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2012--Oh isn't the NWO having fun with this one??

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 06:39 PM
First a brief mention of where I am getting my information. About 9 or so years ago (almost 10 now), I took a shaman journey and actually made it to the higher plane. I didn't have any question for the old Indian fellow there and so asked if I could come back when I thought of one of sufficient import. He laughed and said, "You don't need to come back. Just ask and we will always answer."

Since that time, I have been getting information for any question I ask. It is almost like I have DSL or something! *lol* What I see usually is like a little mini movie playing out in my mind's eye; other times the information just pops into my head in an 'aha' manner.

But anyway, on to 2012.

If you could see across time as I can, you would see that the NWO bunch were originally aliens called the Jue-sah. They were brought here to get us humans under control by the greys, who essentially raised us to sentience to have a place to store their little spirits who weren't reincarnating as required. Humanity was (and still is) way over the top in terms of curiosity and getting into stuff and the Jue-sah had the best reputation for taking on rowdy local populations that were getting in the way of alien folks on world.

As part of the payment, the Jue-sah were promised the 'ownership' of humanity by the greys when they got their 'going extinct' problem figured out, and so the stage was set. Jue-sah versus humanity---our right to be free vs. their right to enslave us. The overarching sentience of the human race even made a deal with them. Enslave us by 2012 and no karma is due for whatever it took to enslave us; fail and all the karma will come due after 2012, plus you will have to go back to the beginning of your time here (300,000 years ago) and do it again.

The Jue-sah saw that as a fool's bet and accepted gladly, thinking that a young species such as humanity would be a push over and here they were being offered a total 'get out of jail' free card to have NO karma due, on top of it. How could they refuse??

What they never got though, is that because of their constant pushing and abusing, we humans have had to keep moving forward and growing in our constant effort to escape their vile plans. But that was why they are here; they are the best villains and the best teachers for driving us to be ready to make enlightenment.

And obviously, they were wrong, because here we are, 300,000 years later and still they haven't enslaved us. Only nowadays, the Jue-sah are mostly dead and reincarnated as humans and currently running under the NWO moniker, but they absolutely haven't given up the idea that THEY OWN US humans, dang it.

So the big event in 2012 is the end of that contract, and all of the NWO's bunch's karma coming due, because they aren't anywhere near the requirement of 80% of humanity enslaved. Talk about a rubber band stretched across 300,000 years. That's gonna hurt!

And the elves, who really don't like the NWO bunch either but have been staying their hand because of our contract with the NWO bunch, are going to be coming back in force in 2012 and helping to evict the NWO bunch; with much anticipation and gusto I might add.

Plus the earth energy is rising; actually all of the energy in this area of space is rising (actually the planet is moving into a section of higher energy), and with that higher vibrational energy, we humans are going to be able to start doing the shift into our 'spirit/light' body aka enlightenment. It is almost time now for the early ones to be starting that shift.

So yeah, there is a LOT happening in the 2012 time frame, but none of it is as horrible as the NWO wants you to believe it will be. Remember, if they can make you live in fear, and accept their version of the 'horrible' coming reality, they can count you as enslaved. And if enough people buy into it, they think they can get us to manifest *their* version of reality instead of the reality I see as the far more likely one.

In the racial unconscious, I see many possible futures both individual and group, and all of them are kind of fuzzy, like they are vibrating around, unsettled. But some are a lot stronger/clearer than others. The clearest one for humanity I see isn't at all about destruction and doom and poles shifting and the violent end of the world as we know it.

I can clearly see the NWO's machinations to scare the beejeebers out of us though, by sharing all sorts of 'disinformation' about how horrible it will be, and making stuff happen, like earthquakes and plagues, to try to get us to make the outcome happen that *they* wish. Instead, I see us humans, yet again, outsmarting, out-thinking and out-manifesting them to gain the future that is our actual destiny; that of being the only species that makes full enlightenment, which is on all levels, including the physical one.

When we start doing that, no earthly problem, like global warming, or animals going extinct, or even over population will be a problem any more. At the level of full enlightenment, we can and will fix it all. The elves will probably throw in with us too, because they really want their vacation world back in 'vacation' form, not the mess we (directly under the heavy paws of the NWO bunch's direction) have made out of it.

