sway was Europe's dark ages as the top leadership of the Catholic church. And that is what they would LOVE to see return. Them at the top, and all the rest of us peons and peasants or better yet, indentured servants and slaves to be killed, tortured, worked to death, and so on, with no repercussions.

But anyway, the NWO bunch use all the means at their disposal to spin us, including the psychic realm and the people who are being fed information that way, like mediums and future predictors, also they use the news media, 'science', any and everyone who will allow themselves to be spun, whether for profit or for their 15 minutes of fame.

As I said, this is information coming straight out of the racial/collective unconscious, the biggest library/information source in the .. well, world, I guess, since it is the human racial/collective unconscious, and I don't see any humans anywhere but here, contrary to that nice story of all of us being out there for millions of years, hanging with the aliens and such.

In fact what I do see is that there is a very strict ban on taking humans off world, because we are so dangerous. Reactive, incredibly creative, and very prone to killing what scares or hurts us, and in finding particularly nasty and unexpected ways to do it.

For the most part, the rest of the galactic community sees humanity as the equivalent of sentient rats, destructive and extremely fast breeders, and because these human bodies suck in any nearby soul, be it blue, grey, elven, or whatever, having us reproducing anywhere near is tantamount to soul stealing in their opinion, and so most aliens shudder at the thought of us humans being anywhere near them.

See, the typical alien body/embryo waits for a compatible (same origins) soul to come along and it hops in and off they go. The human body is more like that movie scene where Angelina Jolie drives behind that guy, slides sideways and knocks him into the car, slams the door and takes off. Once inside, the 'will to live' (also amped up), essentially seat belts the soul in with a full body harness that won't release until the death of the body.

As for the NWO bunch, they are the ex-aliens called the Jue-sah, now better know as the illuminati, ex-high priests of Israel, the leadership of the free-masons, and owners of the contract with the demons; their flunkies are the neo-zionist bunch, and pretty much all of the filthy rich families of the world (except the arabs) as well as 90% of the royalty of Europe. The dracs and the U.N. take their orders from the NWO bunch as well. And a lot of movie stars and such are part of their following too, except for Mel Gibson who ran afoul of them when he made his movie "Passion of Christ", since they feel it portrays them in such a bad light. *rolls eyes*

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You got that right ... manifesting manifesting !! If only I could get others to 'think' along the same lines.... so many here go for the doom and gloom of what is coming. 'They' are definitely experts at what 'they' do, proof is all around me... fear fear fear.

People, stock up on what you may need for you and your family. Then forget about it. Don't let it enter your thoughts... you are prepared, now go out and have some FUN, it's not irresponsible, it is responsible, for you are helping to create something awesome ... even if you don't realize it!

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by blujay
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You got that right ... manifesting manifesting !! If only I could get others to 'think' along the same lines.... so many here go for the doom and gloom of what is coming. 'They' are definitely experts at what 'they' do, proof is all around me... fear fear fear.

People, stock up on what you may need for you and your family. Then forget about it. Don't let it enter your thoughts... you are prepared, now go out and have some FUN, it's not irresponsible, it is responsible, for you are helping to create something awesome ... even if you don't realize it!

Yah so many people do that kind of thinking waaaaaay too well. I used to, but I got tired of always feeling so crappy about everything, and then once I started seeing in the racial/collective unconscious, it was very easy to see that all of that kind of thinking is being fed to us by the NWO bunch.

Part of it is because the demons feed on intense emotional energy and making us miserable is far easier than making us happy (which makes it easier for the NWO to manage them), and part of it is that we have made such fools out of the NWO bunch in the eyes of the galactic community over the many millinia they have been trying to enslave us, that they hate us with a vengeance and hurting and killing us makes them feel like they have gotten some measure of revenge.

Of course that only makes they look weaker and more foolish in the eyes of the rest of the galactic community who all very well understand karma. But still, the NWO blames it all on us humans, even though it is they who are making themselves look worse than any human ever could. A very typical abuser mentality. Oh poor me, look at how that human made me hurt them. *rolls eyes*

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:13 PM
so i ask, do you know what is going to happen come closer too 2011? can you make any predictions?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

The things you have said sound fargin crazy.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Dave157
so i ask, do you know what is going to happen come closer too 2011? can you make any predictions?

Things will be in an uproar, more of what was happening this year, until people start figuring out this is all manipulation by the NWO bunch. Already more and more people are saying, yah, something is going on. When I talk about the NWO bunch, more people are getting kind of an 'aha' expression. Like finally, a face to go with the problems.

On a gut level, the desperation of the NWO will start showing thru. More and more people will break thru to the realization that they don't have to play things the NWO's way. The NWO is going to try a take over of the US, but it won't ever really get off the ground because too much of what they needed isn't in place. We still have our guns, they can't get a decent pandemic going, and so far, nobody's been able to assassinate Obama.

