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Youtube Censoring Sheen's Video to Obama

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posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 07:39 AM
Okay, just signed in and went to the top page. Under the 'most popular' list is this very video. I understand that some are concerned about the 'censoring' but this doesn't appear to be censored to keep it off of the most popular list.

So, if the idea was to keep it down until the rush died out, they failed. It's there.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 07:48 AM
The bottom line is that the fine people at YouTube would rather have you watching some mindless video of some idiot making a fool of himself, instead of watching something which would actually get you to use your brain. That is why all you see on YouTube's home page are videos geared towards morons.

It is similar to the mainstream media. In my local paper yesterday, the release of some crappy Beatles music was front page news (yet again). Media today is responsible for selling everything, except the truth.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by A Fortiori

There it is. Download and seed.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:02 AM

Youtube Censoring Sheen's Video to Obama

Yes...because they have to make sure they keep Charlie Sheen quiet.

Posting Youtube image caps with curse words in them?
Cursing out other members who disagree with you?
Is that allowed?

I think some of you in this thread are overreacting a bit here.

Look I don't know much about Jones other than what most people here decide to create links to, but I have heard some of Sheens sentiments regarding 9/11. I think he makes some excellent points but it's nothing I haven't heard before, or read around here and all through the internet.

The real people that need to be forced to answer questions are the Administration in charge at the time of the attacks. If there was a deceptive plan to attack the American people and pin it on Iraq it wouldn't have worked without some level of complicity from the Bush team. If the allegations are true it is that administration that needs its feet legally held to the fire.

A video question to the Obama administration about the Bush administrations actions during the 9/11 attacks isn't controversial. Why would it be? It's not like this administration was directly responsible for the previous one.

Sure some of the same folks that worked with the Bush team may still be around but ultimately the video seems to just be a plea for Obama to release something nonspecific...I don't know what...that would prove the attacks were planned by our own government.

Why go through the trouble of censoring that?
It isn't exactly groundbreaking, nor original in terms of the 9/11 Truth movement.

I wonder if this whole thing is a way to deflect from Jones' little "error" and an attempt to save face.

Either way, I liked Sheen in Platoon.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by dariousg
Okay, just signed in and went to the top page. Under the 'most popular' list is this very video. I understand that some are concerned about the 'censoring' but this doesn't appear to be censored to keep it off of the most popular list.

So, if the idea was to keep it down until the rush died out, they failed. It's there.

Thanks for the heads up.

I don't think they were censoring it at all.
There is no need.

Sheens asking the same questions that have always been asked, only Obama is the target for answers instead of the Bush administration.


Good luck.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:09 AM
I did a little checking up on Charlie Sheen because of some of the posts casting aspersions on his character. Biography of Charlie Sheen

While reading the biography site, I found this quote of Charlie's that may interest some of you.

"My father gave me some pretty bad advice - keep it honest, which I did. People ask, why am I so honest with the press? I don't have an answer. I suppose I'm honest everywhere else. Why should it stop here? Most of my # sounds like lies. But all my stories are true, and that's the problem. They call me the last honest man in Hollywood. But I care what people think, we all do."

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:18 AM

they updated their counter

I dont know if it was an mistake ... or what

now it its counting 67.000

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut

What an efficient way to control information and hype confusion, eh? Just blame it on a computer glitch conspiracy then call those who notice it, nutjobs. Bada Boom Baby.

I create data bases and am able to easily manipulate them to produce desired outcomes. Its not so hard to do and I'm not even one of the good ones! I can just imagine what someone who actually does it for a living can accomplish! LOL

Especially a database under close public scrutiny for the very topic it maintains, and from an admin who is doing such a smack bang job of it that they make it so obvious from the start!!

The database managers at youtube and their whacky ideas of how things work..

Now, if you dont mind, I'll get back to fubbing Emails between certain staff in my small time little organised company so as to ensure NO ONE EVER KNOWS I DID IT !!! oO

I'm *THAT* good.

[edit on 11/9/2009 by Ha`la`tha]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:29 AM

changed the number

but stopped counting too HAHAHAHHAHAHHA youtube must be jokking around

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:43 AM
It is really touching that Charlie Sheen is putting his career at stake for doing this.
The average person dont know about all the unanswered questions, because the media have always focused on the borderline conspiracy theories.

The members from the official investigation themselves says its an outrage...

The media should focus on these unanswered questions, forget why the towers fell, we can ask that after these questions!

Charlie Sheen is the man with the most integrity in the world!

[edit on 11-9-2009 by conar]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:44 AM
I believe that we should start calling 9/11 by a new name. A Holiday of sorts that will sweep the nation in a particular way. Begin by messaging friends and family with a sweet message.

Happy False Flag Day

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:01 AM
3rd rate actor?

Go rent "Red Dawn", or "Platoon", or for all you little kids "Major League".


Come back and tell me he's a 3rd rate actor with a straight face.