And with the NWO bunch gone, and everyone realizing that the NWO bunch only succeeded in getting filthy rich and powerful because the karma of their behavior was being held in abeyance, people will stop emulating their crap behavior as a way to 'get ahead', and start living more authentically as who and what they really should be. Good guys should get ahead, and after the NWO bunch are gone, they will.

So my advice is take any kind of 'catastrophe' 2012 prediction with a grain of salt. If it is really scary, you can probably believe that it is the NWO spinning us and trying to terrify us into submission, like always. Of course, since they are going to be doing crap like earthquakes and stuff, it is a good idea to manifest personal safety for yourself and loved ones, and manifest joining the other people around your area in creating a bigger thicker 'bubble' of protection.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to manifest that the NWO's plans all go to crap either!
WE humans have the power, we just need to know that it is real, and that we CAN use it against the NWO bunch. That is their worst nightmare, by the way. Humanity awake and aware of our full potential. Darn hard to enslave people like that.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 06:40 PM
And, sorry but I won't be online again until Monday so I will respond as soon as I can.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Wow...thanks for the info. I take all the 2012 stuff with a grain of salt. All I KNOW (as in feel in every part of my being) is that there is definitely some rocky times ahead of us. How bad it will get, I don't know. I do know that I will come out okay.

Funny you mention manifesting ours/loved ones safety and joining with others to fight the good fight.

I do this all the time, although, I never would have called it manifesting until I read what you said. I just can't see it happening any other way for me IF SHTF.

My bf and I have always talked about a SHTF scenario and one thing we've agreed on is no one will be turned away when it comes to sharing resources. I'd rather share what little I may have than send someone off to possibly die or bring them to violence in order to get what they want.

Besides, helping others out makes them more likely to help you out and then you have even more people that can help find resources.

Your story about aliens rings true to me. I've heard many different "Earth histories" and none ever ring true more than the ones that speak of our "alien" heritage. IMHO, when you take the alien factor and insert it into so many myths, legends, beliefs it's the one constant that helps everything make sense and all the pieces fall into place.

I would love to hear more about things you've "seen" regarding the future of humanity.

P.S. interesting how "Jeu-sah" is so close to "Jeshua"...hmmmmm

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:05 PM
There is a short stories board you know.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Ah yes, the shift is upon us! One can hope many will read this and take it to heart, even though it does sound like a fun movie. It's real people and we are living it.

We can beat them at their game, I already am seeing more and more wake up to the fact. Momentum is growing. Awakening is happening.

The focus on cataclysm and disaster must end. Focus your thoughts on the world you wish to see manifest, not on the disasters they are preaching. The more of the collective consciousness that resist the fear that is pushed upon them and instead focus intent on the world they wish to manifest for all, the faster we crumble their plans.

This is it ... call it revelations, 2012, end times, whatever you need to call it so that it makes sense. The ancients knew it and have left us many, many writings from many different cultures.

The choice is now... which reality will you see next? The way you will know, is the way you are thinking right now.... really.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by antithesis.

oh so your the skeptic type who actually do read the information.
but you couldn't find anything really wrong with it.
so you just insult the thread starter.
hok. hok. do as you wish

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Dave157

No, I'm actually someone who has looked into this quite a bit and none of what OP says matches any of my sources.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by antithesis.

therefore because it doesn't match your sources, it is wrong and fiction?
haha i mean it could be wrong, but do you realize how much fake # is popularly accepted.

haha but man if you don't think it's true, question the thread started, i really wanna see what he has to say as well, just that statement was kind ignorant you must admit.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:57 PM
If your state has a Senatorial election in 2010 & you qualify to run, would you?
I believe that you would be a great addition to the senate and would be a positive influence to stop the madness.

Good post by the way. Always keep your heart & mind open (but protected).

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

ive heard many different versions of the same rhetoric involving 2012, the last one similar to this was a series of videos by Drunvalo Melchizedek. I guess we can only assume until the day it comes, (unless of course everyone could access higher planes) but if people can't see that change is coming in whatever form it takes they are seriously out of touch.