Luckily he knows to protect himself from the CIA and FBI. I suspect he even has his own men as his secret service. He knows the NWO bunch are out to get him, but luckily he has a lot of really rich friends in the middle east, since he is half white, and more arab than black. So what you are seeing playing out is an eons-old feud between the blues and the Jue-sah, with the blues (who reincarnate as arabs) doing their best to get the NWO's plans for taking down america stymied and crashed, and destroying the NWO's last chance to enslave humanity before 2012, and thereby destroying the NWO bunch and the few remaining true alien Jue-sah left.

But don't be fooled. The blues and Obama aren't on humanity's side. They are just against the Jue-sah. When the Jue-sah crash and burn, the blues may offer to 'help' us out. But that would be along the lines of that old story about the bird in a pile of cow manure accepting help from a cat who dug him out. Bad choice.

MY advice would be to let the indigos take over, if we must have a world government. They are far less corrupt and/or harsh than either the blues or the Jue-sah. By that point though, we should be well into making physical enlightenment and so not in need of 'government' at all.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by brocket99
reply to post by DragonriderGal

The things you have said sound fargin crazy.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 05:06 PM
I am not trying to undermine or even question what you believe to be true....but

One must ask the question of how there are so many different versions of the truth from so many different people claiming to be "in contact" with higher spirits, beings etc.

Some claim to go through the shamanic path, some go through the self-hypnosis OBE/astral projection path, some claim to hear beings in their's all gravy of course, but I am interested as to how some people are able to learn from higher-teachers while others, being just as open minded, can not even after going through the same progression of rituals/exercises. Furthermore, how can you be certain that what you see/hear/envision/etc are not creations of your own mind? I am not a "debunker" nor a "skeptic", just another human who is curious about these things. If you can indeed ask your "teacher" any question you wish, ask him about what is coming, specifically, so that you as well as "us" may be able to verify and trust your information.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by VirginiaGreen]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by VirginiaGreen
I am not trying to undermine or even question what you believe to be true....but

One must ask the question of how there are so many different versions of the truth from so many different people claiming to be "in contact" with higher spirits, beings etc.

Some claim to go through the shamanic path, some go through the self-hypnosis OBE/astral projection path, some claim to hear beings in their's all gravy of course, but I am interested as to how some people are able to learn from higher-teachers while others, being just as open minded, can not even after going through the same progression of rituals/exercises. Furthermore, how can you be certain that what you see/hear/envision/etc are not creations of your own mind? I am not a "debunker" nor a "skeptic", just another human who is curious about these things. If you can indeed ask your "teacher" any question you wish, ask him about what is coming, specifically, so that you as well as "us" may be able to verify and trust your information.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by VirginiaGreen]

It is always good to ask questions, VG. I don't mind at all if someone doesn't just accept at face value what I say. I have found in my life that when something 'rings' true, there literally is a kind of a gonging/clicking sensation in my mind, like the tumblers of a safe locking firmly into place. Others report goosebumps, or a gut level 'knowingness' that has nothing to do with faith when they hear 'truth'. So ultimately it is up to each individual to learn to recognize the indicators of that inner awareness when something rings 'true' and more importantly, learn to honor it.

I don't have a teacher though. I am getting the information out of the racial/collective unconscious myself. The old Indian fellow said he was the 'guardian of the portal of wisdom'. I see his function as being more to keep those who aren't authorized to access the information there from doing so, kinda like a librarian.

And actually I haven't heard of anyone else getting DSL to the racial unconscious from a shaman journey. Mostly everyone goes there with a 'very important question', and the old indian fellow goes in and gets the answer for them, if the answer is there. But I am sure now that others know about this possibility they may be asking and receiving this kind of connection too.

One thing to realize though, is a lot of these 'higher' spirits are really aliens trying to manipulate us. ALL the aliens are telepathic, as well as having all of their other psychic abilities fully usable. We humans are the only ones limited, blocked and blinded to that level of ourselves.

Consequently, much of that kind of information can be pretty colored by what the alien is trying to influence the human to do. Most people don't really know to protect themselves at this level, and so are open to being misled by any being that is telepathic. If you have failed to gain such a connection, I think it is actually a complement. They know they couldn't keep you fooled, I am guessing.

And also, the NWO bunch has been out there all along, spinning us humans in any way they can to keep us from knowing our true history and power. They also want to keep us enslaved to their slimy versions of the 'spiritual' truth, (aka religion of any sort, and now the god of 'science') that underneath it all are only about social control and NOTHING about truly finding a deep and meaningful connection to our higher selves and the god energy.

It is also important to understand is that our connection to the spirit realm and the racial unconscious goes thru our right brain, the seat of the imagination as well, so often when we convince ourselves it is just our imagination, it actually is information coming thru the connection from the racial/collective unconscious; that sort of feeling most people recognize as a 'hunch' or gut instinct. The trick then is to honor that feeling instead of thinking you are just nuts.

But one way to start is lie down, get comfy, and just imagine a bubble of white or pure light enfolding you in safety and then imagine heading up to your higher self, and ask that part of yourself for clarity and wisdom and protection as you visit up there.

At that point, if you like, you can start just wandering around, maybe checking in on friends, looking down from the spirit realm level, talk to their higher selves. Or maybe ask to speak to a elf, like Michael, or any of the other 'archangels'. Or just look around, see if you can see anything and wander over to them or it or there; check it out. All in all, after a while, you realize that you are getting information you wouldn't otherwise know.