Charlie Sheen is a fine Actor.

He's been on the Actors Guild interview show, with whats his name....James Lipton or some crap(can't remeber off the top of my head).

You don't get on that show being a "3rd rate actor". Charlie Sheen was an Icon for MY generation. Yes the mid to late 80's, when I was 13-15, and discovered my love for movies.

Thank goodness this forum isn't a movie critic forum.

The bottom line is he's getting "The Word" out; in hopes of getting "The Truth" out. So what's all the lsandering. If he has the means, let him go for it.

As far as the quality of the video. I thought it was smart, straight to the point; andwithout any overbearing soundtracks, and silly images, that would probably make the people who say it was a "garage-type production, a "Fantastic" production. You know the type, where the meaning is lost behind all the bells and whistles. Yea, thats JUST what we need

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by patmac
I believe that we should start calling 9/11 by a new name. A Holiday of sorts that will sweep the nation in a particular way. Begin by messaging friends and family with a sweet message.

Happy False Flag Day

Sadly as much as I believe you are serious, I also believe you will gain support with that.

So much yet to investigate, yet so many minds made up...

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by patmac
I believe that we should start calling 9/11 by a new name. A Holiday of sorts that will sweep the nation in a particular way. Begin by messaging friends and family with a sweet message.

Happy False Flag Day

Brilliant! I love it. Should have started this in 05'

We can all handg our Flags upside-down on this New holiday as well.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by Nola213]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Nola213
3rd rate actor?

Go rent "Red Dawn", or "Platoon", or for all you little kids "Major League".

Sheen is indeed a fine actor - but ultimately, that has no bearing on his personal opinions.

It mattered not when Robbie Williams stood up for the UFO brigade in the minds of the people, why should Sheens stance?

I do commend him for his stance however, despite my disagreement with the alex jones (Go away beef) association.

(edit clarification)

[edit on 11/9/2009 by Ha`la`tha]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:06 AM
atm its at
3,897 ratings
86,625 view

seems to be going up, not down, althought i thought ai vid like this would get more views ?!?!?!

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:09 AM
it is strange .. it should had more views

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Nola213

You don't get it Nola. The 'debunkers' aren't serious when they attack him. They do it out of rote. It's what they do. If someone comes along spouting off about all of the 'moronic' conspiracies about 911 then they must be plain stupid or a loon. When it's a famous actor they become a 3rd rate or 'B' movie actor.

That's how they operate. Attack and smear and eventually they hope that they pollute the image enough to get the average person to avoid any topics with that person and the conspiracy in it together.

Typical psyche 101 there. Well, maybe not that low of a psyche class but it's basic psyche warfare. Break down a persons rep and then twist things around (like little bits of truth) to make things look really bad.

No, Charlie Sheen is NOT a 3rd rate or 'B' movie actor. He's just that in the clouded eyes of those that are afraid of the real truth coming out about that false flag operation. They're afraid of the damage it will do to this country. Well, to be quite frank, I am too but I am MORE concerned about the truth and about STOPPING this political and financial BS from happening anymore in the future.

These people throw lives away in the name of profits and political advancement. It's garbage and we're getting sick of it.

So, knowing this, the people that are scared will do their best to derail any thread bringing up good points, defame any person in the public limelight that comes forward asking for a new investigation, and on and on.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Ha`la`tha

Originally posted by Nola213
3rd rate actor?

Go rent "Red Dawn", or "Platoon", or for all you little kids "Major League".

Sheen is indeed a fine actor - but ultimately, that has no bearing on his personal opinions.

It mattered not when Robbie Williams stood up for the UFO brigade in the minds of the people, why should Sheens?

I do commend him for his stance however, despite my disagreement with the alex jones (Go away beef) association.

Agree with you 100% , especially about the A.J. point. When "his site" had the "20 questions glitch"..., everyone just threw some bad words at him. Now you-tube is obviously haveing a glitch( tends to happen when a server is overloaded with hits, which is probably the case here.

I mean this video is getting a HUGE amount of views, and fast. But no, instead of unkind words for You-Tube, the same people are ready to string them up.

Give the site a day or two I'm sure all the viewswill be properly tallied. It's showing over 21k right now. I mean when views are coming in at 100 per minute, or more. It's hard on the server and hard to update, people want to see the view counter change in real time? Doesn't work like that when a video is getting slammed. At least I wouldn't think so.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by dariousg

Yes, your right. I should be aware of this, haveing been on this board for this amount of time.

It's like they can't attack his facts, so why not attack him yea?

Thanks for fixing my head straight, it's just been a terrible morning.


Ok wow, so from 21k views to 80+k views, in the 20-30 minutes since I've watcyhed it, seems pretty good. I don't think there is a you-tube conspiracy here. I mean heck if they (you-tube) wanted to; they could have just "pulled it" pun intended. Then the video wouldn't even be viewable.

Which by the title of this thread I had thought what had happened.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by Nola213]

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