One question though if the planet is gaining energy then why are the magnetic lines weakening?

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:00 PM
Ohhh so that's what the Mayan's predicted.

Good theory though. More 2012 theories, more likely ones right

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:51 PM

1 of 6 -
really really good.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:35 AM
What if someone don't want to shift? I like the world as it is (but with fewer idiots and with a destitute America.)

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by nunya13
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Wow...thanks for the info. I take all the 2012 stuff with a grain of salt. All I KNOW (as in feel in every part of my being) is that there is definitely some rocky times ahead of us. How bad it will get, I don't know. I do know that I will come out okay.

Funny you mention manifesting ours/loved ones safety and joining with others to fight the good fight.

I do this all the time, although, I never would have called it manifesting until I read what you said. I just can't see it happening any other way for me IF SHTF.

My bf and I have always talked about a SHTF scenario and one thing we've agreed on is no one will be turned away when it comes to sharing resources. I'd rather share what little I may have than send someone off to possibly die or bring them to violence in order to get what they want.

Besides, helping others out makes them more likely to help you out and then you have even more people that can help find resources.

Your story about aliens rings true to me. I've heard many different "Earth histories" and none ever ring true more than the ones that speak of our "alien" heritage. IMHO, when you take the alien factor and insert it into so many myths, legends, beliefs it's the one constant that helps everything make sense and all the pieces fall into place.

I would love to hear more about things you've "seen" regarding the future of humanity.

P.S. interesting how "Jeu-sah" is so close to "Jeshua"...hmmmmm

Thanks for sharing your take on this stuff too. I do agree it will be a bit of a rocky patch, for sure, as the NWO bunch does all it can to make us as afraid as possible. But truly we can manifest our own and loved ones safety, and then add to that even just by seeing yourself connecting energetically to all the others around you who are doing the same thing.

And all the catastrophes don't have to happen and won't, if we don't buy into that whole doom and gloom scenario the NWO is soooooooo busy spinning for us.

I live here in WA state, and I think that is why that big quake we had back a number of years ago didn't do much damage. There are a LOT of aware and awake people in this area, and I believe because so many of us were willing/manifesting safety for ourselves and loved ones, the quake impact ended up being hardly a problem at all.

And yes, the aliens are a huge part of who and what we really are; even why we are sentient. We might have made it on our own eventually but luckily we didn't need to wait.
The myths and legends are the way we humans remember those beings and things from before our written history, but of course the NWO bunch doesn't want us knowing about any of that stuff being real, so they try to make it all seem like fantasy or make believe. It undercuts a lot of the spun religious and historical stuff they use to spin us with.

And the alien name Jue-sah got mispronounced by us humans even as the E-l*th's (elves) name did. They are the people who became known as the Jews.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by antithesis.
There is a short stories board you know.

Yah, I know. If I wanted to write a fictional short story about this I would talk about the human race created to be miners, or maybe about a huge galactic space fleet at war with an evil force and earth just happened to get caught up in it, or I would write a story about the evil dracs who are trying to take over the world for themselves. Hum.. or there are all these 'superior' beings that are trying to help us make enlightenment. Yah, there are a lot of stories out there already, so I didn't think I needed to add to them.
I just say what I am seeing in the racial/collective unconscious, and from what I seeing out there, all that other stuff I just mentioned is pretty much NWO spun distractions to keep us from making enlightenment. *shrug*

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by blujay
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Ah yes, the shift is upon us! One can hope many will read this and take it to heart, even though it does sound like a fun movie. It's real people and we are living it.

We can beat them at their game, I already am seeing more and more wake up to the fact. Momentum is growing. Awakening is happening.

The focus on cataclysm and disaster must end. Focus your thoughts on the world you wish to see manifest, not on the disasters they are preaching. The more of the collective consciousness that resist the fear that is pushed upon them and instead focus intent on the world they wish to manifest for all, the faster we crumble their plans.

This is it ... call it revelations, 2012, end times, whatever you need to call it so that it makes sense. The ancients knew it and have left us many, many writings from many different cultures.