Once that happens, it gets easier to allow that level of yourself to be acknowledged and believed. That connection is always right there. But the NWO has spent humongous amounts of time and money and disinformation across the ages to convince us it is really just our imagination. And in the past, if we foolishly questioned that, they tended to burn us at the stake. Thank goodness they aren't that powerful anymore! But they still like people to think that those who allow themselves to access the spirit realm, are really just fruit loops and nut cases. Some are, granted, but certainly not all.

But, like I said, if you take some time, I think you will find out the NWO bunch, as always, are lying thru their pointy little cat-like teeth.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Thanks for the response, I do click with alot of what you say. I always hate asking the questions I did, for the simple reason people think you are out to debunk or make fun of their beliefs/stories. I am grateful that you took it as you did, as a genuine interest in this field. I agree that any truths that have affected my own life in any way have come from within. You can use other people and their experiences for comparison, or thought, but ultimately I agree that the truth must be found from within. So, thanks again for the post and response. Much peace and love to you.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by VirginiaGreen
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Thanks for the response, I do click with alot of what you say. I always hate asking the questions I did, for the simple reason people think you are out to debunk or make fun of their beliefs/stories. I am grateful that you took it as you did, as a genuine interest in this field. I agree that any truths that have affected my own life in any way have come from within. You can use other people and their experiences for comparison, or thought, but ultimately I agree that the truth must be found from within. So, thanks again for the post and response. Much peace and love to you.

You are most welcome, Virginia.

I never expect people to just out and out believe me unless they feel so inclined. I am honest about what I am seeing, and I know myself well enough to know what is my imagination, and what is coming thru the connection. I have learned to trust that gonging/click.

And of course, I do understand that what I see is being interpreted thru my filters; others might see the same thing and interpret it an entirely different way. But what I know is if they are getting it out of the racial unconscious, then there will be some common ground in there somewhere. And that is good enough for me.

So much of this stuff though, I don't feel any kind of connection to, nor any kind of 'gong/click'. I can't deny some of it is quite good science fiction, well written and original. But truth? No. *shrug*

Please feel free to question further if you wish. I will only say what I see, nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

thank you for answering my question, that actually makes sense, i do wonder what the whales will do since i have heard they follow the magentic lines to get around.
The videos i was referring to i found a link for, this guy gets his info from different indigeinous tribes (mayans particularly) which probably get their info in a similar way as you do.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:29 PM
I somewhat agree with the poster.

Remember this
There is only Now
Now is neither past nor future
Now is the key to the universe
Now is without beginning or ending
Now is where the power resides
Now is where stillness, unconditional love, kindness, and a peace beyond understanding abides.

If you are having problems quote n quote "fitting into" this world and are called a misfit, weird, strange, no ambition, irresponsible etc by your peers. If you have never really been interested in and or bored with, money, entertainment, competition, sex, and all the other ego based states of being they have taught you.. Its called the herd mentality and they will cast you away if you do not conform to the norm. Its normal

there is a good chance alot of changing will be coming your way if not happening right NOW. Dont get weirded out at yourself for experiencing synchronicity or if you have started seeing some strange stuff by now...perfectly normal at this stage. You arent schizophrenic or psychotic or need to be on meds. It will be very easy to get caught up in feeling all alone and lonely and that there is something terribly wrong with you. You might have friends, family, and experts start turning on you passively and aggressively.

They will try and convince you that it is you that has the problem. Just forgive and bless them as a sick person. You will begin meeting folks just like you that are Relax and enjoy the ride you are not alone.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 02:59 AM
To clarify, I am one of those who gets goosebumps, hair standing up, can alter my zapping potential (static discharge) at times, ect. None of these indicative of good or bad, but the warm and fuzzy tingling feelings that course through my body is what tells me "did you really get that there?" I have been focusing on increasing it as of late, and when reading your posts, because of their nature of being quite different, I want to believe there is something potentially greater about our history and future. tingle, tingle.

To reiterate, from your point of view, let me see if I have this correct.

I'm very mechanically apt, ie: one of them literal jack of all trades. I'm average height 5'10, Baltic, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, Norwegian, and German. I would most likely have a soul from the elven side, from your testimonies, correct?

If so, what are the easiest ways to determine this? Any material specific for elven souls that would be good learning and help enhance spiritual/psychic growth?

And have you ever heard of (a) Daerdra? (DARE-DRAH or DEAR-DRUH pronounced)

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by EarthQuake
reply to post by DragonriderGal

thank you for answering my question, that actually makes sense, i do wonder what the whales will do since i have heard they follow the magentic lines to get around.
The videos i was referring to i found a link for, this guy gets his info from different indigeinous tribes (mayans particularly) which probably get their info in a similar way as you do.

You're welcome, EQ.
The lines are still there and can be used for guides. They just aren't necessary for accessing the energy anymore.

And yes, they do access the racial/collective unconscious, which was why there was such a rush to get them converted to christianity so they would stop doing that, and not be able to see what the NWO was up to.

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