The choice is now... which reality will you see next? The way you will know, is the way you are thinking right now.... really.

Good call, blujay! The more the better! The sooner the better! If a lot of us humans can swing together on this, we can cut that rocky patch down to a lot smaller amount of time than they are hoping for. *keeping fingers crossed*

It really is our choice as to how much we let the NWO abuse us. And when I think about it more, it seems clear to me that the catastrophes are really for the NWO bunch. Allll that karma of theirs held in abeyance is coming due very soon. They are going to soooo suffer, since they have dished out so incredibly much suffering over the many millinia. But the rest of us have been keeping up on our karma, and this stuff can just pass us right by if we want it to.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Dave157
reply to post by antithesis.

oh so your the skeptic type who actually do read the information.
but you couldn't find anything really wrong with it.
so you just insult the thread starter.
hok. hok. do as you wish

Thanks for the support Dave.
And well, like you say, they are going to do what they wish, and if there weren't naysayers, I would be totally shocked. The NWO bunch keeps an eye on this site, with so many here aware and awake, so they do have people around who try to discredit the poster, if they can't discredit the information. Not that I think anyone posting thus far is one of those, but someone like that may show up later if this thread gets too much attention.

Or they may tell their hired guns to not respond at all; more the 'if we ignore her, she will go away' approach, since what I am saying is fairly different from anything I have read or heard about thus far.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by antithesis.
reply to post by Dave157

No, I'm actually someone who has looked into this quite a bit and none of what OP says matches any of my sources.

Well, I would ask for your sources. What I know is the NWO is quite busy putting out a whole lot of different theories, all of which are pretty scary, both thru mediums (they know all about and regularly use the psychic/spirit realm) or people with 'hunches', or thru their talking heads, like the news media and/or their 'scientists'.

Don't think for even one minute that any true information they don't want you to have will get thru any of the media. They pretty much own it all. The only place left they don't have their grimy little paws gripped tightly around the neck of is the internet.

That is why they are putting out soooooo much disinformation about DON'T trust any information on the internet! There are dangerous crazy fools out to mislead and abuse you!!! *rolls eyes* Like WE who are speaking our truth are the ones to worry about. NOT.

When you see that kind of hype, take that to mean they are worried about such a free passage of information when they thought they would have all that stuff sewn up by now. Remember, if you hear something scary, chances are there is a little event underneath a ton of misinformation to terrify and control you and what you believe, ALL to their benefit.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Dave157
reply to post by antithesis.

therefore because it doesn't match your sources, it is wrong and fiction?
haha i mean it could be wrong, but do you realize how much fake # is popularly accepted.

haha but man if you don't think it's true, question the thread started, i really wanna see what he has to say as well, just that statement was kind ignorant you must admit.

Good call, Dave. Most of the popular stuff is pretty much just NWO spun horse pucky. Oh, they know how to write and spin, spin, spin, spin... they have been at it since the beginning of humanity's sentience, purdy darn near.

They've learned how to manipulate us really well thru hundreds and thousands of years of observation and analyzing. Part of why the indigos arrival is throwing a huge monkey wrench in their plans. Those spirits aren't the earth-typical group oriented ones, and all the religious guilt tripping and shaming doesn't work on them, at all.

Anyway, the NWO bunch have a lot riding on enslaving us, and their back is up against the wall now. They got to go for it or lose everything. If they weren't such arrogant a**holes, I would kinda feel sorry for them. It is going to be really ugly AND painful.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Doctor G
If your state has a Senatorial election in 2010 & you qualify to run, would you?
I believe that you would be a great addition to the senate and would be a positive influence to stop the madness.

Good post by the way. Always keep your heart & mind open (but protected).

Thanks for the kindly words, Doc! Would I run? I am not sure I want to be that much of a target. They in power aka NWO bunch aren't terribly fond of those they can't control getting into elected office. But I appreciate your 'vote' of confidence about what I am seeing.

Yeah, definitely keep your mind and heart open open but with a good filtering system. There is a lot of crap out there that the NWO bunch are more than happy to pour into a mind left too open and unprotected.

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